How to read rewritten url from an web page? -

Most of the resources on the Internet seems to discuss how to do url rewriting in None of them seem to discuss about how to read the rewritten url.
For example, I have rewritten:
Now in the same page, at some point, I want to get this rewrittern url for the purpose of pointing return url in login link. Now a login link should be:
What is the proper way to achieve this? Thanks.

Try Request.RawUrl


301 redirect from classic ASP with parameter to page on Volusion

I need to redirect 1000's of URL's of the following format:
to a new Volusion (unfortunately) site with the format
Which is actually here for now (
The old site will go away once this is working, so redirects must be done on the new site.
Volusion has a 301 redirect "tool", but unfortunately it can't handle anything after the ? in the original URL. Volusion kicked it up the chain in their tech support, but says there isn't a way to do it. I'm sure some sort of script, either server or client side, or maybe even something simpler would work, but despite searching high and low, I can't figure it out.
Do the redirect directly in the asp site.
Change vdo_mult3.asp so that it redirects anyone who accesses it by using Response.Redirect as follows:
You can also check the parameters passed to and change the redirect passed on those parameters.

Replace the url without refreshing the page in .net

My default url home page is
but I dont want to show Pages/Default.aspx in the address bar.
can anyone suggest me how to replace the url without reloading (refreshing ) the page.
Thanks in advance
You can do so in two ways IIS URL Rewriting and ASP.NET Routing
What you want to do is URL Rewriting, read more here URL Rewriting in ASP.NET
Update: If you setup a new website(or edit the one you have) and point the /Pages directory as "root" and aspx is an default document the url will be as you want.
Technically that not possible with .net as .net is used on server side. and you need to change the URL which is on client side so... you will need to use JavaScript to manipulate the Browser URL history. Example [ mvc] my url is http://localhost:123/Home/Product and I need to change it to http://localhost:123/Home/Product/301 this can be achieved by
window.history.pushState('', 'My Page', 'Home/Product/301');

Creating SEO friendly urls in Classic ASP

I have to make all links SEO friendly on our website.
I have the following url:
I need it be:
I have no way of accessing the IIS so this has to be done thru code. Any ideas about how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks,
The standard way of solving this as far as I know is to use a rewrite engine in IIS (such as ISAPI_rewite or IIS7 url rewrite module)
However, you don't have access to IIS you say... That makes it tricky. Two thoughts come to mind:
1) Could you create a dynamic (asp) 404 page that then looks at the request header and does a transfer according to the page requested?
2) Or, and this is rather lame, could you create a static folder structure that goes some way to looking like that url structure?
If you upgrade to IIS7 and use ASP.Net then you can control the URL rewrite module from your code.
I've done something similar to Matts suggestion 1 in the past and it can work. The important thing is you make the 404 page directly feed the true page content and not do a redirect. Otherwise your defeating the point of SEF URLs for SEO gain.
From the few references I still have to the code. asp has a Server.Transfer() function but you may have issues that you can't pass query string parameters. I think I ended up streaming the real page through the 404 page using the MSXMLServerXMLHTTP object and Response.BinaryWrite().

ASP.NET URL rewriting and redirecting

I am trying to wrap my head around a URL rewrtie / redirect project I need to work on. We currently have this url:
Here is what the rewritten URL will look like:
I am using the ISAPI_Rewrite filter to allow for the "nice" url and make the page think it is still using the old url. That works fine.
Now, I need to redirect users, if they use the old URL, to the new URL. I figure I would need to use a combination of the filter and an HTTPModule / Handler to perform the redirect.
Any ideas?
Have you tried IIS URL Rewrite?
If you are not going to go down the System.Web.Routing (or use ASP.NET MVC) path then I would have a look at this link.
Using a HttpHandler would be your best bet. That way, you will be able to track all incoming requests, filter out the old format URLs and redirect them to the correct pages.

How do I redirect this url pattern in webforms or mvc?

I am trying to redirect a user when they entire a URL in this format:
To the following:
I want to strip out the host of example2 and make it a query-string, then URL encode the full URL of example2 and put it as the anchor.
What is the best way to do this in I can use mvc, iis7, or iis6. I know I could do this by mapping everything to .NET in IIS6 and then using httpcontext.rewritepath but I bet there is a better way.
Thank you.
Unfortunately, ASP.NET does not allow a colon anywhere in the URL path. Not even an escaped colon (%3A). It is only allowed in the querystring portion of the path.
This restriction is in place even before URL rewriting happens. (You'll get the 400 Bad Request error.) In that question, the asker answered their own question with a link to Stefan from the ASP.NET team.
Of course, you can still collect the URL from your user any way you like, and format the URL or redirect in a way that ASP.NET can use.
What do you think about urlrewritting concept of I think it can solve your purpose
