Detect when ALL HTML page rendering has taken place -

I am working with a pretty complicated .aspx page that is full of controls (Telerik, Ajax, etc.) that all expand, collapse, show, hide, etc. when the page is loaded. Since this rendering happens on the client-side and can take different lengths of time based on the users machine specs, is there a way to detect when all (or some) rendering has taken place (jQuery?) so I can then act on specific elements, knowing they are fully rendered?

JavaScript is single threaded. The time passed to setTimeout is a minimum, but not a maximum, so if you pass something like 10(ms), you essentially are saying "execute this code after all the currently running code is finished."
So, if all the controls use $(document).ready() to do their thing, all you need is:
$(document).ready(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
doStuff will be called after all the functions passed to $(document).ready have run. However, this isn't foolproof. If the controls have their own way of detecting whether the document has loaded, or do their own setTimeout(), you're in trouble. The problem is that JavaScript does not guarantee the execution order of setTimeouts. Sometimes your code may run last, other times it may run before the setTimeouts used for the animation.
One last idea: if all the animation is done using jQuery, then the effects run in a single queue. In doStuff you could add an animation of some sort with a callback and be reasonably certain that the callback would run last.

Whenever I had to wait for multiple things to be ready before proceeding, I would create an array with true/false values. Every mandatory part of the page got an event which, when it is called, updates the specific entry in the array to true. Also, it called a general function which returned true if all values in an array was true, otherwise false.
If that function finally returned true, I would proceed with the execution. It is especially useful if you have to wait for an AJAX call to end but don't want to use async = true. It also is useful if you want to start loading multiple things at once instead of one after another, since they all report ready-state to the same array.
It does however use global variables so you might need to do some optimizations. You might not want to do this approach either if you have a grudge against global variables.

You should place your code inside the jQuery $(document).ready() function. This will ensure that all elements are loaded before the code runs.$(document).ready()

I think the doc you need is:

"I can then act on specific elements, knowing they are fully rendered?"
You can use the load method (linked above) to attach to any element. So if you had a div with an id of "lastElement", you could write


Is a method still "pure" if it invokes a designated callback given as parameter

Eg. PureFoo(onSuccess: () => { DoSomething(); }); (example in C#)
Does Purefoo still counts as pure (without "side effects") if it invokes onSuccess? or is the method only "honest" (as in doesn't hide what it does)?
I've searched on Google but it didn't yield relevant results.
So, long story short, that sounds like a no.
If there are side effects, from whichever source, it shouldn't/can't be called pure.
However, I guess it can still be made more honest by limiting the side effects to only all clear & explicit intended callbacks which sorta ask as an alternative return + call based on returned values.
Note that you can't ensure the callback is called only when expected and the number of times it's expected, etc. still.
In this particular case, onSuccess has a name and a signature (returning void/unit) that signals an intentional side effect. If your function doesn't do anything with the result of the onSuccess() call, then there isn't anything possible to pass into there that will make the outer call pure.

In Meteor, how to find which session variable triggers a template rerun

This is a general question about designing meteor applications or debugging meteor applications.
When I write meteor applications, I usually update session variable values to trigger re-runing a template helper function and/or re-rendering a template. So my application has quite a few different session variables.
Sometimes I find that the helper function gets re-run multiple times, but I can't think of any reason why it re-runs so many times. It must be some session variable gets updated and causes the re-run. Is there a way to figure out which session variable causes it?
The general question is: in a reactive design, when I see a template gets re-rendered, how to find why it gets re-rendered?
You could use Deps.autorun to quickly figure out which it is, If you're looking to debug its a quick a gritty way to do
Drop in the code like
Deps.autorun(function() {
console.log("Session something has changed");
Deps.autorun(function() {
console.log("Meteor user has changed");
You can place blocks of code like this on your client side to see which is changing. Each one will run once, initially, then after for each time the reactive variable inside it changes.
You would have to do this for each variable you use in your template and it would help you find out which is changing, each Deps.autorun block will run independently only when the variable inside it changes.

flex how to refresh already created view

How can I refresh view after a certain event?
I have a view which contains multiple groups. I want to show or hide some groups.
onCreationComplete() or initialize() method works only at the beginning of the view creation.
Try invalidateDisplayList() on the view
Let me know if that doesn't do the trick and we'll try some other tricks.
I personally don't like the answer that says to call invalidateDisplayList (sorry no offense Nate nothing personal). I feel it's too vague and doesn't explain what this does under the hood and furthermore you shouldn't have to call it directly in cases such as the one explained in the OPs question. You can simply create booleans that are bindable for each of the groups you'd like to show/hide then in the event handler set those booleans to the appropriate value and if they are bound to the visible and include in layout properties of the containers those containers will internally call invalidateDisplayList after calling set visible and consequently commitProperties.
This is basically what happens under the hood as I understand it: The way this works is values aren't committed or used to update the display until the next frame this way it doesn't get bogged down doing unnecessary layout calculations. So you update the bindable property which fires an event which triggers a notification in the listener (in this case a function that sets the property on your control), that in turn passes along the value to the control which sets an internal flag to update the property and calls invalidateProperties. When it hits the next frame redraw it sees that the properties flag is dirty (true) and then calls commitProperties, this computes/sets the appropriate values (possibly also invalidating then "fixing" the size using invalidateSize() and measure()) and calls invalidateDisplayList, then during the same frame it sees that the display list flag is dirty so it calls updateDisplayList, here it uses the values of the properties to draw appropriately.
You should also be able to achieve this using states, which add or remove children from the display list based on an array of "actions" for each state.

custom validator against remote object

I have a need to validate a field against our database to verify unique-ness. The problem I seem to be having is that the validators doValidation() exits before we've heard back from database.
How can I have the validator wait to return its payload until after we've heard from the DB?
Or perhaps a better question might be (since I think the first question is impossible), how can I set this up differently, so that I don't need to wait, or so that the wait doesn't cause the validation to automaticallly return valid?
If you're using a remote object, you can specify the method call inside your remote declaration and assign a function to the result call. The result call only runs once the remote server returns something, so it won't be run before your validation.
Do your validation call in said result function call (which you will have to create) and you should be good. Your code should go something like this:
<s:RemoteObject id="employeeService"
**<s:method name="dataCheckCall" result="dataCheckResult(event)"/>**
<s:RemoteObject />
And in your script:
function protected dataCheckResult(event:ResultEvent):void {
Edit: As soon as you call "dataCheckCall" the method will start running. If, for whatever reason, you want to call this WITHIN your validator, you can do so, and then dataCheckResult will run whenever it returns with it's payload (pretend doValidate is called elsewhere). I've left a message below as well.
You are trying to fit an asynchronous process (fetching data from a DB) into a synchronous process (checking all the validators in turn).
This won't work...
You'll need to either roll your own validator framework, or use a different method of determining the legality of your controls.
P.S. The MX validators are rubbish anyway!
What I've managed to do, seems to work, mostly. I don't like it, but it at least performs the validation against the remote source.
What I've done, then, is to use an 'keyUp' event handler to spin off the database lookup portion. In the meanwhile, I set up a string variable to act as some kind of a Flag, which'll be marked as 'processing'. When the response event fires, I'll examine its contents, and either clear the flag, or set it to some kind of other error.
Then, I have created a new 'EmptyStringValidator' will check the contents of this flag, and do its job accordingly.
Its indirect, but, so far, seems to work.

Visibility of elements by ID

how come that when I attach onchange by attribute and call it
it works, but when I use a ASP .NET validator, and my attached function is called like :
function anonymous() {
I get error: FPR_CURR_FROM is undefined.
First off: I know that using FPR_CURR_FROM to access element is BAD, and I should use getElementByID etc... And I will change it eventually. But as I bumped into that code, I'm curious what caused it - propably visibility of variables I guess.
I think it's a scoping issue, yes, it would take seeing more code and how anonymous is called, but that is what it looks like to me from what I see... One way around that is to attach the FPR_CURR_FROM variable to the window object, and access it via window.FPR_CURR_FROM...
