ASP.NET UserControl not defined? -

I've just inherited an app that utilizes usercontrols in a couple ways which I'm not too familiar with. The problem I have right now is that when I attempt to publish this code base, I get a few errors which boil down to where some referenced usercontrols are not defined. Here's an example of one line:
Private clientControl As New ASP.usercontrols_clientcontrol_ascx
This is a tab strip usercontrol which references other usercontrols to dynamically create the tabs. Now, on the surface I get what is going on here...but the compiler is not accepting this. This tab strip usercontrol is in the root of the project, and the other usercontrols are in a sub folder.
error BC30002: Type 'ASP.usercontrols_clientcontrol_ascx' is not defined.
I'm sure this is 101 stuff here, but the build works and the publish fails. Any direction would be appreciated.

Try registering your control at the page you are adding it to.
<%# Register src="usercontrols_clientcontrol_ascx" tagname="usercontrols_clientcontrol" tagprefix="uc1" %>

I don't know if this is the right solution, but had the exact same issue and was able to get it to publish by unchecking the
Allow precompiled site to be updatable
option when publishing. This was in Visual Studio 2008.

If you remove the x:name element in the original XAML does it work?


Type or namespace could not be found only on a publish

I have a web solution with Visual Studio 2010 and ASP.Net 4.0. In this solution there is a web site as well as a class library.
I added a new User Control to the site and was able to build everything. I was even able to publish with the new control. The issue arises when I try to reference the class name of that control in a different part of code. When I do this, I still am able to build / rebuild the entire solution. But when I try to publish, I get the error "type or namespace name could not be found."
When we publish, we always UNCHECK the box "Allow this precompiled site to be updatable" and we always CHECK the box "Use fixed naming and single page assemblies."
If I do a publish and UNCHECK the box "Use fixed naming and single page assemblies" it will publish just fine. But for some reason I can not get it to publish with that box CHECKED which is what I need to be able to do.
I have tried:
Cleaning the solution
Restarting Visual Studio
Restarting Computer
Clearing out .net temp files folder
Recreating the control
Putting everything in website into a namespace
Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.
I figured it out. I was adding this new control dynamically. But I didn't realize it also needed registered on the page that I am using it on. After registering the control, everything worked as expected
When you want to use your web user control dynamically, as you use other .net controls like textbox, label etc. you need to follow these steps.
(1) Add a ClassName property in your control directive as below (in ascx file)
<%# Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="CustomControl.ascx.cs"
Inherits="CustomControl" ClassName="CustomControl" %>
Note : Make sure the ClassName & Inherits both are same as class name in the CS file.
(2) Add a Reference directive on the page where you want to use your web user control dynamically
<%# Reference Control="~/usercontrol/CustomControl.ascx" %>
Note : Reference directive is different then Register directive.
(3) Now you can add your user control dynamically anywhere on your page like below
ASP.CustomControl cuCtrl = (ASP.CustomControl)LoadControl("~/usercontrol/CustomControl.ascx");
//add dynamically created custom control to an existing panel or any container control on your page
Note : You can always include the ASP namespace in the using ;)
After this, you should not face any problem publishing even when checking the Allow this precomplied site to be updatable option.
I figured it out. I was adding this new control dynamically. But I didn't realize it also needed registered on the page that I am using it on. After registering the control, everything worked as expected.
I tried that and still have the same problem when publishing, either with reference tag or register tag it doesn't publish. Only way to work by now is to uncheck the "updatable site"

'txtName' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level

After putting a textbox on my page when I compile it I get the above error:
'txtName' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
This is happening when I try to read the value of the textbox in the codebehind page.
I'm not sure what's causing this...any ideas?
In the aspx file I have:
<%# Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="signup.aspx.vb" Inherits="signup" %>
In the codebehind aspx.vb file I have:
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Partial Class signup
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
Ok, I have this resolved now. It was becuase I had renamed a copy of the .aspx file and which still using the newer versions code behind file.
The code behind file was looking for txtName.text but on the older version of the .aspx file txtName didnt exist!
I have excluded the older version of the page from the project and it appears to run ok now.
Thanks everyone for you help.
Is the textbox directly on the page? Also what type of project is that? Is it a web application or web site opened from file system? If it's a Web Application, the designer may have failed to update YourPage.aspx.designer.cs file. Check that file to make sure you have a definition for txtName something like:
protected global::System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox txtName;
If its not there, delete .design.cs file, right click on the page and choose "Convert To Web Application. This will recreate .design.cs file correctly.
May be this is missing in the textbox declaration:
I had a different cause for the exact same error and it is similar to what the OP found but not quite. My page.aspx.designer.vb got out of sync and had an error. One of my controls was being defined twice (I think because I copy/pasted an existing control without editing the ID before pasting). Once I deleted the 2nd declaration I could build and the errors were gone. Interestingly, VS 2010 SP1 didn't list THAT error along with the others resulting from the lack of that page building. Hope this helps someone else.
The way the classes are ordered is that your page's generated class inherits from your codebehind class - they're not partials, and it's not the other way around. This means that your codebehind class has no knowledge of the controls you've placed on the page. If you want access to a property that you declare in the page itself you need to declare it in the codebehind class first:
protected TextBox txtName;
You can then access this member in the codebehind file. This will get wired up correctly to match your control in the page.
I have had that problem before. Not sure what caused it. But by deleting the offending textbox and adding it again it fixed it.
I've gotten this error when the class in the code behind doesn't specify Public. Try this:
Partial Public Class signup <-------------Make sure the Public keyword is there
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
End Class
This is what happened at my case.
-I have declared the variable at behind code
Protected Friend sMessage As String = ""
-Then the aspx : <%=sMessage%>
this case appears (visual studio 2015 - asp webform project)
Then I try to :
-clean solution
Then the problem is gone
If the clean solution and rebuild does not work
try to clean the obj directory
If the variable is asp component
make sure runat="server" at the aspx file
I got this issue, by removing runat="server" attribute from a div, even though I was not accessing the div on server side. The problem lied in the fact that on client side I was trying access the ClientID of the div like this $('#<%=divMultipleDaysOptions.ClientID%>').
I had the same problem when I changed my website from 3.5 to 4.0.
To solve the problem I recreated the entire website in 4.0 page by page, making sure all pages have the same names.
I copied page contents for each page leaving out the top line that starts with <%# from the 3.5 website to the 4.0 website.
I copied all the code in the page class in the code behind for for each page from the 3.5 to the 4.0 website.
I got similar error but scenario was different. Scenario: I have added existing page to my solution in a folder so i had to change the values for some properties (Inherits) in Page tag of html file. When i changed the folder structure in Inherits property i made a mistake and that caused this error. When the folder structure is different the code behind file file will not be able to access the control in .aspx file. So friends, when you get this kind of error please have a look at Inherits property value (i.e, folder structure is correct).
Another possible scenario is if the class name in the Page.aspx.vb file differs from the class name in the Page.aspx.designer.vb file. These need to be identical.
I had a similar problem after adding controls to a web sete originally written in VS 2008 .Net 3.5 to VS 2010 .Net 4 After adding controls, I got the same error. When I looked at the .designer.vb file for the page, the added controls were not there. The problem was resolved by just adding the controls to the bottom of the file like:
Protected WithEvents lblApprove As Global.System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label

Sharepoint question about UserControl on WebPart

I added UserControl Webpart on the site and got this error:
error CS0117: 'ASP._60b6ad6d_6998_4413_8d26_f07e4e897ce8_1417418301' does not contain a definition for 'btnPressMe_Click'
It is very simple user control.
Going out on a limb I'd say you have a button in your user control that you double clicked in the visual designer, creating a default event handler for it, and at some point you removed the generated method stub from your code behind.
Or, going out on another limb, you have updated the ASCX with your button and replaced it in the 12 hive but did not build and replace the associated DLL in the GAC or Bin folder.
This might be a long shot, but maybe there's an error in the directives of the user control?
See the Directive Syntax at MSDN
Oh, and here is a link to the MSDN page of the Compiler Error CS0117.

Ambiguous Reference

In my WAP project, every .aspx's code-behind and designer share the same namespace. For example my Main.Master.cs and Main.designer.cs are both in the OurCompany.Web namespace by default.
When I go to another .aspx page and use the following, I get an "Ambiguous reference" error because it can't decide if I'm talking about my code-behind or designer file of that master page
<%# MasterType TypeName="OurCompany.Web.Main" %>
but by default this is the way VS creates .aspx pages so should I really care?
The designer files are all marked as "partial" classes so they don't get compiled into their own types.
My guess is that you really do have 2 classes called "OurCompany.Web.Main". A tool like Reflector would let you browser your DLLs so you could tell for sure.
This just happened to me, your problem is the JIT compilation creating temporary "copies" of your assemblies in a temp directory.
Make sure every namespace/partial class declaration is "tight", check for incorrect class names, wrong namespaces.
The problem "just went away" for me as well. Recreating or cleaning the solution will probably do it. Wish I could be more helpful but going cleaning up the source, both manually and with the right click menu probably helped.
I'm guessing you have a master page and a web form page with the same name on the code behind class. And this will prevent your site from working correctly (if it works at all).
I'd go through my aspx.cs files and looking for the class name main (find should work here). I bet you will find two files with the name. You will have to change one of them to something else. Just make sure you also change the Inherits in the .aspx page and the .designer.cs class name.

Getting namespace name not found for user control

So I'm having problems when I try to publish the website.
I'm in visual studio 2008 sp1.
I've got a bunch of user controls and on a few pages I'm using them programatically.
I've got a reference on the aspx page
<%# Reference Control="~/UserControls/Foo.ascx" %>
Then on the code behing I use
ASP.usercontrols_foo newFoo control = (ASP.usercontrols_foo)Page.LoadControl("~/UserControls/Foo.ascx");
If I navigate to the page it works fine, but when I goto publish the website I get a compile time error.
Argh, I'm bleeding development hours on this same issue. Does anyone have a solution to this ?
BTW: It builds if you uncheck "Allow this precompiled site to be updatable" (Right-click on the website, choose Property Pages, MSBuild Option)
But I need the site to be updatable.
I had this same problem - actually, in my case I could get it to compile and build my website, but it would blow up spectacularly when doing an automated build.
Try replacing your code as follows:
ASP.usercontrols_foo newFoo control = (ASP.usercontrols_foo)Page.LoadControl("~/UserControls/Foo.ascx");
USERCONTROLS_Foo newFoo control = (USERCONTROLS_Foo)Page.LoadControl("~/UserControls/Foo.ascx");
(Capitalization will be based on how you capitalized your directory name/control name - but in either case should highlight appropriately).
Specify a namespace for user control (see Dynamically Load a user control (ascx) in a website ).
I've found a solution for it. If i'll declare controls in user defined namespace, then I can use controls directly without using ASP or referencing it into aspx page.
It may have something to do with the specific type not being available. Can you change the control reference so the type and cast just use the base Control class:
Control control = Page.LoadControl("~/UserControls/Foo.ascx");
Yes, I can cast it to Control. But then I lose direct access to the methods on the usercontrol.
I know that I can access the methods by reflecting into the control, and I've successfully done that but that's far from ideal to access all the other user controls on the site.
Also, the follow-up error is that it cant find the usercontrols that on the markup
<%# Register src="CategoryRows.ascx" tagname="CategoryRows" tagprefix="abc" %>
<abc:CategoryRows ID="CategoryRows" runat="server" />
Note that I can run the site successfully both locally and on the server if I essentially XCopy the entire site (source code and all). But Publish fails.
Casting the user control may create many problem .my approach is to create a class (say control Class) put all the properties and method you need after casting and inherit this class from System.Web.UI.UserControl .Then in your user cotrol code file instead of System.Web.UI.UserControl user this control class .
now when ever you need casting cast with this class only . it will be light casting as well.
Please check:
Do you have any website.publishproj file?
If it exists, then delete and try again and publish code.
