Drupal: Node Submission Time - drupal

How do I print into a block the node submission time.
something like... print $node->submitted_time?

$node->created is what you're looking for.

add block -> choose php filter, add code:
if ((arg(0) == 'node') && is_numeric(arg(1)) ) {
$node = node_load(arg(1));
if ($node) {
print format_date($node->created);


Prevent deletion of some products

Hello i want to disable delete or prevent them from deleting certain products in some module when user clicks delete button. Is there any experts who knows this ?
Thanks in advance any help would be appreciated.
found a sample code trying to put it together but i think there something more missing. sorry im pretty new with this:
if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])
&& $_REQUEST['action'] == 'DetailView'){
$sql = 'update AOS_Products set deleted = 0 where id ="'.$bean->id.'"p';
$result = $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql);
} else{
SugarApplication::appendErrorMessage("Warning: this product shouldn't be deleted.");
here's the delete button i want to disable.
also the inspect element of the delete button:
You need to set up what products id you want to protect before execute the query
if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])
&& $_REQUEST['action'] == 'DetailView'){
$arrayId = array(1, 2, 3, 4); //ids to protect
$delete = True; //boolean used for check if delete or not
foreach ($arrayId as $id) {
if($bean->id == $id) //check if id to delete is one of the protected id's
{ //looking the code i guess "$bean->id" have the product id
$delete = False;
//if true, run the query for delete
$sql = 'update AOS_Products set deleted = 0 where id ="'.$bean->id.'"p';
$result = $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql);
SugarApplication::appendErrorMessage("Warning: this product shouldn't be deleted.");
} else{
//Any message related to the reason of no access the first if
In view.detail.php add below line

Add class to drupal body

How can I add term id of all terms related to a node, to that node body class in drupal site?
For example, A node named stackoverflow is tagged with four terms
I want to add these classed to node body class...
These are pages I want to change their class names:
عکس نوزاد
عکس نوزاد
سوپ ساده
داستان برای کودک
leymannx code is really complete and fine.
But it does not contains all terms of a node.
I wrote this code and i wish it will be useful for you.
function YOURTHEME_preprocess_html(&$variables) {
if (arg(0) == 'node' && is_numeric(arg(1))) {
$node = node_load(arg(1));
$results = stackoverflow_taxonomy_node_get_terms($node);
if (is_array($results)) {
foreach ($results as $item) {
$variables['classes_array'][] = "article-term-" . $item->tid;
There is a function named ""stackoverflow_taxonomy_node_get_terms"" that returns all terms attached to a node.
function stackoverflow_taxonomy_node_get_terms($node, $key = 'tid'){
static $terms;
if (!isset($terms[$node->vid][$key])) {
$query = db_select('taxonomy_index', 'r');
$t_alias = $query->join('taxonomy_term_data', 't', 'r.tid = t.tid');
$v_alias = $query->join('taxonomy_vocabulary', 'v', 't.vid = v.vid');
$query->condition("r.nid", $node->nid);
$result = $query->execute();
$terms[$node->vid][$key] = array();
foreach ($result as $term) {
$terms[$node->vid][$key][$term->$key] = $term;
return $terms[$node->vid][$key];
i wish this code could be the best.
write all of this codes in template.php file in your theme.
if you want just some nodes have class name, add replace this part of code.
> if (arg(0) == 'node' && is_numeric(arg(1)) && ( arg(1)==X || arg(1)==Y
> ) ) {
As #P1ratRuleZZZ already pointed out template_preprocess_html (implemented from your sub-theme's template.php file) is the function to add body classes.
Thing is, that within this function, you need to load the actual node object first, then get the values of that term reference field, to finally add them as classes to the body tag.
Replace MYTHEME and field_MYFIELD with your names.
* Implements template_preprocess_html().
function MYTHEME_preprocess_html(&$variables) {
// Get the node.
if ($node = menu_get_object()) {
// Check node type.
if ($node->type === 'article') {
// Get taxonomy terms.
$terms = field_get_items('node', $node, 'field_MYFIELD');
foreach ($terms as $term) {
// Add body class.
$variables['classes_array'][] = 'article-term-' . $term['tid'];
Try to use template_preprocess_html()
this is in your theme's template.php file:
YOURTHEMENAME_preprocess_html(&$variables) {
$term_id = arg(1); // For example, or use some &drupal_static() to store a value while preprocessing from module
$variables['classes_array'][] = 'article-term-' . $term_id;
So as you can see it you shoud change template_ to your themename_ first

Drupal PHP block visibility rules

In a Drupal block's Page Visibility Settings I'd like to prevent a certain block from showing if the second value in the path is a number. This does not seem to be working for me. Cheers.
Show block ONLY when arguments are:
domain.com/video/one (arg 0 is 'video' and arg 1 is present and NOT a number)
Don't show:
if (arg(0) == 'video' && is_nan(arg(1)) && empty(arg(2))) {
return TRUE;
else {
return FALSE;
I'm assuming this is in a hook_block/hook_block_view function? You could try a different approach:
if (preg_match('/^video\/[0-9]+$/', $_GET['q'])) {
// Path has matched, don't show the block. Are you sure you should be returning TRUE here?
return TRUE;
else {
// Path has matched, go ahead and show the block
return FALSE;
You can simply use the following code:
$arg1 = arg(1);
$arg2 = arg(2);
// Check arg(1) is not empty, or is_numeric() returns TRUE for NULL.
return (arg(0) == 'video' && !empty($arg1) && !is_numeric($arg1) && empty($arg2));
As KingCrunch already said, is_nan() doesn't return TRUE when its argument is a number.
The code you reported contains another error too: empty() can be used only with variables, as reported in the PHP documentation.
empty() only checks variables as anything else will result in a parse error. In other words, the following will not work: empty(trim($name)).
The code I reported shows the block for paths like "video/video1"; if you want to show the block also for paths such as "video/video1/edit", then the following code should be used.
$arg1 = arg(1);
return (arg(0) == 'video' && !empty($arg1) && !is_numeric($arg1));
Using arg() doesn't work if the path you are looking for is a path alias. Suppose that "video/video1" is a path alias for "node/10"; in that case arg(0) will return "node," and arg(1) will return "10." The same is true for $_GET['q'] that will be equal to "node/10."
This happens because Drupal, during its bootstrap, initialize $_GET['q'] with the following code:
// Drupal 6.
if (!empty($_GET['q'])) {
$_GET['q'] = drupal_get_normal_path(trim($_GET['q'], '/'));
else {
$_GET['q'] = drupal_get_normal_path(variable_get('site_frontpage', 'node'));
// Drupal 7.
if (!empty($_GET['q'])) {
$_GET['q'] = drupal_get_normal_path($_GET['q']);
else {
$_GET['q'] = drupal_get_normal_path(variable_get('site_frontpage', 'node'));
If you what you are checking is a path alias, then you should use the following code:
// Drupal 6.
$arg = explode('/', drupal_get_path_alias($_GET['q']);
return (arg[0] == 'video' && !empty($arg[1]) && !is_numeric(arg[1]) && empty($arg[2]));
// Drupal 7.
$arg = explode('/', drupal_get_path_alias();
return (arg[0] == 'video' && !empty($arg[1]) && !is_numeric(arg[1]) && empty($arg[2]));
Dont know, what your arguments looks like, but I assume you mixed up two kinds of types. is_nan() only works with numbers. If you want to test, if a value is a number,
is_nan() tests, if a "numeric" value is a concrete value or "not a number" like "infinite" or the result of "0/0" or such.

drupal module, check if node type

As a more specific take on this question:
drupal jQuery 1.4 on specific pages
How do I check, inside a module, whether or not a node is a certain type to be able to do certain things to the node.
The context:
I'm trying to adapt this code so that rather than working on 'my_page' it works on a node type.
function MYMODULE_preprocess_page(&$variables, $arg = 'my_page', $delta=0) {
// I needed a one hit wonder. Can be altered to use function arguments
// to increase it's flexibility.
if(arg($delta) == $arg) {
$scripts = drupal_add_js();
$css = drupal_add_css();
// Only do this for pages that have JavaScript on them.
if (!empty($variables['scripts'])) {
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'admin_menu');
unset($scripts['module'][$path . '/admin_menu.js']);
$variables['scripts'] = drupal_get_js('header', $scripts);
// Similar process for CSS but there are 2 Css realted variables.
// $variables['css'] and $variables['styles'] are both used.
if (!empty($variables['css'])) {
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'admin_menu');
unset($css['all']['module'][$path . '/admin_menu.css']);
unset($css['all']['module'][$path . '/admin_menu.color.css']);
$variables['styles'] = drupal_get_css($css);
Inside of a module, you can do this:
if (arg(0) == 'node' && is_numeric(arg(1)) && arg(2) != 'edit') {
if (!($node)) {
$node = node_load(arg(1));
if ($node->type == 'page') {
// some code here
That will load a node object given the current node page (if not available). Since I don't know the context of code you are working with, this is kind of a rough example, but you can always see properties of a node by doing node_load(node_id). But, depending on the Drupal API function, it may already be loaded for you.
For example, hook_nodeapi.
You could do:
function mymodule_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $a3 = NULL, $a4 = NULL) {
switch ($op) {
case 'view':
// some code here
Try this:-
function MyModule_preprocess_node(&$vars) {
if ($vars['type'] == 'this_type') {
// do some stuff
Try this:-
$node = node_load(arg(1));
$node =$node->type;
if($node == 'node_type'){
//do something

Show block on nodes the user can edit?

What block visibility PHP snippet would show a block only on node pages that the loged-in user can edit? The user may not own the node. In my case, I want to show the Content Complete block to people who can actually populate missing fields.
check for node_access("update", $node) (more on http://api.drupal.org/api/function/node_access/6)
//first check whether it is a node page
if(arg(0) == 'node' && is_numeric(arg(1))){
//load $node object
$node = node_load(arg(1))
//check for node update access
if (node_access("update", $node)){
return TRUE;
Following is barraponto's solution rewritten for noobs like me and to support multiple conditions.
$match = FALSE;
// Show block only if user has edit privilges for the node page
// first check whether it is a node page
if(arg(0) == 'node' && is_numeric(arg(1))){
//load $node object
$node = node_load(arg(1));
//check for node update access
if (node_access("update", $node)){
$match = TRUE;
return $match;
