leave if statement - asp.net

I have an if statement inside an if statement.
If the condition in the second if statement returns false, I want to go to the first else
because there it sets my validation controls automatically.
I hope you understand
if (page.isvalid() )
if (datetime.tryparse (date) == true)
// ok
//go to the other else
// want to go here
Important is that I have to first validate the page because after the validation, I know I can parse the datetimes from the 2 input controls and check if the second one is greater than the first one. Otherwise it throws an exception, maybe, if the date is not valid.

instead of DateTime.Parse(date) use
DateTime dt;
bool isParsed = DateTime.TryParse(date, out dt);
//if ( page.isvalid() && (datetime.parse (date) == true) )
if ( page.isvalid() && isParsed )
// ok
// want to go here

Take out the elses, and it should be what you're looking for. Also, add a return statement after everything is good to go.
if ( page.isvalid() )
if (datetime.parse (date) == true)
// ok
// code here happens when it's not valid.

This does exactly what you want, I believe.
if (page.isvalid() && datetime.tryparse(date) == true)
// ok
// want to go here
It is not clear whether the '== true' is necessary; you might be able to drop that condition.

Exactly what you want to do is impossible. There are two options. One is to determine both answers at the top of your if clause. This is what the other posters are telling you to do. Another option would be something like this:
bool isvalid = true;
if ( page.isvalid() )
if (datetime.tryparse (date) == true)
// ok
isvalid = false;
isvalid = false;
if (isvalid == false)
//do whatever error handling you want
This extracts the error handling code from your else clause and puts it somewhere both code paths can reach.


sqlite_reset() on an INSERT with RETURNING statement rollback/cancel it

I want to INSERT data in a SQLite table and do this :
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
sqlite3_prepare(db,"INSERT INTO table(col2,col3) VALUES (?,?) RETURNING col1;",-1,&pStmt,NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < dataset_length; i++) {
switch (sqlite3_step(pStmt)) {
case SQLITE_ROW: {
// Nice! A row has been inserted.
dataset[i].id = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,0);
} break;
// No results. What? Return an error.
} return false;
default: {
// Return an error
} return false;
// ↓ Problem below ↓
//sqlite3_cleanup(pStmt); <- Don't worry about cleanups
return true;
sqlite3_step() always returns SQLITE_ROW and the RETURNING expression works.
If I do a SELECT before the sqlite3_reset(), it returns the freshly inserted row. If I prepare and run the same query after the sqlite3_reset(), my table is empty, the row is vanished.
I tried without the sqlite3_reset() and that works, but I don't understand why and think it's due to the auto-reset feature I OMIT in the Windows build.
Where I am wrong in my SQLite usage?
I finally find out where I was wrong. SQLite mandate to call sqlite_reset() only after receiving an error or SQLITE_DONE.
In my code I only generate a SQLITE_ROW, but I sqlite_reset() before getting a SQLITE_DONE and it cause SQLite to somewhat "reset" the statement and rolling back changes from my point of view.
The correct way is to after a SQLITE_ROW, to call sqlite_step() again that generate a SQLITE_DONE and then sqlite_reset(). That means :
// The way to SQLite with a RETURNING INSERT
for (...) {
// sqlite3_bind...()
sqlite3_step(); // Returns SQLITE_ROW
// sqlite3_column...()
sqlite3_step(); // Returns SQLITE_DONE
sqlite3_reset(); // Returns SQLITE_OK
Here is below my fixed code from my question :
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
sqlite3_prepare(db,"INSERT INTO table(col2,col3) VALUES (?,?) RETURNING col1;",-1,&pStmt,NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < dataset_length; i++) {
switch (sqlite3_step(pStmt)) {
case SQLITE_ROW: {
// Nice! A row has been inserted.
dataset[i].id = sqlite3_column_int(pStmt,0);
// Generate a SQLITE_DONE
if (sqlite3_step(pStmt) != SQLITE_DONE)
// Something went wrong, return an error
return false;
} break;
// No results. What? Return an error.
} return false;
default: {
// Return an error
} return false;
//sqlite3_cleanup(pStmt); <- Don't worry about cleanups
return true;
Of course my code imply that there is only 1 row returned by SQLite, adapt your code if SQLite returns more. The rule is that a sqlite_step() must returns a SQLITE_DONE before doing a sqlite_reset().

How to use active() method x++

Ok I did it. It works fine. Thanks for help. Here is my code. Now I only need to call my command button in a differend form to disable it and create a info there. Anyone could look about it ? In my code I got reference errors.
[ExtensionOf(formdatasourcestr(ProdTableListPage, ProdTable))]
final class ProdParmReportFinishedActiveWG_Extension
public int active()
int ret;
next Active();
ProdTable tableBuffer = this.cursor();
ProdTable prodtable;
if(tableBuffer.ProdId == tableBuffer.CollectRefProdId
&& tableBuffer.ProdStatus != ProdStatus::ReportedFinished)
select firstonly RecId,ProdId from ProdTable where
ProdTable.CollectRefProdId == tableBuffer.ProdId
&& ProdTable.Prodstatus != ProdStatus::ReportedFinished
&& tableBuffer.RecId != prodtable.RecId;
Global::info(strFmt("%1 , %2",
prodtable.prodid, prodtable.recid));
// FormButtonControl mybutton = this.FormRun().design().controlname(formControlStr(ProdParmReportFinished, Ok)) as FormButtonControl;
// mybutton.enabled(false);
Global::info(strFmt("%1 , %2, %3, %4",
tableBuffer.prodid, tableBuffer.CollectRefProdId, tableBuffer.InventRefType, tableBuffer.ProdStatus));
return ret;
"I want to use this code everytime user changes his actual row but instead it runs just once and apply to all my rows."
Use the selectionChanged() method instead of active().
In fact most use cases where you think you should use active(), you're probably looking for selectionChanged() (or the OnSelectionChanged event for handlers) instead.

Function to check whether a binary tree is binary search tree or not?

I attempted writing the following method which tells whether a Binary Tree is Binary Search Tree or not? I pass only half of the test cases. What am I doing wrong?
boolean checkBST(Node root) {
boolean leftflag = false;
boolean rightflag = false;
Node l = root.left;
Node r = root.right;
if(l!=null) {
if(root.data <= l.data) {
leftflag = false;
else {
leftflag = true;
if(leftflag == false)
return false;
if(r != null) {
if(root.data >= r.data) {
rightflag = false;
else {
rightflag = true;
if(rightflag == false)
return false;
return true;
I can see a case where your program could return wrongly false.
Imagine you have a tree with 3 branches deep going as follow :
/ \
3 8
\ / \
4 6 9
Your program starts up at 7 (root), creates two boolean at false (leftflag and rightflag), checks if left is null. It isn't. It then checks if the data of left <= the data of right. It is.
So you recursively call your function with a new root node left (3 in the example). Again, it creates your two boolean at false initial value, checks if left node is null. It is ! So it skips the whole if, goes directly to your other if before the return.
// The condition here is respected, there is no left node
// But the tree is an actual search tree, you didn't check right node
// Before returning false.
if(leftflag == false)
return false
What i'd do is
if(l != null)
return false;
// recursive call here
if(r != null)
// Same as left node here
so even if your left node is null, the program still checks for the right node. Hope i helped out a little bit !
Your primary mistake is that you ignore the return value of your recursive calls. For instance:
else {
leftflag = true;
if(leftflag == false)
return false;
If checkBST(l) returns false, you ignore it. You never save the value. Thus, your subsequent check for leftflag is utterly ignorant of the subtree's suitability. Semantically, your routine assumes that all subtrees are BSTs -- you set the flag, recur on the subtree, but don't change the flag. Try this logic:
leftflag = checkBST(l)
Now, please get comfortable with Boolean expressions. For instance, testing a Boolean value against a Boolean constant is a little wasteful. Instead of
if (flag == false)
Just check directly:
if (!flag)
Checking a pointer for null is similar in most languages:
if (l)
Finally, don't initialize your flags if you're simply going to set them to the same value as the first action.
Now, your code might appear like this:
boolean leftflag = false;
boolean rightflag = false;
if(l) {
if(root.data > l.data) {
leftflag = checkBST(l);
return false;
if(r) {
if(root.data < r.data) {
rightflag = checkBST(r);
if(rightflag == false)
return false;
return true;
Now it's a little easier to follow the logic flow. Note that you have a basic failure in your base case: a null tree is balanced, but you return false.
Now, if you care to learn more about logic short-circuiting and boolean expressions, you can reduce your routine to something more like this:
(!root.left || // Is left subtree a BST?
(root.data > root.left.data &&
(!root.right || // Is right subtree a BST?
(root.data > root.right.data &&

Asp.Net validation check at client side

I am validating data at client side in asp.net validator by using following code snipet.
function ValidateData(){
if (!Page_ClientValidate("Validator1") || !Page_ClientValidate("Validator2")) {
return false;
return true;
I called it on submit of button. But it showing validation messages of Validator1 group. Its not showing me validation messages of Validator2 group.
Just gone through :
see this link question , here its told - || operator short-circuits if the left condition is true.
Does a javascript if statement with multiple conditions test all of them?
If you want both , then cant you try like this :
function ValidateData(){
if (!Page_ClientValidate("Validator1"))
if (!Page_ClientValidate("Validator2"))
return false;
return false;
return false;
return true;
Just a random try , this code :)

Dropdownlist doesn't postback after Page_ClientValidate()

I have just found the solution. The following function works (remove the else part):
function confirmSubmit() {
if (Page_ClientValidate("Group1")) {
return window.confirm("Are you sure to submit the form?");
But I am wondering why it doesn't work when I add the else part.
I want to have a confirm dialog after user fills in all the data in the form.
I set onclientclick="return confirmSubmit()" in the submit button.
function confirmSubmit() {
if (Page_ClientValidate("Group1")) {
return window.confirm("Are you sure to submit the form?");
} else {
return false;
If Page_ClientValidate("Group1") returns false, the dropdownlist doesn't cause postback after I first select the item, and the postback only occurs when I select the dropdownlist second time.
What's the problem?
After Page_ClientValidate is called, the variable Page_BlockSubmit gets set to true, which blocks the autopost back. Page_BlockSubmit was getting reset to false on the second click, for what reasons I still don't fully understand. I'm looking more into this, but I have a solution and I'm under the gun so I'm rolling with it....
Just add below code in the code block which executes if Page is not valid.
Page_BlockSubmit = false;
function ValidatePage()
flag = true;
if (typeof (Page_ClientValidate) == 'function')
if (!Page_IsValid)
alert('All the * marked fields are mandatory.');
flag = false;
Page_BlockSubmit = false;
flag = confirm('Are you sure you have filled the form completely? Click OK to confirm or CANCEL to edit this form.');
return flag;
I have just found the solution. The following function works (remove the else part):
function confirmSubmit() {
if (Page_ClientValidate("Group1")) {
return window.confirm("Are you sure to submit the form?");
