Webtest with session-id in url - asp.net

We have an ASP.Net site that redirects you to a url that shows a session-id. like this:
This id is unique with every request.
Is it possible to test this site using a standard visual studio 2008/2010 webtest? How can I provide the test this data?
I have to call a couple of different pages using that same id.

Yes, it is relatively easy to do this. You will need to create a coded webtest however.
In my example we have a login post that will return the url including the session string.
Just after the we yield the login post request (request3) to the enumerator I call the following.
WebTestRequest request3 = new WebTestRequest((this.Context["WebServer1"].ToString() + "/ICS/Login/English/Login.aspx"));
//more request setup code removed for clarity
yield return request3;
string responseUrl = Context.LastResponse.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri;
string cookieUrl = GetUrlCookie(responseUrl, this.Context["WebServer1"].ToString(),"/main.aspx");
request3 = null;
Where GetUrlCookie is something like this:
public static string GetUrlCookie(string fullUrl, string webServerUrl, string afterUrlPArt)
string result = fullUrl.Substring(webServerUrl.Length);
result = result.Substring(0, result.Length - afterUrlPArt.Length);
return result;
Once you have the session cookie string, you can substitute it really easy in any subsequent urls for request/post
WebTestRequest request4 = new WebTestRequest((this.Context["WebServer1"].ToString() + cookieUrl + "/mySecureForm.aspx"));
I apologise for my code being so rough, but it was deprecated in my project and is pulled from the first version of the codebase - and for saying it was easy :)
For any load testing, depending on your application, you may have to come up with a stored procedure to call to provide distinct login information each time the test is run.
Note, because the response url cannot be determined ahead of time, for the login post you will have to temporarily turn off the urlValidationEventHandler. To do this I store the validationruleeventhandler in a local variable:
ValidateResponseUrl validationRule1 = new ValidateResponseUrl();
urlValidationRuleEventHandler = new EventHandler<ValidationEventArgs>(validationRule1.Validate);
So can then turn it on and off as I require:
this.ValidateResponse -= urlValidationRuleEventHandler ;
this.ValidateResponse += urlValidationRuleEventHandler ;
The alternative is to code your own such as this (reflectored from the Visual Studio code and changed to be case insensitive.
class QueryLessCaseInsensitiveValidateResponseUrl : ValidateResponseUrl
public override void Validate(object sender, ValidationEventArgs e)
Uri uri;
string uriString = string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Request.ExpectedResponseUrl) ? e.Request.Url : e.Request.ExpectedResponseUrl;
if (!Uri.TryCreate(e.Request.Url, UriKind.Absolute, out uri))
e.Message = "The request URL could not be parsed";
e.IsValid = false;
Uri uri2;
string leftPart = uri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path);
if (!Uri.TryCreate(uriString, UriKind.Absolute, out uri2))
e.Message = "The request URL could not be parsed";
e.IsValid = false;
uriString = uri2.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path);
////this removes the query string
//uriString.Substring(0, uriString.Length - uri2.Query.Length);
Uri uritemp = new Uri(uriString);
if (uritemp.Query.Length > 0)
string fred = "There is a problem";
//changed to ignore case
if (string.Equals(leftPart, uriString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
e.IsValid = true;
e.Message = string.Format("The value of the ExpectedResponseUrl property '{0}' does not equal the actual response URL '{1}'. QueryString parameters were ignored.", new object[] { uriString, leftPart });
e.IsValid = false;


The localhost page isn’t working. localhost redirected you too many times

I got a problem when debugging my MVC program and I want to acces to my db called "UserActivity".
on the browser, it saying that "The localhost page isn’t working
localhost redirected you too many times."
but without showing the specific error location.
here is my UserActivtyController, GET /UserActivity/Index code:
public class UserActivityController : BaseController
//GET /UserActivity/Index
public ActionResult Index(string returnUrl, int page = 1, string sort = "Id", string sortDir = "ASC", string filter = null)
String query = #"
FROM UserActivity
-- ORDER BY CreatedOn DESC
-- OFFSET (#PageNumber -1) * 30 ROWS
//string countQuery = #""
List<UserActivityModels> userActivity = null;
using (IDbConnection db = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CRMPORTALSQLCONN"].ConnectionString))
userActivity = (List<UserActivityModels>)db.Query<UserActivityModels>(query, new
#PageNumber = page,
/*ViewData["TotalCount"] = (int)db.ExecuteScalar(countQuery, new
#PageNumber = page,
#Id = string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter) ? null : filter
ViewData["PageSize"] = 30;
ViewData["Filter"] = filter;
if (userActivity != null)
return RedirectToAction(returnUrl);
return View(userActivity);
Really appreciate if there anyone who know something about this problem. Thanks
if (userActivity != null)
return RedirectToAction(returnUrl);
If the returnUrl points to the same action ("UserActivity/Index") it will create infinite redirect loop. If you want to redirect request to different action make sure you pass correct name.
You have a loop back situation. This is similar to endless while loop. To fix it change your code redirection implementation to redirect to an action method. Notice how I have changed the implementation below. This will fix the issue "localhost redirected you too many times". You can improve on it to support passing in parameters, etc suitable for your situation. Also take a look at RedirectToAction with support for additional parameters, if you want to pass parameters to the action method, this link will be useful.
public class UserActivityController : BaseController
//GET /UserActivity/Index
public ActionResult Index(int page = 1, string sort = "Id", string sortDir = "ASC", string filter = null)
// Your other implementation here. I have removed it for brevity.
if (userActivity != null)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(userActivity);
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
I don't know what is the value of redirectUrl but I suppose it to be null. I also suppose that your userActivity is not null. So return RedirectToAction(returnUrl); gets called.
When you call RedirectToAction(null) you actually redirect to the same action and everything repeats again.
I also am wondering why would you need to return View(userActivity); when your userActivity is null. I suppose you have a logical error.

how can we store a html page into sqlite in blackberry on memory card / phone memory?

Below code specifies that we we can make http connection in blackberry and how to store html page as a string?
I am doing this but I am able to get that http request but when I get response i.e http_ok it is not correct so that I can save text oh html as a string and I can further store that into sqlite.
LabelField title = new LabelField("SQLite Create Database Sample",
LabelField.ELLIPSIS |
add(new RichTextField("Creating a database."));
try {
connDesc = connFact.getConnection(argURL);
if (connDesc != null) {
httpConn = (HttpConnection) connDesc.getConnection();
// //Send Data on this connection
// httpConn.setRequestMethod(HttpConnection.GET);
// //Server Response
StringBuffer strBuffer = new StringBuffer();
inStream = httpConn.openInputStream();
int chr;
int retResponseCode = httpConn.getResponseCode();
if (retResponseCode == HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) {
if (inStream != null) {
while ((chr = inStream.read()) != -1) {
strBuffer.append((char) chr);
serverResponceStr = strBuffer.toString();
// appLe.alertForms.get_userWaitAlertForm().append("\n"+serverResponceStr);
//returnCode = gprsConstants.retCodeSuccess;
} else {
//returnCode = gprsConstants.retCodeNOK;
} catch (Exception excp) {
//returnCode = gprsConstants.retCodeDisconn;
} `enter code here`
The code does not perform any database functionality, however I tested and it does successfully perform an HttpRequest to an external URL. The data that comes back is based on the response of the server you are making the request to.
The code I used can be found here:
The only modifications is to keep a running summary of various events, and the response is displayed in the RichTextField. Basically, this looks to be working as intended, and the resulting String should be able to be saved however you see fit; though you may need to be cautious of encoding when saving to a database so that special characters are not lost or misinterpreted.

Is there a simple way in ASP.Net to get the current URL with some query parameters changed?

I've had several cases where I had a page with several query parameters - most recently a search results page - and needed to create a link to the same page with one or more query parameters changed in the URL. This seems like such a common use case that I feel as though there must be some simple built-in way of doing it.
Right now, I'm using a function I wrote which takes in a dictionary of parameters and values and merges them with the params and values from Request.QueryString. Parameters given with a null value are removed. It works, but I'm open to simpler methods.
Minor improvements I'd suggest:
UriBuilder ub = new UriBuilder(Request.Url);
ub.Query = string.Join("&", parameters.Select(kv => string.Format("{0}={1}", Server.UrlEncode(kv.Key), Server.UrlEncode(kv.Value))));
return ub.ToString();
Actually the return value should also be a Uri type but I didn't want to introduce any breaking changes.
The function I'm using now:
public string ThisPageWithParams(IDictionary<string, string> newParameters)
string url = Request.Url.AbsolutePath + "?";
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (string k in Request.QueryString)
parameters[k] = Request.QueryString[k];
foreach (var kv in newParameters)
if (newParameters[kv.Key] == null)
parameters[kv.Key] = kv.Value;
url += string.Join("&", parameters.Select(kv => Server.UrlEncode(kv.Key) + "=" + Server.UrlEncode(kv.Value)));
return url;

NameValueCollection to URL Query?

I know i can do this
var nv = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(req.RawUrl);
But is there a way to convert this back to a url?
var newUrl = HttpUtility.Something("/page", nv);
Simply calling ToString() on the NameValueCollection will return the name value pairs in a name1=value1&name2=value2 querystring ready format. Note that NameValueCollection types don't actually support this and it's misleading to suggest this, but the behavior works here due to the internal type that's actually returned, as explained below.
Thanks to #mjwills for pointing out that the HttpUtility.ParseQueryString method actually returns an internal HttpValueCollection object rather than a regular NameValueCollection (despite the documentation specifying NameValueCollection). The HttpValueCollection automatically encodes the querystring when using ToString(), so there's no need to write a routine that loops through the collection and uses the UrlEncode method. The desired result is already returned.
With the result in hand, you can then append it to the URL and redirect:
var nameValues = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Request.QueryString.ToString());
string url = Request.Url.AbsolutePath + "?" + nameValues.ToString();
Currently the only way to use a HttpValueCollection is by using the ParseQueryString method shown above (other than reflection, of course). It looks like this won't change since the Connect issue requesting this class be made public has been closed with a status of "won't fix."
As an aside, you can call the Add, Set, and Remove methods on nameValues to modify any of the querystring items before appending it. If you're interested in that see my response to another question.
string q = String.Join("&",
nvc.AllKeys.Select(a => a + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(nvc[a])));
Make an extension method that uses a couple of loops. I prefer this solution because it's readable (no linq), doesn't require System.Web.HttpUtility, and it supports duplicate keys.
public static string ToQueryString(this NameValueCollection nvc)
if (nvc == null) return string.Empty;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (string key in nvc.Keys)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key)) continue;
string[] values = nvc.GetValues(key);
if (values == null) continue;
foreach (string value in values)
sb.Append(sb.Length == 0 ? "?" : "&");
sb.AppendFormat("{0}={1}", Uri.EscapeDataString(key), Uri.EscapeDataString(value));
return sb.ToString();
var queryParams = new NameValueCollection()
{ "order_id", "0000" },
{ "item_id", "1111" },
{ "item_id", "2222" },
{ null, "skip entry with null key" },
{ "needs escaping", "special chars ? = &" },
{ "skip entry with null value", null }
This should work without too much code:
NameValueCollection nameValues = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(String.Empty);
// modify nameValues if desired
var newUrl = "/page?" + nameValues;
The idea is to use HttpUtility.ParseQueryString to generate an empty collection of type HttpValueCollection. This class is a subclass of NameValueCollection that is marked as internal so that your code cannot easily create an instance of it.
The nice thing about HttpValueCollection is that the ToString method takes care of the encoding for you. By leveraging the NameValueCollection.Add(NameValueCollection) method, you can add the existing query string parameters to your newly created object without having to first convert the Request.QueryString collection into a url-encoded string, then parsing it back into a collection.
This technique can be exposed as an extension method as well:
public static string ToQueryString(this NameValueCollection nameValueCollection)
NameValueCollection httpValueCollection = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(String.Empty);
return httpValueCollection.ToString();
Actually, you should encode the key too, not just value.
string q = String.Join("&",
nvc.AllKeys.Select(a => $"{HttpUtility.UrlEncode(a)}={HttpUtility.UrlEncode(nvc[a])}"));
Because a NameValueCollection can have multiple values for the same key, if you are concerned with the format of the querystring (since it will be returned as comma-separated values rather than "array notation") you may consider the following.
var nvc = new NameValueCollection();
nvc.Add("key1", "val1");
nvc.Add("key2", "val2");
nvc.Add("empty", null);
nvc.Add("key2", "val2b");
Turn into: key1=val1&key2[]=val2&empty&key2[]=val2b rather than key1=val1&key2=val2,val2b&empty.
string qs = string.Join("&",
// "loop" the keys
nvc.AllKeys.SelectMany(k => {
// "loop" the values
var values = nvc.GetValues(k);
if(values == null) return new[]{ k };
return nvc.GetValues(k).Select( (v,i) =>
// 'gracefully' handle formatting
// when there's 1 or more values
values.Length > 1
// pick your array format: k[i]=v or k[]=v, etc
? "{0}[]={1}"
: "{0}={1}"
, k, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(v), i)
or if you don't like Linq so much...
string qs = nvc.ToQueryString(); // using...
public static class UrlExtensions {
public static string ToQueryString(this NameValueCollection nvc) {
return string.Join("&", nvc.GetUrlList());
public static IEnumerable<string> GetUrlList(this NameValueCollection nvc) {
foreach(var k in nvc.AllKeys) {
var values = nvc.GetValues(k);
if(values == null) { yield return k; continue; }
for(int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) {
yield return
// 'gracefully' handle formatting
// when there's 1 or more values
values.Length > 1
// pick your array format: k[i]=v or k[]=v, etc
? "{0}[]={1}"
: "{0}={1}"
, k, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(values[i]), i);
As has been pointed out in comments already, with the exception of this answer most of the other answers address the scenario (Request.QueryString is an HttpValueCollection, "not" a NameValueCollection) rather than the literal question.
Update: addressed null value issue from comment.
The short answer is to use .ToString() on the NameValueCollection and combine it with the original url.
However, I'd like to point out a few things:
You cant use HttpUtility.ParseQueryString on Request.RawUrl. The ParseQueryString() method is looking for a value like this: ?var=value&var2=value2.
If you want to get a NameValueCollection of the QueryString parameters just use Request.QueryString().
var nv = Request.QueryString;
To rebuild the URL just use nv.ToString().
string url = String.Format("{0}?{1}", Request.Path, nv.ToString());
If you are trying to parse a url string instead of using the Request object use Uri and the HttpUtility.ParseQueryString method.
Uri uri = new Uri("<THE URL>");
var nv = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri.Query);
string url = String.Format("{0}?{1}", uri.AbsolutePath, nv.ToString());
I always use UriBuilder to convert an url with a querystring back to a valid and properly encoded url.
var url = "http://my-link.com?foo=bar";
var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(url);
var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uriBuilder.Query);
query.Add("yep", "foo&bar");
uriBuilder.Query = query.ToString();
var result = uriBuilder.ToString();
// http://my-link.com:80/?foo=bar&yep=foo%26bar
In AspNet Core 2.0 you can use QueryHelpers AddQueryString method.
As #Atchitutchuk suggested, you can use QueryHelpers.AddQueryString in ASP.NET Core:
public string FormatParameters(NameValueCollection parameters)
var queryString = "";
foreach (var key in parameters.AllKeys)
foreach (var value in parameters.GetValues(key))
queryString = QueryHelpers.AddQueryString(queryString, key, value);
return queryString.TrimStart('?');
This did the trick for me:
public ActionResult SetLanguage(string language = "fr_FR")
Request.UrlReferrer.TryReadQueryAs(out RouteValueDictionary parameters);
parameters["language"] = language;
return RedirectToAction("Index", parameters);
You can use.
var ur = new Uri("/page",UriKind.Relative);
if this nv is of type string you can append to the uri first parameter.
var ur2 = new Uri("/page?"+nv.ToString(),UriKind.Relative);

How do I get an already (basic) authenticated context to call a web service behind the same authentication?

I have a site behind basic authentication (IIS6).
Part of this site calls a web service that is also part of the site and thus behind basic authentication as well.
However, when this happens the calling code receives a 401 Authentication Error.
I've tried a couple of things, with the general recommendation being code like this:
Service.ServiceName s = new Service.ServiceName();
s.PreAuthenticate = true;
s.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
However, this does not seem to resolve my problem.
Any advice?
This seems to be a not uncommon issue but so far I have found no solutions.
Here is one thread on the topic.
Solution: (I am almost certain this will help someone)
See this link for the source of this solution in VB (thanks jshardy!), all I did was convert to C#.
NB: You must be using ONLY basic authentication on IIS for this to work, but it can probably be adapted. You also need to pass a Page instance in, or at least the Request.ServerVariables property (or use 'this' if called from a Page code-behind directly). I'd tidy this up and probably remove the use of references but this is a faithful translation of the original solution and you can make any amendments necessary.
public static void ServiceCall(Page p)
LocalServices.ServiceName s = new LocalServices.ServiceName();
s.PreAuthenticate = true; /* Not sure if required */
string username = "";
string password = "";
string domain = "";
GetBasicCredentials(p, ref username, ref password, ref domain);
s.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password, domain);
/* Converted from: http://forums.asp.net/t/1172902.aspx */
private static void GetBasicCredentials(Page p, ref string rstrUser, ref string rstrPassword, ref string rstrDomain)
if (p == null)
rstrUser = "";
rstrPassword = "";
rstrDomain = "";
rstrUser = p.Request.ServerVariables["AUTH_USER"];
rstrPassword = p.Request.ServerVariables["AUTH_PASSWORD"];
SplitDomainUserName(rstrUser, ref rstrDomain, ref rstrUser);
/* MSDN KB article 835388
BUG: The Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_PASSWORD") object does not display certain characters from an ASPX page */
string lstrHeader = p.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lstrHeader) && lstrHeader.StartsWith("Basic"))
string lstrTicket = lstrHeader.Substring(6);
lstrTicket = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(lstrTicket));
rstrPassword = lstrTicket.Substring((lstrTicket.IndexOf(":") + 1));
/* At least on my XP Pro machine AUTH_USER is not set (probably because we're using Forms authentication
But if the password is set (either by AUTH_PASSWORD or HTTP_AUTHORIZATION)
then we can use LOGON_USER*/
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rstrUser) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rstrPassword))
rstrUser = p.Request.ServerVariables["LOGON_USER"];
SplitDomainUserName(rstrUser, ref rstrDomain, ref rstrUser);
/* Converted from: http://forums.asp.net/t/1172902.aspx */
private static void SplitDomainUserName(string pstrDomainUserName, ref string rstrDomainName, ref string rstrUserName)
rstrDomainName = "";
rstrUserName = pstrDomainUserName;
int lnSlashPos = pstrDomainUserName.IndexOf("\\");
if (lnSlashPos > 0)
rstrDomainName = pstrDomainUserName.Substring(0, lnSlashPos);
rstrUserName = pstrDomainUserName.Substring(lnSlashPos + 1);
The Line:
s.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials();
Maybe you should try :
s.Credentials = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity;
