Unable to start debugging on the web server. The COM+ registry database detected a system error - asp.net

I'm trying to debug an ASP.NET webapp that's configured to "Use Local IIS Web Server" on WinXP. When I start the debugger, the compile succeeds, and then the following error is displayed in a dialog:
Unable to start debugging on the web
server. The COM+ registry database
detected a system error
The webapp never launches in my browser. How can I get rid of this message and debug this webapp?

I tried the usual stuff, and my exact scenario ended up being described a post in the MSDN forums. Its answer worked for me, despite my environment (VS2008, .NET 3.5) being more modern:
Here are the steps I followed (basically a summary of the link above -- "ASPNET" being significant because that's the user running the IIS instance on my development box):
Close VS
Shutdown IIS
Add ASPNET to the local Administrators group
Start IIS
Start VS and successfully debug ASP.NET webapp
Close VS
Shutdown IIS
Remove ASPNET from the local Administrators group
Start IIS
Start VS and continue debugging ASP.NET webapp without error
My development workstation's security settings/situation is regularly managed by our security folks here, so something must have upset my ASP.NET/IIS/etc environment.

I am using the Visual Studio 2002 and I had the same problem, with tha same Error Message. To solve it, I did only the first 5 steps of the solution recommended before.
I am starting in VS 2002 because I use it in my work. I have the basic concepts, but I never develop in this program language, so I am a begginer.
The most important point in this solution I believe it is understand that ASPNET is a user in the development machine, as Administrator, as "Name.LastName" or any other user that access the machine. When I search for ASPNET to add in the Administrators Group and found it, made a lot more sense because I don't know exactly how the .NET architecture works.
So, if you have the same problem, I here confirm this solution solved my problem, even when I reboot my machine:
Close VS
Shutdown IIS
Add ASPNET user of the Machine to the local Administrators group
Start IIS
Start VS and successfully debug ASP.NET webapp
Thanks for the solution!!


Problems publishing site to localhost on windows 2008 rs server

I must preface this post by saying that I am not an experienced developer, I am in the process of learning through trial and error and a lot of google searches so detailed (step-by-step) feedback would be greatly appreciated. I created a website, which does not use a database, using visual studio 2015 and I am attempting to host it locally on a Windows 2008 R2 server.
I installed IIS and loaded the asp.net v4.0 framework. The site works fine, produces no errors when I test it and works after being published only if the visual studio is still running.
However, when I close the Visual studio and open my browser window to http://localhost:50044 (which is the URL listed in properties menu in VS), I also tried using port :80 and nothing. When trying to add Web Site via the IIS management utility I receive the following authentication error: ”Cannot verify access path (C:\Inetpub\wwwroot).”
I checked the permissions and windows authentication is enabled with read access, and all other permissions seem to be correct. I am at a loss, I'm sure it is probably something simple that I am missing due to my lack of knowledge and experience. Any help would be appreciated.
It's sounds like you are running on IIS express which in your case stops running when you close visual studio. Normal process is create a new website in IIS and point to the folder where your web.config is. You can then hack your host file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc) so DNS works. Add an entry like " mytestwebsite.com". I hope that helps
So I figured out part of what was happening. I didn't realize that visual studio has built in IIS and was using that by default.
I ran VS as an admin, created a new project, then attempted to create a virtual directory thru VS under the project/properties/web tab. I selected local IIS and entered http://localhost/boc and it returns an error: unable to create vd. Web server http://localhost... Could not be found.
I then went in to the IIS manager and set up a virtual directory with no issues. However, when I attempt to reference it thru VS I again receive an error message.
Any ideas?

Can't log into ASP.NET MVC site once on IIS

I finally got my ASP.NET MVC application hosted on my local Windows/IIS server. I went to the login page but when I try to log in it says,
An error occurred while processing your request
This is fairly non-descript...
My gut feeling is that when I did the web deploy, I didn't deploy the localdb(?) where the users' credentials are stored. Before I try to re-deploy the entire app, I'd like to see if anyone can offer some guidance. Am I on the right track? Are there other possible causes/solutions I should investigate?
I'm using the default registration/login system that is in the project to start with, and it woks just fine in VS. I did a regular web deploy to my IIS server, and the site works just fine until you go to log in.
Fixed: This issue was caused (as suspected) by the inaccessibility of the LocalDB where all the users' credentials are stored. VS uses this light DB instead of making you install SQL Express or another alternative (much like IIS Express works better for debugging than full IIS). When I push my application to IIS from VS, the database wasn't connecting. I eventually found this other SO question, and the top answer fixed my issue.
How to deploy ASP.NET MVC 4 application using localDB to local IIS on Windows 7?
This will solve the issue, but there is a lot of conflict on the web as to whether or not it is ok to use LocalDB in production, so if you have a lot riding on your project you might want to take a look at that. For my purpose, LocalDB is just fine, so this solved the issue. Thank you to all who responded to my (admittedly) broad question. I'm sure this will be a useful thread for others with the same issue.

VS2010 Debug web app causes "cannot start application" and "access denied" errors

When I try to debug my VS2010 web app (F5), the IE web browser windows pops up but then freezes, and my VS2010 IDE window pops up an error message:
Unable to start program 'http://localhost:nnnn/Login.aspx'.
Access is denied.
I'm running VS2010 (10.0.30319.1), targeted to ASP.NET 4.0 (4.0.30319), in non-administrator mode, with ASP.NET debugging enabled, on 64-bit Windows 7 Enterprise SP1, with IE 9 (9.0.8112.16421 with update 9.0.29).
This web app and others I work with have been working just fine for several months, but they all started to misbehave in this manner a few weeks ago. At first, the first time I tried to debug (F5) I'd get the error, but after clearing it and closing the IE window and trying F5 again a second time, the browser would come up just fine. I assumed it was just some glitch, so I tolerated it.
Lately, though it has gotten worse, to the point that 90% of my attempts and re-attempts to debug the web app cause a hung browser and the error. It sometimes works, but most times it doesn't. I have to kill the handing iexplorer.exe processes to clean up my user space, otherwise I eventually get a message about not having enough files to start the browser. I try rebuilding, stopping the ASP.NET Development Server process, even exiting VS2010 and restarting it, but I can't seem to find the magic sequence of events to get it to work.
If I start without debug (Shift-F5), it works, but two IE web browser windows are opened, and both attach to the web app. I don't know if this is related to the first problem. And needless to say, this does not really allow me to debug my code. I tried attaching to either of the IE processes, but I still could not get the debugger to actually debug the executing app. (There is a message about no symbols being loaded for the attached process.)
Most of the solutions for this problem I've found say something about running with administrator access. I cannot do this, however; I work at a large financial company, and developers are not allowed to have local admin rights on our PCs. I don't control system patches, but I can request Help Desk ticket to resolve the problem; but I'd like to resolve this problem myself if it is a fairly simple configuration problem on my part.
I should also add that I am not using IIS (because I don't have it installed on my system, and I can't use it anyway because I don't have local admin rights), but instead I am using the built-in Visual Studio Development Server. I've also selected a specific HTTP port number for it to use. Also, all of the directories I'm been using were created by me (as part of my project workspace), so there should be no access permission problems.
Like I said, I can sometimes get a debugging web session started, but most of the time I can't. So whatever is causing this problem, it is probably something intermittent.
This tend to occur when you try to run the full version of IIS rather than the Visual Studio Web Server or IIS Express. Have you tried running IIS Express instead? I think there's support for IIS Express that came with one of the later updates to VS 2010?
IIS proper definitely requires full admin rights in order to attach a debugger because full IIS runs under a system account rather than your own account. IIS Express (as well as the Visual Studio Web Server) however should run under your own user account and so debugging should work on the local machine even with a non-admin account.
One issue that might cause problems is directory permissions. Make sure that the folder where your Web files live are read/execute accessible through the file system for your user account.
Finally make sure you don't have some other instance of a Web service running on the same HTTP port.
I am having the same issue, it works when i don't choose to debug but CTRL+F5 to start it. F5 Debugger al

Running ASP.net application on IIS - timeout error

I was running my asp.net application on localhost in the internal IIS for Visual Studio and for Testing purposes I was trying to host my website on my LAN at home. I obviously had to switch to use the custom IIS web server. I followed all the steps to do this i.e. I turned on IIS from the windows features in control panel and added my web application to IIS and configured VS settings to use that server and gave it a start URL.
However when I run my project I am getting an error message:
Unable to start debugging on the web server. The web server did not
respond in a timely manner. This may be because another debugger is
already attached to the web server.
What is the cause of this error and how can I solve it?
One workaround is to make an empty page and you call the debugger from it as
To solve it and make possible to start the debugger from the VS you must configure the start up page to see the local IIS on the properties of your project. Also I have notice that if you do not have default browser the IE it may also fail. So for me, to move on, call the debugger from the page.
I have the same problem and I solved it by reseting iis from cmd => "iisreset"

intermittent 'unable to start debugging on the web server...' in VS2012

There are a number of questions on stackoverflow relating to being 'unable to start debugging on the web server...' but I have variation of this problem: it's intermittent and it goes away if I restart VS2012. This would tend to indicate that some process or other is locking up another process, or a file is locked, etc, etc by devenv.exe (ie VS2012) and closing VS unlocks the file/process/whatever.
The Visual Studio solution contains a number of MVC4 websites that use IIS running on my 64-bit Windows 7 development computer. All the website, domain model and test projects in this VS solution are configured for .NET 4.5. MvcBuildViews is set to true in the CS project file.
I've tried recycling the IIS application pool for the start-up project, stopping and starting the IIS site, resetting IIS completely, to no avail. I have a suspicion the error message may actually be incorrect, but it's only a suspicion. Any ideas anyone?
