How can I rotate an Image eg. 180 degrees clockwise using the Matrix
I can use the following code to rotate the image 90 degrees, but it is incremental, meaing
var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.tx = imgControl.content.height;
var bitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(imgControl.content.height, imgControl.content.width);
bitmapData.draw(imgControl.content, matrix);
imgControl.source = new Bitmap( bitmapData);
Each time I run the code the image is rotated +90 degrees.
What I want is not to increment by 90 each time, but explicit say rotate 180, rotate90 and so on.
I am not familiar with the Matrix, but I guess it does real bitmapdata manipulation rather than just eg. rotate the Image component box (arrest me if I am wrong).
If so, I guess I have to reset the image each time I do the rotate command.
Am I missing something?
Thanks in advance for any advice and tips
The matrix does no real bitmapdata manipulation.
It is the bitmap.draw call that draws the rotated image of the imgcontrol.content into the bitmap, after which your code overwrites imgcontrol.content with the rotated image.
So as your code is currently standing, yes, you either have to refresh the image from scratch before every rotation, or you will have to keep track of the rotations in a variable and calculate how many more times you have to rotate to get to the desired rotation.
If you need to do multiple 90 degrees rotation in one step, then replace
matrix.rotate(Math.PI/2 * howmanytimesyouwanttorotateby90degrees);
I've recently been venturing into conversion of 3D points in space to a 2D pixel position on a screen, and almost every single answer I've found has been something like "do X with your world-to-camera matrix, and multiply by your viewport height to get it in pixels".
Now, that's all fine and good, but oftentimes these questions were about programming for video game engines, where a function to get a camera's view matrix is often built into a library and called on-command. But in my case, I can't do that - I need to know how to, given an FOV (say, 78 degrees) and a position and angle (of the format pitch = x, yaw = y, roll = z) it's facing, calculate the view matrix of a virtual camera.
Does anybody know what I need to do? I'm working with Lua (with built-in userdata for things like 3D vectors, angles, and 4x4 matrices exposed via the C interface), if that helps.
I am using gluPerspective
fovw,fovh // are FOV in width and height of screen angles [rad]
zn,zf // are znear,zfar distances from focal point of camera
When using FOVy notation from OpenGL then:
aspect = width/height
fovh = FOVy
fovw = FOVx = FOVy*aspect
so just feed your 4x4 matrix with the values in order defined by notations you use (column or row major order).
I got the feeling you are doing SW render on your own so Do not forget to do the perspective divide!. Also take a look at the matrix link above and also at:
3D graphic pipeline
I'm trying to create a program that creates a custom pattern. I have it so that if sides = 3, it's a triangle 4 = rect and anything else above that has a formula so that, if you really wanted, you could have 25 sides. I'm using lines, rotation and rotation to plant, turn, draw repeat.
angleMeasure = (180 * (sides-2) ) /sides;
//creating the 5+ shape
translate(width/2, height/2); //translating the whole shape/while loop
while(counter < sides){
translate(170,0);//THIS translate is what makes the lines go in the direction they need too.
counter = counter + 1;
This works almost correctly. The last and first lines don't connect. Suggestions? Maybe it's a problem with the math, but println reveals a correct angle measure in degrees. Here's what it looks like:
EDIT: Changed the rotate from rotate(angleMeasure) to rotate(angleMeasure * -1). This rotated the whole shape and made it clear that the angle on the very first line is off. See:
You actually need to turn by angle=360°/sides. And convert this angle into radians.
Thus for a pentagram you need angle=72°. The number you computed is 108, which interpreted as radians is 34 full turns plus an angle of about 67°. This falls 5° short of the correct angle, so that you obtain a somewhat correct picture with slightly too wide inner angles, resulting in the gap (and not a crossing as when the angle were larger than the correct angle).
I am implementing a pan tool in our software's 3D view which is supposed to work much like the grab tool of, say, Photoshop or Acrobat Reader. That is, the point the user grabs onto with the mouse (clicks and holds, then moves the mouse) stays under the mouse cursor as the mouse moves.
This is a common paradigm and one that's been asked about on SO before, the best answer being to this question about the technique in OpenGL. There is another that also has some hints, and I have been reading this very informative CodeProject article. (It doesn't explain many of its code examples' variables etc, but from reading the text I think I understand the technique.) But, I have some implementation issues because my 3D environment's navigation is set up quite differently to those articles, and I am seeking some guidance.
My technique - and this might be fundamentally flawed, so please say so - is:
The scene 'camera' is stored as two D3DXVECTOR3 points: the eye position and a look point. The view matrix is constructed using D3DXMatrixLookAtLH like so:
const D3DXVECTOR3 oUpVector(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // Keep up "up", always.
D3DXMatrixLookAtLH(&m_oViewMatrix, &m_oEyePos, &m_oLook, &oUpVector);
When the mouse button is pressed, shoot a ray through that pixel and find: the coordinate (in unprojected scene / world space) of the pixel that was clicked on; the intersection of that ray with the near plane; and the distance between the near-plane point and object, which is the length between those two points. Store this and the mouse position, and the original navigation (eye and look).
// Get the clicked-on point in unprojected (normal) world space
if (Get3DPositionAtMouse(roMousePos, o3DPos)) { // fails if nothing under the mouse
// Mouse location when panning started
m_oPanMouseStartPos = roMousePos;
// Intersection at near plane (z = 0) of the ray from camera to clicked spot
D3DXVECTOR3 oRayVector;
CalculateRayFromPixel(m_oPanMouseStartPos, m_oPanPlaneZ0StartPos, oRayVector);
// Store original eye and look points
m_oPanOriginalEyePos = m_oEyePos;
m_oPanOriginalLook = m_oLook;
// Store the distance between near plane and the object, and the object position
m_dPanPlaneZ0ObjectDist = fabs(D3DXVec3Length(&(o3DPos - m_oPanPlaneZ0StartPos)));
m_oPanOriginalObjectPos = o3DPos;
Get3DPositionAtMouse is a known-ok method which picks a 3D coordinate under the mouse. CalculateRayFromPixel is a known-ok method which takes in a screen-space mouse coordinate and casts a ray, and fills the other two parameters with the ray intersection at the near plane (Z = 0) and the normalised ray vector.
When the mouse moves, cast another ray at the new position, but using the old (original) view matrix. (Thanks to Nico below for pointing this out.) Calculate where the object should be by extending the ray from the near plane the distance between the object and near plane (this way, the original object and new object points should be in parallel plane to the near plane.) Move the eye and look coordinates by this much. Eye and Look are set from their original (when panning started) values, with the difference being from the original mouse and new mouse positions. This is to reduce any precision loss from incrementing or decrementing by granular (integer) pixel movements as the mouse moves, ie it calculates the whole difference in navigation every time.
// Set navigation back to original (as it was when started panning) and cast a ray for the mouse
m_oEyePos = m_oPanOriginalEyePos;
m_oLook = m_oPanOriginalLook;
D3DXVECTOR3 oRayVector;
D3DXVECTOR3 oNewPlaneZPos;
CalculateRayFromPixel(roMousePos, oNewPlaneZPos, oRayVector);
// Now intersect that ray (ray through the mouse pixel, using the original navigation)
// to hit the plane the object is in. Function uses a "line", so start at near plane
// and the line is of the length of the far plane away
D3DXPlaneIntersectLine(&oNew3DPos, &m_oPanObjectPlane, &oNewPlaneZPos, &(oRayVector * GetScene().GetFarPlane()));
// The eye/look difference /should/ be as simple as:
// const D3DXVECTOR3 oDiff = (m_oPanOriginalObjectPos - oNew3DPos);
// But that lags and is slow, ie the objects trail behind. I don't know why. What does
// work is to scale the from-to difference by the distance from the camera relative to
// the whole scene distance
const double dDist = D3DXVec3Length(&(oNew3DPos - m_oPanOriginalEyePos));
const double dTotalDist = GetScene().GetFarPlane() - GetScene().GetNearPlane();
const D3DXVECTOR3 oDiff = (m_oPanOriginalObjectPos - oNew3DPos) * (1.0 + (dDist / dTotalDist));
// Adjust the eye and look points by the same amount, so orthogonally changed
m_oEyePos = m_oPanOriginalEyePos + oDiff;
m_oLook = m_oPanOriginalLook + oDiff;
This diagram is my working sketch for implementing this:
and hopefully explains the above much more simply than the text. You can see a moving point, and where the camera has to move to keep that point at the same relative position. The clicked-on point (the ray from the camera to the object) is just to the right of the straight-ahead ray representing the center pixel.
The problem
But, as you've probably guessed, this doesn't work as I hope. What I wanted to see was the clicked-on object moving with the mouse cursor. What I actually see is that the object moves in the direction of the mouse, but not enough, ie it does not keep the clicked-on point under the cursor. Secondly, the movement flickers and jumps around, jittering by up to twenty or thirty pixels sometimes, then flickers back. If I replace oDiff with something constant this doesn't occur.
Any ideas, or code samples showing how to implement this with DirectX (D3DX, DX matrix order, etc) will be gratefully read.
Commenter Nico below pointed out that when calculating the new position using the mouse cursor's moved position, I needed to use the original view matrix. Doing so helps a lot, and the objects stay near the mouse position. However, it's still not exact. What I've noticed is that at the center of the screen, it is exact; as the mouse moves further from the center, it gets out by more and more. This seemed to change based on how far away the object was, too. By pure 'I have no idea what I'm doing' guesswork, I scaled this by a factor of the near/far plane and how far away the object was, and this brings it very close to the mouse cursor, but still a few pixels away (1 to, say, 30 at the extreme edge of the screen, which is enough to make it feel wrong.)
Here's how i solve this problem.
float fieldOfView = 45.0f;
float halfFOV = (fieldOfView / 2.0f) * (DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
float distanceToObject = // compute the world space distance from the camera to the object you want to pan
float projectionToWorldScale = distanceToObject * tan( halfFov );
Vector mouseDeltaInScreenSpace = // the delta mouse in pixels that we want to pan
Vector mouseDeltaInProjectionSpace = Vector( mouseDeltaInScreenSpace.x * 2 / windowPixelSizeX, mouseDeltaInScreenSpace.y * 2 / windowPixelSizeY ); // ( the "*2" is because the projection space is from -1 to 1)
// go from normalized device coordinate space to world space (at origin)
Vector cameraDelta = -mouseDeltaInProjectionSpace * projectionToWorldScale;
// now translate your camera by "cameraDelta".
Note this works for an field of view apsect ratio of 1, i think you would have to break up the "scale" into separate x and y components if they vertical field of view was different than the horizontal field of view
Also, you mentioned a "look at" vector. I'm not sure how my math would need to change for that since my camera is always looking straight down the z-axis.
One problem is your calculation of the new 3d position. I am not sure if this is the root cause, but you might try it. If it doesn't help, just post a comment.
The problem is that your offset vector is not parallel to the znear plane. This is because the two rays are not parallel. Therefore, if the have the same length behind znear, the distance of the end point to the znear plane cannot be equal.
You can calculate the offset vector with the theorem of intersecting lines. If zNearA and zNearB are the intersection points of the znear plane with ray A and ray B respectively, then the theorem states:
Length(original_position - cam_position) / Length(offset_vector) = Length(zNearA - cam_position) / Length(zNearB - zNearA)
And therefore
offset_vector = Length(original_position - cam_position) / Length(zNearA - cam_position) * (zNearB - zNearA)
Then you can be sure to move on a line that is parallel to the znear plane.
Just try it out and see if it helps.
I need to know what the visible height of a display object will be after I change it's rotationX value.
I have an application that allows users to lay out a floor in 3D space. I want the size of the floor to automatically stretch after a 3D rotation so that it always covers a certain area.
Anyone know a formula for working this out?
EDIT: I guess what I am really trying to do is convert degrees to pixels.
On a 2D plane say 100 x 100 pixels, a -10 degree change on rotationX means that the plane has a gap at the top where it is no longer visible. I want to know how many pixels this gap will be so that I can stretch the plane.
In Flex, the value for the display objects height property remains the same both before and after applying the rotation, which may in fact be a bug.
EDIT 2: There must be a general math formula to work this out rather than something Flash/Flex specific. When viewing an object in 3D space, if the object rotates backwards (top of object somersaults away from the viewer), what would the new visible height be based on degrees of rotation? This could be in pixels, metres, cubits or whatever.
I don't have a test case, but off the top of my head I'd guess something like:
var d:DisplayObject;
var rotationRadians:Number = d.rotationX * Math.PI / 180;
var visibleHeight:Number = d.height * Math.cos(rotationRadians);
This doesn't take any other transformations into account, though.
Have you tried using the object's bounding rectangle and testing that?
var dO:DisplayObject = new DisplayObject();
dO.rotation = 10;
var rect:Rectangle = dO.getRect();
// rect.topLeft.y is now the new top point.
// rect.width is the new width.
// rect.height is the new height.
As to the floor, I would need more information, but have you tried setting floor.percentWidth = 100? That might work.
Have you checked DisplayObject.transform.pixelBounds? I haven't tried it, but it might be more likely to take the rotation into account.
Rotation actually changes DisplayObject's axis's (i.e. x and y axes are rotated). That is why you are not seeing the difference in height. So for getting the visual height and y you might try this.var dO:DisplayObject = new DisplayObject();
var rect1:Rectangle = dO.getRect(dO.parent);
dO.rotation = 10;
var rect2:Rectangle = dO.getRect(dO.parent);
rect1 and rect2 should be different in this case. If you want to check the visual coordinates of the dO then just change dO.parent with root.
See also: Why is my image rotation algorithm not working?
This question isn't language specific, and is a math problem. I will however use some C++ code to explain what I need as I'm not experienced with the mathematic equations needed to express the problem (but if you know about this, I’d be interested to learn).
Here's how the image is composed:
ImageMatrix image;
image[0][0][0] = 1;
image[0][1][0] = 2;
image[0][2][0] = 1;
image[1][0][0] = 0;
image[1][1][0] = 0;
image[1][2][0] = 0;
image[2][0][0] = -1;
image[2][1][0] = -2;
image[2][2][0] = -1;
Here's the prototype for the function I'm trying to create:
ImageMatrix rotateImage(ImageMatrix image, double angle);
I'd like to rotate only the first two indices (rows and columns) but not the channel.
The usual way to solve this is by doing it backwards. Instead of calculating where each pixel in the input image ends up in the output image, you calculate where each pixel in the output image is located in the input image (by rotationg the same amount in the other direction. This way you can be sure that all pixels in the output image will have a value.
output = new Image(input.size())
for each pixel in input:
p2 = rotate(pixel, -angle);
value = interpolate(input, p2)
output(pixel) = value
There are different ways to do interpolation. For the formula of rotation I think you should check
But just to be nice, here it is (rotation of point (x,y) angle degrees/radians):
newX = cos(angle)*x - sin(angle)*y
newY = sin(angle)*x + cos(angle)*y
To rotate an image, you create 3 points:
and rotate that around A. To get the new rotated image you do this:
rotate ABC around A in 2D, so this is a single euler rotation
traverse in the rotated state from A to B. For every pixel you traverse also from left to right over the horizontal line in the original image. So if the image is an image of width 100, height 50, you'll traverse from A to B in 100 steps and from A to C in 50 steps, drawing 50 lines of 100 pixels in the area formed by ABC in their rotated state.
This might sound complicated but it's not. Please see this C# code I wrote some time ago:
rotoZoomer by me
When drawing, I alter the source pointers a bit to get a rubber-like effect, but if you disable that, you'll see the code rotates the image without problems. Of course, on some angles you'll get an image which looks slightly distorted. The sourcecode contains comments what's going on so you should be able to grab the math/logic behind it easily.
If you like Java better, I also have made a java version once, 14 or so years ago ;) ->
Note there's another solution apart from rotation matrices, that doesn't loose image information through aliasing.
You can separate 2D image rotation into skews and scalings, which preserve the image quality.
Here's a simpler explanation
It seems like the example you've provided is some edge detection kernel. So if what you want to is detect edges of different angles you'd better choose some continuous function (which in your case might be a parametrized gaussian of x1 multiplied by x2) and then rotate it according to formulae provided by kigurai. As a result you would be able to produce a diskrete kernel more efficiently and without aliasing.