ComponentArt grid; javaScript; Aspx MasterPage -

I have a ComponentArt grid that I'm editing with a pop editing dialog. I pass values between the grid and the dialog using javascript. All was well until I put the page containing the grid inside a MasterPage; I got some errors because of naming containers and fixed them, but it looks like ComponentArt's DataGrid is still looking for something it can't find, because it's blowing up in their javascript.
Question: Has anyone had a ComponentArt DataGrid blow up inside a master page before, and if so, what did you do about it?

Known issue with ComponentArt Grids inside other controls, having to do with the dialog animation. ComponentArt representative:
This sounds like a known bug with the
dialog (D6098 in our system)- the live
animation type can error if the
control is within a control (say, a
user control, or in your case a
content control). Until the bug is
resolved you'll need to change the
animation type. I'm very sorry for the
Here's the forum post.
Meanwhile, it looks like changing the animation is the only fix.


TableToGrid initially ugly. Then it formats correctly. How to get hide table until everything is ready

I like using jqGrid and TableToGrid especially. Getting Json data is nice as well, and I use that functionality in a couple of views in my MVC4 application, however, the one page where I have jqGrid TableToGrid. The only thing is, when you first load the page or when you refresh a page with a table to grid page on it, The table looks ugly, and then it stabilizes. Is there a way I can hide the table or show a loading screen until the thing is fully ready to view...
I know regular jqGrid has a loading text option, but that is only when your table is being loaded via ajax...
You can put a load dialog over the grid... But I have my loading dialog pop up on document.ready and the ugly looking grid is still there initially. Maybe there is a way I can hide the table earlier than $(document).ready ?
Maybe you can put your entire grid into a div with visibility:hidden or display:none and just show that div with jquery in document.ready.
You may show div in jqgrid's gridComplete event. According to their documentation "This fires after all the data is loaded into the grid and all other processes are complete. Also the event fires independent from the datatype parameter and after sorting paging and etc."
Check their wiki for more info

Add control to calendar

this seems like a simple request, but I've searched the fullCalendar posts and was unable to find anything similiar to this question.
I am using the monthly view of fullCalendar on my .net site and need to add an link button control to each day in the month.
Is this possible?
I've been doing a lot of work hacking the js for fullCalendar, its a fabulous plugin.
You're not going to be able to do exactly what you want, because fullCalendar builds its HTML dynamically in Javascript. What you can do is to hack the JS, the place you need to look is a function called 'buildSkeleton' which generates the HTML for the table fullCalendar uses for display. Its not too hard to see what its doing.
You would also need to deal with the problem that the calendar might render events on top of your button, probably the easiest way is to give your button a positive z-index in CSS so it was always on top of the event bars.
Why do you need a button? If it's to initiate the adding of an event or something like that have a look at one of the demos which shows an dialog box popup when you click on a day. This can be expanded into a host of other posibilities

Application wide Modalpopupextender

I'm trying to build a modalpopupextender, along with a panel and content, and need to make it application-wide. I am thinking about creating it on the Masterpage, so it's accessible on all pages, but I need the content inside the panel (anything that I may need to add there) to be visible and editable from outsite the masterpage.
For now, I'm working on this, but haven't figured out how to make it accessible to other pages and classes, and so would like to have some help on it.
Basically, what I want is to work more on the idea in a near future in order to make something consistent to be used on any web application, and to be fully customizable. What I'm having trouble is with "basics", like making it accessible to the application, allow customization of some controls inside the panel from both server and client sides, and will improve everything from there.
I have tried creating a user control for it, but didn't seem to work. I'm not an expert on (few years of experience), and even less on ajax, so any help is appreciated.
Please let me know if anybody have any questions.
I have now succeeded somehow creating the moodal within a user control and it's almost done.
At this moment, there are 2 issues I couldn't fix:
The damn flickering that happens on Firefox 3.5 (Corporate version, can't touch this). Ocasionally during page load (Somewhere near Page_Init or Page_PreInit events, not sure), the modals I have blink quickly on the screen, only when a postback happens. I have already done some workaround, like setting style display:none, but the issue remains. Need some help on the matter.
I need to have a modal that have 2 behaviors, like windows popups. One is information, likee only showing the message with some buttons, and the other is question. For questions, I'll need to use the ConfirmButtonExtender, and so would need to tell this confirm extender and the modal that an external button (Means a button that isn't within the user control, and by that means it's outside the same UpdatePanel as the confirm extender and modal extender) will be their TargetControlID. For now, I couldn't solve this, so I thought about creating a button inside the UC and UpdatePanel that will always be the TargetControlID. When the popup is informational, it will work as a dummy hidden button (information messages are called on server-side through methods), and when it's a question, it will receive the response. The method to be executed by the button will be set through a delegate, and therefore any method may be run when it's clicked and the Yes button on the modal is pressed (It's not ready yet, and I'm not sure it will work, or even if it's a good idea).
Any thoughts on this second option is appreciated.
It's easy for elements on the masterpage to be visible and editable from outsite the masterpage.
In this example the masterpage has a label that you want to read/write from other pages
<asp:Label ID="lblSubTitle" runat="server" Text="sub title"></asp:Label>
In the codefile for the masterpage, create a property for the subtitle:
public partial class MainMasterPage : System.Web.UI.MasterPage
public string SubTitle
return lblSubTitle.Text;
lblSubTitle.Text = value;
Then any page that uses this masterpage as its MasterPageFile can find the subtitle property and read or write it.
// get a reference to the masterpage
MainMasterPage master = (MainMasterPage)Master;
//set it to the value you want.
master.SubTitle = "Custom sub title";
I have solved the issue and created a user control containing the modalpopup for showing customized messages.
Many aspects are public, so it allows high customization, and the modal and it's customized buttons work like a charm. I still have a problem regarding the flickering, but it's for another question.

Is it possible to have dropdownmenu in place of dropdownlist in whenever user moves mouse over that control it should display items in it

i have dropdownlists in my web site, now i want to switch them into something like menu and its items should look like menu items, at mouseover event items in that control should be displayed, is it possible to achieve? how?
It is very well possible using javascript/jquery and setting the css to give it the placing and affects you feel like. You will many such examples googling it such is:
If you like to convert an existin dropDownList to a menou like I know the the Linkselect jQuery plug-in but also I know a similar from Yahoo User Interface Library
jQuery or other library is strongly suggested for a complex conversion like that, at least the examples I know use a library.

ASP.NET CreateUserWizard cancel button not visible in markup

The control buttons don't actually show up in the markup... I'm sure it's possible to do this, but I can't figure it out. I've tried adding a button, but then I get dupes. I suspect there's a way to set the command name and achieve this, but no luck so far.
I think that when in design view, you can click the little arrow that appears on the top right of the control and convert to a template. This may also be .net version specific.
