How can i produce a select handle by css - css

I want to produce a sort of select/resiz border when some on click on the div, and when i move mouse over that the cursor should change accordingly. I want the user to be able to drag the element border and the element re-size accordingly

You cannot do that with pure CSS. You would have to use JavaScript. I suggest checking out a JavaScript library like jQuery.
Have a look to this jQuery plugin:
Resizable Plugin Demo

This is not something which CSS can do by itself. Javascript is needed to do this sort of behaviour.
If you want to implement this, take a look at the Resizeable function of the jQuery UI library.

This is not a job for CSS. CSS is (mostly) for styling only, not functionality.
Check for example the JQuery resizable plugin. It should be what you need.

As others have mentioned, this isn't something that can be accomplished by CSS, which is presentation only. Have a look at Yahoo's excellent YUI library and their Resize Utility, here is an example:

There is a very nice demo of using jQuery to do what you are looking for. It uses the jQuery Resizing with images CSS and a few other things. Take a look at Layout


Should I use the :hover CSS pseudo-class or the hover() jQuery method?

The question is pretty straight forward. Should I use CSS or JQuery when styling elements that are in the hover state (does one have any real advantage over the other)? To me, using JS seems like a hassle since the pseudo-classes are so easy to use. Thank you!
You should use CSS wherever possible; it's more efficient.
It also works better with property cascade and with elements created later.
Well it depends. If you want your website also displayed on mobile devices it is wiser to make a hover class and attach it with jquery because mobile browser handle hover very sketchy and different.

How to make tabs in Qt look like tabs in Google Chrome?

I don't want my tabs to have a Drag and Drop feature like Chrome (as covered by this question: Apply chrome like tabs in Qt) - I just want them to look like Chrome tabs.
I'm currently using QTabWidget, but its built-in shape QTabWidget::Triangular is so ugly. What do I need to use? Stylesheet or image or something else?
You can use border-image property of the QTabBar::tab. Just read the documentation as to how you could style border-image. There is a nice explanation in the documentation.
I have done something like this using above method.
You could do the same. To change the close button you could style QTabBar::close-button.
The final answer is you can achieve what you required, just using Qt stylesheets.
I'm not really sure how you can make it look exactly like Chrome, but you can try using border-top-left-radius, border-top-right-radius, border-bottom-right-radius, and border-bottom-left-radius in Stylesheets

I would like to make a Multi level vertical menu without javascript or jquery i just need the CSS to make it

I'm looking for the CSS code to create a multi level vertical menu with no Jquery or javascript just pure CSS.
I have the HTML part done and ready to go!
You should follow this guide until step 3.
In case that site ever goes down essentially what you are going to need to investigate is using the :hover selector to show and hide various parts of the menu at any given time.
The flyout menu from might be worth looking at?

CSS animation of text and other stuff

Looking at I see the menu items like "Border Radius" getting animated on mouseover. How was this achieved using CSS?
I did not look how it was done in that website. But jQuery can do wonders with animation. It's a javascript API that is becoming widely used.
CSS animations can be done using the transition property.
Check for demos.

How do I show flip effect in flex viewstate?

I'm new to Flex.
I want to build cool web application in flex.
For displaying content of my site, I use viewstack and button bar. It is ready, but now I'd like to add some animation effect in that.
For example changing the navigation content shows flip animation.
So how do I do that?
Help full link.
This sounds similar to another question: How can I nicely animate between viewstacks.
Perhaps that will help?
That example shows the most basic kind of animation which is readily available using open and widely supported web-standards such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The jQuery library will allow you to do this in just a few lines of code. Do you have an absolute requirement for flex?
