How to get the selected Date from the calendar control? -

Hai ,
I am creating a DatetimePicker User control. I just want to know how to get the selected date of the calendar ( control) control using jQuery. I used this code, but it's wrong.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".UserCalender").click(function () {
var a = $('.CalenderDiv:selected').text();
What's wrong with this?

You won't be able to do like this. There is no :selected selector for an anchor tag. It works only for <option> elements. What you can do is to attach an event hanlder to each anchor ag and use the text() method. Something like
$("#Calendar1 a").click(function(){
alert ( $(this).text() );
return false;
But why do you want to do this. By doing like this you will get only the text inside the anchor tag and not the whole date. To get the whole date you will have to perform additional work.
If you want to manipulate the selected text then you can use any datepicker plugin from jQuery.
See jQuery UI Datepicker


How to know which button of User Control is clicked from parent form

I want to capture which button is clicked in page load method of code behind file.
Button is user control button and It does not post back. Since it used by many other forms, I don't want to changes that button.
I tried this
Dim ButtonID As String = Request("btnRefresh.ID")
But it doesn't work.
Is it possible to know without touching in user control and using Javascript?
Thank you
As described here How to check whether ASP.NET button is clicked or not on page load:
The method: Request.Params.Get("__EVENTTARGET"); will work for
CheckBoxes, DropDownLists, LinkButtons, etc.. but this does not work
for Button controls such as Buttons and ImageButtons
But you have a workaround, first of all you have to define a hidden field in the Parent Page. In this field you will store which button inside the user control was clicked using javascript/jquery. And then in your Parent Page Page_Load method you just read the hiddenField.Value property:
1) Add listener to every input type submit button:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("input[type=\"submit\"]").on("click", function () {
2) [Better one] Add listener to some indentificable div inside the user control and delegate the event to child inputs like this:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#someElementOfUserControl").on("click", "input[type=\"submit\"]", function () {
Since everything done with JQuery can be done with Javascript you can do the following (i will not write both samples, just one):
function handleClick(event) {
document.getElementById("hiddenField1").value =;
var inputsInUC = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (i = 0; i < inputsInUC.length; i++) {
inputsInUC[i].addEventListener('click', handleClick, false);
Remember to define this javascript after all your html elements.
Also, for the completeness of the answer let me tell you that the proper way in case you can change the user control behaviour is to use events as described here How do i raise an event in a usercontrol and catch it in mainpage?

Clear text on entry of telerik radsearchbox

I need to clear the text of a telerik RadSearchBox when a user clicks on it. How would I do that?
(If you can tell me how to do it on any entry to the RadSearchBox, including tabbing to it, that would be even more useful.)
jQuery(window).load(function () {
var input = $find("<%=RadSearchBox1.ClientID%>").get_inputElement();
jQuery(input).focus(function () {
this.value = '';
There is no built-in method in the telerik control for this, but there are built-in javascript functions to get reference to the telerik control's html component parts. The above code just uses jQuery to do what you want to accomplish (obviously replace "RadSearchBox1" with the server-side ID of your control.

button event with jQuery

I have an id of the button element like this: '#edit-field-project-dnr-und-0-remove-button'
I want to add an event in this button id for instance:
$('#edit-field-project-dnr-und-0-remove-button').click(function (){
This button is ajax button whenever this is clicked old id that is '#edit-field-project-dnr-und-0-remove-button' is replaced into '#edit-field-project-dnr-und-1-remove-button' and so on but no event is fired in the previous button id. Is there any way to fix this ?
When you do this:
$('#edit-field-project-dnr-und-0-remove-button').click(function (){
This searches the current DOM for any element that has an id="edit-field-project-dnr-und-0-remove-button" and attaches an event handler directly to that DOM element.
If you remove that DOM element and create some new DOM element or add a new DOM element, that new DOM element will NOT have this event handler attached to it unless you run some new code to attach an event handler to the new element.
For dynamic elements, it is also possible to use delegated event handling, but you haven't really described enough of what you're doing for us to know how to recommend that. I can't tell if you're adding a new button or changing the ID on the current button.
If you are adding a new button and want all new buttons of this type to have this event handler, then you can use delegated event handling. Delegated event handling works like this:
$("some static common parent selector").on("click", "some common child selector", fn);
So, if your buttons were all in a id="container" div and all had a common class name on them class="calcButton", then you could use:
$("#container").on("click", ".calcButton", function() {
And, all buttons in the container with that class would have this event handler, even if they are dynamically created after the event handler is defined.
Some other references on delegated event handling:
jQuery .live() vs .on() method for adding a click event after loading dynamic html
Does jQuery.on() work for elements that are added after the event handler is created?
Should all jquery events be bound to $(document)?
JQuery Event Handlers - What's the "Best" method
consider using jQueries attribute starts with, contains, or ends with selectors
//button id starts with 'edit-field-project-dnr-und-' and ends with '-remove-button'
$("[id^=edit-field-project-dnr-und-][id$=-remove-button]").click(function () {
if these buttons are created dynamically, use
$('#some-parent-container').on("click","[id^=edit-field-project-dnr-und-][id$=-remove-button]", function(){
instead of .click()
//button id starts with
$("[id^=button-]").click(function () {
//button id ends with
$("[id$=-remove]").click(function () {
//button id contains
$("[id*=-remove]").click(function () {
this works, here, made a fiddle
in general use this approach ONLY if you don't have control over the naming/creation of the original buttons. these selectors are not as fast as $('#id') and it's a bit sloppy. but it will work in a pinch.
It appears that the id of the field on which the onclick event is supposed to occur is changing, yet you only handle the first id. If you do not want to make all of these ids the same, you could put the click event handler on a parent wrapper div.
You can do as this:
$('#edit-field-project-dnr-und-0-remove-button').click(function (e){
Using an advanced selector that matches the beginning part of the id AND the ending part:
$('[id^="edit-field-project-dnr-und"][id$="remove-button"]').on('click', function(){...});

How to get the radiobutton for corresponding datalisty item?

I want to convert this code to JavaScript code:
rdb1 = (RadioButton)DataList1.Items[i].FindControl("rdb1");
How can it be done?
Put a unique class on the radio button and then you can easily use jQuery to walk the DOM and find that control.
Here is an example of finding a control here on Stack Overflow.
Here is a tutorial of How to Get Anything You Want from a web page via jQuery.
Good luck, and hope this helps.
In JavaScript using the id attribute makes it easy to retreive a specific element since the id must be unique for all tags.
var radio1= document.getElementById("rdb1"); //this returns the element
Here is a simple tutorial on how to do other things after getting the element.
EDIT- I see you just want the selected value in javascript:
function radiochanged(){
var radio1= document.getElementById("rdb1");
var rdb1_value;
for (i=0;i<radio1.length;i++)
if (radio1[i].checked)
rdb1_value = radio1[i].value;
<input id="rdb1" type="radio" onClick="radiochanged()">

jQuery DatePicker and .NET- one calendar control but multiple instances on one .aspx page

Scenario: I have an .aspx page containing multiple collapsible panels. Each panel represents a different report. To run a report, you click a panel and the report's user controls will appear. The date range control I created could be contained "within" more than one panel.
The code below does not work in the multiple panels instance. It sets all of the "to date" text boxes equal to the start date instead of just the active panel's "to date" text box.
How do I only work with the text boxes in the panel I have expanded?
Thanks for your help!
<script type="text/javascript">
var from = $('#dFrom').datepicker("getDate");
Firstly, you shouldn't be using IDs for any html element that exists more than once, use classes to identify repeating elements instead.
To answer your question, you need to use $(this) to point at the specific element the click event is coming from. You can then simply query the date picker the event is called from by asking for its sibling.
var from = $(this).siblings('.dFrom').datepicker("getDate");
I don't know your actual HTML structure so you may have to alter how the siblings are discovered, but hopefully you get the idea.
You need to get a little more relative with your selector syntax. I see you're using the id of each field -- is this shortened from the ASP.Net UniqueID? Because that's definitely not how it would look.
Rather than manually lookup the id, let ASP.Net make of it what it will and find them the jQuery way:
$(Function() {
$('.panel').each(function() { //replace with appropriate selector syntax for your panels
$(this).click(function() {
var from = $('input[id$=dFrom]',this).datepicker("getDate");
