system variable? -

Is it possible to set a variable in the system which is not for each user unique?, who access the page?
I access the page and in codebehind something like that:
// create variable over all
if (sysstring != null || "")
SystemString sysstring =;
So if another user already accessed the page, I receive the value of the date when he accessed the page.
Thank you

You're looking for Application scope:
string lastAccess = (DateTime)Application["lastAccess"];
Altho this will reset with every app recycle. I would suggest storing it in a DB, which is where all cross-user variables should be!

You can use the Application object:
HttpApplicationState app = this.Context.Application;
DateTime myValue = null;
myValue = (DateTime)app["key"];
if (myValue == null)
myValue = DateTime.Now;
app["key"] = myValue;

Why not just make this static?
static string sysstring;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sysstring))
sysstring = DateTime.Now;
As 'Loren said, just about anything other than storing this in the database will be lost when the app recycles.

Related mvc global variables without cookies and session[""]

Is there any method for storing global variables without using cookies or session[""] in mvc ?
I know that cookies and session[""] have some disadvantages and I want to use the best method if exit.
If they are indeed global variables, you should implement the singleton pattern and have an Instance globally accessible that holds your variables.
Here is a simple example:
public sealed class Settings
private static Settings instance = null;
static readonly object padlock = new object();
// initialize your variables here. You can read from database for example
this.prop1 = "prop1";
this.prop2 = "prop2";
public static Settings Instance
lock (padlock)
if (instance == null)
instance = new Settings();
return instance;
// declare your global variables here
public string prop1 { get; set; }
public string prop2 { get; set; }
The you can use them in your code like this:
var globalvar1 = Settings.Instance.prop1;
This class with its variables will be initialized only once (when the application starts) and it will be available in your application globally.
Basically you have following options:
Cookies - valid as long as you set, must be allowed by client's browser, can be deleted by user, stored on user's PC.
Session - valid for all requests, not for a single redirect, stored on server.
ViewData - after redirect it's cleared (lives only during single request).
TempData - it's useful for passing short messages to view, after reading a value it's deleted.
ViewBag - is available only during the current request, if redirection occurs then it’s value becomes null, is dynamic so you don't have intellisense and errors may occur only in runtime.
Here - - you can find fantastic article which describes them.
Sure: HttpContextBase.Application (no expiration) or HttpContextBase.Cache (with expiration). You can access the HttpContextBase instance through the HttpContext property of the Controller class.
So... HACK ALERT... There is no good way to do an MVC 5 or 6 web app using session variables that I have found (yet). MVC doesn't support Session variables or Cookies, which are implemented via session variables. Global variables will be set for ALL users, which is not how Session variables work.
However, you can store "session variables" based on the User.Identity.Name or the underlying User.Identity.Claims.AspNet.Identity.SecurityStamp into a database along with a timestamp and viola! You have implemented primitive session variables. I had a very specific need to save two weeks of programming by not interfering with the GUI that our user interface specialist had written. So I returned NoContent() instead of the normal View() and I saved my hacky session variable based on the user's login name.
Am I recommending this for most situations? No. You can use ViewBag or return View(model) and it will work just fine. But if you need to save session variables in MVC for whatever reason, this code works. The code below is in production and works.
To retrieve the data...
string GUID = merchdata.GetGUIDbyIdentityName(User.Identity.Name);
internal string GetGUIDbyIdentityName(string name)
string retval = string.Empty;
using (var con = new SqlConnection(Common.DB_CONNECTION_STRING_BOARDING))
using (var command = new SqlCommand("select GUID from SessionVariablesByIdentityName md where md.IdentityName = '" + name + "' and LastSaved > getdate() - 1", con))
using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
retval = reader["GUID"].ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
return retval;
To save the data...
merchdata.SetGUIDbyIdentityName(User.Identity.Name, returnedGUID);
internal void SetGUIDbyIdentityName(string name, string returnedGUID)
RunSQL("exec CRUDSessionVariablesByIdentityName #GUID='" + returnedGUID + "', #IdentityName = '" + name + "'");
internal void RunParameterizedSQL(SqlConnection cn, SqlCommand cmd, object sqlStr)
string retval = string.Empty;
BTW: The SQL table (named SessionVariablesByIdentityName here) is fairly straightforward and can store lots of other things too. I have a LastSaved datetime field in there so I don't bother retrieving old data from yesterday. For example.

#Url.Content doesnt resolve absolute path on one server but does on another

We currently have two different servers on same domain. But one server resolves
where as other server doesnt resolve it absolutely; rather it resolves it relatively like
The code base is same and we are using MVC4. I am not sure as to where we went wrong or if there is any IIS/DNS settings that need to be done in order to get this fixed.
All help is appreciated; thanks :)
This is related with the IIS Rewriting module in your IIS web server that return the path to
Take a look on the part of source code of #Url.Content below:
private static string GenerateClientUrlInternal(HttpContextBase httpContext, string contentPath)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(contentPath))
return contentPath;
// can't call VirtualPathUtility.IsAppRelative since it throws on some inputs
bool isAppRelative = contentPath[0] == '~';
if (isAppRelative)
string absoluteContentPath = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(contentPath, httpContext.Request.ApplicationPath);
return GenerateClientUrlInternal(httpContext, absoluteContentPath);
// we only want to manipulate the path if URL rewriting is active for this request, else we risk breaking the generated URL
bool wasRequestRewritten = _urlRewriterHelper.WasRequestRewritten(httpContext);
if (!wasRequestRewritten)
return contentPath;
// Since the rawUrl represents what the user sees in his browser, it is what we want to use as the base
// of our absolute paths. For example, consider, which is internally
// rewritten to When we want to generate a link to ~/bar, we want to
// base it from / instead of /foo, otherwise the user ends up seeing,
// which is incorrect.
string relativeUrlToDestination = MakeRelative(httpContext.Request.Path, contentPath);
string absoluteUrlToDestination = MakeAbsolute(httpContext.Request.RawUrl, relativeUrlToDestination);
return absoluteUrlToDestination;
Use the codes below to check whether your web servers are having the URL rewritten:
bool requestWasRewritten = (httpWorkerRequest != null && httpWorkerRequest.GetServerVariable("IIS_WasUrlRewritten") != null);
And Also:
private volatile bool _urlRewriterIsTurnedOnCalculated = false;
private bool _urlRewriterIsTurnedOnValue;
private object _lockObject = new object();
private bool IsUrlRewriterTurnedOn(HttpContextBase httpContext)
// Need to do double-check locking because a single instance of this class is shared in the entire app domain (see PathHelpers)
if (!_urlRewriterIsTurnedOnCalculated)
lock (_lockObject)
if (!_urlRewriterIsTurnedOnCalculated)
HttpWorkerRequest httpWorkerRequest = (HttpWorkerRequest)httpContext.GetService(typeof(HttpWorkerRequest));
//bool urlRewriterIsEnabled = (httpWorkerRequest != null && httpWorkerRequest.GetServerVariable(UrlRewriterEnabledServerVar) != null);
bool urlRewriterIsEnabled = (httpWorkerRequest != null && httpWorkerRequest.GetServerVariable("IIS_UrlRewriteModule") != null);
_urlRewriterIsTurnedOnValue = urlRewriterIsEnabled;
_urlRewriterIsTurnedOnCalculated = true;
return _urlRewriterIsTurnedOnValue;
In summary, If both requestWasRewritten and IsUrlRewriterTurnedOn
return true, that means one of your web server has IIS Rewrite Module
turned on and running while the other one doesn't have.
For more details on ASP.NET MVC source codes, please refer to this link:
Hope it helps!

Session FROM ASP.NET to classic asp

I have an old system that was developed, not by me, in classic ASP.
I have a new system, developed by me in ASP.NET
How can I pass a session variable (not complex types, just a simple string or int) TO that classic ASP page? I don't need anything back from it.
To add a spanner to the works - how can I do the "hand off" or transfer if the classic ASP site is on a different domain?
Cannot use the option of passing items via querystring OR storing it in a DB and letting the classic ASP read it from the DB.
Thank you
you could use a classic asp page that sets session variables out of e.g. post parameters.
then call that classic asp page from your page.
example (not complete) session.asp:
if session("userIsloggedIn") = true and request.form("act") = "setSessionVar" then
session(request.form("name")) = request.form("value")
end if
of course this is some kind of hack but we are talking about classic asp...
I had a different direction. I exchanged the session states via a cookie. Adding these methods. So now instead of calling Session directly, I use these methods instead.
public static void AddSessionCookie(string key, string value)
var cookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["SessionCookie"];
if (cookie == null)
cookie = new HttpCookie("SessionCookie");
cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(12);
HttpContext.Current.Session[key] = value;
cookie[key] = value;
public static string GetSessionCookie(string key)
if (HttpContext.Current.Session[key] == null)
return string.Empty;
string cook = HttpContext.Current.Session[key].ToString();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cook))
var cookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["SessionCookie"];
if (cookie == null)
cookie = new HttpCookie("SessionCookie");
cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(12);
if (cookie != null)
cookie[key] = cook;
return cook;
return cook;
Then for Classic
Function AddSessionCookie(key, value)
Response.Cookies("SessionCookie")(key)= value
Response.Cookies("SessionCookie").Expires = DATE + 1
Session(key) = value
End Function
Function GetSessionCookie(key)
If Session(key) <> "" Then
ELSEIF Response.Cookies("SessionCookie")(key) <> "" THEN
Set GetSessionCookie = Session(key)
End If
End Function

Persisting Session to DB

My architect is wondering why we need to persist each user's session to the DB instead of just using cookies. I have never seen anyone use just cookies.
Usually I hold the Session Id in a cookie then use it to perform CRUDS on the session record keyed off the ID.
I mean I don't see how you can do session state without in proc. I've always done session state via a custom table holding routine fields like IsLoggedIn, IsClosed, IsNew, IPAddress, Browser, and so on.
Has anyone done session state on an e-commerce site without persisting it in a DB?
So here is kinda how we did things at another place I worked for an e-commerce site that got 500+ page hits a month:
public USession CreateNewSession(int userID)
string ipAddress = GetCurrentRequestIPAddress(context.Request);
USession newSession = USession.NewSession();
newSession.IpAddress = ipAddress;
newSession.UserID = customerID;
newSession.Browser = context.Request.UserAgent ?? string.Empty;
if (context.Request.UrlReferrer != null)
newSession.Referer = context.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString();
newSession.Referer = string.Empty;
return newSession;
public USession CreateNewSession(int userID)
string ipAddress = GetCurrentRequestIPAddress(context.Request);
USession newSession = USession.NewSession();
newSession.IpAddress = ipAddress;
newSession.UserID = customerID;
newSession.Browser = context.Request.UserAgent ?? string.Empty;
if (context.Request.UrlReferrer != null)
newSession.Referer = context.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString();
newSession.Referer = string.Empty;
return newSession;
public USession GetSession()
// existing sessionId this session?
HttpCookie cookie = context.Request.Cookies["usessionId"];
if (cookie == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(cookie.Value))
session = CreateNewSession(0);
string sessionID = cookie.Value;
session = GetSession(sessionID);
if (session == null)
session = CreateNewSession(0);
else if (session.IsClosed > 0)
session = CreateNewSession(session.UserID);
if (session.LastAccessed < DateTime.Now.AddHours(-1)) session.LoggedIn = false;
if (session.LastDestination.Equals("lesson"))
session.LastDestPageDestinationID = ContextValue(context, "lessonid");
session.LastDestPageDestinationID = 0;
if (session.IsNew) session.FirstDestination = session.LastDestination;
return session;
private void SaveSession()
session.LastAccess = DateTime.Now;
session.LastDest = string.Empty;
if (!cookieIsSet)
// add a session cookie for this current session
HttpCookie cookie = CreateSessionCookie("usessionId", session.SessionID, 365);
if (session.LastDest.Equals("logout", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
cookie.Value = string.Empty;
if (session.LastDest.Equals("lessonOrder")) return;
internal void UpdateSession(USession s)
using (ourConnection conn = CreateConnection("UpdateSession"))
conn.CommandText = #"update csession set
closed = #closed,
userID = #customerID,
lastAccess = #lastAccess,
lastDestination = #lastDest,
orderId = #OrderId,
IsloggedIn = #isLoggedIn;
conn.AddParam("#id", s.Id);
conn.AddParam("#closed", s.Closed);
conn.AddParam("#userID", s.UserID);
conn.AddParam("#lastAccess", s.LastAccess);
conn.AddParam("#firstDestination", s.FirstDestination);
conn.AddParam("#lastDestination", s.LastDestination);
conn.AddParam("#isLoggedIn", s.IsLoggedIn);
conn.AddParam("#orderID", s.OrderID);
catch (Exception ex)
public HttpCookie CreateSessionCookie(string cookieValue, string uSessionID, double daysTillExpiration)
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("usessionid", uSessionID);
cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(daysTillExpiration);
cookie.Path = "/";
return cookie;
So we'd work with the USession custom object in memory throughout our code for checking for loggedIn, to force close their session, and all sorts of stuff based on their current session.
Also in our Application_Error in global.asax we would log the current sessionId for tracking purposes on error.
HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["usessionid"];
if (cookie != null)
logger.Variables = "<b>uSessionID:</b> " + cookie.Value;
if (cookie.Value.Length > 0)
logger.USessionID = GetUSessionID(cookie.Value);
The ASP.NET session has 3 possible states:
Off (my preferred) - don't use any session at all
InProc - the session is stored in the memory of the web server. Fast, but not convinient if you are running in a web farm because each node of the web farm will have a different copy of the session and you might get conflicts.
Out-of-Proc - the session is stored in memory of a specially dedicated server running the ASP.NET Session state Windows service. Good for webfarms scenarios but not reliable enough as the session is still persisted in the memory of some server which might not survive crashes.
SQL Server - the session is persisted in SQL server. Very reliable and suitable for web farms. Problem is with performance. It will be slower than the previous modes as the session is now persisted in the database.
The 3 modes are covered in depth in the following article.
The mode you choose is configured in web.config and it is completely transparent to your code in which you simply use the Session["someKey"] to work with the session, it's just the underlying storage mechanism that differs.

Output Caching using BOTH varybyparam and varybycustom

I'm trying to do something which should be very simple...I have a site with a dropdown from which the user selects a group. Thereafter, the user navigates through the site using querystring arguments from menus. So I want the caching to be dependent on the querystring - this seems to work. I also want the cache to be dependent on the group that they selected.
But when the querystring is empty, neither cache element seems to work - the page is just whatever the version was for the last selected group. My cache directive looks like this:
<%# OutputCache Duration="300" VaryByCustom="currentAtomId" VaryByParam="documentId;folderId;sectionId;renderMode;typeId" %>
My varyByCustom code looks like this:
public override string GetVaryByCustomString(HttpContext context, string custom)
switch (custom)
case "currentAtomId":
var currentAtomId = SecurityManifold.Create().CurrentAtomId;
var returnString = currentAtomId == null ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString() : currentAtomId.ToString();
return returnString;
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Argument '{0}' is not a valid cache argument.", custom));
The call to CurrentAtomId boils down to this:
public static int? GetCurrentAtomIdFromContext(HttpContext context)
int entityId;
if (context.Session == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Session is null");
var sessionEntityId = context.Session["CurrentEntityId"];
if (sessionEntityId == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionEntityId.ToString()))
return null;
if (!int.TryParse(sessionEntityId.ToString(), out entityId))
return null;
return entityId;
Finally, the code which specifies the CurrentEntityId is this:
var selectedEntityId = this.lstSecurityEntities.SelectedValue;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedEntityId))
Session["CurrentEntityId"] = selectedEntityId;
var possibleQueryString = Request.QueryString.ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(possibleQueryString))
possibleQueryString = "?" + possibleQueryString;
Response.Redirect("default.aspx" + possibleQueryString);
I'm baffled. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I eventually determined the problem - when output caching is placed at a PAGE level (as opposed to a control level), the session is not available, and throws an exception. Because this exception is occurring in Global ABOVE the global error handler, it fails silently. I eventually figured this out by wrapping a try-catch block around the cache key generation code in VaryByCustomString and Response.Write-ing it out.
What a any rate, the solution is to implement caching at the control level, which unfortunately is a lot more work because the pieces of the page work together...but it's better than no caching. I hope this helps save somebody else some time.
Bottom Line: for varyByCustomString in global.asax - SESSION IS NOT AVAILABLE WHEN CACHING AT THE PAGE LEVEL.
