Why Alt text not showing in Safari ?
The code is fine. Safari simply doesn't support alt (I find it baffling).
I am having trouble making http://jackwaghorn.com/#popup usable in Safari. Chrome hasn't been a problem but when it comes to text appearing in an overlay DIV - nothing comes through in Safari. Unless you press 'new tab'.
You already found the problem. We call it Safari. If you use Safari for Windows you cannot optimize the webpage for this.
I have a <circle> element in a <svg> tag that displays fine in Chrome, but doesn't appear in Firefox. In fact, Firefox shows "Invalid value" where Chrome doesn't.
Here's a fiddle that demonstrates the same issue. Appears in Chrome, doesn't in Firefox.
How can I get this to work in FF? I need to use CSS since I'm relying on CSS media queries to change the radius of the circle.
In Google Chrome when using placeholder in an text input with the height of 30px, the place holder text it vertical aligned top??
How can I make it sit in the vertical middle of the text input?
Alignment of placeholder text is broken in the current version of Chrome, because it’s broken in the current WebKit. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to do this using native placeholders, until it’s fixed.
Chromium bug 72413
WebKit bug 54797
Update: According to the Chromium bug, the fix should ship in Chrome 14.
In the meantime, you can use padding-top to push the text down.
I have a very strange problem that I cannot seem to overcome. When I overlay text on top of a to that have a PNG image and also has an Opacity, the text itself becomes transparent. I've tested this in IE7, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and seems like IE 7 just will not want to work.
To see the problem, visit http://yask.me'>http://yask.me
Doesn't work in IE8 either, and I am certain it is because you are fading the images and the fact that IE uses the alpha filter to do opacity changes on the fade.
If you do the following css, it seems to solve it (setting the alpha filter on the text appears to keep the text as one would expect):
#panMain {filter: alpha(opacity=100);}
From what I saw, in Firefox and Chrome, the color of the text cursor in an input field changes to the value of the color css property. However in IE it has no effect whatsoever.
Is there any way to achieve this effect in IE?
The color of the text cursor in an input on IE is always the inverse of the background color. So you can't on IE.
This is also unspecced by W3C so don't expect support to be anywhere, if there is, then it's merely an artifact :-)
Edit: 9-years later and we now have caret-color, but not for IE or Edge. Works on other browsers.