How does AssemblyResourceLoader/ASP.Net handle If-Modified-Since header? -

I have an IHttpHandler similar to AssemblyResourceLoader. What it does is generate an image and then send it back to the browser.
In AssemblyResourceLoader there is a code block like this:
HttpCachePolicy cache = context.Response.Cache;
cache.VaryByParams["d"] = true;
cache.SetExpires(DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromDays(365.0));
Pair assemblyInfo = GetAssemblyInfo(assembly);
cache.SetLastModified(new DateTime((long) assemblyInfo.Second));
I have set up mine to emit the exact same headers as AssemblyResourceLoader. I set the Last-Modified header and the browser sends the If-Modified-Since header to my handler just as it does with AssemblyResourceLoader. The problem is this: My handler never returns the 304 like AssemblyResourceLoader does. I can't find anywhere in the AssemblyResourceLoader code where it deals with the If-Modified-Since header so I don't know how to deal with it myself. Does anybody know where ASP.Net does that and how I can get the same behavior out of my handler?

Looks like you need to do it yourself, but it's not hard:


Get Hunchentoot to output no headers at all

I want to return a TSV file from a web call in Hunchentoot (SBCL), but want the user to just save the raw result blatted to the page, rather than use a separate file and download link (which is hard because of local firewall complexities).
I can't figure out how to output the page without any headers at all, i.e., to make it just plain raw text. (I know that the browser would make a mess w/o headers in the DOM, but don't care; the goal is just to have the user save the page, not read it.)
I've tried various combinations of
(setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "text/plain")
(*standard-output* nil :prologue nil)
and setting the content-type* inside, outside, and around the with... but I always get header junk.
Writing a string directly
I tried defining a handler as follows:
(define-easy-handler (text :uri "/text") ()
(setf (content-type*) "text/csv")
When I visit the page locally, the browser automatically downloads a text file without even displaying (this is probably a setting we can change in Chrome, I don't know).
When I enable the browser developer mode, here are the response headers I receive as part of the HTTP protocol:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: ...
Date: ...
Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 5
Connection: keep-alive
But the file itself is just the string a,b,c.
If I change the content-type to "text/plain", then the browser successfully displays the text, and nothing else (the HTTP headers are the same).
You don't need to use the cl-who macros if you do not intend to build an HTML document, in fact its better not to. In any case, you can supply your own REPLY-CLASS when initializing the acceptor (see and have a very low-level control about what you emit as a reply, headers included. But I don't think this is necessary in your case. I don't clearly understand where your problem comes from, but sending back a plain text is something the framework is supposed to be able to do out of the box. Please add more details if you can.
Is the correct answer not to use the Content-Disposition header?

Response header Content-Disposition not doing anything

I am trying to retrieve a file from my server (which is using ASP.NET Core MVC) and display it in the browser. After looking through many threads on here and other sites, the same solution seems to be suggested every time; which is to use Content-Disposition inline in the response header. I have my code as follows:
IFileInfo file = _fileProvider.GetFileInfo(filename);
Response.Headers.Add("Content-Disposition", $"inline; {file.Name}");
return File(file.CreateReadStream(), "application/pdf", file.Name);
While this seems to be the correct code based on other threads I've seen, the Content-Disposition header does absolutely nothing in my code. Whether I have the header, remove it, or make it something else (i.e. attachment), it downloads and saves the file but does not display it unless I manually open the file.
Does anyone know what I'm missing here?
Returning the File overload that accepts the filename param is overwriting your Content-Disposition header to be attachment; {filename}. Just do:
return File(file.CreateReadStream(), "application/pdf");
And you'll be fine.

Angular: Custom headers are ignored by $http and $resource. Why?

I'm trying to access a REST service I don't control. First problem is that the service doesn't include a Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, which is a problem that, if I understand correctly, immediately limits me to JSONP.
Also, by default, this service sends XML rather than JSON, though it's capable of sending JSON. I think it should respond to my Accept header, the people responsible for the service say it looks at my Content-Type. That would mean I'd need to do a POST rather than a GET (though get makes more sense when I'm just getting some static data, right?).
Stubborn as I am, I'm trying my Accept header first. Since Angular only accepts JSON, I'd expect it to use the Accept: application/json header by default, but it doesn't, and it ignores my attempts to set it manually:
app.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider){
delete $httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'];
$['Accept'] = 'application/json, text/javascript';
$['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8';
$['Access-Control-Max-Age'] = '1728000';
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['Access-Control-Max-Age'] = '1728000';
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['Accept'] = 'application/json, text/javascript';
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8';
$httpProvider.defaults.useXDomain = true;
I do this again in the actual resource:
return $resource('', {}, {
fetch: {
params: params,
headers: {
'Accept':'application/json, text/javascript',
'Content-Type':'application/json; charset=utf-8'
callback: 'JSON_CALLBACK'
But still, the request headers contain Accept: */*.
My question is: WHY? Why does Angular ignore my headers? And how do I get it to use the proper headers anyway?
And also: is there a way to use JSONP in a POST?
Edit: Originally I used Angular 1.0.7, but I just tried it with 1.2.3 and got the same results. Headers are ignored, yet everybody claims that this is the way to do it.
I also tried doing it directly with $http, rather than with $resource, with the same results.
Edit 2: Here's a JSFiddle. It's anonymized and doesn't use my real server, but using Firebug/developer tools, you can verify that it sends Accept: */* on both calls, despite my many attempts to set application/json headers. And that is my real problem here. On my real server, I'm getting an XML result because of that, despite my real server's ability to send JSON.
(Whether the real server supports jsonp is less relevant at the moment. This dummy server clearly doesn't, but that's okay. I just care about the headers.)
Edit 3: I've tried both solutions suggested below:
$http.defaults.headers.common['Accept'] = 'application/json, text/javascript';
$http.defaults.transformRequest.push(function (data, headersGetter) {
headersGetter().Accept = "application/json, text/javascript";
return data;
I've tried both statements separately. In the controller, and then in the service just before the http call itself. Still doesn't work.
Can someone give me a JsFiddle where this is shown to work?
Edit 4: I notice that when I use GET rather than JSONP, the Accept header is correct. But then the response is rejected because it doesn't have the correct header.
What kind of headers should a JSONP call have? Because there's a lot more headers in the JSONP call, but nothing that identifies it as JSONP. Does the server have to have explicit JSONP support for this to work? I suddenly realize I don't know nearly enough about jsonp.
I think your answer is here. According to the wiki, A JSONP call is executed through injection of a <script> tag to load the script from the host server, which responds by calling your callback, passing the data. A <script> tag generates a regular browser request (not an XmlHttpRequest), and the browser will send its own Accept header (it also sends its own User-Agent header, for example).
I would hope there is an easier client-side way to do this, but I think the only way may be the one suggested in the referenced post:
So, if you want to be able to set request headers for cross domain calls
you will have to setup a server side script on your domain that will
delegate the call to the remote domain (and set the respective
headers) and then send the AJAX request to your script.
EDIT: here is a (rejected) jQuery bug report about this same problem.
Some more background info:
In angular, callbacks are managed automagically, so if your say this:
method: "JSONP",
url: "",
}).success(function(data) {
console.log('Return value:');
}).error(function(data) {
a <script> tag will be created that looks more or less like this:
<script type="application/javascript"
The content of the response to will be:
angular.callbacks._1({key1: "value1", key2: "value2"});
angular.callbacks._1 will contain your success function, and it will be called with the data.
While what you have is supposed to work according to the docs, my experience has been a bit different. To get around this issue, we did the following:
Create a "base controller" that gets added to the page either on the body or html tag.
In that controller, make the assignment using $http instead of $httpProvider. Because your base controller loads when the initial page loads, it is there for all other controllers and services that will run in your app.
I don't know why this works and the proscribed method does not, and I'd love to see an answer to your question that is better than this work-around, but at least this can get you moving forward with development again.
The following works for me - however, I do that during "runtime" with $http and I am not using $httpProvider during bootstrapping.
function SomeCtrl($http) {
$http.defaults.transformRequest.push(function (data, headersGetter) {
headersGetter().Accept = "application/json, text/javascript";
return data;
Here is a working jsFiddle version. Check the request which is done with Developer Tools/Firebug and see that "application/json, text/javascript" is requested.

Is it possible to set some http headers while http-redirect(302 or 307)?

Is it possible to set some http headers while http-redirect(302 or 307)?
header("some-header: xxx");
You can basically set whatever http headers you want either as the server or the client.
If you are indicating a redirect you should supply the Location header as your example suggests. You should also ensure that your response headers refer to that response rather than the resource that the client is being redirected to. i.e. your headers here could include Content-Length: 0, omit the Content-Type header and so on.
Not sure if this is what you're after - this question could do with a bit more detail.
You can always do the redirection 301/307.
There are ways to do it
1) Do it through java code :
2) THe same thing can be done in JSPs.
A tip here is: Always use the setHeader function and not the addHeader function as they behave in different ways.

ajax request that returns json array, IE6/7 is caching it and data is not fresh

for some reason, IE6/7 is caching the ajax call that returns a json result set back.
My page makes the call, and returns a json result which I then inject into the page.
How can I force IE6/7 to make this call and not use a cached return value?
You might want to add
Cache-Control: no-cache
to your HTML response headers when you're serving the JSON to tell the browser to not to cache the response.
In ASP.NET (or ASP.NET MVC) you can do it like this:
Response.Headers.Add("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
you can change your settings in ie, but the problem most likely lies on your server. You can't go out and change all your users' browser settings. But if you want to at least check it on your browser, go to Internet Options->General (Tab)->Browsing History(section)->Settings (button)->"Every time I visit the webpage"
Make sure you set it back, though, at some point.
To fix it on the server, have a look at
Using curl (w/ cygwin) for debugging is your great way to figure out what's actually being sent across the wire.
If cache-control doesn't work for you (see DrJokepu's answer), according to the spec the content from any URL with a query string should be non-cacheable, so you might append a pointless query parameter to your request URL. The value doesn't matter, but if you really want to be thorough you can append the epoch value, e.g.:
var url = "myrealurl?x=" + (new Date()).getTime();
But this is a hack; really this should be solved with proper caching headers at the server end.
In the controller action that returns a JsonResult, you need to specify in your headers to avoid caching:
ControllerContext.HttpContext.Response.AddHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
