Accessing user controls’s constituent controls from a hosting web page -

I’ve read that user control’s constituent controls can be accessed only by user control and thus web page that hosts this user control cannot receive the events, call methods or set properties of these contained controls.
But I’m not sure the above claim is true, since I was able to access ( from hosting web page ) ClickButton.Click event ( assume WebUserControl1 contains ClickButton control ):
public partial class Default2 : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button ClickButton = (Button)WebUserControl1.Controls[0];
ClickButton.Click += someClickHandler;

The entire page is a tree of controls. You can "browse" through this tree regardless of the parent of that control. For example from inside a user control you could go down to the parent, which could be another control, then further down to the page, then to the master page, and so on.
So yes, you are correct, it's not hidden to the point you can't access it, but it's not published either. In a similar way using reflection you could call private methods that you couldn't otherwise. Using certain tools you could access and change code that's already compiled; so nothing is really out of reach.
These boundaries are set and used to minimize complexity, not as an absolute wall that cannot be crossed.

You can expose the user control's properties (i.e. settings), controls, and events publicly which means you don't have to find the control within the usercontrol.


User control instances are null while using nested master page

I have couple of user controls which are statically referenced in aspx. We are setting some public properties on the user controls in Page_Preinit event.
The page also references a master page
This was working fine so far. Had to do a ui redesign and we implemented nested master pages.
Now, all of a sudden, the user controls are showing up as null. If I change the master page to parent one (instead of child -nested), it works fine.
Appreciate any pointers to this issue.
some sample code: here ucAddress is null
protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e) { ucAddress.City = "Dallas"; }
This blog post describes the problem very well and also offers a solution. I can confirm that the solution works and I'll repeat the relevant parts here:
The problem
We have a user control and initialize its control in the Init event so that it is ready when the ViewState is restored (between Init and Load).
Once you start using this encapsulation technique, it won’t be long until you want to pass in a parameter that affects the data you load. Before we do, we need to be aware that the Init event is fired in reverse order. That is, the child controls have their Init event fired before that event is fired at the parent. As such, the Page.Init event is too late for us to set any properties on the controls.
The natural solution is to try and use the Page.PreInit event, however when you do you’ll often find that your control references are all null. This happens when your page is implemented using a master page, and it relates to how master pages are implemented. The <asp:ContentPlaceHolder /> controls in a master page use the ITemplate interface to build their contents. This content (child controls) is not usually prepared until the Init event is called, which means the control references are not available. For us, this represents a problem.
The Solution
The fix is remarkably simple; all we need to do is touch the Master property on our Page and it will cause the controls to become available. If we are using nested master pages, we need to touch each master page in the chain.
The author of the blog post then offers a nice little snippet that you can execute in the PreInit handler of your Page that uses a MasterPage and contains a user control:
protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e)
// Walk up the master page chain and tickle the getter on each one
MasterPage master = this.Master;
while( master != null ) master = master.Master;
// Access now initialized user control
ucAddress.City = "Dallas";
Found the issue. had to initialize child master page before accessing user control.

Loading one user control after another has loaded - ASP.NET WebForms

I have a UserControl A that has to be loaded first and after that completes loading, I need to load a UserControl B.
I prefer to add both these user controls on the page at compile time (would like to avoid dynamic loading if possible).
If I add user controls on the page at compile time and set visible to false for User Control B, does it still execute the B's code behind? I can then set the visibility to true after loading User Control A
Should I be using events/delegates for notifying the completion of loading User Control A?
Don't load everything in the page event in control b, just put a method on control b to be called. Then add an event to control a which the page consumes, when the event is raised, call the load method on control b.
Edit: SampleCode
Ok so for example, create
a ASPX page
2x user controls
Put both user controls into the aspx page.
<cc:control1 runat="server" id="control_one" />
<cc:control2 runat="server" id="control_two" />
Then in control 1, create a delegate and event.
public delegate void MyCustomEvent (EventArgs args);
public event MyCustomEvent MyEvent;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
So I have the event raised on page load. So you would have your logic in there thats required, when your done, calls MyEvent event.
In the page you want to add a handler for that event so when it's called you can do something with it.
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
control_one.MyEvent += new WebUserControl1.MyCustomEvent(control_one_MyEvent);
void control_one_MyEvent(EventArgs args)
So when the page is initialized I add the event handler. In the event handler I call a custom method on the second control to load stuff.
Then in the second control I have:
public void MyCustomLoad()
//Stuff only loaded when event is raised and calls this method.
So this allows control 1 to load something, say it's done, when the page knows it's done, it can tell control 2 to do something.
Edit: After discussing this with a friend I'll explain what I mean by controlling the order.
You cannot control the order of page-life-cycle events. i.e: You can't have Control A, run through all it's page-life-cycle events, then once it's done, have Control B run through all it's page-life-cycle events.
If you do-away with the page life cycle, you can do a degree, as my example above shows, create a way of controlling the order in which the controls are rendered. By raising an event(s) at certain points when Control A is finished, you can tell Control B to do something.
The intermediate between the two controls is the page which handles the events raised by Control A which calls a method on Control B. You (well you can hack around to do it) can't specifically make Control A tell Control B to do something because that creates a direct dependency between the two controls which is bad.
Yes, the code behind will still run
Events could be useful
But if your controls have a specific dependency on each other, maybe they should just be a single control?
This is a fatally-flawed design. You should design your UI so that it doesn't matter in what order the controls load. The order in which controls load is outside of your control.
To address "Phill's" issue with an Order/Orderlines control pair:
I assume that the Order control was developed because it's useful by itself. I assume that OrderLines was developed to be able to show the line items for a given order displayed by the Order control.
I contend that there should be a single, composite control which combines Order and OrderLines. this control will pass to the OrderLines control, a DataSource consisting of the line items it is to display. This makes OrderLines independent of any other control - it simply displays the data it is told to display. It has no idea where that data came from.
Note that this can extend to a typical grid / detail / detail lines scenario, where you pass the grid a set of orders; when selected, a particular grid row will pass the Order control the selected order; when its' time to display the line items, pass the line items collection of the current order to the OrderLines control, etc.
This leaves each control with nothing to do but the Single job it is Responsible for.
"I have a UserControl A that has to be loaded first and after that completes loading, I need to load a UserControl B.
I prefer to add both these user controls on the page at compile time (would like to avoid dynamic loading if possible). "
I would suggest using WebFormsMVP: -
As well as being a good implementation of Model-View-Presenter, one of the most useful features of this framework is its support for Messaging.
In a nutshell, you create Message Types, and your usercontrols (views) can post messages of whichever type you need to a message bus. Other controls can subscribe to messages of a particular type and the WebFormsMVP framework will ensure they are delivered.
This allows you to handle interaction between usercontrols by messaging publish & subscribe, without worrying about which order they load in.
Your only other option is to use dynamic control loading because, as others have pointed out, you can't rely on the order in which ASP.NET loads controls into a container.

How to load a page with its default values after a postback

I'm creating user controls that i will put into an update panel and make them visible only when required using triggers. Once visible it will float in a dialog box so it has a close button which will just hide the control on client side.
The controls have multiple post back states, like a wizard, i'm using a multi view control to accomplish that. My problem is that once the user is at step number two in the control, if the user closes the dialog, than opens the dialog again, (note that the control is made visible on the server and reloaded by updating the updatepanel) the second step will still be displayed. The reason is . because whenever there is a postback the control will load its state using the viewstate, even if EnableViewState is false it will still load it using the LoadControlState method. so my quesion is how can i force a user control to load fresh with its default values without any postback data.
We had a similar circumstance and the only way we found to reset our control was to do that in the code behind of the page. Not in an ajax call but on submit of the page because then we could set the properties and have them go into viewstate.
i'm pretty sure that that will break your design though.
Have you considered writing the page as RESTful? At least then you can ditch viewstate and read and write to a meaningful data store.
ViewState is probably the number one reason I went over to MVC and now avoid WebForms like the plague.
If its a wizard that uses a dialog and each step is required, dont have a close button.
If the user closes it you could refresh the whole page so the user has to start again?
I had so many issue like this with WebForms, where I was only using the UpdatePanel for ajax as it "looks" like an easy option. MVC sounds like a bit of a learning curve and it is, however you can acheive things by building pages with MVC and jQuery without MS ajax and the hassle of all the events in a page that constantly fighting with each other. Its difficult to make this step without knowing MVC and geetting your hand dirty, but its worth it.
Its is possible.
I found a secret method in the control class, called ClearChildState(), this is a protected method and will clear the viewstate and the controlstate for all childcontrols.
So in my example, i created a class that inherits from panel
namespace MyControls
public class Panel:System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel
public void Reset()
In my page initialize event i check for request[flag] to reset the control
public partial class Test : System.Web.UI.Page
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["Reset"]) && Request["Reset"] == "1")
OnClient side i have a Reset() function that i can call whenever i want the next postback to load a clean control
<script type="text/javascript">
function AddReset() {
function RemoveReset() {

LoadControl vs Construct ASP.Net Control

I have a question why we can only add dynamic control using LoadControl.
For example:
public partial class wucReportParam : System.Web.UI.UserControl
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
wucDate() ctrl = new wucDate();
When in the page_load method of wucDate, the child control of wucDate is null but when i use the following method:
public partial class wucReportParam : System.Web.UI.UserControl
public Report Report;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
ctrl = (wucDate)LoadControl(#"Reports\wucDate.ascx");
In the page_load method of wucDate, the child control of wucDate is not null.
Is anyone could explain to me why asp .net don't create any child control of wucDate when i using contructor ??? Thank you
When dynamically loading a user control, it is important to ensure that the standard ASP.NET page event pipeline is initiated and progresses normally. When you use the new operator to create an instance of a user control, that user control is not properly added to ASP.NET's event system. If the events (Init, Load, PreRender, etc.) to not fire, then your control will never function properly. That is why it is necessary to use LoadControl, as that will make sure that the instance of your user control is created properly and attached to ASP.NET.
Apparently, using LoadControl with typeof (or GetType) has the same problem as using 'new' where the child controls are not initialized. Using LoadControl with a string to the ASCX file works.
Does not initialize child controls.
LoadControl(typeof(MyReport), null);
The initialization of the controls inside a User Control is driven by the ASCX file. Using only "new SomeControl" will not cause this initialization to run, and even if it did, all the design (markup) in the ascx file would be lost.
Remember that the class "wucDate" is only the base class which the full user control inherits from. It's not the same class as you'll get when using LoadControl("wucDate.ascx").
And to be honest, LoadControl has not much, if anything, to do with the page life cycle. That part is handled when you add the control to the container's Controls collection.
As I recall, it pertains to how ASP.NET constructs page components at run time. In ASP.NET although your pages have a class which is defined in your code-behind file, their types don't truly exist until run time. Like a page, although you have a control defined the wucDate type isn't created until it is included at run time. For this reason, the control must be loaded with LoadControl in order to both initialize the type and properly run in through the page life cycle.
This is to the best of my memory so if I'm incorrect here please let me know.

ASP.NET 2.0 - Parent Page Class not accessible from custom control

1) I've page class
public partial class MyDelivery : System.Web.UI.Page
2) ASCX is in different subfolder
public partial class MyControls_Hello_Bye : System.Web.UI.UserControl
I am unable to access #1 parent page class from control
This problem annoyed me for quite a while. I don't think my solution is perfect, but it sure helps my junior developers in coding. We have a base user control that all user controls inherit and we (like you) we have a base page class that all pages must inherit (team rule). In the user control is a property called ParentForm which is strongly typed to the specific page type that will contain it (the page baseclass if that is variable or unknown at the time).
During the load event of the page, we manually set the Parentform Property of all user controls (we do this in our master page for all master page level controls as well).
protected Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
this.myControl.ParentForm = this;
this.myControl2.ParentForm = this;
This provides immediate access from any user control back to the page and any of its exposed methods. It also provides a standardized (within our team) method of allowing controls to communicate between themselves through an interface in the ParentForm.
Our standard is to perform this assignment manually. For me this was a personnel consideration to make sure developers are aware of the controls they are adding (not setting the ParentForm will cause null reference exceptions if you attempt to access it obviously). If you wanted to perform this setting automagically, you could use the base class's Page_InitComplete event to cycle through any user controls and set the ParentForm to "this" that way.
Being in a different directory would get visual studio to give them different namespaces by default, causing the parent page class not to visible to the control.
Make sure the namespace declarations of both classes are the same, or import the parent page class namespace to the contorl with the using statement.
