upgraded to Flex 3.4 and tried 3.5 PopupManager.centerPopup broken? - apache-flex

How can I center a popup in Flex 3.4+?
In Flex 3.1, I could center a pop-up over its parent by setting its parent in the createPopup, then using centerPopup. In Flex 3.4 and 3.5, the window appears with its upper left corner matching the upper left of its parent... even after the centerPopup.
Is there a work-around? or am I not using centerPopup as intended?

for now, I'm using the following function, stuck into my static WindowUtils class:
// work-around for broken PopupManger.centerPopup in Flex 3.4 and 3.5
public static function centerPopup(popup: UIComponent, centerOn: UIComponent): void
var pt:Point = new Point(0, 0);
pt = centerOn.localToGlobal(pt); // Convert local 0,0 into global coordinate
pt = popup.globalToLocal(pt); // Convert the result into local coordinate of myPop
popup.move(Math.round((centerOn.width - popup.width) / 2) + pt.x,
Math.round((centerOn.height - popup.height) / 2) + pt.y);


Forcing layout change when Stage is resized in JavaFX

I ran into a possible bug in JavaFX, but having short time, I am looking for a workaround.
I have a bunch of windows containing a chart and a toolbar:
public void createGui() {
root = new VBox();
ToolBar toolbar = new ToolBar();
Button btnConfig = new Button(bundle.getString("chartWindow.menu.configure"));
btnConfig.setOnAction(e -> doChartConfig());
chartPane = new VBox();
root.getChildren().setAll(toolbar, chartPane);
VBox.setVgrow(chartPane, Priority.ALWAYS);
scene = new Scene(root);
updateChart(); // Creates a chart
I have to resize them from code. (Tiling the open charts.) The simplified tiling code is:
// bounds is the user available area of the monitors(s)
double windowWidth = bounds.getWidth() / tileRule.columns;
double windowHeight = bounds.getHeight() / tileRule.rows;
int r = 0;
int c = 0;
for (Window w : sel) {
w.setX(bounds.getMinX() + c * windowWidth);
w.setY(bounds.getMinY() + r * windowHeight);
if (c >= tileRule.getColumns()) {
c = 0;
if (r >= tileRule.rows) {
When I do this, the windows are perfectly arranged:
However, as it is visible, some of the windows contents aren't resized with the window (Now, accidentally, they are the last 3, but it is not always the case. Sometimes there are more, and they are not always the last ones.)
It is clearly visible, that the scene is the one that isn't resized with the window.
As soon as I resize the window manually, the controls are layed out well.
I trled a bunch of things to hack this:
Calling the requestLayout method manually
Removing the root element from the scene and adding again
Removing the scene from the stage and adding again
Adding 100 ms delay between the resize operations
binding the root elements width to the window width (minus border size)
None of the above helped. (Yes, not even adding the scene again! It caused the most spectacular result, because the contents are resized to the window size, but with streaching its content.)
Does anyone have any other idea how to hack this bug?
I'm using Java 8u74.

Unity offset parallax fails on web builds

thanks in advance for helping me out.
I'm wrapping up work on a 2D platformer that has a background parallax effect using a texture offset on five different layers. The two cloud layers just have their offset scrolling over time, and the three ground layers scroll based on the camera position. This all works perfectly in Unity and in the PC build and looks great.
However, on the Unity Web Player and webGL builds, instead of the texture wrapping, it looks like this:
I'm new here, so I can't embed images yet it seems
I have no idea what is causing the problem, but instead of wrapping around and acting like a conveyor belt, it just streaks like that. Here is my parallax code:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class sceneryParallax : MonoBehaviour {
private Transform cameraTransform;
private Renderer renderBGFar;
private Renderer renderBGMid;
private Renderer renderBGNear;
public float offsetFar;
public float offsetMid;
public float offsetNear;
void Update () {
float xOffset = cameraTransform.position.x;
Vector2 farOffset = new Vector2((xOffset / offsetFar) % 1.0f, 0.0f);
Vector2 midOffset = new Vector2((xOffset / offsetMid) % 1.0f, 0.0f);
Vector2 nearOffset = new Vector2((xOffset / offsetNear) % 1.0f, 0.0f);
renderBGFar.material.mainTextureOffset = farOffset;
renderBGMid.material.mainTextureOffset = midOffset;
renderBGNear.material.mainTextureOffset = nearOffset;
Also, here is a screen of my texture setup:
Sorry if there are any formatting problems! I really appreciate any help you can offer. If you need more information, let me know!
If your texture wrapping mode is set to clamp, it will reuse the last available pixel. It sounds like texture mode repeat is what you need, opposed to clamping, per the documentation:
This is useful for preventing wrapping artifacts when mapping an image
onto an object and you don't want the texture to tile. UV coordinates
will be clamped to the range 0...1. When UVs are larger than 1 or
smaller than 0, the last pixel at the border will be used. See Also:
Texture.wrapMode, texture assets.

Flex:- After rotation from center how fit image in a container box (Scale or resize according to container box)

I am developing a flex application.
In which I have a to rotate image from center in its container box.
There is another container box(Named tool) is attached to the image, that contains some buttons at corner.
Currently I am rotating these tool box and it is rotating successfully with image, I am using below code for rotation :-
var imgMatrix:Matrix = imgOwner.transform.matrix;
var centerX:Number = imgOwner.width / 2;
var centerY:Number = imgOwner.height / 2;
var centerPoint:Point = new Point(centerX, centerY);
var transformPoint:Point= imgMatrix.transformPoint(centerPoint);
imgMatrix.translate(-transformPoint.x, -transformPoint.y);
imgMatrix.rotate(newRotationInDegrees * Math.PI / 180);
imgMatrix.translate(+transformPoint.x, +transformPoint.y);
imgOwner.transform.matrix = imgMatrix;
Image appears inside these imgOwner tool.
I only want to fit these tool with image after rotation in the main container.
Please advice, thanks in advance.

flex: Drag and drop- object centering

In a drag+drop situation using Flex, I am trying to get the object center aligned to the point of drop- somehow, irrespective of the adjustments to height and width, it is always positioning drop point to left top.
here is the code..
imageX = SkinnableContainer(event.currentTarget).mouseX;
imageY = SkinnableContainer(event.currentTarget).mouseY;
// Error checks if imageX/imageY dont satisfy certain conditions- move to a default position
// img.width and img.height are both defined and traced to be 10- idea to center image to drop point
Image(event.dragInitiator).x = imageX-(img.width)/2;
Image(event.dragInitiator).y = imageY-(img.height)/2
The last 2 lines don't seem to have any effect. Any ideas why-must be something straightforward, that I am missing...
You can use the following snippet:
private function on_drag_start(event:MouseEvent):void
var drag_source:DragSource = new DragSource();
var drag_initiator:UIComponent = event.currentTarget as UIComponent;
var thumbnail:Image = new Image();
// Thumbnail initialization code goes here
var offset:Point = this.localToGlobal(new Point(0, 0));
offset.x -= event.stageX;
offset.y -= event.stageY;
DragManager.doDrag(drag_initiator, drag_source, event, thumbnail, offset.x + thumbnail.width / 2, offset.y + thumbnail.height / 2, 1.0);
Here is one important detail. The snippet uses stage coordinate system.
If you use event.localX and event.localY, this approach will fail in some cases. For example, you click-and-drag a movie clip. If you use localX and localY instead of stage coordinates, localX and localY will define coordinates in currently clicked part of the movie clip, not in the whole movie clip.
Use the xOffset and yOffset properties in the doDrag method of DragManager.
Look here for an example.

rotating centered content

Ok, so I've been trying to get this concept to work for the day now and have had zero luck. I am not so good with math, so any help will be appreciated. I am trying to rotate a centered container from it's center. The problem with this code is when I use the rotatePicture method, it doesn't rotate from the center, instead it rotates from the box's top-left corner. Here's the code...
import mx.effects.Rotate;
private function init():void
private function rotateBox():void
var m:Matrix = myBox.transform.matrix;
var centerX:Number = myBox.width / 2;
var centerY:Number = myBox.height / 2;
var centerPoint:Point = new Point(centerX, centerY);
var transformPoint:Point= m.transformPoint(centerPoint);
m.translate(-transformPoint.x, -transformPoint.y);
m.rotate(90 * Math.PI / 180);
m.translate(transformPoint.x, transformPoint.y);
myBox.transform.matrix = m;
private function calculateCoordinates():void
var x : Number = (myBox.parent.width - myBox.width) / 2;
x = x < 0 ? 0 : x;
var y : Number = (myBox.parent.height - myBox.height) / 2;
y = y < 0 ? 0 : y;
myBox.move(x, y);
Ok, this was a bit tricky and i'm working out a couple of details, but in case anyone had a similar issue, I found the general answer. Just took a movie break to refresh the brain...
I had to place a variable for how many turns the canvas had rotated which was easy since I was restricting the degrees to only 90. Then I place in a switch statement that tested the turns variable and recalculated the (x,y) coordinates based off of the turns. Since I knew that the Rotate class would create a cooler effect and end with the same result, I ended up using that instead.
I don't know what your background is, but in my experience this is a classic case of "out-thinking yourself".
You've written quite a bit of code to do something that is actually native to the Flash display API's.
Since you seem to be using Flex I'll just tell you that the simple way to achieve this is to dynamically reposition your display clip contents so that the center of your contents is at the 0,0 point of your clip.
This gets harder the more content you have, but if you just have something like an image or a button or what have you, it's really easy to just calculate the height and width, then divide by 2 and subtract.
Then the rotation property will work just fine.
In Flash it's even easier because you can just make a new clip, bind your class to the clip, and place all yours contents in the Flash authoring tool positioned properly for rotation to work as expected.
Yeah, what Back2Dos said.
Personally, I'd wrap the container in another sprite, position it so its center is at (0,0) in that sprites coordinate space, and then just rotate the sprite ... it's simple and robust ...
I'd like to use <s:Rotate> to rotate center. Hope useful to you.
