set focus to user control, and blur base page -

I have a progress bar (which is a user control). When user, click a button, this progressbar will get displayed. The issue is ...even if the progressbar is visible, I am able to set focus to other controls in base page. I need to blur the base page...and set focus to user control.
Plz help me ...Thanks in advance...!

The latest version of the ASP.Net AJAX toolkit has a ModalPopup which takes care of this behaviour for you - just set the PopupControlID of the Modal Popup Extender to the ID of your control and the TargetControlId to the button which will trigger the popup.


Using ModalPopupExtender in ASP.NET Repeater

When using ModalPopupExtender inside a repeater, when the page loads, ALL of the popups appear without being called ( one for each item in the repeater) and then rapidly dissappear. With this, the popup works , but the problem is these popups being showed at the beginning. The popup is an OK/CANCEL popup, that triggers a postback when OK is clicked and does nothing when cancel is clicked. It is loaded on page load so that it exists when the user clicks on a linkbutton on the repeater. When the user clicks on the linkbutton, our intention was taht the popup appear directly without doing a postback, and this was achieved , just that small problem that random parade of popups at the beginning!thank you in advance!
I was not able to answer until now, sorry.
Turns out the HTML code and the CSS had conflicting codes and that made the popup appear!

RegularExpressionValidator firing too early

I have an ASP.NET web application that is using RegularExpressionValidator controls inside of a user control. The user control is placed inside of a panel with an ajax:modal popup. When I click the link, it will open the popup displaying the user control.
What is happening is when I click the link to open the popup, it is throwing a postback and activating the validators before the user has any opportunity to type anything into the boxes. I need to be able to click the link, open the popup, fill out the text boxes, and submit. The validators should only run when the submit button is clicked. Any ideas?
setting the validators parameters on the load in the code behind of the popupbox might fix your problem

Problem with Ajax control toolikt Modal Pop control

I have an ajax control toolkit modal popup on my page and in that modal popup i have a gridview on which user select some item through checkbox on each row of gridview. Whenever user check or uncheck on checkbox my modal popup automatically hide. I have set autopost property of checkbox set to true becuase im perporfing some calculation on each checkchanged event. what may be the problem
Your page is posting back because of the autopostback="true" on the checkbox, thus hiding the modal popup.
Look up 'ASP.Net Page Lifecycle' for further understandinf. It is important to know how this works.
I'm sure you'd also like to know how to solve this.
You could:
Set AutoWireUp=false on the page, but then you'd have to wire all events on the page manually. Since you aren't familiar with the Page Lifecycle, I'm not sure how successful you'd be.
Use a javascript-only modal popup.
Perhaps an UpdatePanel can be used.

Page_Load after Modal Popup

I have a page with a user control which gets some data updated via a modal popup. Upon clicking "ok" on the modal popup - the new data is being written to the database - but the base page doesnt "reload" to show the updated data. How do I get that to happen?
1) Don't set the OKControlID property on the ModalPopupExtender.
2) In your Page_Load, set OkButton.OnClientClick = string.Format("$find('{0}').hide();", modalPopupExtender1.ClientID);
Setting the OkControlID stops the button from posting back. Instead, manually use javascript to hide the extender, which will allow the button to post the form.
You'll either have to update that control using ajax, or you could just do a Response.Redirect(assuming your modal is .net, or document.location if js) back to your page after your data has been updated.
Make sure the "Ok" button in your modal popup is causing a postback. If you want it to be ajax-enabled, make sure to put it inside of an update panel.

Listbox appears through modal popup extender

I have a base page in which i have a listbox.
The base page is also having a modal popup extender.
When the modal popup extender appears over listbox, the listbox appears through modal poup.
That is, only for listbox, the popup extender becomes transparent.
What shud I do for this?
My understanding is that, since listboxes/dropdowns are windows controls, they will always appear over the modal popup.
I haven't tested this, but your best bet may be to write some code in the button click handler that launches the popup and either diable or hide the offending control.
