z-index has no effect in IE7 with Google Map and Navigation Sub-Menus - css

I feel like the problem is extremely apparent. I'm working on an issue with a client's site, which actually happens on several of my clients' sites but this one is the most apparent. IE7 Is refusing to obey z-index rules. I've played around with differing values, particularly on the divs #mapWrapper and #map. Take a look here: http://thepaysongroup.com/wp-content/plugins/hq_idx/searchlistings.php
I've done dozens of web searches and I can't find anything that resolves this issue. I also ready through Aleksandar Vacić's article on IE6/7 z-index discrepancies, but still nothing. Any assistance would be much appreciated, I'm tearing my hair out on this one.

In my experience, z-index in wonky in IE. Setting it to 0 is especially a problem, so make sure 0 isn't one of your z-index values.
Sometimes the simplest solution is to change the source-order of the html: whatever shows up later in the source will be on top. Is that a possibility in your case?

If I remember correctly, you can't have two elements with the same z-index or things get funky. I notice a lot of your paths have z-index of 1000. Some ideas to try:
Reset the z-indexes to be incremental within faux layers. That is, if you want all the boundary strokes to be on the same "layer", allocate the numbers between, say, 1001 and 2000 for that layer. The next layer above would use the numbers between 2001 and 3000, etc.
Let the document flow set the z-indexes within a few containers, and set the containers themselves to wide-apart z-indexes.
Note that historically with IE, elements like combo-box dropdowns and ActiveX controls, etc. get displayed on a layer above the actual page, and so always appear above any HTML, no matter how high you try to set the z-index. Not saying this is the problem, but perhaps using the map api triggers that problem. Read more here.

Okay, I figured it out. So the main navigation is in div #header with position: relative and no z-index defined. Once I placed a z-index on the header the menu popped right out in front of the map.
I guess the lesson here is look for every element with a defined position, be it absolute or relative, and how it is interacting with the elements in question.


css positioning far right - with minimum width

I am a mostly skilled server-end developer, and am creating an ambitious website project - all by myself. I know c#, MVC, T-SQL, LINQ, and ASP.NET pretty well. Obviously, since I'm working by myself, I have knowledge in design too. I'm obviously good with html (who isn't?). And I absolutely love jQuery! The thing is, I'm decent in my understanding of css, but css is my least knowledgeable trait. I understand programming, I also am good in design, not just because I have a decent level of knowledge in css (and jQuery) - but also because I just know what looks good (I can draw and paint on real paper too).
The thing is, I know I can probably do this with jQuery code, but I was wondering if this could also be done with css alone. On my main design (Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml) - I made the body to have a "min-width: (my value);" attribute, which, obviously isn't supported with older browsers, so I also included a transparent image of a default width of 1px that I set to stretch to my desired width also - it works in controlling the width of the page (to the minimum I desired). But - I have a site header div which resides at the top of the page. I have a part of that header div with elements positioned on the far right - which is nice when the browser is on a device that is large enough and the browser is in decent size, but once the browser is set to a size less than my desired minimum width, then the scroll bar shows up, and I can move it around as expected. But, the elements in that header div do not stay to the far right in conjunction with my minimum width - but stay on the right of the current window size instead. I have the main div holding the elements itself set to be in fixed position, I tried making those elements relative with no success. I tried a few ideas, the problem still persists.
So, as I said, I am well aware of concepts using jQuery that can do what I have previously described I desire in these regards, but, as I also said, I know a decent amount of css, but am the least close to an "expert" in css than anything else I know. I just have a strong suspicion what I desire here can be done with css and css alone (also, it would be nice to have it compatible with most browsers, or at the least most browsers made after the year 2008).
Can someone please give me some good information in these regards?
I just remembered asking this question.
I actually found a way to go about doing what I wrote I desired here through some experimentation that eventually got me to where I needed to be. What I did was instead of using relative positioning - which I thought was the proper way of doing this, I used absolute positioning inside the absolute positioned top header div. I didn't think this would be the solution at the time of asking the question, I assumed setting something as absolute positon - even inside something that is already absolute positioned - would put it in a new context of absolute positioning like any absolute positioned element inside the body tag. What I discovered was if I put an absolute positioned element inside another absolute positioned element - the context of the absolute positioning was based on the original absolute positioned element - so top (or left for that matter) 0px wasn't 0px from the context of the body (the very top of the page) - but - 0px from the element that the element is inside of. I think that's a pretty explanation of it, so I'll end explaining it here.
I'm sure there's plenty of people that know css much more than I do, and think this issue I had here is so basic, but, I did ask the question, and I might as well answer it based upon the solution I used. I could've posted an example on jsfiddle like asked for in a comment, but I thought my explanation was good enough, and since no one offered an answer based on my question alone, I decided to try to address the issue with experimentation, which I had success with.

Website layout "breaks apart" when zooming in or out in browsers + a few other basic css questions

I'm pretty much as new to CSS as it gets and what I'm trying to do right now is just design a very simple/basic splash or landing page for a small business.
Here is the url for the site: My site
Now if you go on any browser, lets say google chrome and you zoom out or in (ctrl -/+) you will notice that the website layout starts to "break apart" in that all my divs just start shifting around. I obviously dont want this, and just want the site to remain the same when people zoom in or out, pretty much like all good sites haha.
I know it must have something to do with positioning, but I can't figure it our for the life or me. Last night I spent hours browsing similar questions but I can figure it out.
I'm not posting the code as to take up more space, I'm assuming since I gave you the URL you'll be able to retrieve the code from there.
I also have a few more, smaller questions:
1) if you open my site on chrome, or ie you'll notice that after the "terms and conditions" on the bottom of the page, the site ends, like it should. however, if you go on firefox, you'll notice that after the "terms and conditions" the background so to speak continues for a while. why is this and how can i fix it?
2) you'll notice that on different browsers positioning of elements is slightly different.
most noticeably if you look or chrome/firefox and then internet explorer 9 you'll notice that the "terms and conditions" are slightly higher than in chrome or ff and thus slightly touching the main content area. is there a way to fix this?
3) what is an efficient, effective way to center divs? For example, I want to center the "sign up" button perfectly centered relative in the main content area. ive pretty much just been eyeing it out and using relative positioning to center it. what is a more accurate way to center it?
Thanks, and sorry if these questions seem a little redundant. if you need any clarification on anything I'll be monitoring this question like a hawk.
When you zoom in or out, you will encounter issues because of rounding and text rendering. It is a good idea to make sure the layout can survive a bit of stretching without breaking down.
Relative positioning is affected by issues mentioned in #1, and therefore unreliable.
Look into using something to remove the properties that the various browsers will apply. You could use a reset to give you something more workable or try to normalize the values to make them more even between browers.
For (horizontal) centering you have some options:
If you have a container with "text-align:center" it will center all child elements that are inline-blocks or inline.
If you want to center a block element, you can use "margin: 0 auto" to center it horizontally and remove vertical margins.
If you want to center an absolutely positioned element, you can use "left: 50%, margin-left: -(width of element/2)".
In addition to attempting to get rid of relative positioning, I would recommend that you do not explicitly set the height of the body element. Generally you want the elements to manage their own size, that way they will be more robust.
If you use "position: relative" now because that is what you know how to use, I would suggest you try using "float: left" (or right), or changing the display type (display: inline-block). That may help you get started in the right direction.
not sure for your points 1 & 2, but as for 3 what i've come to use is the following have the div i want to center and then use width : some-percentage; margin-left : 100-(some_percentage)*0.5 ;, where some percentage is the width I want to use.
a couple suggestions before go into fixing the zoom in and zoom out issue.
Don't use <div> to wrap around text.
Use <h1> tags for header
Store your CSS in a separate css file.
You defined the header section that's great, but do that for container and footer as well.
Comments! That would make the job much easier for people who try to help you.

Weirdest IE bug ever? -- hovering a link causes page elements to jump up and cover others

Ok, I've been dealing with IE bugs for a long time now, but this one is beyond me. IE 7 and even 8 does it for sure, I've not seen it on FF or Chrome.
So here's a live URL which produces it: http://mog.com/music/America/Holiday
Reproducing isn't easy, it can take a few times to make it happen. Watch your scrollbar to see it change size so you know the page length was suddenly dropped quite a bit.
Here's how you do it:
Hover over any sub-nav link (Main, Albums, Songs, Photos, News, etc.)
Try them until you see the scrollbar change size. Once it does, scroll all the way down and notice the footer has jumped up on top of much of the page content.
Be careful scrolling down that you don't roll over a few other page elements that will suddenly fix this. So far I can see that any of the Play buttons will somehow fix this.
It's just beyond weird. How could a rollover state cause this kind of behavior?
I've tried:
Removing the a:hover style - THIS FIXES IT... WTF? Of course we ideally would keep some hover state, so hoping to avoid this fix.
Reproducing the hover functionality using jQuery hover(). - THIS DOESN'T FIX IT.
I figure the clues are in the elements that somehow magically fix it...and possibly in where the page jumps to, what elements suddenly get obscured by the footer.
Lastly, I didn't produce this site from scratch and it uses a lot of absolute and relative positioning for certain things and I know that is partly what causes these weird bugs. I rarely, rarely use esp absolute positioning to avoid these kinds of bugs, but it's a bit too late now.
Thanks for anyone willing to check it out!!
Well, I figured it out. It was an odd case of the "Guillotine" bug. One I luckily haven't come across before. Turns out the "special" CSS rules on those nav links' hover state (particularly it seemed the border and bg image) were enough to trip this bug. One way around was to drop those styles, but not ideal. The real fix, however, was an unsemantic clearing div placed in just the right spot. More info found here:
Hi just a short note: When did you validate your html the last time?
As you probably know, but might have forgotten, fixing your html can sometimes solve a lot of problems. There are 72 errors seen by http://validator.w3.org

IE (Z-index rendering problem)

I have an ASP.NET application that renders a 3rd party (Telerik's) menu control under
another control (RadDock) when the menu expands.
This artifact ONLY happens in IE7. Not in Safari/FF/Opera/Chrome (Have I left any out?)
The menu control needs to be rendered OVER the other control.
I have Google'd this a fair amount, but have yet to find a simple solution to fix it for IE7.
What is the easiest to solve this problem for IE?
Also do you know if this z-index problem has been resolved in the (pending?) IE8?
This Q is not meant to start a browser flame war. Please only respond if you have a
relevant comment.
Thank you kindly.
I don't know if this is similar or not, but I had an issue with z-indexing where when the z-index was applied to the elements of a container, but not to the container itself, the z-index wasn't being properly applied to the child elements. This manifested itself as background borders appearing over the top of the menu items that should have been on top. I solved the issue by applying the same z-index to the container holding the menu items. I don't know how the Telerik controls set up their CSS, but you may want to check that the class being assigned to the container has an appropriate z-index as well as the menu items themselves.
I've had some problems like that before, although not with the 3rd party controls you mentioned. Check to see if either of the controls sets it's own z-index conditionally if the browser is IE. If that's not the case, try setting a specific z-index for each of the controls (or their containers) to make sure IE doesn't fall back to some sort of default unknown z-index.
If the z-index changes do not fix it, it may actually be a positioning problem rather than a z-index problem. Positioning problems are quite common (from my own experience) when you try to do cross-browser compatibility.

YUI Autocomplete renders under other page elements in IE7

I'm working now on a page that has a column of boxes styled with sexy shadows and corners and whatnot using the example here. I have to admit, I don't fully understand how that CSS works, but it looks great.
Inside the topmost box is a text-type input used for searching. That search box is wired up to a YUI autocomplete widget.
Everything works fine in Firefox3 on Mac, FF2 on Windows, Safari on Mac. In IE7 on WinXP, the autocomplete suggestions render underneath the round-cornered boxes, making all but the first one unreadable (although you can still see enough peeking out between boxes that I'm comfortable IE7 really is getting more than one suggestion).
Where could I start looking to correct the problem?
Here's what success looks like in FF2 on WinXP:
And here's what failure looks like in IE7:
Sorry for this being so late, but hopefully the answer will be of use to you in a future project.
The problem here is that IE creates a new stacking order anytime there is an element with position:relative, meaning that z-index itself is not the only controlling factor. You can read more about this here:
To solve the problem, if I'm understanding your problem correctly, apply position:relative to the container that wraps your whole autocomplete implementation (and then position:absolute to your results container). That should create an independent stacking order in IE for those elements that allows them to float over the other position:relative stacks that appear later in the page.
The working solution I finally implemented was based on reading this explanation over and over again.
In the underlying HTML, all of the blue rounded corner elements are DIVs, and they're all siblings (all children of the same DIV).
The z-index of the autocomplete div itself (which is the great-great-grandchild of the rounded corner container div) can be arbitrarily high, and it won't fix this issue, because IE was essentially rendering the entire contents of the search box below the entire contents of the "Vital Stats" box, because both had default z-index, and Vital Stats was later in the HTML.
The trick was to give each of these sibling DIVs (the blue rounded corner containers) descending z-indexes, and mark all of them position:relative. So the blue div that contains the search box is z-index:60, the "Vital Stats" box is z-index:50, "Tags" is z-index:40, and so on.
So, more generally, find the common ancestor of both the element that is getting overlapped and the element that is overlapping. On the immediate children of the common ancestor, apply z-indexes in the order you want content to show up.
I'm not totally understanding the setup that's leading to the problem, but you might want to explore the useIFrame property of the YUI Autocomplete object -- it layers an iframe object beneath the autocomplete field, which allows the field to then float above the objects that are obscuring it in IE's buggy layout.
But the docs say that this matters in 5.5 < IE < 7, so this might not be the issue you're experiencing. So again, without totally understanding the setup you're working with, you might also want to try to experiment with various z-index values for the autocomplete field and the surrounding block-level elements.
Make sure the z-index of the auto-complete div is a larger number than the divs that constitute the rounded corner box. Microsoft puts the z-index of the top elements to 20000 or 100000 I believe. Might be wise to do the same.
I had a similar problem to this, I fixed it by basically just changing z-index for the different divs. Just setting higher number for each div in the order it should display.
