Playing with Graphics in Flex - apache-flex

I was just going through one code used to draw one chart. This code is written in the updateDisplayList function of the ItemRenderer of ColumnChart. I am not good at the graphics part of Flex. Can anybody please explain me what this code is doing? I can see the final output, but am not sure how is this achieved.
var rc:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, width , height);
var g:Graphics = graphics;
Regards, PK

That code is drawing a rectangle, albeit in a bit of a roundabout way.
The drawing api in flash uses a "draw head". I can't see any reason for using g instead of graphics other than to save some typing. g.clear() erases anything that has been drawn before.
g.moveTo(rc.left, moves that into position, in this case the top left corner of the rectangle (0,0). g.beginFill(fill) starts a fill, nothing surprising there.
The g.lineTo(x, y) calls move the draw head around to the the four corners of the rectangle and finally g.endFill() completes the fill.
You can get the same result doing this:
graphics.drawRect(0, 0, width , height);
// this last call is only needed if you're going to draw even more,
// if not you can omit that too

It basically draws a rectangle.
//clear any existing drawings
Set the current drawing position to the top-left corner of the rectangle, which is 0, 0
//start filling with the color specified by `fill`
Draw a line to top-right corner of the rectangle from the current location (which is top-left corner). The lineTo method updates the current location so that subsequent drawings start from the new point.
Draw the remaining sides of the rectangle:
//end the fill.
Check out the livedocs page for Graphics class for more info.
All the visual components in Flex inherit directly/indirectly from the UIComponent class. The updateDisplayList method of UIComponent draws the object and/or sizes and positions its children. This is an advanced method that you might override when creating a subclass of UIComponent. When you override it in your child class, you should call super.updateDisplayList with the correct parameters to make sure that the base class components are properly updated.

Degrafa makes this kind of thing much easier.


How to remove Ghost Lines drawn in qgraphicsview

I am trying to make a simple program in which I have added a qgraphics scene and in this I have added a QGraphicsRectItem. I have implemented mouse press event, paint event, bounding rect. Now I have drawn a point on one side of rectangle because there can be multiple rectangle I can drop on screen so just to differentiate between them of different color. Now I can move my rectangle inside graphics seen and can increase the size of rectangle by moving it's one side at a time. The problem that I am facing is when I trying to draw point on one side of rectangle at the time of moving it, it leaves traces on graphics scene. can I remove the ghost lines?
This happens either because your boundingRect method isn't correct, or because you forgot to call prepareGeometryChange before making changes that affect the boundingRect result. Your boundingRect needs to include space for line widths, for example; that's a common mistake.

QT : Masking an image - Suggestions?

I dont know if I am using the correct term here. However this is what I am trying to achieve and I would like some suggestions on how I could achieve that. I want to have a circle with border visible. Now here is the hard part and something I dont even know how to start with. I want to manipulate the circle in such a way that the borders of the circle are visible and its center is not (i.e Pretty much that it has a hole in it and would show what ever is placed under it)I would then like to have another image placed under the circle such that only the part of the image that is under the transparent part of the circle is shown the parts outside the transparent boundary of the circle become invisible. Any suggestions on how I could achieve this. It seems that googling isnt helping me.
I would suggest the alternative way for unmasking a circular area of an image. You can specify the clip region - the area where you need to perform painting. For example:
QPainter painter(this);
// Sample circular area.
QRegion r(QRect(100, 100, 200, 200), QRegion::Ellipse);
painter.drawImage(0, 0, image);
This will draw only those parts of your image that are inside of the circle with radius 200. All the rest pixels will be hidden.
You can handle mouse move event to move this "circle" over the image like a loupe.
Below is the sample code that generates an image with circular mask and insert it into the label:
QPixmap target(500, 500); // the size may vary
QPixmap source("image.png");
QPainter painter(&target);
QRegion r(QRect(100, 100, 200, 200), QRegion::Ellipse);
painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, source);
QLabel l;
You might want to have a look at the Composition Example.
In short you could draw the first image and then use one of the Composition Modes to draw the second image on top (or the other way around). Make sure to convert the images to ARGB32 before using them.
To make the inner Part of the Circle transparent you can adjust the Alpha Channel accordingly.
Here is a small Example using Composition mode:
QPainter p(&imageCircle);
Here you can find the Qt Documentation of QPainter.

Separate Layers like feature on QGraphicsView

In my QGraphicsView, I display a map. I need to display a horizontal ruler and a vertical ruler on the top edge and left edge respectfully.
The map needs to scrolled but the above rulers should be displayed at their fixed positions, but change their scale values.
I tried to implement this using drawForeground method. Due to the maps large size I only paint the visible area. So I need to update() every time scrolling is done. But this result sometimes flickers.
I feel it would be best to have separate layer like approach.
What is the best way to approach the problem?
The correct way to implement a ruler on the top and left is to derive from QGraphicsView, and then call in the constructor:
// add two rulers on top and left.
setViewportMargins(20, 20, 0, 0);
// add grid layout
QGridLayout* gridLayout = new QGridLayout();
// create rulers
hRuler = new Ruler(Qt::Horizontal);
vRuler = new Ruler(Qt::Vertical);
// add items to grid layout
QWidget* corner = new QWidget();
corner->setFixedSize(20, 20);
gridLayout->addWidget(corner, 0, 0);
gridLayout->addWidget(hRuler, 0, 1);
gridLayout->addWidget(vRuler, 1, 0);
gridLayout->addWidget(viewport(), 1, 1);
// finally set layout
This solution was initially presented here, and it works very well. The result looks like this.
I just changed ViewportUpdateMode of the graphics view to FullViewportUpdate to get away from flicker.
You can use SmartViewportUpdate for somewhat good results also.
The downside is, during animations, this takes more process power.

How to draw a circle inside Border Container using graphics object?

My basic requirement is to draw a circle inside a BorderContainer with the layout set to BasicLayout
I run this method in the CREATION_COMPLETE event of the BorderContainer object.;, 0x00ff00);, 0, 50);;
Sorry to be blunt, but why don't I see anything? I know I must be missing something VERY basic here. Can I just draw like this OR should I draw in some other event?
P.S: I know that I can create a Ellipse object and easily add it to the border container but I would like to know how I can do this using the graphics object.
Back in the olden days you would override updateDisplayList and do this sort of drawing there. I'm guessing things are getting refreshed at some point AFTER creation complete. Since you are drawing rather than adding an object to the stage, your circle isn't really part of any kind of lifecycle and will get wiped clean whenever the display list is dirtied/redrawn. Hope that helps.
I see two possible problems.
you forget to add BorderContainer
object to the stage
this is no reference of your
BorderContainer object. Try to trace
this in your event listner, or
change it to target or currenTarget
var _shape:Shape=new Shape();
addchild(_shape);, 0x000000, 1);,5,100,100);
Using the above code will show a rectangle on your screen.

drawing lines between shapes

I have one left panel in which there are different shapes like start,end connectors..... when i drag line image inside canvas i want to draw line/connector between two shapes how would i do it
i am new to flex any help appreciated
Canvas has graphics property, which can be used to draw on:
var g:Graphics =;
g.moveTo(10, 10);
g.lineTo(20, 10);
When shapes are moved, call g.clear() and draw lines with new coordinates. Reference: Graphics
Lines will appear under children of canvas. If you need to draw something over them, then you need something above your Canvas - maybe another Canvas positioned over first.
