UDK "Error, 'DefaultMesh': Bad command or expression" - unreal-development-kit

I'm porting UT3 code to UDK, and I am getting the following compile error with the UDK compiler:
C:\UDK\UDK-2010-03\Development\Src\FixIt\Classes\ZPawn.uc(25) : Error, 'DefaultMesh': Bad command or expression
The ZPawn class extends UTPawn.
Line 25 is the following:
DefaultMesh = SkeletalMesh(DynamicLoadObject(ZBotOwner(Owner).MeshToUse, class'SkeletalMesh'));
Where did DefaultMesh go in UDK?

The SkeletalMesh is part of the Mesh Component in a Pawn:
Begin Object Class=SkeletalMeshComponent name=Mesh01
AnimSets(0) =AnimSet'pawnPackage.Anims.myAnimSet'
End Object

Well just to be clear, the line change you will want will be this:
Mesh = SkeletalMesh(DynamicLoadObject(ZBotOwner(Owner).MeshToUse, class'SkeletalMesh'));
Assuming of course your ZBot is all set up correctly.
Also I'm assumign that this is in default properties? Don't forget to add it to your components


Key binding by file type

I'm trying to create a key binding that behaves differently based on the file type.
Ideally what id like to do is the following:
If the file type is .md then run the command markdown-preview-plus:toggle
else run the command script:run
I know it's something along the lines of:
file init.coffee :
editor.command('custom:command', e => {
if ( of file type .md) {
} else {
Then in the keymap.cson i have to add something like:
'cmd-i': 'custom:command'
But obviously this is pseudocode. I've tried reading the documentation specifically this
but there isn't enough information.
I was able to do this by adding the following to the keymap.cson file:
"atom-text-editor[data-grammar='source gfm']":
'cmd-i': 'markdown-preview-plus:toggle'
"atom-text-editor:not([data-grammar='source gfm'])":
'cmd-i': 'script:run'
For anyone trying to do something similar to this, I used this as reference:
Atom grammer syntax

What type is a points vector in objective C

I have the following declaration for a function and I don't know what I am doing wrong with regards to the type declaration:
//function is defined in the OpenCVWrapper.mm file .....no errors
+ (NSArray *)analysePoints:(std::vector<cv::Point> )pointsVector{
//error is in the OpenCVWrapper.h file
#interface OpenCVWrapper : NSObject
+ (NSArray *)analysePoints:(NSMutableArray *)mutableArray:(std::vector<cv::Point>)pointsArray;
//red marker under the std
I am getting the error "expecting type" for the vector. What am I doing wrong here?
Actually, I found the solution through user11118321 input to look at the bigger picture. I am using this set up in a swift app that uses openCV through a bridging header. It is actually not possible to import or use a vector in swift.

BirdWatching app 'incompatible pointer types initializing'

I just started coding and as I followed Apple's article 'Your Second iOS App:Storyboard', I had a warning that says 'incompatible pointer types initializing Birdsighting *__strong with an expression of type NSString *' from the following code:
detailViewController.sighting = [self.dataController objectInListAtIndex:[self.tableView indexPathForSelectedRow].row];
well you are trying to say (IT SEEMS):
NSString *stringInCurrentTableViewRow = [self.dataController objectInListAtIndex:[self.tableView indexPathForSelectedRow].row];
BirdSighting *yourObject = stringInCurrentTableViewRow;
you are sure the dataController doesnt contain Strings ;)

Flex3 / Air 2: NativeProcess doesn't accepts standard input data (Error #2044 & #3218)

I'm trying to open cmd.exe on a new process and pass some code to programatically eject a device; but when trying to do this all I get is:
"Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #3218: Error while writing data to NativeProcess.standardInput."
Here's my code:
private var NP:NativeProcess = new NativeProcess();
private function EjectDevice():void
var RunDLL:File = new File("C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe");
var NPI:NativeProcessStartupInfo = new NativeProcessStartupInfo();
NPI.executable = RunDLL;
NP.addEventListener(Event.STANDARD_OUTPUT_CLOSE, CatchOutput, false, 0, true);
NP.standardInput.writeUTFBytes("start C:\\Windows\\System32\\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll");
I also tried with writeUTF instead of writeUTFBytes, but I still get the error. Does anyone have an idea of what I'm doing wrong?.
Thanks for your time :)
Maybe cmd.exe doesn't handle standardInput like a normal process.
You could try passing what you want to execute as parameters to the cmd process, rather than writing to the standard input
I think
cmd.exe /C "start C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll"
is the format to pass something as a parameter to cmd to execute immediately.
This site has an example of passing process parameters using a string vector:
Try it without the last line "NP.closeInput();"
See also:
I agree with abudaan, you shouldn't need to closeInput().
Also, suggest you add a line break at the end of the writeUTFBytes() call, e.g.:
NP.standardInput.writeUTFBytes("start C:\\Windows\\System32\\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll **\n**");
Lastly, I recommend you listen to other events on the NativeProcess, I use a block of code something like this:
NP.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.STANDARD_OUTPUT_DATA, onStdOutData);
NP.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.STANDARD_ERROR_DATA, onStdErrData);
NP.addEventListener(Event.STANDARD_OUTPUT_CLOSE, onStdOutClose);
NP.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.STANDARD_INPUT_PROGRESS, onStdInputProgress);
NP.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.STANDARD_ERROR_IO_ERROR, onIOError);
NP.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.STANDARD_INPUT_IO_ERROR, onIOError);
NP.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.STANDARD_OUTPUT_IO_ERROR, onIOError);
with the normal event handler functions that at least trace what they receive.
Best of luck - I've just spent a few hours refining NativeProcess with cmd.exe - its fiddly. But I got there in the end and you will too.

UDK "Error, Unrecognized member 'OpenMenu' in class 'GameUISceneClient'"

Upon compiling, I am getting the following error:
C:\UDK\UDK-2010-03\Development\Src\FixIt\Classes\ZInteraction.uc(41) : Error, Unrecognized member 'OpenMenu' in class 'GameUISceneClient'
Line 41 is the following:
But when I search for OpenMenu, I find that it is indeed defined in GameUISceneClient.uc of the UDK:
Line 1507: exec function OpenMenu( string MenuPath, optional int PlayerIndex=INDEX_NONE )
It looks like I have everything correct. So what's wrong? Why can't it find the OpenMenu function?
From the wiki page on Legacy:Exec Function:
Exec Functions are functions that a player or user can execute by typing its name in the console. Basically, they provide a way to define new console commands in UnrealScript code.
Okay, so OpenMenu has been converted to a console command. Great. But still, how do I execute it in code? The page doesn't say!
More searching revealed this odd documentation page, which contains the answer:
Now then, there is also a function
within class Console called 'bool
ConsoleCommand(coerce string s)'. to
call your exec'd function,
'myFunction' from code, you type:
* bool isFunctionThere; //optional
isFunctionThere = ConsoleCommand("myFunction myArgument");
So, I replaced my line with the following:
GetSceneClient().ConsoleCommand("OpenMenu ZInterface.ZNLGWindow");
Now this causes another error which I covered in my other question+answer a few minutes ago. But that's it!
Not sure if this is your intent, but if you are trying to create a UIScene based on an Archetype that has been created in the UI Editor, you want to do something like this:
UIScene openedScene;
UIScene mySceneArchetype;
mySceneArchetype = UIScene'Package.Scene';
GameSceneClient = class'UIRoot'.static.GetSceneClient();
//Open the Scene
if( GameSceneClient != none && MySceneArchetype != none )
GameSceneClient.OpenScene(mySceneArchetype,LocalPlayer(PlayerOwner.Player), openedScene);
