AES, Cipher Block Chaining Mode, Static Initialization Vector, and Changing Data - encryption

When using AES (or probably most any cipher), it is bad practice to reuse an initialization vector (IV) for a given key. For example, suppose I encrypt a chunk of data with a given IV using cipher block chaining (CBC) mode. For the next chunk of data, the IV should be changed (e.g., the nonce might be incremented or something). I'm wondering, though, (and mostly out of curiosity) how much of a security risk it is if the same IV is used if it can be guaranteed that the first four bytes of the chunks are incrementing. In other words, suppose two chunks of data to be encrypted are:
If the same IV is used for both chunks of data, how much information would be leaked?

In this particular case, it's probably OK (but don't do it, anyway). The "effective IV" is your first encrypted block, which is guaranteed to be different for each message (as long as the nonce truly never repeats under the same key), because the block cipher operation is a bijection. It's also not predictable, as long as you change the key at the same time as you change the "IV", since even with fully predictable input the attacker should not be able to predict the output of the block cipher (block cipher behaves as a pseudo-random function).
It is, however, very fragile. Someone who is maintaining this protocol long after you've moved on to greener pastures might well not understand that the security depends heavily on that non-repeating nonce, and could "optimise" it out. Is sending that single extra block each message for a real IV really an overhead you can't afford?

what you describe is pretty much what is proposed in Appendix C of NIST SP800-38a.
In particular, there are two ways to generate an IV:
Generate a new IV randomly for
each message.
For each message use a new unique nonce (this may be a counter), encrypt the nonce, and use the result as IV.
The second option looks very similar to what you are proposing.

Well, that depends on the block size of the encryption algorithm. For the usual block size of 64 bytes i dont think that would make any difference. The first bits would be the same for many blocks, before entering the block cipher, but the result would not have any recognisable pattern. For block sizes < 4 bytes (i dont think that happens) it would make a difference, because the first block(s) would always be the same, leaking information about patterns. Just my opinion.
Found this
"For CBC and CFB, reusing an IV leaks some information about the first block
of plaintext, and about any common prefix shared by the two messages"
Source: lectures of my university :)


Why do different implementations of AES produce different output?

I feel I have a pretty good understanding of hash functions and the contracts they entail.
SHA1 on Input X will ALWAYS produce the same output. You could use a Python library, a Java library, or pen and paper. It's a function, it is deterministic. My SHA1 does the same as yours and Alice's and Bob's.
As I understand it, AES is also a function. You put in some values, it spits out the ciphertext.
Why, then, could there ever be fears that Truecrypt (for instance) is "broken"? They're not saying AES is broken, they're saying the program that implements it may be. AES is, in theory, solid. So why can't you just run a file through Truecrypt, run it through a "reference AES" function, and verify that the results are the same? I know it absolutely does not work like that, but I don't know why.
What makes AES different from SHA1 in this way? Why might Truecrypt AES spit out a different file than Schneier-Ifier* AES, when they were both given all the same inputs?
In the end, my question boils down to:
My_SHA1(X) == Bobs_SHA1(X) == ...etc
But TrueCrypt_AES(X) != HyperCrypt_AES(X) != VeraCrypt_AES(X) etc. Why is that? Do all those programs wrap AES, but have different ways of determining stuff like an initialization vector or something?
*this would be the name of my file encryption program if I ever wrote one
In the SHA-1 example you give, there is only a single input to the function, and any correct SHA-1 implementation should produce the same output as any other when provided the same input data.
For AES however things are a bit tricker, and since you don't specify what you mean exactly by "AES", this itself seems likely to be the source of the perceived differences between implementations.
Firstly, "AES" isn't a single algorithm, but a family of algorithms that take different key sizes (128, 192 or 256 bits). AES is also a block cipher, it takes a single block of 128 bits/16 bytes of plaintext input, and encrypts this using the key to produce a single 16 byte block of output.
Of course in practice we often want to encrypt more than 16 bytes of data at once, so we must find a way to repeatedly apply the AES algorithm in order to encrypt all the data. Naively we could split it into 16 byte chunks and encrypt each one in turn, but this mode (described as Electronic Codebook or ECB) turns out to be horribly insecure. Instead, various other more secure modes are usually used, and most of these require an Initialization Vector (IV) which helps to ensure that encrypting the same data with the same key doesn't result in the same ciphertext (which would otherwise leak information).
Most of these modes still operate on fixed-sized blocks of data, but again we often want to encrypt data that isn't a multiple of the block size, so we have to use some form of padding, and again there are various different possibilities for how we pad a message to a length that is a multiple of the block size.
So to put all of this together, two different implementations of "AES" should produce the same output if all of the following are identical:
Plaintext input data
Key (and hence key size)
Mode (including any mode-specific inputs)
Iridium covered many of the causes for a different output between TrueCrypt and other programs using nominally the same (AES) algorithm. If you are just checking actual initialization vectors, these tend to be done using ECB. It is the only good time to use ECB -- to make sure the algorithm itself is implemented correctly. This is because ECB, while insecure, does work without an IV and therefore makes it easier to check "apples to apples" though other stumbling blocks remain as Iridium pointed out.
With a test vector, the key is specified along with the plain text. And test vectors are specified as exact multiples of the block size. Or more specifically, they tend to be exactly 1 block in size for the plain text. This is done to remove padding and mode from the list of possible differences. So if you use standard test vectors between two AES encryption programs, you eliminate the issue with the plain text data differences, key differences, IV, mode, and padding.
But note you can still have differences. AES is just as deterministic as hashing, so you can get the same result every time with AES just as you can with hashing. It's just that there are more variables to control to get the same output result. One item Iridium did not mention but which can be an issue is endianness of the input (key and plain text). I ran into exactly this when checking a reference implementation of Serpent against TrueCrypt. They gave the same output to the text vectors only if I reversed the key and plain text between them.
To elaborate on that, if you have plain text that is all 16 bytes as 0s, and your key is 31 bytes of 0s and one byte of '33' (in the 256 bit version), if the '33' byte was on the left end of the byte string for the reference implementation, you had to feed TrueCrypt 31 '00' bytes and then the '33' byte on the right-hand side to get the same output. So as I mentioned, an endianness issue.
As for TrueCrypt maybe not being secure even if AES still is, that is absolutely true. I don't know the specifics on TrueCrypt's alleged weaknesses, but let me present a couple ways a program can have AES down right and still be insecure.
One way would be if, after the user keys in their password, the program stores it for the session in an insecure manner. If it is not encrypted in memory or if it encrypts your key using its own internal key but fails to protect that key well enough, you can have Windows write it out on the hard drive plain for all to read if it swaps memory to the hard drive. Or as such swaps are less common than they used to be, unless the TrueCrypt authors protect your key during a session, it is also possible for a malicious program to come and "debug" the key right out of the TrueCrypt software. All without AES being broken at all.
Another way it could be broken (theoretically) would be in a way that makes timing attacks possible. As a simple example, imagine a very basic crypto that takes your 32 bit key and splits it into 2 each chunks of 16 bytes. It then looks at the first chunk by byte. It bit-rotates the plain text right a number of bits corresponding to the value of byte 0 of your key. Then it XORs the plain text with the right-hand 16 bytes of your key. Then it bit-rotates again per byte 1 of your key. And so on, 16 shifts and 16 XORs. Well, if a "bad guy" were able to monitor your CPU's power consumption, they could use side channel attacks to time the CPU and / or measure its power consumption on a per-bit-of-the-key basis. The fact is it would take longer (usually, depending on the code that handles the bit-rotate) to bit-rotate 120 bits than it takes to bit-rotate 121 bits. That difference is tiny, but it is there and it has been proven to leak key information. The XOR steps would probably not leak key info, but half of your key would be known to an attacker with ease based on the above attack, even on an implementation of an unbroken algorithm, if the implementation itself is not done right -- a very difficult thing to do.
So I do not know if TrueCrypt is broken in one of these ways or in some other way altogether. But crypto is a lot harder than it looks. If the people on the inside say it is broken, it is very easy for me to believe them.

Cryptography: Mixing CBC and CTR?

I have some offline files that have to be password-protected. My strategy is as follows:
Cipher Algorithm: AES, 128-bit block, 256-bit key (PBKDF2-SHA-256
10000 iterations with a random salt stored plainly elsewhere)
Whole file is divided into pages with page size 1024 bytes
For a complete page, CBC is used
For an incomplete page,
Use CBC with cipher text stealing if it has at least one block
Use CTR if it has less one block
With this setup, we can keep the same file size
IV or nonce will be based on the salt and deterministic. Since this is not for network communication, I reckon we don't need to concern about replay attacks?
Question: Will this kind of mixing lower the security? Would we better off just use CTR throughout the whole file?
You're better off just using CTR for the entire file. Otherwise, you're adding a lot of extra work, in supporting multiple modes (CBC, CTR, and CTS) and determining which mode to use. It's not clear there's any value in doing so, since CTR is perfectly fine for encrypting a large amount of data.
Are you planning on reusing the same IV for each page? You should expand a bit on what you mean by a page, but I'd recommend unique IV's for each page. Are these pages addressable somehow? You might want to look into some of the new disk encryption modes for an idea on generating unique IV's
You also really need to MAC your data. In CTR for example, if someone flips a bit of the ciphertext, it'll flip the bit when you decrypt, and you'll never know it was tampered with. You can use HMAC or if you want to simplify your entire scheme, use AES GCM mode, which combines CTR for encryption and GMAC for integrity
There are a few things you need to know about CTR mode. After you know them all you could happily apply a stream cipher in your situation:
never ever reuse a data key with the same nonce;
above, not even in time;
be aware that CTR mode really shows the size of the encrypted data; always encrypting full blocks can hide this somewhat (in general a 1024 byte block takes as much as a single bit block if the file system boundaries are honored);
CTR mode in itself does not provide authentication (for completion, as this was already discussed);
If you don't keep to the first two rules, an attacker will immediately see the place of the edit and the attacker will be able to retrieve data directly related to the plain text.
On a possitive node:
you can happily use the offset (in, e.g., blocks) in the file to be part of the nonce;
it is very easy to seek in files, buffer ciphertext and create multi-threaded code around CTR.
And in general:
it pays off to use a data specific key specific sets of files, in such a way that if a key is compromised or changed that you don't have to re-encrypt everything;
think very well about how your keys are used, stored, backed up etc. Key management is the hardest part;

Using AES in CBC with the same IV for messages

Will encrypting two identical plaintext messages with AES in CBC with the same IV yield the same ciphertext?
From my understanding the first block is XOR'd with the IV, and then each subsequent block with the previous. Does this mean that with the same IV and identical messages that every block will be encrypted to the same thing? I understand using a predictable or non-changing IV for encryption is a very bad thing to do, and I am wondering why - is it because attackers can build up a "book" of known messages, or because we leave the first block vulnerable to frequency checks?
If you use the same key both times, then yes, you'd get identical output. If you use a different key, then you'd get different output (you XOR the previous block with the current block, but then you encrypt the result to produce a block of ciphertext).
That, however, is generally of little help. One of the basic reasons for using something like CBC is to avoid repetition among messages even if they contain the same data and you continue to use the same key (though of course, it's also useful that it avoids patterns within a single message as well). Changing the IV keeps each message unique (even if some of the plaintext content is predictable) without going to all the work of distributing a new key for every message (which would generally be relatively painful).

encryption of a single character

What is the minimum number of bits needed to represent a single character of encrypted text.
eg, if I wanted to encrypt the letter 'a', how many bits would I require. (assume there are many singly encrypted characters using the same key.)
Am I right in thinking that it would be the size of the key. eg 256 bits?
Though the question is somewhat fuzzy, first of all it would depend on whether you use a stream cipher or a block cipher.
For the stream cipher, you would get the same number of bits out that you put in - so the binary logarithm of your input alphabet size would make sense. The block cipher requires input blocks of a fixed size, so you might pad your 'a' with zeroes and encrypt that, effectively having the block size as a minimum, like you already proposed.
I'm afraid all the answers you've had so far are quite wrong! It seems I can't reply to them, but do ask if you need more information on why they are wrong. Here is the correct answer:
About 80 bits.
You need a few bits for the "nonce" (sometimes called the IV). When you encrypt, you combine key, plaintext and nonce to produce the ciphertext, and you must never use the same nonce twice. So how big the nonce needs to be depends on how often you plan on using the same key; if you won't be using the key more than 256 times, you can use an 8 bit nonce. Note that it's only the encrypting side that needs to ensure it doesn't use a nonce twice; the decrypting side only needs to care if it cares about preventing replay attacks.
You need 8 bits for the payload, since that's how many bits of plaintext you have.
Finally, you need about 64 bits for the authentication tag. At this length, an attacker has to try on average 2^63 bogus messages minimum before they get one accepted by the remote end. Do not think that you can do without the authentication tag; this is essential for the security of the whole mode.
Put these together using AES in a chaining mode such as EAX or GCM, and you get 80 bits of ciphertext.
The key size isn't a consideration.
You can have the same number of bits as the plaintext if you use a one-time pad.
This is hard to answer. You should definitely first read up on some fundamentals. You can 'encrypt' an 'a' with a single bit (Huffman encoding-style), and of course you could use more bits too. A number like 256 bits without any context is meaningless.
Here's something to get you started:
Information Theory -- esp. check out Shannon's seminal paper
One Time Pad -- infamous secure, but impractical, encryption scheme
Huffman encoding -- not encryption, but demonstrates the above point

Should I use an initialization vector (IV) along with my encryption?

Is it recommended that I use an initialization vector to encrypt/decrypt my data? Will it make things more secure? Is it one of those things that need to be evaluated on a case by case basis?
To put this into actual context, the Win32 Cryptography function, CryptSetKeyParam allows for the setting of an initialization vector on a key prior to encrypting/decrypting. Other API's also allow for this.
What is generally recommended and why?
An IV is essential when the same key might ever be used to encrypt more than one message.
The reason is because, under most encryption modes, two messages encrypted with the same key can be analyzed together. In a simple stream cipher, for instance, XORing two ciphertexts encrypted with the same key results in the XOR of the two messages, from which the plaintext can be easily extracted using traditional cryptanalysis techniques.
A weak IV is part of what made WEP breakable.
An IV basically mixes some unique, non-secret data into the key to prevent the same key ever being used twice.
In most cases you should use IV. Since IV is generated randomly each time, if you encrypt same data twice, encrypted messages are going to be different and it will be impossible for the observer to say if this two messages are the same.
Take a good look at a picture (see below) of CBC mode. You'll quickly realize that an attacker knowing the IV is like the attacker knowing a previous block of ciphertext (and yes they already know plenty of that).
Here's what I say: most of the "problems" with IV=0 are general problems with block encryption modes when you don't ensure data integrity. You really must ensure integrity.
Here's what I do: use a strong checksum (cryptographic hash or HMAC) and prepend it to your plaintext before encrypting. There's your known first block of ciphertext: it's the IV of the same thing without the checksum, and you need the checksum for a million other reasons.
Finally: any analogy between CBC and stream ciphers is not terribly insightful IMHO.
Just look at the picture of CBC mode, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Here's a picture:
link text
If the same key is used multiple times for multiple different secrets patterns could emerge in the encrypted results. The IV, that should be pseudo random and used only once with each key, is there to obfuscate the result. You should never use the same IV with the same key twice, that would defeat the purpose of it.
To not have to bother keeping track of the IV the simplest thing is to prepend, or append it, to the resulting encrypted secret. That way you don't have to think much about it. You will then always know that the first or last N bits is the IV.
When decrypting the secret you just split out the IV, and then use it together with the key to decrypt the secret.
I found the writeup of HTTP Digest Auth (RFC 2617) very helpful in understanding the use and need for IVs / nonces.
Is it one of those things that need to be evaluated on a case by case
Yes, it is. Always read up on the cipher you are using and how it expects its inputs to look. Some ciphers don't use IVs but do require salts to be secure. IVs can be of different lengths. The mode of the cipher can change what the IV is used for (if it is used at all) and, as a result, what properties it needs to be secure (random, unique, incremental?).
It is generally recommended because most people are used to using AES-256 or similar block ciphers in a mode called 'Cipher Block Chaining'. That's a good, sensible default go-to for a lot of engineering uses and it needs you to have an appropriate (non-repeating) IV. In that instance, it's not optional.
The IV allows for plaintext to be encrypted such that the encrypted text is harder to decrypt for an attacker. Each bit of IV you use will double the possibilities of encrypted text from a given plain text.
For example, let's encrypt 'hello world' using an IV one character long. The IV is randomly selected to be 'x'. The text that is then encrypted is then 'xhello world', which yeilds, say, 'asdfghjkl'. If we encrypt it again, first generate a new IV--say we get 'b' this time--and encrypt like normal (thus encrypting 'bhello world'). This time we get 'qwertyuio'.
The point is that the attacker doesn't know what the IV is and therefore must compute every possible IV for a given plain text to find the matching cipher text. In this way, the IV acts like a password salt. Most commonly, an IV is used with a chaining cipher (either a stream or block cipher). In a chaining block cipher, the result of each block of plain text is fed to the cipher algorithm to find the cipher text for the next block. In this way, each block is chained together.
So, if you have a random IV used to encrypt the plain text, how do you decrypt it? Simple. Pass the IV (in plain text) along with your encrypted text. Using our fist example above, the final cipher text would be 'xasdfghjkl' (IV + cipher text).
Yes you should use an IV, but be sure to choose it properly. Use a good random number source to make it. Don't ever use the same IV twice. And never use a constant IV.
The Wikipedia article on initialization vectors provides a general overview.
