Login Control -

I have a web application that I use Login Control and membership for Sign in process.
my application work propebly untill last week I upload new version, in this version I didnt change the login UC and just the main page ( default page after user logged in ) changed.
but some users report me they cant login and redirect to Login page.
some note:
1- this problem occure just in IE browser
2- users that report this problem can login to old version
I add a log procedure and see users redirected becuase of this code
if (!this.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
I checked and see this.User.Identity.Name was empty or null.
What setting maybe changed?

I've seen a similar thing happen when there was a malformed FORM tag was rendered inside my ASP.Net Server FORM tag. By 'malformed' I mean that it was missing the required METHOD attribute.
It is my understanding that the HTML spec doesn't support nested FORM tags, so different browsers handle them differently. In my case, I saw a similar issue as you describe, with no issues in Firefox, and major issues in IE.
Check to ensure there are no Nested FORM tags on your page. Also check all FORM tags to ensure they have all required attributes.

Doubt this will solve the problem, it's kind of tangental. But, rather than hand coding the redirect url it's poosible to use
which has the benefit of taking care of the returnUrl and stuff. It'd require the login Url set in the web.config.


Setting content expiration on all pages to avoid back button in ASP Classic

Is there a way to set pages to expire in ASP Classic so that the user can't hit back and re-do anything?
Is this a good practice?
If you force the page to 'expire', it would have the opposite effect you want: It would actually force the browser to make the request again (because it's been told the data it has expired)
I suspect you might be barking up the wrong tree here, though. Are the pages that "do stuff" using the Query String values as the parameters to take those actions? In other words, is the page that links to the 'action' page doing so via a regular anchor tag with query string parameters in the URL, or via a form using the GET method?
If so, you should change the form submitting that action to a POST form. Doing that will not only result in a prompt in the browser if the person uses the Back or Refresh buttons to try to reload that page, but also helps protect you against Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks. (more info on XSRF here)
What is the problem that you are trying to solve? If the back button is forcing something to be updated on the server, then you are better off making sure that you don't allow pages to be in the browser history that can cause problems.
After a POST, I often do a Response.Redirect so that the POST is not in the browser history. This helps avoid these types of issues.

How do i load or reload the same page on form post

I notice on some sites i can login wrong which brings me to a login page. log in incorrectly again which brings me to a wrong password page (where i can log in) and if i login wrong again i dont increase my page history count. It takes exactly 2 backs no matter how many times i get it wrong and i dont see any pages in my forward history
How do i do that? ASP.NET
Take a look at this:
Server.Transfer Vs. Response.Redirect
Basically, if you want to do it without the user (browser) knowing about it, you use Server.Transfer; otherwise you do a Response.Redirect.
Also note, although not in server side code, there is a possibility the site uses Javascript like location.replace() - this way the history does not change.
You dont. As long as the login url stays the same there wont be another page added to the history. There may be parameters after the ? that changes the url or possibly POST data.

Smart way to disallow users going to a site page directly

A site has 100's of pages, following a certain sitemap. A user can navigate to page2.aspx from page1.aspx. But if the user goes to page2.aspx directly say through a book marked URL, the user should be redirected to page1.aspx.
Edit: I dont want to go in and add code to every page that needs to fulfill this need.
Note: This is not a cross-page postback scenario.
You might consider something that is based off WorkFlow, such as this:
The WCSF team also included a pageflow application block that you can use as a standalone add-on to your application.
I guess you could check the referrer, and if there isn't one / or it isn't page1.aspx then you could redirect back to page1.aspx.
As another answerer mentioned, you could use the Referrer header, but that can be faked by the client.
Since you don't want to modify each page, you could do something with an IHttpModule. Assuming you have some way of describing the valid page navigations, you could do something like this in the BeginRequest handler:
Check the session for a list of valid pages (using a default list for first visit if none are in the session).
If this request is for an invalid page, redirect to the place the user should be.
Based on this request, set up the list of valid pages and redirect page in the session so it's ready for the next request.
I recently worked with real code that checked to see if referrer was blank and used that as a step in authorization. The idea was users wouldn't be able to fake a referrer, you don't need a custom browser to fake a referrer. Users can book mark your page to delicious, then is the referrer (and not blank).
I've had real arguments about how sophisticated a user needs to be to do certain hacks-- i.e. if users don't know how to set the referrer, then you can trust it. While true, it's unlikely your users will write a custom browser, but there already are Firefox addons to set headers, referrers etc and they're easy to use.
Josh has the best answer-- on page2 you should check the page hit log and see if the user has recently visted page1
I like alot of the answers above (specifically the workflow).
Another option, is creating each page as a usercontrol and having page1.aspx control what usercontrol gets loaded. This has the advantage of storing your workflow in a single place instead of on each page.
However, I don't think there's a magic bullet out there. It sounds like this security problem is an afterthought, or possibly reported as a bug, and you have been tasked with fixing it quickly and efficiently.
I would start weighing the answers here with their associated cost in hours.. I suspect the quickest solution will be to check referrer addresses on each page. Although hackable, it is obscure and if that risk is acceptable to you it may be the appropriate solution.

iframed ASP actions trouble

This is actually a follow up on my previous question (link)
I've created the HttpHandler and it works fine for now, I'll add flexibility by using the querystring and session to point the post I'm making in the right direction.
The next question is as follows.
Now that I have the old page iframed as it should be, there's still the trouble of handling the postbacks (or actions) these pages trigger.
Every button action (asp form post) refers to a page that is not there (it's on the other server from which I am importing functionality).
I've tried using a url mapping to the other server but I get an error that tells me the external link is not a valid virtual directory. Hence I discarded this option.
I there anyway to keep functionality going inside the iframe?
please do ask clarification if you need it.
I got a solution from a colleague.
before passing the response string to the Iframe from the handler I use a string.replace to adjust the urls in the old site. This way they point to the old site and everything works again :)

IE not offering to save password of ASP.NET form

Sometimes Microsoft does something so stunningly dumb that it makes my head hurt. Help me find out it's really not the case ... please!
I've got an issue with the login page of an ASP.NET (3.5) site I'm developing whereby IE (7 or 8 ... can't bear to open 6) doesn't offer to save the password when a user logs in. I've checked other browsers and Firefox, Chrome and Safari all offer to save the password just fine. I've also confirmed that IE password saving on my test boxes is is working OK on other sites and for e.g. Google etc it works fine.
The searching I've done has turned up very little, but what little it did turn up seems to suggest that IE won't offer to save a password if the form on the page contains more than two text controls. That's the case with my form which also has controls to allow a user to register. And when I remove these additional controls, IE magically prompts to save password, so this does seem to be true.
Now ... if ASP.NET would allow me to have multiple forms, all would be well and I would be able to separate out the two functions into standalone forms and IE would prompt to save passwords. But, ASP.NET doesn't allow me to do this as it only allows a single form. I could fudge a non runat=server form in there and try to do this, but guess what? Because my page uses a MasterPage, any form tag I add is automatically stripped out, even if it's a non runat=server form.
So, I don't see any way around this without fundamentally changing what I was trying to achieve. It looks like I have to explain to my users that they won't be prompted to have their passwords saved if they use IE (a Microsoft product) because I developed my site with ASP.NET (err ... a Microsoft product).
If this is so, I just can't get over how head-smackingly ridiculous this is. If anyone can offer any ideas on how to get around it, can tell me I've got it all wrong and am a big, stupid idiot myself, or just wants to confirm that it's not just me that thinks this is monumentously dumb, then please, please do so.
Just for the record, I really don't want to (and don't see why I should have to) compromise my design and split my pages in two (which will result in a worse experience for the user).
#Chris That's what I went for in the end.
So for the benefit of anyone else, I still have my activation controls in a runat=server form and process these in the code for that page. Then I have a second, standard HTML form with HTML input textfields that posts to a different .NET page. This deals with the users login. I pick up the values in this page via Request.Form and deal with the login from here.
It all works and users get their logins remembered as they would expect to.
I lost the ability to use a MasterPage (as I need two forms in the page) so I effectively have had to duplicate the template - I don't like this much.
If the users login is invalid or causes some kind of error, I have to redirect to the initial page and pass it a flag to get it to show a relevant error message - I don't like this much either.
Like I say, though, it just works and in this case that's what was most important. Thanks for your input.
