Can A Sprite Contain A MovieClip? - apache-flex

Hmmm... I'm working at creating an AS3 UI library, since most of the ones out there each seem to miss out at least 1 feature I need. In order to keep it lightweight, I created everything from scratch. I use Sprites to render just about anything. But I want to allow the user of the library the possibility of adding a custom graphic for a button. Now... maybe that graphic is a MovieClip which has a nice animation within it.
So can I say sprite.addChild(mc) and then if I do, will the mc play within a sprite?
Thank you ::- ).

Sprite extends DisplayObjectContainer which can contain any DisplayObject or subclass of DisplayObject.


Extend a class to have my custom class rendered as part of the Node graph?

In JavaFX, once I have a Scene, Pane, and/or Canvas setup and have my Node graph setup, how do I add my own custom components? I've already added them to the Node graph, but they're not being rendered, because they neither inherit from a particular node nor implement the particular method necessary to have their rendering method called. There isn't much complexity involved in drawing these components -- it's about twenty calls of drawRectangle etc..
If I recall correctly, in Swing, I had each component implement a version of draw, and draw was called automatically as part of the framework. But I haven't found the equivalent mechanism in JavaFX yet.
JavaFX doesn't have "ondraw" in the usual sense, because components are usually composed and rendered on GPU.
There are multiple ways to create custom drawing, depending on your needs and requirements.
You can merely use Canvas for simple drawing, pretty clear described in official tutorial . This is the simplest way for complex drawings and probably it is what you are looking for. Add canvas node to the scene and draw on it. You can encapsulate the logic by extending Canvas or a container component that will contain Canvas (or by presenter etc. if you employ some kind of MVP/MVC).
Another way is just to compose from existing visual components e.g. shapes and images, for example by extending or preparing a Pane or other container and adding children components.
Yet another is to prepare a bitmap with custom drawing and use Image component, you can use Swing or other APIs to draw a bitmap in advance and use it for rendering. In general this is similar to using canvas but more complex, unless you see clear benefits or have particular reasons, canvas is preferred.
Last way is to implement custom scene Node with complete rendering, I would not go into detail and advice against it; it is relatively complex, will use non-public APIs, probably would not be compatible between JDK releases and is useful only for very special needs.
Note, if you are creating a custom reusable library component, you probably will need to dive into the topic of skinning and component lifecycle.
I needed to pass in the Pane that I'm using for drawing into the constructor of my "custom class." The custom class then adds the necessary shapes to the provided pane. I assume I'll also need to keep track of those shapes as a data member of the custom class and remove/replace them when the custom class needs a new visual representation.
See Fedor Losev's answer below for a more complete list of options. E.g., I could have used a Canvas instead of a Pane.

Displaying QML Item over a QWidget

I want to make an application that will benefit both from OpenGL and QML advantages. I want to use QOpenGLWidget and place QML Item over it. Item will be partially transparent. I though it may be possible by using QQuickView but I just figured out that it does cover all transparent parts with black color. An attempt to achieve what I need (an example project) may be found on my GitHub here.
Is it possible to render QML Item with all children onto an existing QWidget in such way that it is visible under Item, wherever Item is not completely opaque?
I guess that in the worst case scenario I could create bitmaps from the QWidget and the Item objects, somehow combine and display them but I seek easier way. If there is no easier way I could just never display those two at the same time.
The reason why I do not want to use OpenGL features in QML directly is this. Maybe I should just use the work around mentioned in the link.
I think you don't need Widgets for it. You can do custom rendering in QtQuick using QQuickFramebufferObject class. I used to do it before, though don't have code anymore. This article seems to explain what to do

Play a video with custom overlay graphics

I want to play a video (with sound) in a simple GUI with "play" and "stop" buttons etc. There are classes and widgets in Qt's Phonon module for doing that, and several examples. OK, so that seems to be simple.
But now I need to draw some custom graphics (that depend on the current time in the video) on top of the streamed video image. I have not found anything about this in the Qt documentation. What's the canonical way of doing this? Do I just create a custom VideoWidget widget and override its paintEvent? In another question here, some guy seemed to have trouble with this.
Any pointers would be appreciated.
Use QGraphicsView and QGraphicsWidgets. You can put your Phonon::VideoWidget inside a QGraphicsProxyWidget and it becomes usable as a QGraphicsWidget.
For custom overlays, inherit QGraphicsWidget and override the paint function to draw your custom widgets. You can add them to your scene and they will appear on top of your video widget.
Your solution cannot work because you cannot add a QGLWidget to QGraphicsProxyWidget. Please look at
Note that widgets with the Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen widget attribute set
and widgets that wrap an external application or controller cannot be
embedded. Examples are QGLWidget and QAxWidget.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Classes to use for a flexible image selection/tagging widget in Qt

I'm new with Qt and am looking for advice on how to structure this.
I want a flexible widget that can display a set of images (normally read from a directory but other sources too) and let the user select images with the arrow keys and/or mouse and also apply custom tags.
For example there might be 5 tags defined by the application. A user can press a key to select one, and then a little icon would appear in or near the image preview showing that it was selected for that tag.
Would I need to implement this from scratch via drawing on a QWidget or is there something that would make a sensible base class? Thanks!
I would use a QListView base class, and then subclass QStyledItemDelegate.
There is an example here which might help you.

Flex Games: Using Canvas Versus UIComponent?

For developing simple games with the Flex SDK, what are the consequences of using a Canvas object, versus a UIComponent object, as a drawing surface? Are there performance issues with either one? Are the methods generally the same? Searching around, it seems that most sample code I've found uses UIComponent. Is this just customary, or are there reasons?
I already know one odd difference - I had developed a simple Pong game using:
public class MyGameCanvas extends UIComponent
and then decided to replace UIComponent with Canvas. This caused the line to fail:
After spending too many hours searching, I finally found that a Canvas object requires:
due to the inheritance chain of objects, Sprites being higher than Canvas.
But that doesn't seem like a reason to prefer one class to another. Are there any specific reasons? Thanks.
Okay, I guess Canvas is out, and UIComponent is in. The only reason I even tried a Canvas object is the name. I mean, it's a Canvas - isn't that where you're supposed to do drawing? :)
So the second question that has popped up is about using the Flex SDK (and I don't know if this should be a totally new question, or here is okay).
However, I have to confirm something, being new to Flex and the various terminology. I'm presuming that people mean I should not be using MXML for games, when they said Flex SDK. Since I thought the Flex SDK was what provided the compiler that generates .swf files. Otherwise, where/how would I even compile AS3?
Assuming that's the case, then my question would be about the suitability of using both MXML and AS3 for (simple) games. Based on what I've read about both, it seemed like the intended use of them was MXML for the interface elements, and AS3 for everything else. Is the overhead that bad for MXML?
John C>
I think there is no point at all to use flex sdk to develop a game.
Flex SDK has been designed with application development in mind so you shouldn't use it to make games.
Do you have specific reasons to use it instead of a plain AS3 project?
Canvas has a bunch of extra layout code, plus scrollbars. It's definitely heavier than UIComponent alone. Also, it's important to know that Canvas requires all children to be subclasses of UIComponent. Using rawChildren to add non UIComponent is a hack unless you're building some sort of "chrome" for a Flex container (scrollbars on Canvas and the border/background in Panel).
I agree with PeZ, though. The Flex framework probably isn't the right choice for a game. Unless you have a game UI with things like DataGrids, Trees, Charts, etc., you can get a smaller and more optimized SWF without Flex.
If you dont need the additional stuff in canvas, like the scrollbars, that's clearly a reason to prefer UIComponent. Canvas is just an heavier object.
