Messagebox in ASP.NET 3.5 with AJAX -

I have a ASP.NET 3.5 web site with an AJAX update panel. I simply need to process some server side code and then issue a user prompt that says "Code processing complete".
I know there is supposed to be support for Msgbox-esque methods in ASP.NET but I can't find them and any other JavaScript based solutions don't work effectively when you have an update panel.

Couldn't find a direct example for this, so you can see how this is being used, and change it for your needs. On the client, there is a get_isInAsyncPostback() method to check if an updatepanel will be performing an async postback.
This link shows you how to cancel an update:
Using the themes in this, instead of the beginRequest, you can tap into the endRequest event, and if an async postback, you can post an alert here. This assumes that the code works successfully, which are you adding that detection?

MsgBox doesn't exist, but look at the javascript alert() function. That'll popup the message for you.
here is a link with more information on javascript popups
If you want to inject javascript from the server-side code, you can use this:
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, Page.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "alert('Code processing complete.');",True)

Related postback with jquery ajax and jquery dialog

We have a method on an page that is called on a button click. The problem is that the method take a long time to process. I've been asked to have the page call the method (or call the postback) and then display the jquery.ui dialog which will let the user know that this process could take a long time. I'm looking at serializing the form and doing a $.post() but to be honest I'm completely stuck on whether this will even work and how I can prevent the actual postback from happening and just displaying the dialog. Has anyone had any experience with doing this that can give me some pointers?
I found this but I'm not sure if it's a bit OTT. The article is a little long winded.
Hope someone can help.
That would be easier if you can use an UpdatePanel (which basically boils down to ASP.NET's way of doing what you're considering with the $.post(), but automatically gets the ASP.NET specific stuff right).
Then, you can do something simple like this:
You can send a post request through javascript (AJAX) without using's ajax framework. So in other words do it manually. Ajax would be perfect in this case, because you are trying to show loading indicators on the front-end while you are waiting for a response from the server.
To do this, take the logic out of your button_click method and put it in a separate page (text.aspx see below). Then you can call that page like this (using JQuery):
$.post("test.aspx", function(data){
alert("Data Loaded: " + data);
If you can't use JQuery in your project, see: AJAX

JQuery with 3.5 and doing post/call backs

I currently have a simple form that when you click the "save" button will persist it to the database.
I would like to use JQuery to do the callback for me and popup a "Save completed" div window/div of some sort.
My only problem is how do I call the btnSave_Click() event from JQuery?
If I use PageMethods the method would have to be static and therefore lose access to my textboxes and other page controls?
Are you explicitly trying to avoid passing the values of the input controls? because that would be much easier.
Using a lightweight jQuery call to do the post but then expecting a full control hierarchy in the code behind to pull data out? What's the intent here? If you require that, it would probably be easier just to submit the page, and register javascript to run to pop the success message up on load.
Personally, I think the page method route and $.ajax or $.post is a much cleaner, separate way to solve the issue. That way you can just show the popup as part of the success callback.
You can use onClientClick
Have a look at the jQuery Form Plugin, it can change existing forms into Ajax forms.
You need to set __EVENTTARGET to the id of the control that you want to simulate causing the postback if you want to use the same handler. I seem to recall having to replace the underscores with dollar signs as well, but I could be wrong on that. The hidden inputs, __EVENTTARGET and __EVENTARGUMENT, are used by the framework to identify which control caused the postback. There's a nice discussion of the server side issues in this blog post, though it doesn't talk about AJAX. Google for __EVENTTARGET and postback for more info.

ASP.NET button and Jquery works together?

I have an ASP button, when I click this button, first I want to run code behind progress such as data delete, update..
After this progress, I want to runJquery function related this button.
How can I do that?
Your server-side event handler can call ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript to invoke jQuery in the browser.
If I interpret your question correctly, you want to post back to the server so you can run your code, and when you return, you want to run some jquery. Is that correct?
If so, you'll need to inject some jquery into the response after you do your work.
So your code-behind will delete a record or run an update, then write some jquery to the response which will run when the page is built on the client. You might want to use the Page.RegisterStartupScript method to do this.
An alternative is to go down the ajax route, but that's a bit more complicated.

How do I temporarily convert an ASP.NET Ajax form to not use partial page updates?

I need the ability to temporarily turn off the partial page update behavior for an ASP.NET Ajax / UpdatePanel based page. (The reason is to circumvent the issue where IE blocks "automatic file downloads" for downloads generated as a result of this postback, but I don't want to distract from my original question)
I looked at the client side javascript libraries hoping to find a switch somewhere. I think a solution might involve using javascript to override the 'onclick' event handler for the control that acts as the trigger, and then calling "submit" on the form itself..
Also, using the EnablePartialRendering property on the server-side ScriptManager control won't work because that is done when the page is being built. I need to be able to do this as a result of switching a drop down list box.
Any ideas?
/ Sean
Well, after much trial and error, I found two approaches that seemed to work:
Use Javascript to manually submit the top level form associated with the page. This usually has the ID of "form1".
Create a button that is outside of any UpdatePanels and use Javascript to click the button.
I wound up using the second approach, since it allowed me to handle the event with a specific routine without the need to guess that my postback came from a Javascript call.
This is an example of the code that performed the postback:
if (isDownload) {
Hope this helps someone else!
You can set the EnablePartialRendering property of your ScriptManager to false.

How do you call a Javascript function from an ASPX control event?

How do you call a Javascript function from an ASPX control event?
Specifically, I want to call the function from the SelectedIndexChanged event of a DropDownList.
I get a little nervous whenever I see this kind of question, because nine times out of ten it means the asker doesn't really understand what's going on.
When your SelectedIndexChanged event fires on the server, it fires as part of a full postback. That means that for that code to run, the entire rest of your page's load code also had to run.
More than that, the code runs as the result of a new http request from the browser. As far as the browser is concerned, an entirely new page is coming back in the result. The old page, and the old DOM, are discarded. So at the time your SelectedIndexChanged event code is running, the javascript function you want to call doesn't even exist in the browser.
So what to do instead? You have a few options:
Change the page so the control doesn't post back to the server at all. Detect the change entirely in javascript at the client. This is my preferred option because it avoids odd onload scripts in the browser page and it saves work for your server. The down side is that it makes your page dependent on javascript, but that's not really a big deal because if javascript is disabled this was doomed from the beginning.
Set your desired javascript to run onload in the SelectedIndexChanged event using the ClientScript.SetStartupScript().
Apply the expected results of your javascript to the server-model of the page. This has the advantage of working even when javascript is turned off (accessibility), but at the cost of doing much more work on the server, spending more time reasoning about the logical state of your page, and possibly needing to duplicate client-side and server-side logic. Also, this event depends on javascript anyway: if javascript is disabled it won't fire.
Some combination of the first and third options are also possible, such that it uses javascript locally if available, but posts back to the server if not. Personally I'd like to see better, more intuitive, support for that built into ASP.Net. But again: I'm talking about the general case. This specific event requires javascript to work at all.
As Muerte said you have to just put the javascript, or a call to it on the page from the code behind. Personally I use this:
ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock("customscript", "<script>simple script here</script>")
Of you can call the function if you already have a more complex one on the page instead of the stuff I have.
You can't do it directly from an event, because ASPX control event is server side.
What you can do is emit a Javascript in the ASPX event which will call the JavaScript function when the page reloads.
For example, if in your ASPX page you have a Javascript function called "DoSomething()", in you ASPX control event, add the following:
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "myEvent", "DoSomething()", true);
The last boolean parameter defines that tags are added automatically.
In the code behind, attach some markup to the server side control via its attributes collection. This assumes that the function is already in a client script file that is already available to the page.
MyServerDDLControl.Attributes.Add("SelectedIndexChanged", "MyClientSideFunction();");

