WordPress 404 Errors - wordpress

I moved a Wordpress website from one server to another and I am now getting 404 errors on everything but the home page.
I also checked that the .htaccess file is there and the database contents. They are fine. Not sure what else could be causing this.
Any ideas from the community?

Assuming you have pretty permalinks enabled, are you sure that the new server has mod-rewrite enabled? You can also check to see if this is the problem by going to a pagelike yoursite.com/?p=1 where 1 is a page id.

Assuming the URL has changed
You need to update either the database or (if you're lucky) one of the .php files in the wordpress distro - see the wordpress article on this.
I had the same issue and ended up having to edit the database. You're seeing the 404's because wordpress thinks it's still hosted at the old URL and is therefore trying to retrieve files from it.
If the URL has not changed
Perhaps permissions need updating on the folders? The folders should be set at 755 and the files 644 (reference here).

Looks like you may have solved the problem - I had a similar problem where permalinks would not work, but the default links did work. I modified the .htaccess file to what Wordpress said to do. Twice I thought I had solved the problem, but didn't.
I had moved it to my local Ubuntu Karmic Koala system for testing, and found that the solution involved editing a file in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled. On my system, it was called 000-default.
This file had statements like the .htaccess file, and in two places had AllowOverride None, which I had to change to AllowOverride All. Apparently, this file overrides any local .htaccess files.
I also had to change the location of Wordpress in the main configuration, but that was obvious.
I hope this will help someone who has tried all the normal suggestions like me, and is still having problems.


WordPress Permalinks Issue

So we installed a fresh version of WP. Thanks for the help earlier.
The last issue we cannot figure out is why we cannot navigate the site.
Basically, when we try to navigate internally into the website we imported into the sandbox, it gives the following:
The requested URL /page-name/ was not found on this server.
If it's the ugly / default Permalink, we can view the files under pages, but we cannot navigate even. The pages were set to /page-name/, which I'm pretty sure is /%postname%/. I've scoured online. I've put up a blank .htaccess file, changed the permissions to 666 for writing purposes.
What I've tried included:
Replacing the .htaccess with a blank (I renamed the old one to be a backup) - it generates information to the file.
We can view pages manually that way, but we cannot navigate through the "live" site with it running this way.
Is there a second source I should be referring to for updates on the .htaccess file? Is there tricks online I may have overlooked? Any input would be appreciated!
Thank you!
Thank you Milap for the comment above! It turned out to be the AllowOverride being false. Apparently this have to be enabled in order for it to work. To those who plan to make this change, restarting your server is required.
Please refer to section AllowOverride Not Enabled section of their documentation: https://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Permalinks

One page won't show on wordpress after moving from live to localhost

I moved my website from live to localhost to make some modifications to it and I have encountered a problem, one page will not show up: "Oops! That page can’t be found.".
I have tried the following
1. activated rewrite_module
2. deactivated each plugin to see if anyone is causing the problem
3. recopied the database and files in case of failure during the first transfer
4. read that resetting permalinks might solve the problem. Changed permalinks to default - the page now works, but when I changed back to custom the problem is still there.
This is weird because only one page does not seem to show, every other page works fine and also there is no problem on the live version.
I ran out of solutions can any one please help?
This may be caused by the permalink or .htaccess
check the url of your page if no issues on URL then
Follow this steps once:
Go to settings-> permalink-> set it as default ->Reload or refresh
Then again now Go to settings-> permalink->postname
Your .htaccess will get update with the permalink.
This could be a problem with htaccess. When using the query string urls in wordpress, no htaccess is required, but for anything else Wordpress uses mod_rewrite.
Is htaccess turned on your localhost Apache server? In httpd.conf, AllowOverride All should be turned on in your active directory.
Is Wordpress able to create new files? Insufficient permissions might prevent it from creating the htaccess file.
Finally, check that your links are pointing to the right place. Sometimes the problem is as simple as a misspelling in your link ;) Good luck.

WordPress Upload Media to a post issue

I'm struggling from an error on WordPress 3.8.1.
Whenever I try to upload a media to a post, it does not add, it says An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later..
But the weirder thing is that it is shown on dashboard/media/library even after this issue.
I also cannot see uploaded attached media to my posts (edit post / [add media button]) / media library / uploaded to this post, but in dashboard/media/library section , these old uploaded images are shown properly that which is uploaded to what post.
I have tried the followings:
Re-installed both my local version and en_US from both update manager and manually
Deleted wp-includes and wp-admin folders and replaced them manually.
I have checked chown and chmod of the wp-content/uploads folder. To make sure they are working, I have deleted wp-content/uploads/2014 folder, and after first upload that shows this error, the folder is created with right chown and chmod and files were there (wp-content/uploads/2014/01/26/file with resolutions.jpg)
I have deleted unneeded plugins, deactivated all plugins and themes, switched back to WordPress's default plugin, I have even reset active plugins json object at wp_options from SQL, did not help.
I have enabled php error logs, nothing related is shown
I have altered the WP_DEBUG definition to true, I have even defined WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY to true, no help.
When I try to add from wp-admin/media-new.php , using multi uploader, file is freezing at "Crunching…" step, but old browser upload works flawlessly.
I'm managing the VPS and hosting the blog myself with CentOS 6.5 x64. safe_mode is set as off. There is not a mod_security option in my php.ini. My upload_max_filesize in php.ini is set to 20M, memory_limit is 256M, only 3 sites are hosted and memory is quite empty while testing these. This also happens even with 50kb .jpg images, so this should not be related.
I have re-uploaded all wordpress files from a clean downloaded zip, no help.
I have tried adding AddType x-mapp-php5 .php .php4 to the end of .htaccess as suggested here, that did not help at all.
The thing is that, I have tried a clean installation to another domain on the same server, it is working as it should.
What could be the problem? How can I fix this?
Thanks in advance,
See if custom post type has any files that are in UTF-8. If you change it to ANSI, that should help, if thats an issue.
I had the same issue, and found that there is a problem with my theme itself... try doing the same action using the twentyten theme. if that works, then take a look and see if there is any conflicting code in the functions.php of the theme...
if you are using a child theme can I suggest making another child theme, or using an alternative them as in my experience not all themes "like" being used as a child...
If you are trying to upload into a custom post-type, change the capability_type setting in your functions.php file to 'post' and it should fix your problem.
Check permissions of your wp-content or wp-content/upload folders, If folder permission is not 755 then change it to 755 and re-upload again. I hope it will solve your problem.
If you are using a low scale server and added a plugin named "WP-SmushIt" then it will surely cause an error. Reason is simple this plugin uses CPU resources to minimize the size of images in process of optimizing it and so it crosses the server limited execution time. Solution is simple-> Go with higher plan servers or try changing server execution time listed in php config file.
Not directly related to this, but I have experienced the exact same issue after moving the very same site to a different server now. Only difference is now I've been using Nginx instead of Apache. I have checked the ownerships before and they were all correct (else the normal upload wouldn't work earlier either). I'm leaving this here just as a reference.
The fix on my newer case was simply changing the ownership of the web root and all the files inside.
Nginx and PHP5-FPM were running with same user: www-data, which is at the group with same name: www-data.
So changing of all the ownership of the files fixed in this case:
chown -R www-data:www-data /path/to/wordpress/root/
And the issue was gone.
I still don't know the original reason of my old issue, I had to wipe, start from clean and restore the posts, plugins etc. from scratch.
I was facing same issue in wordpress like media not loaded in popup. then i have resolved.
I think, Some times problem created by ajax response.Means ajax response comes with some additional content.
Wordpress media popup is loaded content by ajax(json Response) and ajax give response with some content like style and other.
For Example:-
then json(ajax response).
So First check your ajax response in console.We have to disable all plugins then check it is work or not.If no then activate default theme. because content comes from plugin and theme.
check your folder permission, and mod_security settings, also try to increase max_execution_time and memory,

Clean URLs Broken after moving site to new host

I have copied an existing drupal 6 site to a new host. I thought it was an easy task. Just change the mysql login credentials and run. But obviously not. Fist page is up and runing, but all links to existing pages doesn't work.
What am I missing here? Another configuration I've missed.
The Drupal 6 installation is a NodeStream distibution.
Link to site:
It is likely that you forgot to set up mod_rewrite so the nice urls don't work.
It is almost certain mod_rewrite is not turned on you can access pages like this
To resolve quickly:
Turn off clean urls (don't know the exact url in Drupal 6)
Flush all caches
This will resolve until you can get mod_rewrite turned on or working.
A very common (and even easier to fix) problem that happens when moving hosts is that you forget to include the .htaccess file which can cause problems with clean URLs too.
Fix: Upload a fresh copy of the .htaccess file that comes with Drupal to your web root directory.
I have found out that sometimes I miss this file. This is because I installed Drupal by dragging all the files and folders over to my server, but since the .htaccess file starts with a period, OS X hides it. This means that the .htaccess file was never moved over. - Source DrupalDude.com
And from Drupal.org directly, Clean URLs not working? Check your .htaccess file
Check if the .htaccess file was actually uploaded. It should be in the directory where you uploaded Drupal (for example: /public_html/drupal/)
If the .htaccess file is missing, you need to upload it. If you accidentally deleted this file, just download Drupal again, and copy the new .htaccess file.
Make sure the file is only called .htaccess and not htaccess.txt or anything else. The .period .at .the .beginning is required.
This name usually means that the file will be invisible on folder listings on Unix-based systems so you might not always see it. If using an FTP client, you may have to configure it to 'show hidden files'. If listing on the commandline, you must ls -la to see it. This will be somewhat dependent on your OS.
Here are two tutorials which may help you:
How to move a Drupal site from one host to another
How to Move a Drupal Site to a New Host Without Going Crazy

simple press permalink 404 error

I'm trying to use the Simple:Press forum plugin for WordPress. If i go into my sites Settings/Permalinks and select anything other than Default, I get a 404 error whenever I try to access any of the forums or user profile.
Does anyone have a workaround for this?
Edit: I should add this is on a Windows machine and I have added the Web.config file which seems to work fine for other pages
Is the proper .htaccess file being created when permalinks are enabled? Could be a directory not writable issue.
Depending on which version of Wordpress you have, this might be the fix. It's a mod rewrite error.
Right click on the Bookmarklet, and change
A quick work around is to delete part of the URL in the pop. Delete after
after the u=, up through the beginning of the domain for the website.
