update panel and validators not working -

I have created UserControl that contains a textbox and a restricted length validator for that textbox.
I'm adding user controls dynamically via UpdatePanel to my Parent WebForm. And the problem is that Validator just won't work. It just won't trigger.
I work on .net 3.5.
Does anyone have any clue what is happening and how can I make this validator work.

I have face similar problem and my validator in the detailsview-->updatepanel-->Validator
Check this thread for details
On the Client Click I have enable validator using javascript function
ValidatorEnable(document.getElementById('<%=rfv.ClientID%>'), true);

I too faced such an issue. I was using .Net 3.0 and VS2005. I referred to this problem discussion and the solution and could solve my issue. You too can refer the same.

As far as I understand it you can't add controls dynamically as this changes the page structure and .net gets confused. Instead you have to have all controls loaded "onLoad" and then simply change their visible flag to show or hide them as needed.
This way .net can keep track of them all and is happy.


DotNetNuke 7 - Edit page menu not working when adding ajax control to module

I am creating a simple DotNetNuke module and every time I add a control that contains ajax it somehow interferes with the edit page menu. The control in question is one from Syncfusion and it is the numeric textbox.
The page and the menu functionality works well as long as I use the standard Microsoft user controls. For example if I change the ajax numeric textbox for the or the html one then it works well. As soon as I add the ajax textbox then the edit page menu does not work.
Has anyone else experienced this issue?
Additional information: The Syncfusion control does not require any specific jQuery version.
There is no error logged on the DNN event viewer. I have been trying with FireBug to follow the tracks but it reveals nothing.
I have attached the screenshot to help visualize the issue.
This happens because of jQuery conflicts. The syncfusion controls load their own jQuery library. To avoid issues within your module add a key to the appSettings section of the DNN web config file:
"SFjQueryLoad" value="false"
This will cause the control to use only the jQuery library provided by your DNN website.

Disable javascript in GridViews

Is there a way prevent an ASP gridview from always relying on javascript for the edit and delete LinkButtons? If I disable javascript in my browser the edit and delete commands still seem to link to "javascript: _doPostBack". (I'm using VB and .NET framework 2.0)
Thanks in advance.
You could implement the edit and delete buttons yourself using an <asp:TemplateField>. Then you are free to have them do the postback however you like, with <input type=submit> buttons, perhaps.
You are limited to smaller subset of controls when Javascript is not available. See MSDN. The postbacks function conveys to the runtime what was clicked and that is how the server side events are triggered. If you really want to develop an app without Javascript support, you will have to stay away from most server controls. The rendering is fine but any interaction (like editable grid) would be one of those controls to stay away from. You might also want to look into ASP.NET MVC framework.

Ajax in existing asp .net project

I have a web page devoloped in visual studio 2008.
I have 4 dropdowns and a repeater in the page.based on the selection(search criteria) from the dropdowns the repeater value will change.
and one dropdown selection will bind values to the other dropdown also.
Since the page is causing a lot of postback we decided to implement ajax here.
I am yet to learn ajax.
Can anyone tell what is the best way to do this .which ajax control replace dropdowns?
i have already server side code written on all dropdowns.
Please give me a good solution which i can implement in less time and reuse my code.
One more update: i have a master page used in the project.
I am using update panel of ajax which does not work if i use master page.
(That means all the dropdown controls and repeater i put it in update panel.But still page postback occurs.)
In a normal page(without master page) it works? why is this happening?
You are able to use UpdatePanel and place dropdowns inside it.
Your solution will depend on the AJAX framework you choose, but here are cascading dropdown examples in ASP.NET AJAX and jQuery
If your main reason for using AJAX is to remove the number of postbacks you are getting, then I would recommend against using Microsoft's built in solution, e.g updatepanels.
The learning curve will be higher but learn to use jQuery, maybe with a little help from jTemplate to help you build your drop downs on the page.
Using updatepanels will not reduce your postbacks as behind the scenes is doing a full page life-cycle, sending all content back to your client but only updating the update panel. jQuery will be far more efficient. (and the reason I use it!!)
If you don't believe me, see... Why Update Panels are dangerous
Update #2
If you don't want to go the whole way of learning Ajax just yet (although I'd recommend it) you could always pre-load your page with all the possible drop down combinations and then swap them using javascript / javascript + jQuery.
Here is one example of how you may do it -- use jQuery for dependent drop down combos
Using this method you are more likely to be able to save the code you've already written to work out the drop down options. How to handle events from dynamically added controls?

So I have a number of user control dynamically added to a page, and user interaction with these dynamically added user controls need to be handled by the control's parent.
Is this what is referred to as "event bubbling"?
How do I do that in VB?
Thanks in advance.
First, you have several complex issues here and my initial thought is that you should separate them and attack each on its own until you have it working and then add them into the final solution. For instance, don't try to start off by dynamically creating your user control and getting it to expose and fire an event. The dynamic part of this problem could get in the way and cause your events not to work but you would never know which is the problem. Instead my recommendation is you focus on events in VB.NET and getting them to work from a statically created user control. Then once you have this all working, move to making the user control dynamically created.
As far as understanding events in VB.NET, I highly recommend the MSDN samples. Start with this simple example: How to: Raise an Event (Visual Basic) and then follow through with the other samples that are linked to from that page. Then once you have learned creating your own events in VB.NET, then look into adding a usercontrol dynamically.
Event bubbling is when a parent control handles an event from a child. So, yes, this is what you are trying to do.
I am not sure of VB but in c# you can use following
id.event+=eventhandler yourEvent;
My first response to this kind of question is always this - why are you dynamically adding the controls? Could they go into a repeater (where this becomes a lot simpler), or must they be programatically handled?

ASP.NET message box

I am looking for a custom control which could enable me to call message of following type.
Is there a control which function like a .NET desktop application messagebox?
I know, exactly similar may not be possible but main features I am looking for here is returning value of clicked button and custom value entered by user in code behind.
I have also started working on it myself, but hardly any luck so far.. any direction in this case will also be very useful.
There is a good tutorial which could help:
Create MessageBox user control using ASP.NET and CSS
And here combining it with the AjaxControlToolkit:
ASP.NET Popup Message Box User Control
I hope this helps!
Have you looked at the AJAX Toolkit? It doesn't do all the things you want, but it should be too hard to the extender and controls needed into a CustomControl and create your own DLL.
use the namespace "System.Windows.Forms" by adding the reference to the solution explorer
