Wordpress: Editing pages with another editor - wordpress

Relatively simple question, but I can't find the answer: How can I edit static pages (or posts) with my own editor instead of using WordPress? I'm not asking about the details of how to FTP, but instead where can I actually find the pages I created using WordPress in the WordPress directory?

The content of the pages you create are stored in the mySQL database rather than as static files so you cannot just see them if you look through the directory. The software reads out the data from the db when requested and renders it according to various settings.
As for editing your wordpress pages/entries using an external editor, wordpress supports an XML RPC interface which can be used to communicate with it. For an example of an emacs extension to edit WP articles, check out http://www.tolchz.net/2008/01/06/posting-to-wordpress-with-emacs-webloggerel/. I'm sure many other editors have this facility as well (including, I'm led to believe, Microsoft Word).
Finally, if you want to use the web interface but use your own editor for the textboxes where you edit pages/articles, check out the it's all text plugin for Firefox.

Windows Live Writer is an excellent editor for this purpose. The latest version (2011) surprisingly better than the first, which was already more than I expected for a freebie, and a small project team.
Make sure you avoid all the extra "Live" options and just leave the Writer checked for install. And in WP admin settings, enable XML RPC.

wp generates dynamic pages - that means the pages only exist the moment they are requested. You would first need to "statify" them - simply downlowding would do, but there's also plugins that can do this.. Usually needed for optimizing speed/cache
Looking for "wordpress static pages plugin" might help..
PS: this would do the job of making wp 'static'


How to access your wordpress website via code editor?

So I am trying to customize my already running website via custom code
for better user experience etc.
I see a lot of people developing for WordPress via the code editor
and I simply can't find any information on how I can access my website
via a code editor and customize it with customer HTML, CSS, and javascript (or react.js)
and of course, PHP if necessary.
Could anyone please help me where I can find that information?
I would be very grateful!
Not sure exactly what you are looking for, but I go to CPanel on my host and open File Manager. Scroll down to the public_html folder and the web site below that. Select a PHP file and click Edit. Beware, though, that updating the theme will wipe out any changes when taking this approach.

Building a website for a hotel - is WordPress the best idea?

I'm researching to see if building a full website for a hotel be a good idea to do on WordPress.
I read that wordpress is okay but there are better options.
I want to design and code my own front end look to the website, but have the backend on a stable platform that can take all the reservations seamlessly.
My main concern is to be able to have a backup of all the files and easily switch to another server in case something goes wrong.
I can host the website on my server or host with the service you suggest that comes with the platform all together.
Any ideas and/or suggestions are greatly appreciated!
There are other options, no doubt, but yes, it can and is really possible to build it using WordPress as CMS.
If you want to design and code your own theme, you'll need to study the WordPress Theme Structure and, since you'll build it by yourself, you'll also need to develop plugins to create custom post types (aka CPT) to make the hotel management easier on the WP back-end.
About the theme structure, files, child themes and everything, I'd recommend you to read https://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Development
About the plugins development: https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/
About Custom Post Types: https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/post-types/registering-custom-post-types/
About the backup: it's super easy and you can even make a full backup using free plugins via back-end. But if the site goes down you can easily do it via FTP downloading only wp-content folder and the database. It's really simple to migrate from one WordPress to another, or from host to host.
About the hosting, you'll need to use a server if you want to build this project. There's a difference between wordpress.com and wordpress.org
The .com is simpler, you are not able to build everything you want. The .org is the open source project, which you get the files, upload to your server and connect to database (MariaDB or MySQL). Most hosts offer automatic installation for WordPress and, from there, you can change whatever you want and need.
Note: many developers create CPTs INSIDE the theme's code, but this is not recommended by WP as you can see in We recommend that you put custom post types in a plugin rather than a theme. This ensures that user content remains portable even if they change their theme.
WP is not really hard, after 1 week studying you'll see yourself getting over most difficulties. Even if it takes longer, don't give up. There's a huge community to help you with WP questions.
Hope it helps and I'm sorry my bad writing, I'm not an english native speaker.
C ya

Uploading unpermmited filetypes for virtual products on woocommerce

I would like to sell an eBook on my website. I'm using WordPress and the shop uses woo commerce, which I just switched over to.
The problem is, the eBook comes in a folder, which is not so simple to upload and sell. If I upload an .exe file, I get the message "Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons" and there are certain files in the eBook folder which generate the same error.
I can use WinRAR or similar to compress it and then upload it that way, but I can't assume my users will have the technical ability to know what to do with it once downloaded.
The alternatives I came up with:
I have an install (.exe) file which is easy to download and use - it simply extracts everything and leaves shortcuts.
Ideally I would like to upload the entire folder and have the user be able to download the whole thing at once but, even if I could upload it, it doesn't seem possible to select an entire folder but only individual files - I would be really grateful if someone knew of a way to do this!
I'm yet to find a workable solution so any help would be much appreciated.
Edit: Should have added this is for interactive eBooks, not a simple pdf, unfortunately.
You are hitting WordPress' internal restrictions on file / mime types for adding anything to their Media Library.
This plugin should allow you to add .exe as a valid mime type.
More details from the WordPress forum:
The underlying WordPress function called get_allowed_mime_types is used which is filterable and can be customized based on your needs via the WordPress provided filter named upload_mimes which is documented here: https://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Filter_Reference/upload_mimes
Thanks, WilltheWebMechanic. Your post helped me fix the issue without reverting to an older version of Woocommerce.
If anyone else is wary of the functions.php file like I am, you can use a plugin for it.
This is the one I used, and it seems nice and stable. Plus, it’s compatible with Woocommerce, which is why I chose it: https://wordpress.org/plugins/enhanced-media-library/
Once it’s installed, you can just add your file type to the ‘Mime’ section of the plugin.
I just added the file types I needed (epub and mobi). I hit save and my products are all working again.

Migrating from concrete5 to wordpress

I need to convert a concrete5 site to a WordPress site.
I can't find any plugins on both sides. There might be a solution via a feed ex-/import but it does not support all the contents and images.
Is there any idea how to do this?
I don't know of any pre-packaged solution for this. If there aren't too many pages (under 50 or 100), your best bet is to do it manually -- hire a temp worker for a day if you're a developer with a non-trivial rate.
If there are hundreds or thousands of pages, though, then you'll want to come up with your own automated solution. You can get some kind of XML representation of site content I believe via the Dashboard "backup site" functionality (not the "backup database" one). Or look into the concept of "Starting Points" in Concrete5 -- there's a free addon in the marketplace that lets you export site content in another XML format.
Then look into wordpress importers, and figure out how to transform the C5 output XML into whatever format your wordpress importer requires.
Best of luck.
There's a plugin at the WordPress plugin directory for an automated migration. It supports to migrate posts, attachments (images and videos), content images and list of other things, so it might answer your request.
The quick guide to the process includes following steps -
You install the plugin on your WP website
Create the account at the service
Download the bridge folder and connect to your concrete5 website via FTP
Choose the entities you want to migrate
Try the demo migration (it migrates up to 10 posts)
If you like it you can try the full migration (it's not free)
You may refer this for more info & this service is also represented in WordPress Codex.
Hope it helps.

Etherpad and Wordpress, possible?

I recently stumbled upon Etherpad, it's a collaborative writing tool
http://code.google.com/p/etherpad/ - main project page
online Examples:
I want to add this engine somehow to my wordpress and let people collaborate their posts,
I'm wondering if it has been done before and/or does it take more than
shared hosting (that is what I have) to do it [server capabilities or what-not] ?
In general, I think this is a complicated way to go about it. Also, Etherpad allows some very basic font formatting but no images and such things you might want to include in a blog. Instead I suggest looking for some Wordpress plugin for collaborative writing, and you might find something less "real-timey" but perhaps good enough.
Or if you really want to try with Etherpad:
Etherpad needs lots of memory (RAM) to run. A typical configuration is 1 GB, but it might be possible to get by on 128MB dedicated to Etherpad. This means you'll need at least 256MB in total for a first attempt. Your shared host also needs to have a Java server installed (typically Jetty) and some proxying server (typically nginx). All in all, you have some work ahead of you in just getting Etherpad up and running. After that, integrating into the Wordpress blog editor. If/how this can be done, I don't know. I'd probably do a client-side javascript-hack to get the Wordpress textarea or richtext editarea to update from the Etherpad readonly view, which is the only place where you can get the contents of a pad as more-or-less raw source text.
A simpler solution would be to just add an Etherpad page through an iFrame. See this post for example - http://www.knowledgepolicy.com/2010/02/embed-etherpad-into-blogpost-or-on-any.html
In theory it's possible to replace Wordpress' editor with an Etherpad Lite iFrame. Etherpad now allows image/font editing and table support as plugins.
Java is no longer required for Etherpad, NodeJS however is.
Here is a plugin that is in development that does what you want - however development seemed to stop in early 2012.
http://participad.org/ seems to be the best solution in this space to date. I haven't tested it on my own site, but they have an at least partially-working demo online.
Yes! It is possible. WordPress now has a plugin. The plugin has three modules which enables an Editor in dashboard and let you edit via front-end.
You can find more details on their FAQ page.
