ASP.NET: Internal Site Search -

I'm searching for some internal site search code.
The scenario is:
I'm having a site in which the content comes from database (CMS) which makes the pages dynamic. So the search tool should search this dynamic content too.
I don't want to use readymade search engines like google, bing etc....
Do I need to make my own search control for this or would I get a ready code? If I would have to make my own then what approach should I take?

Lucene.NET can search files and database, or any text-based content. See here how to start. You can also buy a book. For documentation, you can search for Java examples, wikis and docs, because it's direct port so most of concepts for on .NET version also.

You can use google search to search in your pages, see
How can I add a Google search box to my Web site?


Static html/css blog as firestore backend SEO optimization

Hi developers and support managers.
I'm trying to make a blog using pure HTML/CSS and JavaScript.
Here I've implemented a design check readersmess.
I just needs a guide which backend should I use to store my blog posts. I already tried to use firestore but my post was not indexing to google.
I was reading id from url to fetch data from firestore.
Kindly suggest me the best method. I don't want to move from firebase hosting. How can I use other libraries to store and fetch posts so that post should be indexed in google?
To make your site discoverable, try to follow the basic steps that optimize your site for search engines (such as referrals on other sites, using descriptive titles, etc.) as described in the Google's basics guide.
After that, you can take an active approach in your URLs management and create and submit a list of your URLs (sitemap) to Google that can improve the discovery of your site:
By providing our systems a direct list of URLs to your content, known
as a sitemap, our ability to find your pages no longer relies solely
on your page's relationship to other referring pages on the wider web.
This speeds up the process of our systems discovering your content.
Typically, you host the sitemap on your domain in a place accessible
by Googlebot.
For the general overview and instructions on how to create and submit a sitemap, refer to the Sitemaps guidelines.

My azure website doesn't show up on search engines

As the title says. I have an ASP.NET web application that I published to my azure account. I did a little SEO and it should show up somewhere on the search engines but it doesn't.
It doesn't even show up if I type in the address in the search field. It works fine when typing the URL in address field.
My azure subscription is "Pay-as-you-go".
Any tips or answers are appriciated!
My answer mainly pertains to Google. How long have you waited? It's my experience that it takes a few days to a week minimum to start showing up (if you're using Google sign up for their web master tools and when you submit your site you can see when it's indexed and what pages are indexed which is important because they may skip content they deem is duplicated elsewhere whether it is or not). It's also my experience (using Azure) that sub domains on "" end up with poor SEO but if I have a full domain on my site it ranks much higher.
I also assumed that you submitted the site to the search engines, if you haven't site up for a web master account and do that (Bing and Google both have these).
In Google you can also search specifically for your site to see what comes back which will indicate that others can get to your stuff (even if it's buried 100 pages deep in other searches):
site:[your site]

Site search for a silverstripe site without installing Sphinx

Silverstripe has a full text search facility built in. Its great, but it does not search related models, so a site search for a string that matches a records tags or article->author->name type relations will not be found.
The more advanced search modules rely on java and need to be installed. That isn't possible on our clients server and probably most regular hosting accounts (shared or VPS)
What is a good way to implement site search for a site with interrelated data in the form of many_many or has_many relations in silverstripe without a private server?
Something similar has been answered here silverstripe dataobject searchable
It goes through customising the built in site search for DataObjects.
currently going with google CSE for a silverstripe project:
happy with this for now; just note that charges will apply if you want to remove the ads.

Comment engine for website

I am developing my own blog website in I wonder if anything like this exists, which I could place like a script inside each of my blog page and will work as a comment. Might be a third party tool, which will allow me to moderate comment before posting them.
Which also has login feature may be from facebook, google, twitter, open id. etc
Have you tried Disqus? Its quite popular recently.
It basically takes away all your worries on maintaining your own comment system.
Hope this is helpful,

search my site with the help of google in

i want to search my site with the help of google. search result will show in my page and no google related icon will show as if user will feel the search functionality is internal. how could i implement in thanks
Ah, you are looking for Google Site Search.
It provides custom branded, in-page results.
Google's free, slightly striped down version is pretty good too: Google Custom Search
You could use the Google Search API to accomplish that. Here are some examples, how you could do it:
ASP.NET web client for Google Web API
Using the Google search API from ASP.NET
Google Search API implementation in Tutorial
