Dynamically implement interface in Groovy using invokeMethod - reflection

Groovy offers some really neat language features for dealing with and implementing Java interfaces, but I seem kind of stuck.
I want to dynamically implement an Interface on a Groovy class and intercept all method calls on that interface using GroovyInterceptable.invokeMethod. Here what I tried so far:
public interface TestInterface
public void doBla();
public String hello(String world);
import groovy.lang.GroovyInterceptable;
class GormInterfaceDispatcher implements GroovyInterceptable
def invokeMethod(String name, args) {
System.out.println ("Beginning $name with $args")
def metaMethod = metaClass.getMetaMethod(name, args)
def result = null
// Do something cool here with the method call
result = metaMethod.invoke(this, args)
System.out.println ("Completed $name")
return result
TestInterface getFromClosure()
// This works, but how do I get the method name from here?
// I find that even more elegant than using invokeMethod
return { Object[] args -> System.out.println "An unknown method called with $args" }.asType(TestInterface.class)
TestInterface getThisAsInterface()
// I'm using asType because I won't know the interfaces
// This returns null
return this.asType(TestInterface.class)
public static void main(String[] args)
def gid = new GormInterfaceDispatcher()
TestInterface ti = gid.getFromClosure()
assert ti != null
ti.doBla() // Works
TestInterface ti2 = gid.getThisAsInterface()
assert ti2 != null // Assertion failed
Returning the Closure works fine, but I couldn't figure a way to find out the name of the method being called there.
Trying to make a Proxy to the this reference itself (so that method calls will call invokeMethod) returns null.

You could use the Map coercion feature of Groovy to dynamically generate a Map that represents the given interface:
TestInterface getMapAsInterface() {
def map = [:]
TestInterface.class.methods.each() { method ->
map."$method.name" = { Object[] args->
println "Called method ${method.name} with ${args}"
return map.asType(TestInterface.class)

To complete the response of Christoph, as stated by this page, you can implement an interface with a closure. For example:
def map = [doBla: { println 'Bla!'}, hello: {world -> "Hello $world".toString()}] as TestInterface
map.hello 'Groovy' // returns 'Hello Groovy'


How to call method for bind property

I know how to bind a property, but how can I bind the call of a fuction?
For example: I have a ObjectProperty which points to a file. Now, I want to bind the path to its folder? If the value of ObjectProperty is C:\\user\Desktop\text.txt, the bonding should point to C:\\user\Desktop.
I thought I can call getParentFile() within the binding.
There a many ways to map an ObjectProperty, take a look at the class Bindings.
(All examples assume that you have a ObjectProperty<File> file)
Bindings.createObjectBinding(Callable<T> func, Observable... dependencies)
ObjectBinding<File> parent = Bindings.createObjectBinding(() -> {
File f = file.getValue();
return f == null ? null : f.getParentFile();
}, file);
Bindings.select(ObservableValue<?> root, String... steps)
ObjectBinding<File> parent = Bindings.select(file, "parentFile");
This will print a warning on the error-stream when file is null.
You can also create your own mapping method (which is similar to createObjectBinding):
public static <T,R> ObjectBinding<R> map(ObjectProperty<T> property, Function<T,R> function) {
return new ObjectBinding<R>() {
protected R computeValue() {
return function.apply(property.getValue());
public void dispose() {
And use it
ObjectBinding<File> parent = map(file, f -> f == null ? null : f.getParentFile());

Java 8 Functional VS Imperative method

I have created a method to dynamically build rest URI based on Bean properties, initially it was imperative then I have refactored it to functional style, it's my first time doing functional programming.
both imperative and functional are working as expected, but I am not happy by the functional readability, functional seams an over kill for this method or it could be because i am still a novice functional programmer!
How would you refactor this method to more clean functional way?
Or would you keep it Imperative?
import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils;
import org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat;
import org.springframework.web.util.UriComponentsBuilder;
public String functionalBuildRestUri() throws Exception {
final UriComponentsBuilder uriBuilder = UriComponentsBuilder.newInstance().scheme("https")
//here is the functional
List<PropertyDescriptor> propDescList = Arrays.asList(BeanUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(getClass()));
//this part is readable and precis, but to enable it had to add 4 methods
.collect(Collectors.toMap(PropertyDescriptor::getName, propValue()))//conversion to map doesn't feel good to me how can I avoid it?
return uriBuilder.build().toUriString();
public String imperativeBuildRestUri() throws Exception {
final UriComponentsBuilder uriBuilder = UriComponentsBuilder.newInstance().scheme("https")
PropertyDescriptor[] propDescArray = BeanUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(getClass());
for (PropertyDescriptor propDesc : propDescArray) {
String propName = propDesc.getName();
if (!propName.equals("class")) {
Method getPropMethod = propDesc.getReadMethod();
Object propValue = getPropMethod.invoke(this);
if (propValue != null) {
if(propValue instanceof Date){
String dateStr = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format((Date)propValue);
uriBuilder.queryParam(propName, ":"+dateStr);
uriBuilder.queryParam(propName, propValue);
return uriBuilder.build().toUriString();
All Those methods has been added after functional refactoring
// I couldn't avoid being imperative here, how can we refactor it to more functional style
private BiConsumer<String, Object> buildRestParam(final UriComponentsBuilder uriBuilder) {
return (propName, propValue) -> {
if (propValue instanceof Date) {
String dateStr = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format((Date) propValue);
uriBuilder.queryParam(propName, ":" + dateStr);
} else {
uriBuilder.queryParam(propName, propValue);
private Predicate<? super PropertyDescriptor> notNullPropValue() {
return propDesc -> {
return propValue().apply(propDesc) != null;
private Predicate<? super PropertyDescriptor> notClassProp() {
return propDesc -> {
return !propDesc.getName().equals("class");
private Function<? super PropertyDescriptor, ? extends Object> propValue() {
return (propDesc) -> {
try {
return propDesc.getReadMethod().invoke(HotelOfferSearchCommand.this);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Most of the verbosity of the new code has nothing to do with functional programming. You have refactored the code to put every lambda expression into a method of it’s own, which, of course, destroys one of the main advantages of lambda expressions, the compactness. Even if code is complex enough to justify the creation of a method, that method should perform actual work, then, you could use a method reference where a function is required.
The methods further suffer from an unnecessary (even discouraged, as being in a return type) use of wild cards. You also used the verbose syntax parameter -> { return expression; } where parameter -> expression would be possible.
There are other issues, like unnecessarily creating a distinct catch clause for each exception type, when all do the same or wrapping the array into a List before creating the Stream instead of streaming over the array directly or having code duplication, the last point applies to both, the imperative variant and the functional one.
You can just write:
public String functionalBuildRestUri() throws Exception {
final UriComponentsBuilder uriBuilder = UriComponentsBuilder.newInstance()
Function<PropertyDescriptor, Object> propValue = propDesc -> {
try { return propDesc.getReadMethod().invoke(HotelOfferSearchCommand.this); }
catch(ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }
.filter(propDesc -> !propDesc.getName().equals("class"))
.filter(propDesc -> propValue.apply(propDesc) != null)
.forEach(propDesc -> {
Object value = propValue.apply(propDesc);
if (value instanceof Date)
value = ":"+new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format(value);
uriBuilder.queryParam(propDesc.getName(), value);
return uriBuilder.build().toUriString();
without any extra method.
This might not be the best option, as there is indeed one flaw, the absence of a tuple or pair type to hold two values to be passed through the stream. By using Map.Entry as a stand-in, but not populating a Map, we can express the operation as
public String functionalBuildRestUri() throws Exception {
final UriComponentsBuilder uriBuilder = UriComponentsBuilder.newInstance()
Function<PropertyDescriptor, Object> propValue = propDesc -> {
try { return propDesc.getReadMethod().invoke(HotelOfferSearchCommand.this); }
catch(ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }
.filter(propDesc -> !propDesc.getName().equals("class"))
.map(propDesc -> new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(
propDesc.getName(), propValue.apply(propDesc)))
.filter(entry -> entry.getValue() != null)
.forEach(entry -> {
Object value = entry.getKey();
if (value instanceof Date)
value = ":"+new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format(value);
uriBuilder.queryParam(entry.getKey(), value);
return uriBuilder.build().toUriString();
or, alternatively
.filter(propDesc -> !propDesc.getName().equals("class"))
.map(propDesc -> new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(
propDesc.getName(), propValue.apply(propDesc)))
.filter(entry -> entry.getValue() != null)
.map(e -> e.getValue() instanceof Date?
new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(e.getKey(),
":"+new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format(e.getValue())):
.forEach(entry -> uriBuilder.queryParam(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
With these two variants, the propValue function is evaluated only once per element instead of two times as in the first variant and your original code, where both, the check for null property value and the terminal operation evaluated it.
Note that there’s still room for improvement, e.g. there’s no reason to add the ":" after the format operation when you could make the colon a part of the format pattern string in the first place.
Whether this is an improvement over the loop, is something you have to decide yourself. Not every code has to be rewritten to a functional style. At least, as shown by the the examples above, it doesn’t have to be bigger than the imperative code…

dart, how to get generic type of method parameter using reflection?

I have test application:
import 'dart:mirrors';
class A {
void eventHandlerInt(List<int> x){}
void eventHandlerBool(List<bool> x){}
void testMirrors(aFunction){
ClosureMirror mir = reflect(aFunction);
var param = mir.function.parameters.first;
//How to get the Type T of List<T> of the first param?
void main() {
var a = new A();
I would like to be able to find out what the generic type is of the first parameter of the method passed into testMirrors, so in the example above it would be int then bool. Is this even possible? if I inspect param the type property is null.
List<TypeMirror> types = mir.function.parameters.first.type.typeArguments;
param.forEach((e) => print(e.simpleName));

Stop test execution of testNG if data provider is empty

hi I want to stop further test execution when there is no data in dataprovider. My dataproviders get filled up dynamically on the fly. So i want my tests to stop from execution if there is not data in dataprovider. Below is my code snippet.
package myTest;
import org.testng.Reporter;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Factory;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class NewTest
String str;
public Object[][] test123()
System.out.println(" Filling dataprovider.");
return new Object[][]{};
public NewTest(String str)
System.out.println("Running through factory.");
public void test1234()
Reporter.log("--->>> running test "+str,true);
I want that test1234 should not run if dataprovider is empty.
You can try adding another method in different class and add Factory
annotation on that. From this method you can call the constructor of this Test Class in order to execute the tests. Before calling the constructor, check if the argument is correct and you actually want to run the tests for this argument. Now you need to call this Factory class.
Class NewTestFactory(){
public Object[] executeTests(String str){
Object obj[] = new Object[1];
if (str != null){
obj[0] = new NewTest(str)
return obj
Simply return an empty 2D array.
Something like:
public Object[][] test123()
Object[][] data= null;
System.out.println(" Filling dataprovider.");
if(someSplCondition) //Returning empty 2D so that test doesn't execute
data = Object[0][0]
data = fillTestData()
return data;
Also, if you are using maven don't forget to put -DfailIfNoTests=false in mvn command

Understanding OOP in Actionscript

A.as :
public class A {
public function getFunction():Function {
return function():void {
if(this is C) {
} else {
trace("not C");
public function func1():void {
var internalFunc:Function = getFunction();
B.as :
public class B extends A implements C {
In some other class :
var b:B = new B();
Output is :
"Not C"
I was expecting the trace output to be
Can someone explain why?
An anonymous function, if called directly, is scoped to the global object. If you trace this inside it, you will see [object global] instead of [object B], as you would, if this refered to b.
A common workaround is using a closure:
var self:A = this;
return function():void {
if(self is C) {
} else {
trace("not C");
Please note however, the instance-members of a class defining an anonymous function are available from within. This works, because they are resolved at compile time.
edit in response to Amarghosh's question:
Yes, this points to the global object, but that doesn't mean, you cannot access the instance members of the declaring class. This little piece of code should explain the details:
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class Test extends Sprite {
private var foo:String = "foo";
public function Test() {
var anonymous:Function = function ():void {
A few things with the code that I assume are just typos?
The getFunction() method doesn't return anything and will thus cause a compiler error.
Your call code calls func1() as a static method, not as a method on an instance of the B. This will also cause a compiler error. I believe these are typos.
In my tests, using your modified code. The output is C. There must be something else going on with your code. Here are my mods to A:
public function getFunction():Function {
if(this is C) {
} else {
trace("not C");
return getFunction;
Here is my mod to the runnable code, which I put in creationComplete of an empty MXML Application file:
var b:B = new B();
I assume your "real world" code is more extensive than the sample and there must be something else going on.
