Flex: Stop TabNavigator from adding #HASH to URL - apache-flex

Ok I have a TabNavigator component that keeps added a hash (#) to the URL. I need to prevent this. I have it set to historyManagementEnabled="false" but it is still adding the # to the URL when it initializes.
The reason why adding this hash is such a problem is because, I am using .htaccess to give my URL a pretty URL like domain.com/designer/category/product/id when the page is really located at domain.com/product.php?pid=id So in order for my assets to load correctly I had to add a base tag like this:
<base href="http://www.MYDOMAIN.com/" />
But since I have this base tag set, whenever my flex app adds the # to the URL, the page is now automatically redirected to the homepage.
So I really need to figure out a way to stop the TabNavigator from adding the # to the URL.
Any ideas?

Turn off the history management in your Flex Builder project settings (in the Flex Compiler settings).

I was able to fix it by extending the TabNavigator and overriding these functions:
import mx.containers.TabNavigator;
public class MyTabNav extends TabNavigator
public function MyTabNav()
override public function get historyManagementEnabled():Boolean
return false;
override public function set historyManagementEnabled(value:Boolean):void


Sitefinity 11 adding sandbox attributes to iframe dynamically.

We have a Sitefinity 11.0.6701.0 site in which I have a page that contains a Content Block with an iframe in it. The page we are displaying in the iframe is dynamic and has a form in it - we are not concerned with clickjacking or anything like that as we host the src page as well.
We recently upgraded our site from version 8 and now the iframe's content (which we also host on a separate site) does not allow for the dynamic content to work.
I noticed that Sitefinity seems to be adding a sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin" attribute to the iframe at runtime. I have attempted to change this to sandbox="allow-forms" as well as simply removing the sandbox attribute altogether, but Sitefinity dynamically adds the first attribute back in a runtime. It replace the "allow-forms" with the "allow-scripts allow-same-origin" attribute.
Does anyone know where this is controlled in Sitefinity and how we can overcome this problem? We need this page to be dynamic. For contractual reasons, I can't change actual code in our Sitefinity environment, only work within the CMS.
Thanks in advance,
This is caused by the Html Sanitizer.
One option is to disable it under
Administration > Settings > Advanced > Security > Disable HTML sanitization
and restart the site.
Another option is to try and modify the sanitizer configuration as shown here:
But looking at the decompiled code of v.11 it may not be that easy:
private class GanssHtmlSanitizer : HtmlSanitizer
private const string IframeNodeName = "iframe";
public GanssHtmlSanitizer() : base(null, null, null, null, null)
base.PostProcessNode += new EventHandler<PostProcessNodeEventArgs>(this.GanssHtmlSanitizer_PostProcessNode);
private void GanssHtmlSanitizer_PostProcessNode(object sender, PostProcessNodeEventArgs e)
if (string.Compare(e.Node.NodeName, "iframe", true) == 0)
(e.Node as IElement).SetAttribute("sandbox", "allow-scripts allow-same-origin");
string attribute = (e.Node as IElement).GetAttribute("src");
(e.Node as IElement).SetAttribute("src", this.SanitizeUrl(attribute));
/// <inheritdoc />
public string SanitizeUrl(string url)
return base.SanitizeUrl(url, null);

Manually Open custom inspector for serializable object

I have a window editor that holds nodes. I would like to open a custom inspector when one of these nodes is selected. The node class is a custom serializable class. Is this possible?.
It seems that custom inspectors can be created manually through the Editor.CreateEditor method but can't see how to let it appear docked like an usual inspector in the unity inspector window.
I would like to achieve the same behaviour that we have when we select a gameobject in sceneview that inmediately show properties for the object (Components, etc...) in the unity inspector.
As I'm not sure what you're asking, here are multiple different solutions;
If you just want your nodes to become the focus of the hierarchy, then in your custom window's OnGUI method, use the code below;
public class NodeManager : EditorWindow
private static NodeManager window;
private Node[] m_nodes;
[MenuItem("Custom Windows/Node Inspector")]
public static void Init()
if(window == null)
window = GetWindow<NodeManager>("Node Manager", true, typeof(SceneView));
public void OnGUI()
m_nodes = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<Node>();
foreach(Node node in m_nodes)
if (GUILayout.Button("Select"))
Selection.objects = new Object[] { node.gameObject };
This adds a Button for each object in your custom window view, that will then select that object in the hierarchy.
I originally found the second response to this question, which goes into the details of parameters of the GetWindow method, and with this you can clearly see how to dock the window (I've converted it from JS to C# below).
(I looked fairly extensively in UnityEditor and UnityEditorInternal namespaces but couldn't find the Hierarchy or the Inspector).
GetWindow<T>(string title, bool focus, params System.Type[] desiredDockNextTo)
Which we can write for this example as;
EditorWindow.GetWindow<NodeInspector>("Node Test", true, typeof(SceneView));
This example docks the windows next to the SceneView window. This functionality can be combined with a custom inspector's OnInspectorGUI method, to automatically launch the custom node window, if it's not already open.
public class NodeInspector : Editor
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
Sorry if this isn't what you are looking for, if it's not then please give more details and I will amend my answer to better suit the question.
Hope this helped.
Has a possibility, you can make a custom ScriptableObject and Custom Editor for It, and when open the node inspector, just find a instance of the scriptable object and use Selection.selectedObject = scriptableObject, and in the custom editor, make a static field called 'editor' to draw inside.
It will work.

How to add JS and CSS to all content parts in an Orchard module

I am writing a module for Orchard CMS 1.8.1
I would like to add custom styles to all content parts that I have written for the module. I need these to work regardless of the theme chosen by the website admins. I could add links to the CSS and JS files in every view file for every content part - but that seems messy and prone to future bugs - what's the best way to have a single file that loads up the styles needed for all my content parts?
Should I provide a different Content.cshtml that includes the links? This also seems like it could be problematic if the admins need their own control over the main Content.cshtml
Many thanks
Handler should do the trick, I wrote this from the top of my head so not sure if it really works.
First create ResourceManifest.cs and define your stylesheets and scripts
public class ResourceManifest : IResourceManifestProvider
public void BuildManifests(ResourceManifestBuilder builder)
var manifest = builder.Add();
manifest.DefineStyle("MyStylesheet").SetUrl("mystylesheet.min.css", "mystylesheet.css").SetVersion("1.0.0");
manifest.DefineScript("MyScript").SetUrl("myscript.min.js", "myscript.js").SetVersion("1.0.0");
Then it should be enough to create content handler and override the BuildDisplayShape
public class MyResourceHandler : ContentHandler
private readonly Work<IResourceManager> _resourceManager;
public MyResourceHandler(Work<IResourceManager> resourceManager)
_resourceManager = resourceManager;
protected override void BuildDisplayShape(BuildDisplayContext context)
if (context.DisplayType == "Detail" && context.ContentItem.Has(typeof(MyPart)))
this._resourceManager.Value.Require("stylesheet", "MyStylesheet");
this._resourceManager.Value.Require("script", "MyScript");
Adjust the IF as necessary. And let me know if it works ;)
Beauty of using ResourceManifest with versioning is that anyone can replace your stylesheets/javascript with their own just by defining style in their own ResourceManifest (module/theme) with same name and higher version number and don't have to touch any original files.

Webdriver: expose selector/by/location of existing element

The problem:
.Click()-ing a radio button webdriver element stales it(no control over the page that does this). The DOM element itself is still the same.
The goal:
I want to reset the existing webdriver element using its own original selector method so that it is no longer stale. I want a general solution that does not require knowing ahead of time how the element was found. I want to use the existing stale element to do the work. Ideal case would look something like this(using the following C# extension method just for sake of example):
IWebElement refreshedElement = driver.FindElement(staleElement.By());
The question:
Is there a way to expose the existing elements location? Is the 'address' of the element available anywhere? It doesn't even have to be the original method of addressing the element when it was found, I don't care about that. I'd just rather not have to make a subclass just to capture this information.
No, Selenium does not keep track of 'how' you found an element, and frankly I don't think that should be Selenium's responsibility.
I would wrap it into a new class, which inherits from RemoteWebElement, and has a method called RefindElement.
I might suggest considering adding the concept of a "Page Class". Basically, instead of adding the element to the test itself, I create a separate class that has methods that return elements.
For example, a login page would have three elements therefore 3 methods:
public class LoginPage
private IWebDriver driver { get; set; }
public CSCView_SalesAspx(IWebDriver driver) { this.driver = driver; }
public IWebElement Id { get { return driver.FindElement(By.Id("login_id")); } }
public IWebElement Pw { get { return driver.FindElement(By.Id("login_pw")); } }
public IWebElement SubmitBtn { get { return driver.FindElement(By.Id("submitBtn")); } }
Now all you have to do is instantiate the class then interact with the method. Your element should always be "fresh" since you're doing the lookup every time (without any extra work).
LoginPage loginPage = new LoginPage(driver);
The best thing about this is if a page changes, instead of having to rewrite every test, you only change one page class and that fixes your broken tests.

How do I make a custom ASP.NET control based/subclassed on an existing one?

I want to make a custom ASP.NET control that is a subclasse of System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar. I need it to add a few data members and set up a few event handlers in it's constructor.
Is this possible? If so How?
So far I have tried using add new item to add a default web user control and tried editing in Calendar in a few different places. None have worked so far.
Edit: it seems I'm totally missing how this stuff is supposed to work.
Does anyone known of a demo project that I can look at? Something that already exists. (Unless you are really board, don't go out and make one for me.)
Unless I'm misunderstanding the question, you can just create a new class file and inherit from Calendar. Add in the properties you need, and the event handlers you want to set up.
public class MyCalendar : System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar
public MyCalendar()
// set up handlers/properties
Then anywhere you'd like to add a Calendar to your pages, you can simply create a MyCalendar instead. If you need to do so in the designer, you can look at several good tutorials about how to make your inherited controls show their new properties in the designer, like this one.
In a new class file you need to inherit from System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar instead of System.Web.UI.UserControl.
namespace MyNamespace
[ToolboxData("<{0}:UserCalendar runat=\"server\" />")]
public class UserCalendar : System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar
private string property1;
public UserCalendar() { }
public string Property1 { get { return property1;} set { property1 = value; } }
Then on your .aspx page (or in another control .ascx):
<%# Register TagPrefix="userControl" namespace="MyNamespace" assembly="MyProjectAssembly" %>
<userControl:UserCalendar runat="server" ID="myCalendar" property1="some value" />
Stuff to read: Developing Custom ASP.NET Server Controls.
