Getting a handle on GIS math, where do I start? - math

I am in charge of a program that is used to create a set of nodes and paths for consumption by an autonomous ground vehicle. The program keeps track of the locations of all items in its map by indicating the item's position as being x meters north and y meters east of an origin point of 0,0. In the real world, the vehicle knows the location of the origin's lat and long, as it is determined by a dgps system and is accurate down to a couple centimeters. My program is ignorant of any lat long coordinates.
It is one of my goals to modify the program to keep track of lat long coords of items in addition to an origin point and items' x,y position in relation to that origin. At first blush, it seems that I am going to modify the program to allow the lat long coords of the origin to be passed in, and after that I desire that the program will automatically calculate the lat long of every item currently in a map. From what I've researched so far, I believe that I will need to figure out the math behind converting to lat long coords from a UTM like projection where I specify the origin points and meridians etc as opposed to whatever is defined already for UTM.
I've come to ask of you GIS programmers, am I on the right track? It seems to me like there is so much to wrap ones head around, and I'm not sure if the answer isn't something as simple as, "oh yea theres a conversion from meters to lat long, here"
Currently, due to the nature of DGPS, the system really doesn't need to care about locations more than oh, what... 40 km? radius away from the origin. Given this, and the fact that I need to make sure that the error on my coordinates is not greater than .5 meters, do I need anything more complex than a simple lat/long to meters conversion constant?
I'm knee deep in materials here. I could use some pointers about what concepts to research.
Thanks much!

Given a start point in lat/long and a distance and bearing, finding the end point is a geodesic calculation. There's a great summary of geodesic calculations and errors on the proj.4 website. They come to the conclusion that using a spherical model can get results for distance between points with at most 0.51% error. That, combined with a formula to translate between WGS-84 and ECEF (see the "LLA to ECEF" and "ECEF to LLA" sections, seems like it gets you what you need.
If you want to really get the errors nailed down by inverse projecting your flat map to WGS-84, proj.4 is a projection software package. It has source code, and comes with three command line utilities - proj, which converts to/from cartographic projection and cartesian data; cs2cs, which converts between different cartographic projections; and geod, which calculates geodesic relationships.
The USGS publishes a very comprehensive treatment of map projections.

I'd do a full-up calculation if you can. That way you'll always be as accurate as you can be.
If you happen to be using C++ the GDAL is a very good library.

For a range of 40km, you may find that approximating the world to a 2D flat surface may work, although a UTM transform would be the ideal way to go - in any case, I'd advocate using the actual WGS84 co-ordinates & ellipsoid for calculations such as great circle distance, or calculating bearings.
If you get bored, you could go down a similar line to something I've been working on, that can be used as a base class for differing datums such as OSGB36 or WGS84...


Mapping a spherical cap onto a plane

I'm neither a geometry student or a native speaker, so apologies if my question isn't clear enough.
As part of my master's thesis, I have to plot bounded regions of the night sky onto a 2D plane. My current solution consists of a rectangular mapping where (ra, dec) values are plotted to (x,y) coordinates. While this approach works well enough for small regions in relatively low ascension values, the resulting plots get progressively distorted for higher ||dec|| values, as expected.
At some point I'll have to change this to a more versatile approach. Thing is, I'm not exactly clear on what to search for. I guess I have to be able to map angular coordinates to a square (or hexagon) subgrid, but most search results I get are concerned with full-surface mapping.
I know I won't be able to achieve a perfect, distortion-free plotting, but I don't require perfect solutions; only a more general projection that will work well near the poles. Something like this, where I put my Photoshop skills to work and try to simulate a 20º region under my current approach and the one I'm looking for:
What I want:
What I have:
TL;DR: how do I convert between coordinates on a sphere (ra/dec) to cartesian coordinates on a locally-defined grid?

Using Geo-coordintes Instead of Cartesian to Draw in Argon and A-Frame

I would like to create a GPS drawing program in Argon and A-Frame which draws lines based upon people's movements.
Lines can be drawn in A-Frame with, for example, the meshline component which uses Cartesian points:
<a-entity meshline="lineWidth: 20; path: -2 -1 0, 0 -2 0</a-entity>
If I were to do this with a GPS device, I would take the GPS coordinates and map them directly to something like Google maps. Does Argon have any similar functionality such that I can use the GPS coordinates directly as the path like so:
<a-entity meshline="lineWidth: 20; path: 37.32299 -122.04185 0, 37.32298 -122.03224</a-entity>
Since one can specify an LLA point for a reference frame I suppose one way to do this would be to conceive of the center LLA point as "0, 0, 0" and then use a function to map the LLA domain to a Cartesian range.
It would be preferable, however, to use the geo-coordinates directly. Is this possible in Argon?
To understand the answer, you need to first understand the various frames of reference used by Argon.
First, Argon makes use of's geospatial math libraries and Entity's so that all "locations" in Argon must either be expressed geospatially OR be relative to a geospatial entity. These are rooted at the center of the earth, in what Cesium calls FIXED coordinates, but are also know as ECEF or ECF coordinates. In that system, coordinates are in meters, with up/down going through the poles, east/west going through the meridian (I believe). Any point on the surface of the earth is represented with pretty large numbers.
This coordinate system is nice because we can represent anything on or near the earth precisely using it. Cesium also supports INERTIAL coordinates, which are used to represent near-earth orbital objects, and can convert between the two frames.
But, it is inconvenient when doing AR for a few reasons:
the numbers used to represent the position of the viewer and objects near them are quite large, even if they are very close, which can lead to mathematical accuracy issues, especially in the 3D graphics system.
The coordinates we "think about" when we think about the world around us have the ground as "flat" and "up" as pointing ... well, up. So, in 3D graphics, an object above another object typically has the same X and Z values, but has a Y that's bigger. In ECEF coordinates, all the numbers change because what we perceive as "up" is really a vector from the center of the earth though us, and is only "up" if we're on the north (or south, depending on your +/-) pole. Most 3D graphics libraries you might want to use (e.g., physics libraries, for example), assume a world in which the ground is one plane (typically the XZ plane) and Y is up (some aeronautics and other engineering applications use Z as up and have XY as the ground, but the issue is the same).
Argon deals with this, as do many geospatial AR systems, by creating a local coordinate system for the graphics and application to use. There are really three options for this:
Pick some arbitrary (but fixed) local place as the origin. Some systems, which are built to work in one place, have this hard-coded. Others let the application set it. We don't do this because it would encourage applications to take the easy path and only work in one place (we've seen this in the past).
Set the local place to the camera. This has the advantage that the math is the most "accurate" because all points are expressed relative to the camera. But, this causes two issues. First, the camera tends to move continuously (even if only due to sensor noise) in AR apps. Second, many libraries (again, like physics libraries) assume that the origin of the system is stable and on the earth, with the camera/user moving through it. These issues can be worked around, but they are tedious for application developers to deal with.
Set the origin of the local coordinates to an arbitrary location near the user, and if the user moves far from it, recenter automatically. The advantage of this is the program doesn't necessarily have to do much to deal with it, and it meshes nicely with 3D graphics libraries. The disadvantage is the local coordinates are arbitrary, and might be different each time a program is run. However, the application developer may have to pay attention to when the origin is recentered.
Argon uses open 3. When the app starts, we create a new local coordinate frame at the user's location, on the plane tangent to the earth. If the user moves far from that location we update the origin and emit an event to the application (currently, we recenter if you are 5km away from the origin). In many simple apps, with only a few frames or reference expressed in geospatial coordinates (and the rest of the application data expressed relative to known geospatial locations), the conversion from geospatial to local can just be done each frame, allowing the app developer to ignore the reentering problem. The programmer is free to use either ENU (east-north-up) or EUS (east-up-south) as their coordinate system; we tend to use EUS because it's similar to what most 3D graphics systems use (Y is up, Z points south, and X is east).
One of the reasons we chose this approach is that we've found in the past that if we had predictable local coordinates, application developers would store data using those coordinates even though that's not a good idea (you data is now tied to some relatively arbitrary application-specific coordinate system, and will now only work in that location).
So, now to your question. Your issue is that you want to use geospatial (cesium's coordinates, that argon uses) coordinates in AFrame. The short answer is you can't use them directly, since AFrame is built assuming a local 3D graphics coordinate system. The argon-aframe package binds aframe to argon by allowing you to specify referenceframe components that position an a-entity at an argon/cesium geospatial location, and take care of all the internal conversions for you.
The assumption when I wrote that code was that authors would then create their content using the local, 3D graphics coordinates, and attach those hunks of graphics to a-entity's that were located in the world with referenceframe's.
In order to have individual coordinates in AFrame correspond to geospatial places, you will need to manage that yourself, perhaps by creating a component to do it for you, or (if the data is known at the start) by converting it up front.
Here's what I'd do.
Assuming you have a list of geospatial coordinates (expressed as LLA), I'd convert each to a local coordinates (by first converting from LLA to Cesium's FIXED ECEF coordinates and creating a Cesium Entity, and then calling Argon's context.getEntityPose() on that entity (which will return it's local coordinates). I would pick one geospatial location in the set (perhaps the first one?) and then subtract it's local coordinates from each of them, so that they are all expressed in local coordinates relative to that known geospatial location.
Then, I'd create an AFrame entity attached to the referenceframe of that unique geospatial entity, and create your graphics content inside of it, using the local coordinates that are expressed relative to it. For example, let's say the geospatial location is LongLat = "-84.398881 33.778463" and you stored those points (local coordinates, relative to LongLat) in userPath, you could do something like this:
<ar-geopose id="GT" lla=" -84.398881 33.778463" userotation="false">
<a-entity meshline="lineWidth: 20; path: userPath; color: #E20049"></a-entity>

Pinning latitude longitude on a ski map

I have a map of a mountainous landscape, It contains a number of known points, the lat-longs of which can be easily found out using Google maps. I wish to be able to pin any latitude longitude coordinate on the map, of course within the bounds of the landscape.
For this, I tried an approach that seems to be largely failing. I assumed the map to be equivalent to an aerial photograph of the Swiss landscape, without any info about the altitude or other coordinates of the camera. So, I assumed the plane perpendicular to the camera lens normal to be Ax+By+Cz-d=0.
I attempt to find the plane constants, using the known points. I fix my origin at a point, with z=0 at the sea level. I take two known points in the landscape, and using the equation for a line in 3D, I find the length of the projection of this line segment joining the two known points, on the plane. I multiply it by another constant K to account for the resizing of this length on a static 2d representation of this 3D image. The length between the two points on a 2d static representation of this image on this screen can be easily found in pixels, and the actual length of the line joining the two points, can be easily found, since I can calculate the distance between the two points with their lat-longs, and their heights above sea level.
So, I end up with an equation directly relating the distance between the two points on the screen 2d representation, lets call it Ls, and the actual length in the landscape, L. I have many other known points, so plugging them into the equation should give me values of the 4 constants. For this, I needed 8 known points (known parameters being their name, lat-long, and heights above sea level), one being my orogin, and the second being a fixed reference point. The rest 6 points generate a system of 6 linear equations in A^2, B^2, C^2, AB, BC and CA. Solving the system using a online tool, I get the result that the system has a unique solution with all 6 constants being 0.
So, it seems that the assumption that the map is equivalent to an aerial photograph taken from an aircraft, is faulty. Can someone please give me some pointers or any other ideas to get this to work? Do open street maps have a Mercator projection?
I would say that this impossible to do in an automatic way. The skimap should be considered as an image rather than a map, a map is an projection of the real world into one plane, since this doesn't fit skimaps very well they are drawn instead.
The best way is probably to manually define a lot of points in the skimap with known or estimated coordinates and use them to estimate the points betwween. To get an acceptable result you probably have to assign coordinates to each pixel in the skimap.
You could do something like the following:
I am solving the exact same issue. It is pretty hard and lots of maths. Taking me a few weeks to solve it. Interpolation is the key as well with lots of manual mapping. I would say that for a ski mountain it will take at least 1000/1500 points to be able to get the very basic. So, not a trivial task unless you can automate the collection of these points (what I am doing!) ;)

Is there a library or framework for geodesic lat/long coordinate calculations?

I'm making a core-location driven app where I must calculate lots of things for a given latitude/longitude pair, such as:
Distance to another lat/long coordinate
The target lat/long coordinate when traveling a distance x into direction y
Is there something open sourced which can be used?
Since you are using CoreLocation, you can use CoreLocation's distanceFromLocation as #progrmr points out.
On the other hand, since you specified open source, and that ain't open sourced, you can look at GeographicLib implementations as suggested by #MikeT.
(My original answer, suggesting the Haversine formula, was flawed. As #MikeT points out, the Haversine formula is only valid for spheres. And the Earth is not a perfect sphere.)
Original, flawed answer:
It sounds like you want the Haversine formula.
The Wikipedia page for the Haversine formula explains what it is and (at the bottom, under "External links") contains links to many implementations. I haven't checked, but I have to imagine that at least some of them are open source projects.
There are some C functions on github that does heading from a coordinate pair, or destination coordinates given start and heading. Distance between coordinates you can do with CLLocation.
These are based on the Spherical Law of Cosines and derived from the algorithms here and here.
GeographicLib has been implemented in several programming languages, including Java. The library calculates lengths and related mathematical properties of geodesics on ellipsoids of revolution (or spheroid). The calculation errors are generally in the range of micrometers.
To find the distance between two coordinates:
GeodesicData g = Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2,
then get g.s12 for the distance between the two points.
The second example in the question, to project a location given distance and direction, is found using the Direct methods.

Determine the centroid of multiple points

I'm writing a mapping application that I am writing in python and I need to get the lat/lon centroid of N points.
Say I have two locations = 101
a.lon = 230 = 146
b.lon = 200
Getting the center of two points is fairly easy using a euclidean formula. I would like
to be able to do it for more then two points.
Fundamentally I'm looking to do something like where one can enter multiple addresses and find a the spot that is equidistant for everyone.
Have a look at the pdf document linked below. It explains how to apply the plane figure algorithm that Bill the Lizard mentions, but on the surface of a sphere.
poster thumbnail and some details
There is also a 25 MB full-size PDF available for download.
Credit goes to mixdev for finding the link to the original source, and of course to Jenness Enterprises for making the information available. Note: I am in no way affiliated with the author of this material.
Adding to Andrew Rollings' answer.
You will also need to make sure that if you have points on either side of the 0/360 longitude line that you are measuring in the "right direction"
Is the center of (0,359) and (0, 1) at (0,0) or (0,180)?
If you are averaging angles and have to deal with them crossing the 0/360 then it is safer to sum the sin and cos of each value and then Average = atan2(sum of sines,sum of cosines)
(be careful of the argument order in your atan2 function)
The math is pretty simple if the points form a plane figure. There's no guarantee, however, that a set of latitudes and longitudes are that simple, so it may first be necessary to find the convex hull of the points.
EDIT: As eJames points out, you have to make corrections for the surface of a sphere. My fault for assuming (without thinking) that this was understood. +1 to him.
The below PDF has a bit more detail than the poster from Jenness Enterprises. It also handles conversion in both directions and for a spheroid (such as the Earth) rather than a perfect sphere.
Converting between 3-D Cartesian and ellipsoidal latitude, longitude and height coordinates
Separately average the latitudes and longitudes.
