Im just curious if im viewing a file e.g. x.log which is currently being updated ie a log file. Is there a way to effectively refresh it rather than :q and vim x.log it again ?
The command :e with no parameters will do that.
:edit with no other parameters will reload the current file.
:edit! to discard changes first.
Also gvim will prompt you to reload a file if you switch to another program and back, and it detects that the file has changed.
Also you can do
:set autoread
if you are just viewing the file without changing it.
:e reloads the current file. Use :e! if you made any changes. You can assign a key to it like this:
nmap <F1> :e^M
Where ^M is a literal control-M (use control-V in vi).
I'd like to make extension that would both save active file and execute my code on Ctrl-S.
I tried to use command-line-shortcuts extension to do that but it throws error
/command/KeyBindingManager.js:749 Cannot assign Ctrl-S to It is already assigned to
So is it possible to assign two 'actions' to one key binding?
It seems to be opened issue on Brackets github. So for now it can't be done.
I need to change one character in the file, but Asterisk overwrites that file. How can I make the changes persistent?
That file is automatically created by FreePBX on every reload, as stated in the header:
; Do NOT edit this file as it is auto-generated by FreePBX. All modifications to ;
; this file must be done via the web gui. There are alternative files to make ;
; custom modifications, details at: ;
To override an existing dialplan, you need to put your code into /etc/asterisk/extensions_override_freepbx.conf. Despite that you only want to change one character, you will need to copy the entire context into this file.
To create new dialplan, as mentioned in the answer from MichelV69, you would indeed use /etc/asterisk/extensions_custom.conf. This will not work for modifying existing dialplan, due to order in which files are included.
You don't. Per the documentation, you reproduce the section you want to override in extensions_custom.conf and make your changes there.
Also, this is for "FreePBX", not "Asterisk". Asterisk natively doesn't use / come-with "extensions_additional.conf".
I want to make a batch file that will ask user for input, than write that input to a specific position in an already written txt file(called commands.txt which contains query) and call sqlite3 < commands.txt
I need this so inside the commands.txt where the query is, in LIKE 'userinput' i will add the users choice (parameter)
Although your question is not really specific enough and verging on the kind of inappropriate question that for stackoverflow (it does not include code), as hinted at by the comment, I'll take it at face value and assume there is much you need help with.
First let me deal with the question "I need to make a batch file"
A batch file is a simple text file with the extension .bat. You can create it with a text editor like notepad. We do not know what kind of system you have (Windows, linux, Mac etc) but lets assume Windows as you asked for a batch file. We do not know which version of windows (7 or 8 etc), So I'll try and be generic.
All windows machines come with a simpe text file editor called notepad. You can open this by typing notepad into the search box on windows 7 or 8. Lets start with a simple batch file:
:: This is a batch file
#echo off
echo Hello World
exit /b
Type (or paste) those 4 lines into notepad. Now select the file menu and select Save As, now in the Save As Type: selector choose All Files. In the File name: box type the desired name with the bat extension, such as doit.bat. Ensure you choose a suitable directory to place your new batch file. Leave the encoding as ASCII. Click Save. You have now made your first batch file.
Now you need to execute that batch file. Using the Windows File Explorer find the folder where you saved that batch file. While viewing the folder, hold down the shift key on the keyboard and then right click in the background of the folder and select Open Command window here. You will now have a command prompt window. You can now execute your new batch file by typing its name doit. It will display:
Hello World
OK - Now you have created your first working batch file.
Now for the next part; Asking the user for input. This is done with the set /p command. Add this to your batch file (before the exit line):
Set /P Like="Give me your input: "
echo Your input was: %Like%
That has solved the second part. Now the third part, edit the commands.txt file. If you do an internet search for a similar problem (editing files in batch files) you might find this help page: This shows a generic way of changing any text string to any other in a file using EDLIN from a batch file; unfortunately EDLIN (and EDIT) are no longer included in windows so these batch files are not much help.
A search of stackoverflow finds similar queries which contain an answer for you.
So now you have all the parts of the answer:
How to make a batch file
How to prompt the user for input
How to replace lines of text in the commands.txt
You should be able to put it together and get it to work....
Is there a way to open vim in a new shell window or tab? I'm used to doing $ mate file, which opens the file in a new window.
I prefer having one 'central shell' where I issue commands and edit files in other windows or tabs, as necessary. How do people normally open vim files locally?
from inside vim, use one of the following
open a new window below the current one:
:new filename.ext
open a new window beside the current one:
:vert new filename.ext
You can do so from within vim, using its own windows or tabs.
One way to go is to utilize the built-in file explorer; activate it via :Explore, or :Texplore for a tabbed interface (which I find most comfortable).
:Texplore (and :Sexplore) will also guard you from accidentally exiting the current buffer (editor) on :q once you're inside the explorer.
To toggle between open tabs, use gt or gT (next tab and previous tab, respectively).
See also Using tab pages on the vim wiki.
I use this subtle alias:
alias vim='gnome-terminal -- vim'
-x is deprecated now. We need to use -- instead
If you don't mind using gVim, you can launch a single instance, so that when a new file is opened with it it's automatically opened in a new tab in the currently running instance.
to do this you can write: gVim --remote-tab-silent file
You could always make an alias to this command so that you don't have to type so many words.
For example I use linux and bash and in my ~/.bashrc file I have:
alias g='gvim --remote-tab-silent'
so instead of doing $ mate file I do: $ g file
I'm using the following, though it's hardcoded for gnome-terminal. It also changes the CWD and buffer for vim to be the same as your current buffer and it's directory.
:silent execute '!gnome-terminal -- zsh -i -c "cd ' shellescape(expand("%:h")) '; vim' shellescape(expand("%:p")) '; zsh -i"' <cr>
Check out gVim. You can launch that in its own window.
gVim makes it really easy to manage multiple open buffers graphically.
You can also do the usual :e to open a new file, CTRL+^ to toggle between buffers, etc...
Another cool feature lets you open a popup window that lists all the buffers you've worked on.
This allows you to switch between open buffers with a single click.
To do this, click on the Buffers menu at the top and click the dotted line with the scissors.
Otherwise you can just open a new tab from your terminal session and launch vi from there.
You can usually open a new tab from terminal with CTRL+T or CTRL+ALT+T
Once vi is launched, it's easy to open new files and switch between them.
I am working with vim. I created a new cpp file using
vim xyz.cpp
After opening the file, I added some basic includes and comments. Then I closed it(:wq!) and re-opened it only to find that I am not able to delete/edit the previously written commands, even after pressing i (for insert), although it gets into insert mode and I am able to add new text to the file. I must say that when i am NOT in the insert mode, then I am able to delete individual characters by pressing x . But it doesnt solve my problem.
I checked the file permissions and it says -rwxrwxrwx, so I dont think permissions is the issue. Has anyone faced this problem before. Any kind of help will be appreciated.
:help 'backspace' is your friend
Influences the working of <BS>, <Del>, CTRL-W and CTRL-U in Insert
mode. This is a list of items, separated by commas. Each item allows
a way to backspace over something:
value effect ~
indent allow backspacing over autoindent
eol allow backspacing over line breaks (join lines)
start allow backspacing over the start of insert; CTRL-W and CTRL-U
stop once at the start of insert.
When the value is empty, Vi compatible backspacing is used.
Try to set it to
set backspace=indent,eol,start