What is my error with my Feed in Wordpress - wordpress

My feed url is (http://www.robertstikmanz.com/feed/rss/) yet it's showing a very weird layout. What exactly am i doing wrong, or what do I need to set in my server/installation to make this work correctly?
It looks like this (http://screencast.com/t/Yjc2YmRmNW) in Chrome on Mac yet not on every other Browser. This is why I was confused :)

Might be that you're using the wrong feed URL and/or have a RSS plugin working against you.
mydomain.com/feed/ is the default wordpress feed URL.
/feed/ shows full text of posts and your sharing links, /feed/rss/ doesn't.


My images are not displaying when I send a link

I use wordpress.org and bluehost. My site url is http://www.midnightmassmusic.com , and everytime I share an article either through text message, or onto fb, it doesn't display an image. I used facebook debugger and it keeps say there's no og description, and it's an invalid content type. How do I fix this? I even added facebook and google to hotlink protection, wondering if that was causing it. It didn't help. I use Yoast, didn't help. Is it possibly my image optimizer (Ewww) plugin interfering? Or are my image files not formatted correctly? Bluehost won't help me because they claim it's Facebook's problem..but it's not. The same error is occuring when sharing through text.
First of all, there is no og:decription tag in your source, so Facebook is right about that. That being said, your og:image is not accessible in public. I get a 403 error when i try to load it in the browser: https://midnightmassmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/20181230_1552042-1-e1547951786467.jpg
Btw, your image size would be 600x800, which is not an appropriate aspect ratio for og images. You should use 1200x630 according to the docs.

Meta tags appear correct but Facebook sharing is empty (no title, description, or image)

This problem exists for all pages on this site. The meta tags appear correct but whether you use the share link on the site, or try to share direct on FB, the image, title and description are not used.
There must be a legitimate issue as the Sharing Debugger also shows an empty/plain sharing dialog. But the Facebook share debugger isn’t given me any helpful info. It sometimes shows a 302, which I don’t understand as there is no redirect on the site. Refreshing the scrape sometimes shows an error Unknown Image Error, which also doesn’t seem to be a legitimate issue.
Almost always the Facebook share debugger shows a 302 the first time and then follows with other unhelpful errors.
Maybe a DNS issue, weird that it would be site wide.
Example Links:
Any and all help is very appreciated.
Try debugging your page URL on below link:
Once you scan your URL, on the link I provided, you will see "Warnings That Should Be Fixed" section. Try resolving warnings mentioned in that section.
Hope this will help you!

FB Like Button not working properly, counts multiple posts at one

My problem is that I was using a "Like button" plugin on wordpress and I didn't liked the looks of it. I deactivated the plugin and then tried with manual code of XFBML button. That screwed the count to some of the posts, having their counts all in one. I reverted the changes, using the plugin again, deleted the code added and the problem persists. Some of the posts have the "shared" count box. And when you "Like!" any of that posts, only the last one appears on Facebook.
It's it possible that this is a caché issue or something that is wrong in the code?
I tried reverting the meta tag "og:type" from "blog" to "website" but it didn't allowed me, can this be the problem?
Why do some of the posts share that countbox if the links are not the same?
And the wierdest thing, why only some of the posts have the issue while some are shared correctly?
As for an example, say post 1, 5 and 7 share the same countbox (+200). When you "like!" any of them, only the last of them (the most recent) gets to the FB wall.
This doesn't happen with the new posts, only with part of the old ones.
If the case, you can see it working: http://elrincondelacritica.com/
Thanks in advance.
By the way, if you need any piece of code just ask, this is not my page and I really need to fix this asap, also because it's online and running.
Thank you.
The FB debug tool shows that you didn't supply the fb:app_id > which seems to be crucial to render the news feed.
See: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object?q=http%3A%2F%2Felrincondelacritica.com%2F
You can create a Facebook App here: http://developers.facebook.com/apps
Once you've done that you can add the fb:app_id by adding this into your header:
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="000yourAPID000"/>
Thanks mate for the share. Next time I make a website I'll make sure to create an APP too.
And by the way, the error was because of the meta tag og:type changed from website to article. What I did was to leave it to article (not trying to change it "forcing" og:type - website) and placing each "bad" post in the FB Debugger. There were 30 or so... but it worked, and now the new posts work too, with zero count from the start and incrementing correctly, each in particular.

Facebook like button is liking wrong url

First off, I saw similar posts already, but they weren't exactly what I am asking.
I used the Facebook Dev to create a like button for my website, stuck the code in and the the button showed up. The only issue is that it likes the wrong url when I click the button.
I'm pretty sure the issue is that I have it set to redirect automatically from mydomain.com to the most recent post. I think this is gumming up the works with the like button and causing it to like mydomain.com/mostrecentpost instead of simply liking mydomain.com.
Is there a way to correct this issue without having to get rid of the redirect (because that isn't an option)?
Sorry if that was a little wordy, wanted to make sure I explained the issue fully.
Is there a way to correct this issue without having to get rid of the redirect (because that isn't an option)?
Either don’t redirect in those cases where the user agent header of the request points to it being Facebook’s scraper;
or set the canonical URL of http://example.com/mostrecentpost to just http://example.com/ using the appropriate Open Graph meta tag. (Although that would mean you would not be able to like a single post any more, because all of your posts would just point to your base domain as the “real” website; so the first is probably the better option.)

Social links in wordpress

Every time I try to set a social link for example to yigg i get messed up links in adress bar
It looks like this http%253A%252F%252Fbleibgesund.org%252Farchiv%252Fzitate%252F
And it schold be http://bleibgesund.org/archiv/zitate/1000-krankheiten-nur-eine-gesundheit/328
It does not matter what plugin for social bookmarking I use. They have all the same problem.
I searched for solution in internet but still not found a solution.
Anybody an idea what could the problem be?
The URL is getting encoded to be passed through a the API URL. That's normal. I tried the social links on the page you used there and they worked. Where isn't it working?
