Automake: how to handle global and local 'make check' effectively? - automated-tests

In a larger project, I have set up ./tests/ to run a number of tests when I call make check. The file global_wrapper.c contains the setup / breakdown code, and it calls test functions implemented in several subdirectories.
TESTS = global_test
check_PROGRAMS = global_test
global_test_SOURCES = global_wrapper.c foo/foo_test.c bar/bar_test.c
Works great. But the tests take a long time, so I would like to be able to optionally execute only tests from a single subdir. This is how I did it at first.
I added the subdirectories:
SUBDIRS = foo bar
In the subdirectories, I added local wrappers and's:
TESTS = foo_test
check_PROGRAMS = foo_test
# the foo_test.c here is of course the same as in the global
foo_test_SOURCES = foo_wrapper.c foo_test.c
This, too, works great - when I call make check in the subdirectory foo, only the foo tests are executed.
However, when I now call make check in ./tests, all tests are executed twice. Once through global_test, and once through the local test programs.
If I omit the SUBDIRS statement in the global, the subdirectory makefiles don't get build. If I omit TESTS from the local's, make check doesn't do anything for the local directories.
I'm not that familiar with automake, but I am pretty sure there is some way to solve this dilemma. Can anybody here give me a hint?

Break your tests up. In your tests/ do:
TESTS = foo_test bar_test
and build foo_test bar_test appropriately with something like
foo_test_SOURCES = foo/foo_wrapper.c foo/foo_test.c
bar_test_SOURCES = bar/bar_wrapper.c bar/bar_test.c
Now, if you do a raw 'make check', both tests will be run. If you only want to run one test, you can do that with 'make check TESTS=foo_test' or 'make check TESTS=bar_test' and only the appropriate test will run. Typically, the lists all the tests that will be run by default in TESTS and the user selects alternate tests at make-time. Naturally, if you are running the tests a lot, you can 'export TESTS=foo_test' in your shell session and then only type 'make check'.

Can't you remove from "global_test" any test that is already executed in a subdirectory? (Just so they simply don't get executed twice.)

I think you could maybe overwrite the check rule at the top-level to define an environment variable:
DISABLE_SUBTESTS=1 make check-recursive
and then test DISABLE_SUBTESTS in your sub-directories to decide whether to actually run the tests or not.
(Personally, I'd rather arrange to work in the existing make check framework by concealing the output of my tests, rather than overwriting the produced rules like this.)


OpenMDAO adding command line args for ExternalCodeComp that won't results in runtime error

In OpenMDAO V3.1 I am using an ExternalCodeComp to execute a CFD code. Typically, I would call it as such:
mpirun nodet_mpi --design_run
If the above call is made in the appropriate directory, then it will find the appropriate run file and execute the CFD run. I have tried command args for the ExternalCodeComp;
execute = ['mpirun', 'nodet_mpi', '--design_run']
execute = ['mpirun', 'nodet_mpi --design_run']
execute = ['mpirun nodet_mpi --design_run']
I either get an error such as:
RunTimeError: 255, execvp error on file "nodet_mpi --design_run" (No such file or directory)
Or that the command cannot be found.
Is there any way to setup the execute statement to include commandline args for the flow solver when an input file is not defined?
Thanks in advance!
One detail in your question seems incorrect, you state that you have tried execute = "...". The ExternalCodeComp uses an option called command. I will assume that you are using the correct option in your code.
The most correct form to use is the list with all arguments as single entries in the list:
self.options['command'] = ['mpirun', 'nodet_mpi', '--design_run']
Your error msg seems to indicate that the directory that OpenMDAO is running in is not the same as the directory you would like to execute the CFD code from. The absolute simplest solution would be to make sure that you are in the correct directory via cd in the terminal window before executing your python script.
However, there is likely a reason that your python script is in a different place so there are other options I can suggest:
You can use a combination of os.getcwd() and os.chdir() inside the compute method that you have implemented to make sure you switch into and out of the working directory for the CFD code.
If you would like to, you can modify the entries of the list you've assigned to the self.options['command'] option on the fly within your compute method. You would again be relying on some of the methods in the os module for help. os.path.exists can be used to test if the specific input files you need exist or not, and you can modify the command option accordingly.
For option 2, code would look something like this:
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
if os.path.exists('some_input.file'):
self.options['command'] = ['mpirun', 'nodet_mpi', '--design_run']
self.options['command'] = ['mpirun', 'nodet_mpi', '--design_run', '--other_options']
# the parent compute function actually runs the external code
super().compute(inputs, outputs)

Defining setup, teardown and variable in argumentfile in robotframework

Basically 2 issues:
1. I plan to execute multiple test cases from argument file. The structure would look like that:
How should i define a suite setup and teardown for all those test cases executed from file (-A file)?
From what i know:
a) I could execute it in file with 1st and last test case, but the order of test cases may change so it is not desired.
b) provide it in init.robot and put it somewhere without test cases only to get the setup and teardown. This is because if I execute:
robot -i SOME_TAG -A argumentfile /path/to/init
and the init is in test_case folder it will execute the test_cases with a specific tag + those in a folder twice.
Is there any better way? Provide it, for example, in argumentfile?
2 How to provide PATH variable in argumentfiles in robotframework?
I know there is possibility to do:
--variable PATH:some/path/to/files
but is it not for test suite env?
How to get that variable to be visible in the file itself: ${PATH}/test_case_1.robot
For your 2nd question, you could create a temporary environment variable that you'd then use. Depending on the OS you're using, the way you'll do this will be different:
set TESTS_PATH=some/path/here
robot -t %TESTS_PATH%/test_case_1.robot
export TESTS_PATH="some/path/here"
robot -t $TESTS_PATH/test_case_1.robot
PS: you might want to avoid asking multiple, different questions in the same thread

How to force robot framework to pick robot files in sequential order?

I have robot files in a folder (tests) as shown below:
Now if I execute '/root/users1/power$ pybot root/user1/tests' command, robot files are running in following order:
I want to force robot_framework to pick robot files in sequential order, like 1,2,3,4,5....
Do we have any option for this?
If you have the option of renaming your files, you just need to make sure that the prefix is sortable. For numbers, that means they should all have the same number of digits.
I recommend renaming your test cases to have three or four digits for the prefix:
With that, they will sort in the order that you expect.
Following #Emna answer, RF docs ( ) provides some solution.
So what could you do:
rename all the files to have consecutive and computer numbering (001-test.robot instead of 1-test.robot). This may break any internal references to other files (resources), hard to add test in-between,error prone when execution order needs to be changed
you can tag it as Emna
idea from RF docs - write a script to create argument file which will keep ordering in proper way and use it as argument to robot execution. For 1000+ files it should not take longer than few seconds.
try to design tests to not be dependent from execution order, use suite setup instead.
good luck ;)
Tag the tests as foo and bar so you can run each test separately:
pybot -i foo tests
pybot -i bar tests
and decide the order you want
pybot -i bar tests || pybot -i foo tests

Watir webdriver - Passing variable to multiple tests?

I have 50+ Watir test scripts which currently just check a specific URL which is defined inside each of them.
Now we are launching 4 more sites and would like to run these tests on all 5 sites. To maintain 5 packs of 50+ tests would be a nightmare in the future.
Is there a way I can pass a variable to all of the individual tests with the URL to visit.
For example
url = ""
That way if we want to then test site 2 we just need to change the url variable and not every single script.
url = ""
Example test:
require "watir-webdriver"
browser = :chrome
browser.goto ""
browser.text_field(:id, "edit-search").set("Accounting")
browser.button(:value,"Search").click, "Accounting Manager with a leading US MNC").click, "Apply").click
browser.text_field(:id, "edit-firstname").set("hi2")
browser.text_field(:id, "edit-lastname").set("hi")
browser.text_field(:id, "edit-email").set("")
browser.text_field(:id, "edit-current-job").set("Test"), "edit-use-stored").click, "edit-existing-cv-319706").click
browser.text_field(:id, "edit-message").set("Testing")
browser.checkbox(:id, "edit-create-alert").click
browser.button(:value,"Apply").click '..\screenshots\ApplyWithAlertNonRegistered.png', "Home").click
While I would recommend moving to an actual test framework, I think the following approaches would work for your situation.
Solution 1 - Pass Value From Batch to Test
In a test script, you can get the parameters passed in from the batch file using the ARGV array.
In your batch file, you could define the URL and then pass to the test script as a parameter.
ruby test_example1.rb %URL%
ruby test_example2.rb %URL%
Your tests would get the ARGV[0] value and go to it:
browser.goto ARGV[0]
For each test run, you would need to update the batch for the correct url.
Solution 2 - Specify URL in a Helper File
An alternative solution would be to specify the url in a variable that is included by each test. This is probably a better approach, especially if there are multiple variables.
Create a test_helper.rb file with:
url = ""
For each of your test scripts, require this test_helper file and use the url variable:
require "watir-webdriver"
require "test_helper" #(Change path if not in the same folder)
browser = :chrome
browser.goto url
Before each test run, update the test_helper.rb file to point to the correct url.
I like Justin's answer, but another option is Fig Newton. It allows you to change multiple variables depending on the system that you are running on (localhost, on jenkins, UAT, whatever).
Justin - in the test_helper file, would it be possible to set the browser type (chrome, ie, or ff) and pass that variable into each test script; so, if I wanted to change the browser, I would only have to change it in the test_helper file rather than having to go into each test script to change?
If possible, how would this look in the test_helper file and test scripts?
test_helper: type = ff
test script: browser = :type

cmake: Working with multiple output configurations

I'm busy porting my build process from msbuild to cmake, to better be able to deal with the gcc toolchain (which generates much faster code for some of the numeric stuff I'm doing).
Now, I'd like cmake to generate several versions of the output, stuff like one version with sse2, another with x64, and so on. However, cmake seems to work most naturally if you simply have a bunch of flags (say, "sse2_enable", and "platform") and then generate one output based on those platforms.
What's the best way to work with multiple output configurations like this? Intuitively, I'd like to iterate over a large number of flag combinations and rerun the same CMakeLists.txt files for each combination - but of course, you can't express that within the CMakeLists.txt files (AFAIK).
The recommended way to do this is to simply have multiple build directories. From each one you simply call cmake with the required settings.
For example you could do, starting in the base source directory (using Linux shell syntax but the idea is the same):
mkdir build-sse2 && cd build-sse2
cmake .. -DENABLE_SSE2 # or whatever to enable it in your CMakeLists.txt
cd ..
mkdir build-x64 && cd build-x64
cmake .. -DENABLE_X64 # or whatever again...
This way, each build directory is completely separated from each other.
This allows you to have one directory for Debug, another for Release and another for cross-compiling.
There hasn't been much activity here, so I've come up with a workable solution myself. It's probably not ideal, so if you have a better idea, please do add it!
Now, it's hard to iterate over build configs in cmake because cmake's crucial variables don't live in function scope - so, for instance, that means if you do include_directories(X) the X directory will remain in the include list even after the function exits.
Directories do have scope - and while normally each input directory corresponds to one output directory, you can have multiple output directories.
So, my solution looks like this:
set(FooVar 2)
set(FooAnotherVar b)
add_subdirectory("project_dir" "out-2b")
set(FooVar 5)
set(FooAnotherVar c)
add_subdirectory("project_dir" "out-5c")
set(FooVar 3)
set(FooAnotherVar b)
add_subdirectory("project_dir" "out-3b")
set(FooVar 3)
set(FooAnotherVar c)
add_subdirectory("project_dir" "out-3c")
The normal project dir then contains a CMakeLists.txt file with code to set up the appropriate includes and compiler options given the global variables set in the FooAllConfigs project, and it also determines a build suffix that's appended to all build outputs - any even indirectly included output (e.g. as generated by add_executable) must have a unique name.
This works fine for me.
