Unix TCP servers and UDP Servers - unix

Why is the design of TCP servers mostly such that whenever it accepts a connection, a new process is invoked to handle it . But, why in the case of UDP servers, mostly there is only a single process that handles all client requests ?

The main difference between TCP and UDP is, as stated before, that UDP is connectionless.
A program using UDP has only one socket where it receives messages. So there's no problem if you just block and wait for a message.
If using TCP you get one socket for every client which connects. Then you can't just block and wait for ONE socket to receive something, because there are other sockets which must be processed at the same time.
So you got two options, either use nonblocking methods or use threads. Code is usually much simpler when you don't have one while loop which has to handle every client, so threading is often prefered. You can also save some CPU time if using blocking methods.

When you talk with client via TCP connection you maintain TCP session. So when new connection established you need separate process(or thread, no matter how it implemented and what OS used) and maintain conversation. But when you use UDP connection you may recieve datagram(and you will be informed about senders ip and port) but in common case you cannot respond on it.

First of all, the classic Unix server paradigm is filter based. For example, various network services can be configured in /etc/services and a program like inetd listens on all of the TCP and UDP sockets for incoming connections and datagrams. When a connection / DG arrives it forks, redirects stdin, stdout and stderr to the socket using the dup2 system call, and then execs the server process. You can take any program which reads from stdin and writes to stdout and turn it into a network service, such as grep.
According to Steven's in "Unix Network Programming", there are five kinds of server I/O models (pg. 154):
multiplexing (select and poll)
Signal Driven
asynchronous ( POSIX aio_ functions )
In addition the servers can be either Iterative or Concurrent.
You ask why are TCP servers are typically concurrent, while UDP servers are typically iterative.
The UDP side is easier to answer. Typically UDP apps follow a simple request response model where a client sends a short request followed by a reply with each pair constituting a stand alone transaction. UDP servers are the only ones which use Signal Drive I/O, and at the very rarely.
TCP is a bit more complicated. Iterative servers can use any of the I/O models above, except #4. The fastest servers on a single processor are actually Iterative servers using non-blocking I/O. However, these are considered relatively complex to implement and that plus the Unix filter idiom where traditionally the primary reasons for use of the concurrent model with blocking I/O, whether multiprocess or multithreaded. Now, with the advent of common multicore systems, the concurrent model also has the performance advantage.

Your generalization is too general. This is a pattern you might see with a Unix-based server, where process creation is inexpensive. A .NET-based service will use a new thread from the thread pool instead of creating a new process.

Programs that can continue to do useful work while they are waiting for I/O
will often be multithreaded. Programs that do lots of computation which
can be neatly divided into separate sections can benefit from
multithreading, if there are multiple processors. Programs that service
lots of network requests can sometimes benefit by having a pool of
available threads to service requests. GUI programs that also need to
perform computation can benefit from multithreading, because it allows the
main thread to continue to service GUI events.
Thats why we use TCP as an internet protocol.


How does AMQP overcome the difficulties of using TCP directly?

How does AMQP overcome the difficulties of using TCP directly when sending messages? Or more specifically in a pub/sub scenario?
In AMQP there is a broker, that broker receives the messages and then does the hard part about routing them to exchanges and queues. You can also setup durable queues which save the messages for clients even when they are disconnected.
You could certainly do all this yourself, but it's a tremendous amount of work to do correctly. RabbitMQ in particular has been battle tested in many deployments.
You are still using the TCP protocol underneath AMQP, AMQP provides a higher abstraction.
You would also have to choose a wire protocol to use with all your clients, where AMQP already defines that wired protocol.
It overcomes difficulties by using one and same TCP connection for all of your threads for performance. AMQP is able to do it by using channels. These channels is a virtual connection inside the “real” TCP connection, and it’s over the channel that you issue AMQP commands.
As each thread spins up, it creates a channel on the existing connection and gets its own
private communication path to broker without any additional load on your operating
system’s TCP stack.
As a result, you can create a channel hundreds or thousands of times a second without your operating system seeing so much as a blip. There’s no limit to how many AMQP channels you can have on one TCP connection. Think of it like a bundle of fiber optic cable.
Source book: RabbitMq in Action

Requirements for Repeated TCP connects

I am using Winsock, and I have a need to issue a TCP connect repeatedly to a third-party server. These applications will stay up potentially for days at a time. I am the only client connecting to the server. The time between connects is on the order of seconds, and the connection stays up only long enough to send a single message of a few bytes. I am currently seeing that the connects start to fail (WSAECONNREFUSED) after a few hours. Is there anything I must do (e.g. socket options, etc.) to ensure these frequent repeated connects will succeed for an indefinite amount of time? Thanks!
When doing a lot of transaction based connections and having issues with TCP's TIME_WAIT state duration (which last 2MSL = 120 seconds) leading to no more connections available for a client host toward a special server host, you should consider UDP and managing yourself the re-sending of lost requests.
I know that sounds odd. But standard services like DNS are required to use UDP to handle a ton of transactions (request then a single answer in one UDP segment) in order to avoid issues you are experimenting yourself. Web browsers send a request using UDP to the DNS. Re-request is done using UDP after a short time, no longer than a few milliseconds I guess. Sometimes the resolved name is too long and does not fit in the UDP paquet. As a consequence the DNS server send a UDP reply with a dedicated flag raised, in order to ask the client to use TCP this time.
Moreover you may consider also the T/TCP extension (Transactional TCP) of TCP, if available on your Windows platform. It provides TCP reliability with shorter TIME_WAIT state, as nearly no costs in the modifications of your client code. As far as I know it may work even though the server does not handle that extension. As a side note it is currently not used on the internet as it is know to have some flaw...

Erlang accept incoming tcp connections dynamically

What I am trying to solve: have an Erlang TCP server that listens on a specific port (the code should reside in some kind of external facing interface/API) and each incoming connection should be handled by a gen_server (that is even the gen_tcp:accept should be coded inside the gen_server), but I don't actually want to initially spawn a predefined number of processes that accepts an incoming connection). Is that somehow possible ?
Basic Procedure
You should have one static process (implemented as a gen_server or a custom process) that performs the following procedure:
Listens for incoming connections using gen_tcp:accept/1
Every time it returns a connection, tell a supervisor to spawn of a worker process (e.g. another gen_server process)
Get the pid for this process
Call gen_tcp:controlling_process/2 with the newly returned socket and that pid
Send the socket to that process
Note: You must do it in that order, otherwise the new process might use the socket before ownership has been handed over. If this is not done, the old process might get messages related to the socket when the new process has already taken over, resulting in dropped or mishandled packets.
The listening process should only have one responsibility, and that is spawning of workers for new connections. This process will block when calling gen_tcp:accept/1, which is fine because the started workers will handle ongoing connections concurrently. Blocking on accept ensure the quickest response time when new connections are initiated. If the process needs to do other things in-between, gen_tcp:accept/2 could be used with other actions interleaved between timeouts.
You can have multiple processes waiting with gen_tcp:accept/1 on a single listening socket, further increasing concurrency and minimizing accept latency.
Another optimization would be to pre-start some socket workers to further minimize latency after accepting the new socket.
Third and final, would be to make your processes more lightweight by implementing the OTP design principles in your own custom processes using proc_lib (more info). However, this you should only do if you benchmark and come to the conclusion that it is the gen_server behavior that slows you down.
The issue with gen_tcp:accept is that it blocks, so if you call it within a gen_server, you block the server from receiving other messages. You can try to avoid this by passing a timeout but that ultimately amounts to a form of polling which is best avoided. Instead, you might try Kevin Smith's gen_nb_server instead; it uses an internal undocumented function prim_inet:async_accept and other prim_inet functions to avoid blocking.
You might want to check out http://github.com/oscarh/gen_tcpd and use the handle_connection function to convert the process you get to a gen_server.
You should use "prim_inet:async_accept(Listen_socket, -1)" as said by Steve.
Now the incoming connection would be accepted by your handle_info callback
(assuming you interface is also a gen_server) as you have used an asynchronous
accept call.
On accepting the connection you can spawn another ger_server(I would recommend
gen_fsm) and make that as the "controlling process" by calling
"gen_tcp:controlling_process(CliSocket, Pid of spwned process)".
After this all the data from socket would be received by that process
rather than by your interface code. Like that a new controlling process
would be spawned for another connection.

What does concurrent requests really mean?

When we talk about capacity of a web application, we often mention the concurrent requests it could handle.
As my another question discussed, Ethernet use TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) and no 2 signals could pass along the wire simultaneously. So if the web server is connected to the outside world through a Ethernet connection, there'll be literally no concurrent requests at all. All requests will come in one after another.
But if the web server is connected to the outside world through something like a wireless network card, I believe the multiple signals could arrive at the same time through the electro-magnetic wave. Only in this situation, there are real concurrent requests to talk about.
Am I right on this?
I imagine "concurrent requests" for a web application doesn't get down to the link level. It's more a question of the processing of a request by the application and how many requests arrive during that processing.
For example, if a request takes on average 2 seconds to fulfill (from receiving it at the web server to processing it through the application to sending back the response) then it could need to handle a lot of concurrent requests if it gets many requests per second.
The requests need to overlap and be handled concurrently, otherwise the queue of requests would just fill up indefinitely. This may seem like common sense, but for a lot of web applications it's a real concern because the flood of requests can bog down a resource for the application, such as a database. Thus, if the application has poor database interactions (overly complex procedures, poor indexing/optimization, a slow link to a database shared by many other applications, etc.) then that creates a bottleneck which limits the number of concurrent requests the application can handle, even though the application itself should be able to handle them.
.Imagining a http server listening at port 80, what happens is:
a client connects to the server to request some page; it is connecting from some origin IP address, using some origin local port.
the OS (actually the network stack) looks at the incoming request's destination IP (since the server may have more than one NIC) and destination port (80) and verifies that some application is registered to handle data on that port (the http server). The combination of 4 numbers (origin IP, origin port, destination IP, port 80) uniquely identifies a connection. If such a connection does not exists yet, a new one is added to the network stack's internal table and a connection request is passed on to the http server's listening socket. From now on the network stack just passes on data for that connection to the application.
Multiple client can be sending requests, for each one the above happens. So from the network perspective, all happens serially, since data arrives one packet at a time.
From the software perspective, the http server is listening to incoming requests. The number of requests it can have queued before the clients start getting errors is determined by the programmer based on the hardware capacity (this is the first bit of concurrency: there can be multiple requests waiting to be processed). For each one it will create a new socket (as fast as possible in order to continue emptying the request queue) and let the actual processing of the request be done by another part of the application (different threads). These processing routines will (ideally) spend most of their time waiting for data to arrive and react (ideally) quickly to it.
Since usually the processing of data is many times faster than the network I/O, the server can handle many requests while processing network traffic, even if the hardware consist of only one processor. Multiple processors increase this capability. So from the software perspective all happens concurrently.
How the actual processing of the data is implemented is where the key to performance lies (you want it to be as efficient as possible). Several possibilities exist (async socket operations as provided by the Socket class, threadpool, unique threads, the new parallel features from .NET 4).
It's true that no two packets can arrive at the exact same time (unless multiple network cards are in use per Gabe's comment). However, web request usually requires a number of packets. The arrival of these packages is interspersed when multiple requests are coming in at near the same time (whether using wired or wireless access). Also, the processing of these requests can overlap.
Add multi-threading (or multiple processors / cores) to the picture, and you can see how lengthy operations such as reading from a database (which requires a lot of waiting around for a response) can easily overlap even though the individual packets are arriving in a serial fashion.
Edit: Added note above to incorporate Gabe's feedback.

what happens when tcp/udp server is publishing faster than client is consuming?

I am trying to get a handle on what happens when a server publishes (over tcp, udp, etc.) faster than a client can consume the data.
Within a program I understand that if a queue sits between the producer and the consumer, it will start to get larger. If there is no queue, then the producer simply won't be able to produce anything new, until the consumer can consume (I know there may be many more variations).
I am not clear on what happens when data leaves the server (which may be a different process, machine or data center) and is sent to the client. If the client simply can't respond to the incoming data fast enough, assuming the server and the consumer are very loosely coupled, what happens to the in-flight data?
Where can I read to get details on this topic? Do I just have to read the low level details of TCP/UDP?
With TCP there's a TCP Window which is used for flow control. TCP only allows a certain amount of data to remain unacknowledged at a time. If a server is producing data faster than a client is consuming data then the amount of data that is unacknowledged will increase until the TCP window is 'full' at this point the sending TCP stack will wait and will not send any more data until the client acknowledges some of the data that is pending.
With UDP there's no such flow control system; it's unreliable after all. The UDP stacks on both client and server are allowed to drop datagrams if they feel like it, as are all routers between them. If you send more datagrams than the link can deliver to the client or if the link delivers more datagrams than your client code can receive then some of them will get thrown away. The server and client code will likely never know unless you have built some form of reliable protocol over basic UDP. Though actually you may find that datagrams are NOT thrown away by the network stack and that the NIC drivers simply chew up all available non-paged pool and eventually crash the system (see this blog posting for more details).
Back with TCP, how your server code deals with the TCP Window becoming full depends on whether you are using blocking I/O, non-blocking I/O or async I/O.
If you are using blocking I/O then your send calls will block and your server will slow down; effectively your server is now in lock step with your client. It can't send more data until the client has received the pending data.
If the server is using non blocking I/O then you'll likely get an error return that tells you that the call would have blocked; you can do other things but your server will need to resend the data at a later date...
If you're using async I/O then things may be more complex. With async I/O using I/O Completion Ports on Windows, for example, you wont notice anything different at all. Your overlapped sends will still be accepted just fine but you might notice that they are taking longer to complete. The overlapped sends are being queued on your server machine and are using memory for your overlapped buffers and probably using up 'non-paged pool' as well. If you keep issuing overlapped sends then you run the risk of exhausting non-paged pool memory or using a potentially unbounded amount of memory as I/O buffers. Therefore with async I/O and servers that COULD generate data faster than their clients can consume it you should write your own flow control code that you drive using the completions from your writes. I have written about this problem on my blog here and here and my server framework provides code which deals with it automatically for you.
As far as the data 'in flight' is concerned the TCP stacks in both peers will ensure that the data arrives as expected (i.e. in order and with nothing missing), they'll do this by resending data as and when required.
TCP has a feature called flow control.
As part of the TCP protocol, the client tells the server how much more data can be sent without filling up the buffer. If the buffer fills up, the client tells the server that it can't send more data yet. Once the buffer is emptied out a bit, the client tells the server it can start sending data again. (This also applies to when the client is sending data to the server).
UDP on the other hand is completely different. UDP itself does not do anything like this and will start dropping data if it is coming in faster then the process can handle. It would be up to the application to add logic to the application protocol if it can't lose data (i.e. if it requires a 'reliable' data stream).
If you really want to understand TCP, you pretty much need to read an implementation in conjunction with the RFC; real TCP implementations are not exactly as specified. For example, Linux has a 'memory pressure' concept which protects against running out of the kernel's (rather small) pool of DMA memory, and also prevents one socket running any others out of buffer space.
The server can't be faster than the client for a long time. After it has been faster than the client for a while, the system where it is hosted will block it when it writes on the socket (writes can block on a full buffer just as reads can block on an empty buffer).
With TCP, this cannot happen.
In case of UDP, packets will be lost.
The TCP Wikipedia article shows the TCP header format which is where the window size and acknowledgment sequence number are kept. The rest of the fields and the description there should give a good overview of how transmission throttling works. RFC 793 specifies the basic operations; pages 41 and 42 details the flow control.
