How to detect if a user has logged in to flickr? - iframe

What is the right way to find out if a user has logged in to Flickr? I have an iframe in my application which lets user's download their images from Flickr. But if the user is not logged into flickr, then flickr redirects me OUT of the iframe to the yahoo home page.
I would like to do the following:
- Check if the user has logged into flickr, if he has, then download his images in the iframe.
- Else, open a new browser window which will let the user enter his flickr login credentials.
Any suggestions from the experts?

You should use the Flikr API. You need to setup proper flikr authentication in your app. According to the docs, the authentication should flow like this:
Our web based app has the api key
'1234567890'. It has already
registered a callback url for this key
- ''.
User visits and clicks on the 'login' link.
This link points to
The user is already logged in to flickr - they are asked if they wish
to allow the application to have
'read' permissions to their photos.
The user clicks 'yes' and flickr updates it's auth database.
The user is redirected to
-The app makes a background call to flickr.auth.getToken:
The call returns an auth token '334455'.
The application stores the auth token and creates a session for the
user with a cookie which points to the
user's auth token.
The application makes a background request to the flickr.people.getInfo
to return information about the user,
by calling


Auto login FB app users into my site

On my website, the user can log in through Facebook.
I have also created a Facebook canvas app which consists of a small part of my website.
Through the Facebook canvas app, the user can access certain features of the site regarding their site account.
It works great when the user accesses the FB app while already being logged into the site.
However, if the user accesses the FB app while NOT being logged into my site - how do I log them into my site through the app?
It would be ideal if I could somehow automatically log them into their account when accessing my site through the FB app.
If that isn't possible, I would like the user to be able to log into my site through the Facebook app.
However right now when I redirect to the oauth login I get the following error:
Refused to display
in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'DENY'.
Can I auto-login to my site when accessing the site through Facebook canvas
If not, how can the user log into my site through the canvas app?
So basically your problem was just how to call the FB login dialog from within canvas. If you use the URL redirect version, then you have to call it in the top window instance – the login dialog can not be shown in any kind of (i)frame, for security reasons¹
top.location.href=… in JavaScript, or target="_top" for a simple link can achieve that.
¹ User needs to be able to verify via address bar that they are entering their credentials on, to prevent phishing attacks.

How to refresh Linkedin oauth token if the user authorized the app through oauth2 authorization?

I need to refresh the user linkedin access token without them having to go through the initial authorization process all over again. I have also looked at this documentation, but It doesn't work because my users authorize the app through regular OAuth and the article uses the JS OAuth. (Not sure, if there is a difference between two processes, and if there is a difference between access tokens received from each process). Even though, I'm already logged in another tab on the same browser,
it always prompts me to login to LinkedIn.
If I try IN.User.isAuthorized() it returns false though I'm logged in into LinkedIn and I can't seem to be able to refresh the token.
If I pass the user LinkedIn access token from my server to the JS and the user LinkedIn id IN.User.isAuthorized() always returns true even when I'm not logged in
So what I'm trying to ask is, is there a way to refresh the user linkedin oauth token thorguh JS when the user is logged in to linkedin on the same broswer like we are able do for facebook ? and what is it ?
You cannot refresh the token without the member being at your application.
If you want to refresh the token, the member needs to be there and you need to direct them through the authorization page. If they're signed in to LinkedIn, this will be a seamless refresh and we'll redirect page to your application.

Sina Weibo Authorization page

I'm developing a Sina Weibo integration and I'm doing the oauth correctly but I have a problem with authorization page. When I click on enter, I accept authorization page and I can loggin correctly but if I log off and I try to clic another time enter, I can only see a login page, but no an authorization page.
How can I force that an authorization page shows always?
The correct login flow consists of the following:
1. redirect user to the authorize page with the app's client id
2. client logs in to weibo (authentication)
3. client grants the application requested permissions (authorization)
4. client is redirected to your app page.
I believe the step you are asking about is #3. Once a user has granted your application permissions, this will be stored on their weibo account. The user will no longer be prompted to grant permissions every time the user logs in. The exception is when the user has removed your application from their weibo account. Thus there is no way for your application to force the user to reauthorize your app every time. It is unclear under what circumstances this would ever be required/beneficial.
As a side note:
If a user is already logged in, #2 is skipped by default. The user can be forced to relogin with the forcelogin parameter described in the docs:

Google+ sign in and ASP.NET forms authentication, how do I sign out?

I have an ASP.NET MVC application which uses Google+ sign-in to authenticate the user. The flow is as follows;
User accesses controller action decorated with [Authorize]
attribute, forms authentication is configured so the user is
forwarded to the log in page.
User clicks the Sign In with Google+ button and the server side flow is initiated as per guide
Server receives the Google tokens which are used to authenticate the user, logging them in and returning the standard auth cookie in the response. The user can then access the site with the cookie.
Now, if I go through the usual forms log out process of clearing the user's cookie/session there's a problem. If they attempt to access the application after they've logged out but are still signed into a Google product in another tab, they'll be re-directed to my login page. The Google+ sign-in button will automatically sign them back in again initiating the whole sign in process and getting a brand new cookie!! The only way to truly sign out is to ensure you are not signed into any Google products still and then attempt to sign out. Not exactly user friendly. I guess the same thing happens with all Google products, if I'm signed into Gmail and open Docs, I'll get signed in automagically. The difference being if you sign out of one, you'll sign out of all Google products. I think.
There is currently not a supported means of logging the user out from your site. What you can do is force the user to click the Google+ Sign-In Button before they will be authorized unless you have set a cookie on their client indicating they are signed in (or enrolled, if you want to distinguish between the sign-in action and being signed-in). You can look at this question:
how do i sign user out of my app?
or this question:
Preventing automatic sign-in when using Google+ Sign-In
for discussions on this topic on stack overflow and answers to similar questions. + Login with facebook and aspnetdb authorisation

I am using the Facebook login api in my website, currently I am checking if the FB userid exist in my SQL Server database, if it does, the user is allowed to access my website else he will be directed to the Facebook registration plugin page.
The thing is I am also using aspnetdb which in my web.config authorisation, I block all users accept for users who are logged in and authenticated by the aspnetdb membership provider, hence my problem is for users who uses logs in successfully with Facebook gets block by my app's non-fb login page. How should I go about authenticating users who logs in via Facebook? Thanks.
Facebook login/registration API provides you with the FBUserid, it should be stored in your SQL server DB against the user. If a new user comes to your website and registers via FB, you should generate corresponding user in your database too with some default password (random and different for each user) You can provide the functionality that, if a user registered with FB wishes to user your application's login, you should send him the default password via email and ask him/her to change on first login.
