Firebug console and css errors - css

I am getting the following error in Firebug (console -> show css errors)
Expected ',' or '{' but found '0.2'.
This is on a page with jCarousel.
Is there a way to get more information about this error in Firebug, I can't find it in the code.

Found this:
ul, ol {
margin-left 0;
on this example page:
i.e. margin-left is not followed by a colon.


How Change the style of the error message

I use Symfony 5.4 in php7.4 and no framework for the css
When I want to use the "UniqueEntity" in order to have an error message if I have twice the same email, I can't find a way to change the style of the message, I would like to know if it was possible to put it in a class or something like that plz
I can do in css :
#register > ul > li {}
But i think it's not a good practice
HTML img and render of the page

Why is indentation important when analysing code?

I am getting an error while transpiling sass to css, "Line X: Inconsistent indentation: Y spaces were used for indentation, but the rest of the document was indented !Y spaces"
Here is the error state of my sass code:
margin: 50px;
background-color: #2aa4df;
margin-top: 0;
As you can see, near the p style rule I have used a different indentation which produces the error. What I'm wanting to know is why indention is important from a compiler perspective
Indentations errors are not related to sass transpiler, the sass transpiler never mind converting unindented source code. You can try this - and paste your above code. It works perfectly without any error.
I think there is some css lint setting which is not allowing that indentation and due to that, you are getting those error. Please look for lint settings in your project.

I am getting a strike through on the content in drupal

I am getting this strike through error over the content in my drupal website
please help me with this.
You may have a rogue CSS rule on your text.
.myclass {
text-decoration: line-through;
If you right-click on your page and hit inspect element you should be able to figure out where that is coming from. Or you could search for this in the css of your theme and alter it there.
the error was with my html , i had a typo instead of and that was creating the bad html.

CSS Cursor code - apparently wrong syntax

I tried to insert the following line of code in an external CSS stylesheet, but my Error Console told me there was an error parsing value for property 'cursor':
cursor: url(JC_puzzle_piece.cur) !important;
Is this not the proper syntax? If so, then what is?
You need to provide a fallback preset value in case the cursor file isn't found. See a list of presets here.
cursor: url(JC_puzzle_piece.cur), default !important;

CSS: Start numbering pages with 2 instead of 1

In CSS, with:
#page { #top-right { content: "Page " counter(page) " of " counter(pages); } }
I can have page numbers displayed at the top of every page when the page is printed. This works great. But now, how can I make it so the page number starts with 2 instead of 1? Can I do that by modifying the CSS rule above?
If you are using Flying Saucer (which was my case), use the following CSS:
table { -fs-table-paginate: paginate; }
It works like a charm. And Flying Saucer rocks :). Really highly recommended.
#page {
counter-increment: page;
counter-reset: page 1;
#top-right {
content: "Page " counter(page) " of " counter(pages);
using page 1 will reset the starting point of the counter. You can use any integer to start counting from. The default is 0.
After playing with Flying Saucer a bit, I guess there's no way to do this with CSS (or it's a very complicated one), as "page"/"pages" seem to be internal CSS variables. Perhaps it gets better with CSS 3, there seems to be a calc() function, so counter(calc(page+1)) could perhaps work...
But there is another way to get the PDF starting with page 2. You can add a blank first page to the PDF by adding this line to the xhtml file:
<h1 style="page-break-before:always"></h1>
Then you can either print only pages 2-... of the PDF when using a printer or remove the first page from the PDF with some PDF editor.
Have you seen the CSS documentation about counters? see here It seems to me that you can call the counter-reset. By default counters are set to 0. If in your Body tag you did a "content-reset: page 1;" then it should force the first page to start at 2 instead of 1.
Posting this for someone else viewing this page. You can also look into another stackoverflow post provided below. This has worked for me.
flying saucer - page count with css
-fs-page-sequence: start;
Don't know if this works, but why don't you try counter(page+1)?
