Running an Website from the root -

I have an Website. the project' content is in a folder called MyWebSite.
When I run my application from Visual Web developer 2008, the browser displays the following address in the address bar:
http: // localhost/ MyWebSite /Default.aspx
I want to be able to run my Website from the following address:
Can anyone help me please?
Thanks in advance.

Since it is already running on IIS, I would just change the Physical Path of the Default Website. The original value for this field is something like below in IIS7.
If you change this field to the path of your MyWebSite folder than you will be able to access the web site from just http://localhost.
I have seen it recommended to change this value from its default as a means of better security. However, I am trying to think of any drawbacks to doing this and the only one I can think of is that hard coding the path might cause some of your other development relative paths to be confusing.

You can go in and change the bindings settings in IIS but I advise against this. If you deploy your site as is, it should resolve correctly on a hosted server (the way you want it). Try this first and see :-)

Create a new website on IIS named MyWebSite, then in Visual Studio do a File->Open->Website. Choose Local IIS and select your website.
Then it will just run it under what ever name you gave the website. In this case you could make it http://MyWebSite/
Note: running Vista and Windows 7 will need elevated privileges.


ASP.NET - Publishing a web site to IIS

What is the difference between publishing a website to {localdrive}\inetpub\wwwroot and anywhere else on the web server e.g. C:\Website.
I have noticed that I am always left with a directory and a website in the IIS console if I publish to {localdrive}\inetpub\wwwroot.
After reading articles on MSDN, I am still unclear of the difference. I realise that there is probably a simpe answer to this, but I cannot find it.
The web path / is already mapped to c:\inetpub\wwwroot, so /abc is mapped to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\abc automatically.
When you publish to c:\website, you need to set up a virtual path manually.
Nothing too much as your website path in IIS can point to any directory. However, that being said always double check your directory permissions and security settings. In addition, I guess if a hacker did compromised your webserver... the default c:\inetpub\wwwroot is well known.
And just for good measure in case you are having issues - check out the Aspnet_regiis.exe tool on MSDN as it usually solves a lot of issues for folks.
{localdrive}\inetpub\wwwroot is usually used for the default web site that comes with IIS.
Additional Microsoft products use the same directory and take advantage of the virtual directories that exist in the default site.
If this is your personal web site, or a web site you created from scratch, you can publish anywhere you want.
Before you publish, you need to make sure IIS knows where the directory will be, and you need to assign the correct permissions for that folder.
The default website in IIS is mapped to C:\inetpub\wwwroot by default, so publishing to wwwroot makes it easy to add applications as virtual directories.
However, you can publish wherever you like, and either point a virtual directory or new website at your publication location. You simply need to make sure user the App Pool is running as (usually IUSR under IIS7, IUSR_MachineName under previous versions) has read/execute permissions on the folder you are publishing to.
Although they say Virtual Directory created by default for your website in wwwroot and you don't have to configure it again. Many times I found we still have to go there and click on Remove and then click on Create button again :)
Thus it is almost no problem if you create your website outside wwwroot, only difference outside you have to give full path of VD and inside you have to click Remove and then Create button
The problem I had was different from all of the above. I was trying to publish in "C:\inetpub\wwwroot" and the publish failed every time. Than i changed the publish folder to another and it worked. When I launched visual studio as administrator I could copy to C:\inetpub\wwwroot also without problems

Run ASP.NET website on local IIS

I'm running Win 7 and I'm trying to get a ASP.NET website, to run under the local IIS. I've set up a virtual directory which points to the folder where the website is. But when I access localhost/[VirtualDir] I get an error from IIS. The error is a 401.3 and relates to not having rights to access the folder (my error message is in danish, so posting the error won't help much...grrrr). I've given IIS_IUSRS full rights to the folder with the code, but I still get the same error.
I've also tried to create a new default website in VS and place it in wwwroot, but I still get the same error.
Anyone who can help?
Best regards,
Steffen Jorgensen
It is probably not the folder permission that are giving you the error, more likely it is the IIS authentication, below is a link with some steps to try.
have you told your project to use IIS in the project settings? The default is the special VS version of IIS (The name just escaped me), but if you'll go into Project Properties -> Web You'll see at the bottom that you want to change to "Use local IIS"

How to set up a application on IIS

I've copied a whole folder which keeps a website inside from a web server to another computer.From the original server I can easily run the web application. Now I need to know what exactly I have to do in order to be able to run the application on the second computer too. I think there are some special considerations with IIS. What and how do I have to set up in IIS?
Follow these steps.
create a new site from left menu By right clicking and add new website.
Give physical path to that folder
Map with the site url
Give permissions to Directory as (like everyone)
Set up the default page if (index page is not present in the directory)
Set framework which ever you are using.
Install the IIS Windows component for whatever version of Windows you're using.
Create a new site in IIS
Point this new site to your web root
Configure DNS for the site (maybe using your hosts file)
There are some considerations to make depending on which version of IIS you are using. It would be helpful to know if you are using 6 or 7.
If you are under 7, you need to copy the site to your IIS directory (typically wwwroot) and then setup the basic settings in IIS by choosing your application pool and such. Application pools are typically (but not always) setup by .Net Framework. You may need to setup your default page and set it as an application. There are many blogs and sites out there that will tell you how to setup this basic functionality but are specific to your application.
For configuring IIS
1. Firstly, in Programs and features go to Turn on and off windows that tick everything under IIS..go to sub folder and tick everything everywhere
Go to Internet Explorer> Setting> Internet Options> Advanced> untick Show friendly http error messages option
Go to IIS manager
a. In default application pool> advanced settings > Set true enable 32-bit program option
b. Go to Asp> setting> expand debugging properties> there will an option of error messages some 2nd last or last option that would be false...set it to true..apply changes
Run vbscript and asp only in Internet Explorer (edge 10 in developer options for pop ups)

IIS 7 - Static Content Attempting Authentication

I have a WebForms application hosted in IIS 7. When I run the site from Visual Studio 2010, my static content all loads perfectly. We have the same site hosted in another production environment and the site works great there also.
However, when I am trying to host the site in a new production environment, it is giving me a status code of 302 Found whenever it attempts to load the static content.
When I open up Chrome's Developer Console and look at the network, it shows this:
This leads me to believe that something in IIS7 is forcing authentication to occur on static content. Is there anything I should check to see what the likely cause of this problem is?
Ok, for whatever reason, I had to add the IUSR user and give it access to Read on my web apps. I am not sure what changed that made this a requirement. If anyone knows, please feel free to add comments.
If you set the same permissions as for wwwroot folder the problem disappears:
Users and IIS_IUSRS - read access

IIS ASP.NET MVC3 doesn't show my website

So I've set up IIS 7.5 to host my ASP.NET MVC website on my own local machine, but when I surf to http://localhost/ I just get this:
Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!
To learn more about ASP.NET MVC visit
A very basic HTML page with only this on it. No CSS or anything.
I haven't used IIS before, so I don't know what settings I need to change in order for this to work, but this is what I've done:
Added a new Site "MySite"
Set the Physical path to the root folder of my project
Tested the settings (everything OK)
Edited the "MySite" Application Pool and set it to .NET framework version v4.0.30319
What else do I need to do to make my website display? Thanks.
EDIT: please read this
I'll give a step-by-step walkthrough of what exactly I do:
1) I create a new ASP.NET MVC3 Razor web project. I don't do anyting but save and build the project.
2) I open IIS Manager
3) I go to Sites -> Add Web Site
4) I fill in following data:
Site Name: MyWebSite
Application Pool: MyWebSite
Physical Path: Visual Studio 2010\Projects\MyOwnProject\MyOwnProject (Project root folder)
Connect as: My PC's login and password. Test Settings is succesful
I leave the rest of the settings as it is and press OK
5) I go the Application Pools and edit the basic settings of MyWebSite to change the .NET framework to the latest version (v4.0.30319)
6) I select MyWebSite and click Browse *:80 (http) to go the web site. It opens up Chrome and I see the following page:
<h2>Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!</h2>
To learn more about ASP.NET MVC visit
That's it. Nothing more. What am I missing here?
That looks like it is working (at least that's an MVC page it is displaying.) Maybe you need to alter your default route in Global.asax.cs to hit a different controller?
Do you have a Layout.cshtml in your shared folder and is your ViewStart pointing to it?
I do remember having an issue like this at one point. I think it has to do with static resources pointing to the root which by default will be pointing to another App in IIS. I'm not sure if this is exactly the issue but what I do is setup an address in my host file for each application. For me the host file is :
You have to run notepad or something as Administrator to edit it and add the following line: MySite
This will allow you to simply navigate to http://mysite without any conflicts. Just double check your IIS setting so that the hostfile address point to the right physical path.
It seems I've fixed it, I don't know how or why this works. But this is what I've done:
In Visual Studio, I went to the Properties of my project. There, in the Web tab, I selected "Use local IIS Web Server", filled in "http://localhost/MyWebSite" and hit "Create Virtual Folder".
Save and build the project and suddenly it worked. However, I am not able to debug my project from Visual Studio now. But when I change the Web configuration back to "Use Visual Studio Development Server" it still works and I can debug again...
Doesn't make too much sense because you should be able to debug from IIS right?
