Flex Datagrid: Creating a timetable - apache-flex

I have some data passed into the flex via webservices, and want to create a timetable. As of current, I have a timetable but the day is a column, time is a column and so on, by mapping the datafield to those columns.
I need to flip this around and have all day columns and one time column, with each day column filter to the day property, if you get what i mean.
HOw would i go about doing this? Is there a datafield property to filter this way, or is there a better way?

It sounds like what you want is something similar to the Outlook calendar. You want a column for each weekday, and a row for each hour in the day.
DataGrids display the members of the collection bound to their dataProvider property as rows. However, it seems that your ArrayCollection contains value objects that correspond to an event that occurs at a specific time, rather than a time that contains an event.
I would write another value object to represent a time of day. This object would contain data members corresponding to each weekday that would hold the class name.
public class TimeOfDayVO {
public var monday:String;
public var tuesday:String;
public var wednesday:String;
public var thursday:String;
public var friday:String;
Then write a function that will create one of these objects for each hour in the day.
public function createTimeOfDayArray(oldArray:ArrayCollection) {
for (var hour:int = 0; hour < 24; hour++) {
var timeVO:TimeOfDayVO = new TimeOfDayVO();
for each (obj in oldArray) {
switch (obj.day) {
case "Monday":
newArray[obj.time].monday = obj.classname;
//repeat for each day
Bind newArray to your DataGrid instead of the old array.

Assuming I understand what you're looking for correctly, here's what I came up with.
Basically, just create a column for each day in your datagrid and bind them to whatever value you want in your ArrayCollection. Then set the visible property for that day's column to true based on the values in the ArrayCollection. I hope this helps!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">
<mx:ArrayCollection id="arrColl">
<mx:Object theClass="Class1" time="10:00" day="Monday"/>
<mx:Object theClass="Class1" time="2:00" day="Wednesday"/>
<mx:Object theClass="Class2" time="8:00" day="Tuesday"/>
<mx:Object theClass="Class3" time="9:30" day="Tuesday"/>
<mx:Object theClass="Class4" time="10:00" day="Friday"/>
<mx:Object theClass="Class4" time="12:00" day="Thursday"/>
<mx:DataGrid id="dataGrid"
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="theClass" />
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="time" />
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Monday" dataField="time">
<mx:Label text="{data.time}" visible="{data.day == 'Monday'}" />
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Tuesday" dataField="time">
<mx:Label text="{data.time}" visible="{data.day == 'Tuesday'}" />
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Wednesday" dataField="time">
<mx:Label text="{data.time}" visible="{data.day == 'Wednesday'}" />
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Thursday" dataField="time">
<mx:Label text="{data.time}" visible="{data.day == 'Thursday'}" />
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Friday" dataField="time">
<mx:Label text="{data.time}" visible="{data.day == 'Friday'}"/>

I didn't get the problem precisely but may be it is similar to a problem I had with advanceddatagrid some time back. May be the solution by Robusto might be useful here as well. Pasting it below fo your reference.
<mx:Repeater id="rp" dataProvider="{yourArrayCollection}">
<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumns dataField="{rp.currentItem.fieldName}" visible="{rp.currentItem.show}">


Get all selected items - <mx:CheckBox

Here is my dataGrid:
How can I get all the selected values of check
<mx:DataGrid id="dg"
dataProvider="{listOfItems}" verticalAlign="middle" rowHeight="20" rowCount="30"
selectable="true" verticalScrollPolicy="on" >
<mx:columns >
<mx:DataGridColumn id="col1"
headerText="Item Name">
<mx:CheckBox label="{data.vlaue}" paddingLeft="5" />
I have a button below that:
<mx:Button x="25" label="Get Selected Items" width="100" click="getSelItems()" cornerRadius="7" fontSize="12" id="itmSel" />
I could find some ways to get the individually selected row by setting change="" method, but how to get all the selected items.
One simple solution I found so far is, to iterate my dataprovider checking, if the item is selected or not.
And here you go!
var tmpList:ArrayCollection = ArrayCollection(dg.dataProvider);
var obj:Object;
for (var i:int=0; i < tmpList.length; i++)
if (tmpList[i].Selected == true)
//Added to my array collection.

Flex: Error on Scrolling Vertically in a DataGrid

i have this code
<mx:DataGrid id="tempListDG" itemDoubleClick="doubleClickHandler(event)" width="100%" height="100%" rowHeight="110"
draggableColumns="false" sortableColumns="false" allowMultipleSelection="false">
<mx:DataGridColumn id="chkSel" headerText=" " width="15" sortable="false">
<mx:HBox horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off" paddingLeft="3">
<mx:CheckBox name="chkSel" selected="false" />
<mx:DataGridColumn id="sum" dataField="#summary" headerText="Summary Description" width="280" >
<mx:HBox name="thumbs" creationComplete="setThumbnailImage(event)" verticalAlign="top" verticalScrollPolicy="off">
import mx.controls.Text;
import com.azaaza.containers.HBox;
import com.azaaza.controls.Image;
import com.hwakin.tavi.model.ModelLocator;
import mx.controls.DataGrid;
private function setThumbnailImage(e:Event):void{
var dg:DataGrid = DataGrid(e.target.parent.parent);
var dCounter:int = TemplateOpenPanel(dg.parent.parent).dCount;
if (dCounter+1 > XMLList(dg.dataProvider).length()){
img.width = 80;
img.height = 110;
txt.htmlText = XMLList(dg.dataProvider)[dCounter].#summary;
txt.maxHeight = 110;
TemplateOpenPanel(dg.parent.parent).dCount = dCounter;
<mx:Image id="img">
<mx:Text id="txt">
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="#dateCreated" headerText="Date Created" width="100" />
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="#dateModified" headerText="Date Modified" width="100"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="#guid" headerText="guid" visible="false"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="#fileName" headerText="File Name" visible="false"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="#tempXml" headerText="tempXml" visible="false"/>
the datagridcolumn id named "sum" creates images and text given by the XML i loaded
but i got error when i use the scroll of the datagrid. and the images get disaligned and all of the data like the dateCreated and dateModified are shuffled or something.
please help me with this one.. thanks
If you are still looking for answer add this into your code.
protected function dgtempListDG_scrollHandler(event:ScrollEvent):void
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
scroll = "dgtempListDG_scrollHandler(event)"
Add this in mx:datagrid.
remember that item renderers are recycled and reused, so you should not use creationCompelte events, (if only 5 item renderers are visible, only 7 are created and then they are reused, but they are created only once so creation complete only fires once)
I like to use dataChange events, they work upon creation and each time the data of the itemRenderer changes.

enabling/disabling checkbox according to some condition

I have a chechbox in a gridview. i need it disabled for some condition and enabled for other.
Problem is how to fetch check box id out side the grid.
Please help ....
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" xmlns:pw="http://intelligentpathways.com.au/Flex/v2">
<mx:ArrayCollection id="ac">
<mx:Object name="Alpha" enabled="{true}"/>
<mx:Object name="Bravo" enabled="{true}"/>
<mx:Object name="Charlie" enabled="{false}"/>
<mx:Object name="Delta" enabled="{false}"/>
<mx:Object name="Echo" enabled="{true}"/>
<mx:Panel horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0" title="Renderer Demo">
<mx:DataGrid width="500" height="300" dataProvider="{ac}">
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Name" dataField="name"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Enabled?" dataField="enabled"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Checkbox">
<mx:Box paddingLeft="3">
<mx:CheckBox label="Foxtrot" enabled="{data.enabled}"/>
By giving you're check box an ID you should be able to reference it no matter what container objects it's it.
<mx:CheckBox id=myCheckbox ... />
can then be referenced in any script in that file like this:
private function toggleCheckBoxEnabled():void{
if(some condition){
myCheckBox.enabled = true;
myCheckBox.enabled = false;

TextArea being used as an itemEditor misbehaves when the enter key is pressed

I have a TextArea inside an itemEditor component, the problem is that when typing in the TextArea if the enter key is pressed the itemEditor resets itself rather moving the caret to the next line as expected:
<mx:List width="100%" editable="true" >
<mx:Object title="Stairway to Heaven" />
<mx:Text height="100" text="{data.title}"/>
<mx:TextArea height="100" text="{data.title}"/>
Could anyone advise how I can get around this strange behaviour and make the enter key behave as expected?
The trick is to listen for the ITEM_EDIT_END event and prevent the default list behaviour if the reason is NEW_ROW. See example below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" applicationComplete="onComplete();">
import mx.events.ListEvent;
import mx.events.ListEventReason;
import mx.controls.TextArea;
private function onComplete():void
list.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_EDIT_END, onEndEdit);
private function onEndEdit(e:ListEvent):void
if (e.reason == ListEventReason.NEW_ROW)
list.editedItemRenderer.data.title = TextArea(e.currentTarget.itemEditorInstance).text;
<mx:List width="100%" editable="true" id="list">
<mx:Object title="Stairway to Heaven" />
<mx:Text height="100" text="{data.title}"/>
<mx:TextArea height="100" text="{data.title}"/>
Looks like the keypress of [enter] is being handled by your lists default function rather than your item renderers. Not sure what the exact code to fix that is, but I would think you would need to extend the list control that would nix the function when the user presses [enter]
Think you can use the "editorUsesEnterKey" of List.as (line 544 Flex3.5)
A flag that indicates whether the item editor uses Enter key.

how to have a link in a datagrid and to pop up a window on clicking the link in flex?

I have a datagrid with different types of columns, like I have checkboxes, combo boxes and text Inputs as the column types.
Now I want one of the column type to a link, with the label "view". All the rows in that column are link with the same label "View" and on clicking it, I want a Pop up window to be opened?
This is my code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:VBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" width="100%" height="100%">
private var defectDetails:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([ ]);
private function addDefect():void{
defectDG.height += 30;
private function defectCommentsPopUp():void{
var helpWindow:defectCommentsLookUp=defectCommentsLookUp(PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, defectCommentsLookUp, true));
<mx:DataGrid id="defectDG" dataProvider="{defectDetails}" variableRowHeight="true" width="100%" height="75" >
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Select" dataField="Select" itemRenderer="mx.controls.CheckBox" width="50" textAlign="center" />
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Defect Id" dataField="DefectId" itemRenderer="mx.controls.TextInput" textAlign="center"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Status" dataField="Status" itemRenderer="mx.controls.ComboBox" textAlign="center"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Severity" dataField="Severity" itemRenderer="mx.controls.ComboBox" textAlign="center" />
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Comment History" dataField="CommentHistory" itemRenderer="mx.controls.Text" textAlign="center" headerWordWrap="true" />
<mx:Button styleName="buttonStyle" label="Add New Defect" click="addDefect()"/>
I didn't know how to bring a link in the datagrid. So used the Text control to display the "View" label. Now If I click this item, "View" in the datagrid, I want the Pop up function, i.e.,defectCommentsPopUp() to be called.
How to do this?
Assign values to commentHistory that would help to identify the row.
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="commentHistory">
<mx:Label text="View" click="outerDocument.onViewClick(data)"/>
in the script:
private function onViewClick(item:Object):void
//item contains the commentHistory value of the clicked row.
