Cannot place KActorSpawnable - UnrealScript - unreal-development-kit

I hope someone here can help me, i been trying to create an placeable actor that will be player controller, but when I try to add it via the "Actor Classes" windows, there is nothing there.
class BallBall extends KActorSpawnable
Begin Object Name=StaticMeshComponent0
End Object
I'm really deseperate with this, any help really apreciated. Thanks in advance.

Solved my own question, looks like my class was correct, i was just searching int the wrong place, i though i would be located directly down Actor, but it was located under Actor, -> DynamicSMActor -> KActor -> KActorSpawnable -> BallBall


Retrieve firestore-item with Dart-function in FlutterFlow

I hope somebody can help me here, because I am trying to solve this already for hours now :)
I have a Firestore-collection "hochzeiten" with a timestamp-field "datum_ablauf".
The LowCode-plattform Flutterflow offers the possibility to use "Custom Functions" - and with this I want to get the value of the field "datum_ablauf" when handing over the DocumentReference to the function. So the template of the function (the part I can't really change) looks like this:
import 'dart:math' as math;
DateTime dateAblaufFromWeddingGEHTNED(DocumentReference currWedding) {
Well - I tried a lot and nothing worked, but here is my latest try:
currWedding.get().then((snapshot) {
DateTime datum = DateTime.parse(snapshot['datum_ablauf'].toDate().toString());
return datum;
Sadly I always get NUl, whatever I try.
Has somebody a hint for me?

Unable to get file name Uning UIImagePickerController

I am newbie in swift i stuck in a little problem. I am attaching image using UIImagePickerController. Good thing is that successfully attached an image but unable to get attached file name. I tried several solutions like
UIImagePickerControllerImageURL, UIImagePickerControllerImageRefrenceURL,
UIImagePickerControllerPHAsset but didn't succeeded Please guide me and thanks in advance
As per your question, you will get your point in the didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo method , where you get info object in above method in that included all info about your file.
Check below code:
let imageURL = info[UIImagePickerControllerImageURL] as! URL
Happy coding.

Display variable (Int) in JavaFX

I want to show the page number of a PDF. The current page is saved in Int currentpage;. I created a Label like Label pagenumber = new Label();. I tried with pagenumber.textProperty().bind(currentpage); but then Eclipse ask me to change currentPage in ObservableValue <? extends String >. I think it's really easy to do what I want, but I'm very new about JavaFX. Sorry, for the easy question.
It was really easy.
I write the solution, maybe it could be helpful to someone very new, like me , in JavaFX.
pagenumber.setText("" +currentPage);
or in general
Label.setText("" +intValue);
try this

How can I get the root View from a WKInterfaceController, without an outlet

I want to get a hold of the root view of a WKInterfaceController, without having defined an outlet for it. I want this for a development tool I'm trying to build. Its not code I mean to run in production, so private APIs are welcome here.
I hope that below code will help you.
WKExtension *sharedExtention = [WKExtension sharedExtension];
WKInterfaceController *rootInterfaceController = sharedExtention.rootInterfaceController;
Swift 3.0.1 version...
if let yourInterfaceController = WKExtension.shared().rootInterfaceController as? YourInterfaceController {

How to add fictional category wordpress

I'm trying to do something, on wordpress which i'm not sure is possible.
So basically, I'm using Magic fields for two things. I've created a panel called "Member", and another one called "Member actuality". I've created two categories, member and member actuality which I've binded too magic fields post.
When I go on category ( member I have the list of all my members.
When I click on one of my members ( I have the description of the member. So for the moment everything is ok.
Now what I want to do is find a way too display actuality of one member. Maybe something like : ( But I have no clue on how to do that. So if someone can help me.
I'm not sure i've explained it right, so please if you didn't understand ask me to reformulate.
Thanks for your future help
I found a way to do go throu this.
I've first created a new tag when a post was added, and that allowed me to use the tag directory which i didn't used before !
