heroku css stylesheet won't display - css

i have just deployed my rails application but the css stylesheet wont appear
I'm calling the stylesheet as follows:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'layout' %>

the obvious one is that the stylesheet exists in your directory at:
Also, if you scaffold'd your models/views etc, make sure you don't have another layout file with the controller name in:
cause the screws up your css layout rendering if you want to show the application.html.erb(or whatever you called it) layout only.


How to apply separate SCSS files to separate views in Rails

I'm currently working on landing and login/signup pages, and am trying to apply different stylesheets to each layout. I've tried making a separate layout page for my home controller and calling it in my home controller with layout "home". My app/views/layouts/home.html.erb file is pretty much the same as application.html.erb, except that I changed the stylesheet_link_tag from <%= stylesheet_link_tag "application" %> to <%= stylesheet_link_tag "home" %>. Though the styling from my login/signup pages is no longer applying to my landing page, my landing page now no longer has any of the styling given to it in my app/assets/stylsheets/home.scss file. Is there more I'm supposed to change in my layouts file than just the stylesheet_link_tag, or am I setting up separate stylesheets for each view improperly? If so, what's the proper way to do it?
i wouldn't recommend changing this<%= stylesheet_link_tag "application" %>, instead, in my opinion, best way is to create a folder in assets/stylesheets for each controller you have. for example: i have home_page_controller.rb i would create a folder in assets/stylesheets as home_page then i would make a scss file e.g show. this allows me to navigate to my files easily. of course you can have your different approach but thats my take on it.
I figured it out and got it to work by putting <body class="controller-<%= controller_name %>"> in my application.html.erb file, and placing whatever styling I wanted for my "home" views under .controller-home
Since rails generate scaffold generates CSS and JS files with the same names as the controller you generate it might be intuitive to think that these files will only be loaded by that controller. That's not the case. They're loaded globally by default, and that's sort of the point.
Like Marv-C said, I wouldn't recommend changing <%= stylesheet_link_tag "application" %>. In production mode, Rails optimizes your CSS by loading all of it into a single file.
This also means you can structure your CSS documents any way you want. You can eliminate overlap between CSS documents by using sensible class and id-selectors (which you should).
If you take advantage of SASS nesting, it should be no problem at all.

Rails 4: How to exclude a CSS file from a specific view?

How can one exclude a specific CSS file (custom.css.scss) from a specific view (home.html.erb)?
Following scenario. My rails app is made up of the actual web application for which one has to sign in for to see it and the outward facing landing page.
The CSS for the web application lives inside a file called custom.css.scss.
For the landing page I created a new CSS file called static_pages.css.scss.
Now, the problem obviously is that Rails pulls in all stylesheets and applies them to all views:
*= require_tree .
*= require_self
However, now my landing page is being messed up by the custom.css.scss file which contains the app-specific CSS and vice-versa.
Since my landing page is simply a one-pager, the ideal solution would be to simply exclude custom.css.scss from my home.html.erb file which represents the landing page.
How can I achieve this?
I have found various topics on this problem for but can't make sense of it. Some look to simply inject, some look to exclude.
Help is very much appreciated.
Find this kind of line in your template:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'application', media: 'all', 'data-turbolinks-track' => true %>
It actually does the magic, both of custom and static css was included to application.css
Excluding something is weird, for css we usually use selector to identify which elements will be effect to.
My suggestion to achieve your case is:
Add specific class/id which identifies controller/action
For example, I add this kind of code to my layout template:
<body id="<%= controller_name %>_body">
So every view now has id for its body
Modify custom css to apply for all, except landing page. For example my landing page has body's id: landing_page_body
In custom.css.scss
body:not(#landing_page_body) {
// My css here apply for all except for #landing_page_body
If you wanted to include a specific stylesheet on a per-page basis, you'll have to create & compile it separately, calling it as you need:
*= require_tree .
*= require self
*= stub custom
This would allow you to specify when you're going to call the stylesheet:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag :application, (:custom if controller_name != "landing") %>
This will only load the custom stylesheet if you're not using the landing controller.

bootstrap icons not working

I'm trying to use these icons for my site. I already downloaded bootstrap, and have a bootstrap.css file. If I download all of bootstrap, it messes my site up, so I downloaded a customized version. I forgot to download the icons, so what I did was download a customized bootstrap with only the icons, and then copy and pasted that into my old bootstrap.css file. However, the icon I was trying to use didn't work.
So then what I did was I tried moving my old bootstrap.css file out of vendor/assets/stylesheets and into vendor/assets, and I put the new bootstrap.css file (with only the icons styling) into vendor/assets/stylesheets. When I did that, the icon still didn't show. So I removed the new bootstrap.css file, and I put the old one back into vender/assets/stylesheets. However... now none of the bootstrap styling works!!! I have no clue why that is!
I tried restarting my web server, clearing my cache, I checked to see if there is an assets folder in my public folder (because when there is I can't see css changes using localhost. something to do with compiling). None of it worked, and I still can't see any of the bootstrap styling in my localhost. When I use inspect element, I don't see the bootstrap styles being applied. I'm afraid to update the actual site, because I might loose the bootstrap styling. If you want me to update it so you can see it and help me and are confident that I won't lose the bootstrap styling, I'll trust you and do it. Let me know.
Sass::SyntaxError in Static_pages#home
Showing /Users/adamzerner/collegeanswerz/app/views/static_pages/home.html.erb where line #1 raised:
Invalid CSS after "...ground-position": expected ";", was ": center;"
(in /Users/adamzerner/collegeanswerz/app/assets/stylesheets/home.css.scss)
Extracted source (around line #1):
1: <%= stylesheet_link_tag "home", :media => "all" %>
2: <%= javascript_include_tag :application %>
3: <% provide(:title, 'Questions About College? CollegeANSWERZ') %>
Rails.root: /Users/adamzerner/collegeanswerz
Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
app/views/static_pages/home.html.erb:1:in `_app_views_static_pages_home_html_erb__737002310770935096_70160250580000'
Show session dump
Show env dump
If you are using ruby on rails, then you can use the bootstrap-sass gem.
gem 'bootstrap-sass'
and then start using it by adding
#import bootstrap;
to the css file under app/assets/stylesheets. You can have all the functions provided by bootstrap.
But if you still want the customized version, you can place the bootstrap css files under app/assets/stylesheets and javascript files under app/assets/javascripts and images under app/assets/images. You can download the missing images from bootstrap and then go to /img for the images.
Looking at your error logs and the css you have provided in the comment. You have forgotten the semicolon after the background-image: url("glyphicons-halflings.png");

Controller specific stylesheets in rails 3: Inheritence

Firstly,I'm a newbie to rails.I'm working on a rails website. It has three controllers namely
application_controller,static_pages_controllers and users_controller. They all have their respective css (scss) files in app/assets/stylesheets/ (application.css and users.css.scss)
except static_pages_controllers and also has a custom.css.scss for overall layout or common elements.I used controller specific stylesheets as mentioned
My questions are:
1) does the css rules in custom.css apply to all the controllers views except for those I have defined explicitly in seperate controller css?
2) if yes,then I have a rule defined in both custom.css.scss and users.css.scss
custom.css.scss - body { background-color:color1;}
users.css.scss - body { background-color:color2;}
but still views in both static_pages_controllers and users_controllers show background color2. where am I going wrong? only views in users_controller must show color2 and static_pages_controller must show color1.
The Rails guide on how to use the asset pipeline doesn't quite tell the whole truth here. It says:
You should put any JavaScript or CSS unique to a controller inside their respective asset files, as these files can then be loaded just for these controllers with lines such as <%= javascript_include_tag params[:controller] %> or <%= stylesheet_link_tag params[:controller] %>.
Now, you could do as they suggest and load specific stylesheets for each controller, but it does not work as they suggest out of the box. The neglect to mention a few things you must do.
You need to remove the //= require_tree . directive from application.css, which, left in place, will load every other asset in the folder. This means that every page would load users.css, and if you added the controller-specific stylesheet line as in their example, it would load the controller stylesheet twice.
You would need to tell Rails to precompile the individual files. By default, all *.css files besides application.css are ignored by the precompiler. To fix this you'd have to do edit your config to do something like this:
# in environments/production.rb
# either render all individual css files:
config.assets.precompile << "*.css"
# or include them individually
config.assets.precompile += %w( users.css static_pages.css )
Finally, as instructed by the Rails guide, you'd need to change your stylesheet includes to look something like:
<%# this would now only load application.css, not the whole tree %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag :application, :media => "all" %>
<%# and this would load the controller specific file %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag params[:controller] %>
However, the above may not be truly the best practice. Sure, sometimes you might want individual stylesheets, but most the time you probably just want to serve your style bundle so the client can cache one file. This is how the asset pipeline works out of the box, after all.
Besides that, if you were to just add override rules in your controller specific stylesheets, then you're creating a load-order-specific tangle of styles right out of the gate. This... is probably not good.
A better approach might be to namespace the styles in the controller sheets, something like this:
// in application.css (or some other commonly loaded file)
background-color: $color1;
// in users.css.scss
body.controller-users {
background-color: $color2;
// and so on...
Then in your layout, add the controller name to the body class, like:
<body class="controller-<%= params[:controller] %>">
In this way, your styles are resolved by namespace, not just load order. Furthermore with this solution you could still go ahead and load separate controller-specific stylesheets if you desire, or you could forget about that and just let everything be compiled into application.css as it would be by default. All the styles would be loaded for each page, but only the controller-specific styles would apply.
In Rails 4.x
you have to add these lines in config/environment.rb
config.assets.precompile << "*.css"

Can I use CSS assets and the public folder in the same app?

I have a legacy application that I'd like to migrate to use the Rails 3 asset pipeline. I have upwards of 100 stylesheets which are imported on a template by template basis using a
content_for :stylesheets
Compiling them all into a single stylesheet is not currently a goer as the code was written to expect only certain stylesheets on certain pages, so for example the login page imports a stylesheet which redefines article form. It would not be good to redefine this on all pages.
Is there a way to migrate slowly to the assets pipeline having the app look first for a compiled asset, and then having it failover to the public/stylesheets directory?
If you want to do this "right", one thing that would not take a huge amount of effort would be to put a class name on your <html> or <body> tag and wrap the contents of your CSS files with a selector. For example, I use something similar to the following in my ApplicationController.
before_filter :body_class
def body_class
controller_name = self.class.name.gsub(/Controller$/, '')
if !controller_name.index('::').nil?
namespace, controller_name = controller_name.split('::')
#body_classes = ["#{controller_name.underscore}_#{action_name} ".downcase.strip]
#body_classes = ["#{namespace.underscore}_#{#default_body_classes.join}".strip] if !namespace.nil?
Then, in my layout I have something similar to this
<body class="<%= #default_body_classes.join(' ') %>">
Next, you could change the extension for all of your stylesheets to .css.scss. Put them all in the new app/assets/stylesheets directory. To include them quickly (though possibly out of order), add
* =require_tree .
to the top of a new app/assets/application.css.scss file. Just include this one application.css file in your layouts.
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", :media => 'screen' %>
Finally, spend some time going through your stylesheets wrapping the entirety of each document with the appropriate body class. For example, if you have a stylesheet specific to some User::Admin controller's signup action, you would wrap the entirety of that stylesheet with
.user_admin.signup {
/* Your stylesheet's content here */
Sass will prefix all nested content properly with the .user_admin.signup class that will be appended to your <body> tag when that action's being rendered.
I realize this isn't really an intermediate fix as you're looking for, but following steps similar to this you should be able to get 95% of the way there with not much effort, and it will be done "right".
