Managing CSS conflicts - css

So i am working with a few CSS developers and every now and then we run into layout issues which have been fixed previously because one of the css developer did something which conflicted with something else.
We are already using SVN .. each CSS guy has his own css file he works with. So my question is what steps should be taken to minimize:
1 : layout conflicts
2 : increasing re-usability of previously written styles.
3 : minimize wasted time trying to merge the styles together in the final css.
I would really appreciate any tips you guys have to offer.
I am not one of the CSS developer, i just take care of the backend stuff.. so please keep in mind that i am a total newbie when it comes to CSS norms.

Define a naming convention for your CSS files to prevent conflicts (prefix?)
Have an automated process that you can run before check-in (check-in tests) to see any potential conflicts
Discuss what you will add (code review?) and avoid the conflicts altogether
I dont know of any namespacing you can do to avoid CSS stylesheet name conflicts so, I suggest those. They are things that many large companies do already.

A good starting point is to disallow using general tags in specific css files. Each developer should only use classes and ids. All general tags should be included first on all pages, so that special tags may overwrite them later.
Changing the general tags should require more planning than changing each developer file.
With general tags I mean
div {
/* affects all divs */
and each developer should only do
div.something {
/* potentially overwrite defaults for div */
and the html file should be like
link href="general.css"
link href="dev1.css"
link href="dev2.css"

The best thing you can do is assign areas of responsibility - if you are all working in the same area of the site you are bound to have conflicting changes and will only create difficulties for yourselves because you will constantly be stepping on each other's toes.
Once you have established a common baseline for the styles of your site, divide the main areas of the site amongst you and only work in those areas. When changes need to be made to the baseline, make them out in the open and communicate with your teammates about this change so that no one is surprised.
I am not going to pretend that this is easy to do - working on something as a team is a challenge that the entire software development industry has yet to completely solve. Good luck!

All others have good answers, but I'll add this: Strongly encourage the use of IDs in selectors. ID-ing important elements generally pays off in the long run because it allows for better testability and less conflicts.
CSS Example:
#myid selector { ... }
#myotherid selector { ... }
General styles really should go in a top-level or general stylesheet that everyone manages, if possible.


How do I refactor my CSS? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to Manage CSS Explosion
I intended to build my web site with consistent styles and a coherent CSS scheme. But styles have crept out of control as I fine-tune individual pages (especially the main search form).
I've already gone through the process one time of breaking down the styles and rebuilding almost from scratch, and now it looks like time to do that again. How can I be efficient about this? I'm looking for a methodology, not a software utility (though I'm open to suggestions there...unless they cost money...).
Added note: I'm using a CSS framework and it's difficult to keep padding and margin coordinated.
Added note 2: The initial responses to this post are about best practices for CSS. Let's assume I already tried to follow best practices (in fact, I did). Now it's the clean-up procedure I'm looking for.
Added note 3: As of 14 June, combining this response (which I just found) with my post below is possibly a comprehensive answer.
Closure notes:
I learned my question is too general, and for that reason I wish I hadn't posted it. (Maybe that's why it got a down-vote ... I'll never know without a comment to explain the reason.) On the other hand I got just what I needed, so I'm happy I did post it.
I'm surprised I didn't get an up-vote for my answer -- even with the priceless input by others, I think it stands up pretty well.
My acceptance is going to be based largely on the usability of the answer, from my point of view -- a point of view that is sadly unable to digest some of the more exciting and comprehensive responses.
Closed as an Exact Duplicate
I just tried posting this again (subject, body, tags) to see if SO would suggest the post "How to Manage CSS Explosion". Interestingly, it did not. I added the tag refactoring to that post.
Split your css into separate files.
Put in one file the CSS reset (if you use one)
Then create a global.css file where you will put global styles that
apply to many-all pages
Then create individual files for your individual pages
Then start styling your pages. Every time you find a style rule that is reusable on many pages make it a CSS class and put it in the global.css file. Avoid using css ID's. You will find that you more often reuse things or will reuse in the future. In this case you use of course CSS classes.
Eventually you will find out that in your global.css you will find mostly CSS classes rules and html tag rules.
In your individual page CSS files you will find specific styles for each page.
That should give you a good first level of organization in your CSS. You can try to keep this separation through the whole development process, and for releases merge the CSS files into one and minify it.
my 2p worth about css cleanup, from a a previous similar question:
Tips for cleaning and maintaining a big css file
hope that this may help you together with others' answers!
start branching the project (here I suppose that you are using a version control tool) - that will allow you to play independently with the code and tag any milestone you will reach.
format your CSS with a beautifier - it will increase readability and will help searching for specific declarations without missing any instances.
try to identify unused / redundant css and get rid of it.
you could try to make your selectors shorter (e.g. .main .foo .bar might be fine as .bar) - it will improve readability and increase the performance, but take this with a pinch of salt and be ready to go back if things start to break at every step you take.
try to eliminate, if possible, any !important - make the selector more specific if needed. A css reset could help with that if most of the !important statements were made to fix browser-specific issues, otherwise introducing a css reset now could potentially add more problems than solve them - this, if there is no css reset in your app at all.
break and regroup the css into different modules (and files if that helps) - Object Oriented CSS is a possible technique to keep things more maintainable, it works best if you start with it but it may also help you in refactoring. is a valid one but there are alternatives that you can consider, like SMACSS.
After that , you may consider using a css preprocessor such as Less or Sass, allowing you to define variables and mixins (similar to functions), modularity and much more - this may end up being a very expensive task though, so evaluate carefully if this will bring you more benefits than pain.
test as much and as often as you can, consider unit tests to make sure that any changes you make don't break anything somewhere else.
Sometimes re-writing everything may end to be less time consuming than refactoring, so don't be afraid to leave things as they are if your assessment will show that refactoring will not bring enough benefits.
Things change and evolve for good; with regards to OOCSS/SMACSS approach, I have been happily following for a while, Yandex's BEM methodology for CSS, I would like to add it as an additional recommendation to the above
The first thing I'll do is separate the CSS based on the purpose. Maybe first the general page layout (DIVs, boxes, ...), then the styling (fonts, H1/H2/.../Hn titles), then some more specialized CSS (CSS for tables, for forms, for specific components of the site).
Such a separation helps to organize the changes; if you have to change or add a font, you know you'll find it in the styling section.
If you have to change the page layout, there goes the same, and so on.
Things tend to get messy when you have "individual pages"; is their layout so different?
You probably have to abstract the common features of the pages (for example, a main content container box) as long as you can.
Then think about specializing more the layout (1-column, 2-column) and so on.
If you have a programmer background, just think about classes and inheritance, the concept - yes I know it's a totally different domain... - but the concept can be useful in designing your css.
Based on this current round of work, here is what I've got so far:
the Planning
Have a system for handling To-Do notations in your HTML and CSS. Many IDEs support this directly, or a global search function will do just fine. Besides tagging issues, you want to note priority and perhaps even functional area (but keep it simple, not a burden).
Don't start revising your code. Use your To-Do system to plan first.
Make a concise list of your overall goals.
Consider overall sylistic changes such as color or font scheme.
Review best practices for CSS. Identify areas where your approach is ineffective, or where a good approach can be applied more consistently. Examples:
Consolidate classes
Eliminate haphazard use of in-line styles
Remove styles that are unused or redundant or conflicting
Improve general consistency; apply a set of conventions
Improve units of measure
Use class and id names that reflect content rather than format
Decide how much of the browser market you want to support and how much to embrace or rely on the newest standards.
Decide if there are any new approaches you want to adopt. Examples:
Use of a reset style sheet to standardize browser presentation
Use of a CSS framework
Use of a specialized library, for example to help with forms
Dynamic CSS (I recently followed advice to use PHP to handle my CSS, so I could dynamically control my color scheme. But I returned to straight CSS, because I like the presentation of CSS code in my IDE and the hybrid method messed that up.)
Review your list of goals and decide which should be pursued now. Any large-scale change should be treated as separate, if possible. If your column layout is a mess, it's not the time to learn how CSS can elegantly replace your javascript. The same goes for best practices, stylistic changes, etc.
If you have your CSS files configured for speed (for example, compacted footprint or all CSS in a single file), change that. Break the code into a human-managable format. Later when you're finished, try benchmarking to see if the more legible version is also efficient enough for production use.
Submit your CSS to a validator. Note any violations you want to fix.
Find instances of in-line styles in your HTML (search for the style attribute). Note any that should be moved to a style sheet.
the Work
Follow your To Do manager. Make common-sense back-ups. As you go, test your work on several browsers.
If you are into regular expressions, be warned: regex is often not effective or safe for rewriting CSS. (Not as hazardous as for HTML, but still). Regex may be useful sending CSS changes into the HTML, but again be careful.
If you have a lot of tweaks to margins and padding, try globally resetting all of them to 0px (okay, use regex here). Then systematically build them back up. You can resolve a lot of confusions this way. Of course, don't include any library or framework style sheets in this process.
Again, submit your CSS to a validator.
I see people has already suggested using approaches like OOCSS etc., so I'm going to offer a different/additional line of thought. I believe that the problem lie deeper than within your CSS and the way you write it. I believe the reason your CSS gets out of hand is this quote from your question:
... as I fine-tune individual pages ...
That makes me think that the problem much lie within your design, rather than you CSS, so let me elaborate a little bit on that. In my opinion a great design is a design that doesn't have to be customized for each individual page - and there are several reasons for that. The main reason is, as you've mentioned yourself, your CSS get out of control. Small tweaks and fixes on individual elements, depending on where they are placed, often leads to a mess that is a pain to maintain and work with. There is also a usability-reason in play here. I believe a UI becomes easier to use if the user is familiar with the UI and recognize herself from page to page, without to much variation. Of course you could have some element that isn't present on each page, or that vary somewhat between pages, but I always strive to keep them at a minimum.
My suggestion is therefor that if you intend to rewrite your CSS, which is time-consuming and hard work anyway, then why not go over and re-evaluate your design at the same time. You will probably find that there are elements that you can modify so that they look the same. Make it a goal to get rid of as many UI-elements as possible, without compromising the design. When you've unified the design as much as possible, then it is time to refactor your CSS, and maybe even your markup?
At this point, it might be better to get rid of all your CSS and start fresh. If you continue on your old code, it is easy to get lazy and get stuck with some of your old less efficient code.
For the coding, I believe the other answers contain lots of good recommendations and best practices. I would personally vote for OOCSS, a new discovery for myself as well, but it has improved the way I structure my CSS a lot. So have a look at that! That will also help you think in terms of reusing elements and the CSS for them, which goes a long way for simplyfing your CSS.
This answer is in regard to the note;
"I'm using a CSS framework and it's difficult to keep padding and margin coordinated." only.
Using a css pre-processor will solve this problem.
Because css has no way to assign inheritance and therefore we have to repeat 'margin:10px' over and over.
with a pre-processor you just do
#margin {10px}
#padding {10px}
margin: #margin;
padding: #padding;
For the broader question rethink/simplify your design as your css is directly proportional to the complexity of the design and there is not much you can do about that.
See also,
This is more advice about making your css maintainable than the Q of how to manage the process.
I create a bunch of separate css files each narrowly tailored to a specific attribute (colors, fonts, margins, corners) or feature (nav, form). Then I use a compile phase to combine and minify these files into one or more files to be sent to the client. I do this during my built/test process, but it could be done dynamically by a CGI script.
Before adopting a pre-compiler, consider the often-overlooked multiple-selector syntax:
In this example, whenever I want an element to have a 10px margin, I add it to the list. I separate different sets of attributes this way - I may list the same element 5 times in my css - associating it with 5 different sets of attributes.
Also don't overlook adding various classes to the body tag to create OO-like inheritance - say you have 3 main sections of your site - assign the body tag a class based on those sections. Likewise, if you have 1000 product pages, you can give the body tag a class like "product485" and then create styles that apply just to that page. For example:
h1 {
margin: 10px;
.product485 h1,
.product484 h1
margin: 5px;
.contact h1 {
margin: 15px;
This might all be in a file called "margins.css" which specifies only margins.

Tools and techniques for refactoring CSS

I need to do this more generally, but a fine current example is my two menus. I have two menu classes, horizontal-menu and vertical-menu, and two sets of rules for elements like ul, li, and a under these classes. Many of these rules have things in common, like the color value for a elements. I would like to refactor the common rules and values into a 'super-class' called menu, and the have only override values in my horizontal-menu and vertical-menu classes. Is there a tool (besides the tool asking this question) that can help me with this?
The best tool for this kind of problem is Compass, a framework for defining rules which are then compiled into css for use in production. It allows you to define variables in much the same way as an imperative language.
It also has other helpful concepts such as mixins which allow the definition of a set of css properties which would be regularly used together, such that you can include that block of properties in multiple standard CSS rules. The power being that you can then edit that mixin in one place, changing the properties and having that change propagate to any CSS rule in which the mixin has been used.
I discovered Compass, and learnt how it should be used thanks, to a screencast by Chris Coyier at CSS Tricks
The only problem in this case (and most cases in fact) is that you really have to start from scratch with Compass, or find a way of integrating its work-flow into your existing one.
You may want to give csscss a shot. I wrote it in order to have an idea of how much I'm repeating myself in my own stylesheets. I'm obviously biased, but a number of people have found it helpful too. SASS, LESS, and Compass support are baked in.
Another great tool is helium which is a javascript tool that runs in the browser and lets you know of any unused rules.

Should I make my CSS easier to read or optimise the speed

As I was working on a small website, I decided to use the PageSpeed extension to check if their was some improvement I could do to make the site load faster. However I was quite surprise when it told me that my use of CSS selector was "inefficient". I was always told that you should keep the usage of the class attribute in the HTML to a minimum, but if I understand correctly what PageSpeed tell me, it's much more efficient for the browser to match directly against a class name. It make sense to me, but it also mean that I need to put more CSS classes in my HTML. It make my .css file harder to read.
I usually tend to mark my CSS like this :
#mainContent p.productDescription em.priceTag { ... }
Which make it easy to read : I know this will affect the main content and that it affect something in a paragraph tag (so I wont start to put all sort of layout code in it) that describe a product and its something that need emphasis. However it seem I should rewrite it as
.priceTag { ... }
Which remove all context information about the style. And if I want to use differently formatted price tag (for example, one in a list on the sidebar and one in a paragraph), I need to use something like that
.paragraphPriceTag { ... }
.listPriceTag { ... }
Which really annoy me since I seem to duplicate the semantic of the HTML in my classes. And that mean I can't put common style in an unqualified
.priceTag { ... }
and thus I need to replicate the style in both CSS rule, making it harder to make change. (Altough for that I could use multiple class selector, but IE6 dont support them)
I believe making code harder to read for the sake of speed has never been really considered a very good practice . Except where it is critical, of course. This is why people use PHP/Ruby/C# etc. instead of C/assembly to code their site. It's easier to write and debug. So I was wondering if I should stick with few CSS classes and complex selector or if I should go the optimisation route and remove my fancy CSS selectors for the sake of speed?
Does PageSpeed make over the top recommandation? On most modern computer, will it even make a difference?
should I make my CSS easier to read or optimise the speed?
You should do both.
You should write your CSS so it is readable and if you want to collapse it, use a tool that automates that to generate the "production CSS".
So you should be working with nice readable blocks and the published file should be tiny.
In terms of the specific selectors
#mainContent p.productDescription em.priceTag { ... }
Only adds value if you have
p.productDescription em.priceTag { ... }
em.priceTag { ... }
In other places that you don't want to affect - for example if you had a "#secondaryContent p.productDescription em.priceTag" that you didn't want to apply the style to.
So if you want to use
And have the rule applied to all, you'll actually see no performance issue (the difference would be about the same as the file-size difference you save anyhow by having less chars in the rule).
HOWEVER... don't pollute your HTML with tons of class="" attributes just because you don't want to write a proper rule.
I personally have found that the complex selectors are more confusing long term, just be sure to give the classes appropriate names.
Long selectors are going to have a performance impact as it requires walking of the DOM each and every time to analyze the process. The way I see it there are times and places for it, but it is an exception, not the standard rule.
Define you priorities.
Nowadays, except on a real specific projet and complex page, you don't need to obfuscate your code to speed it up.
First think to maintainability.
By the way, using #id is a good practice both for readability and speed, since it doesn't need to walk through all the DOM to find it. Same apply for you.

Daunting task of refactoring 5000 line CSS. Any tips?

I've just been assigned the task to refactor a huge 5000 line CSS file... but here's the worst part - I also need to make it IE6 compatible. Any CSS gurus have suggestions of tools, or possibly tips (common pitfalls) for use in my monolithic expedition? Cheers.
checkout sass... it includes the ability to convert css to sass.
A sass file is a yaml file that can be parsed down into a css file. It allows you to use variables and alternate organization...
sass example:
!main_color = #00ff00
:color = !main_color
:background-color = !main_color
:color #000000
css output:
#main {
color: #00ff00; }
#main p {
background-color: #00ff00;
color: #000000; }
Some tips:
Use version control so you can roll back when needed.
Come up with a checklist of visual tests to run through after each change, in each browser. A spreadsheet of URL links and things to look for, building on them as you run across problems (think "unit tests" but not automated).
Use a CSS-specific beautifier first to get everything into the format you prefer for braces, etc.
Consider using something like SASS to "compile" your CSS as you go along.
Comment the heck out of things, especially where you're doing IE6-specific stuff.
Future-proof yourself by building a separate file with IE6-specific directives as you go along, or at least use Microsoft's way of filtering them out for other browsers.
Use the W3C Validation often.
Mechanically, I would attack it like this:
<link type="text/css" href="newhotness.css" />
<link type="text/css" href="newhotness-ie6.css" />
<link type="text/css" href="oldandbusted.css" />
Move code from the third (old) file into the other two, cleaning up as you go. That way you can validate your code without worrying about tons of errors in the old stuff, and you can track your progress, Ctrl-Tab between them more easily than between locations in a single file, etc.
(If you can't control the markup to add your CSS files, use an #import at the top of the old file.)
Start from scratch!
Assuming you can check all the major pages manually, I would be VERY tempted to wipe the entire file and start from scratch. Spot-checking for IE6 inconsistencies, you'll be doing nearly the same amount of work anyway, but it will be much, much more painful if you're modifying old, browser-specific CSS.
That 5000 lines may well be expressable in 2000 lines of modern, well-designed CSS. I think most experienced CSS developers would find it less work to write 2k lines of new CSS than modify 5k lines of horrible CSS.
which is based on this:
Not necessarily CSS, but here's worflow tip: use GIT.
start off by importing the files in git;
commit for every minor step, and record what you did;
whenever you find that you broke something, you can identify the exact same step broke using git bisect ( a good description );
For extra kicks, here's a talk about code coverage for CSS to help you quickly weed out unused rules.
As Triptych said, I would start from scratch. Also, consider the following:
use a CSS reset file to smooth out cross-browser inconsistencies:
get it working perfectly in Firefox, then tweak for other browsers as needed
study the underlying HTML. How is it organized? Is it laid out with tables? all DIVs? Semantic tagging?
is the CSS used for layout or simply styling (fonts, colors, etc.)?
Once you get a feel for that, study the content. Categorize the layout and elements as much as possible, so that you identify all the common elements and can maximize the efficiency of your CSS
remember the C in CSS, Make the most commonly used font the body font, so that other elements will inherit it by default.
use relative units (ems) for font size, to allow proper scaling of text
try not to use ANY inline styles
make use of Firebug - it will let you inspect an element and see exactly what CSS is in effect and where the rules came from
don't be afraid to re-use portions of the old CSS, especially for things like dropdown menus, which can need very specific incantations to work properly
have fun! starting from scratch lets you implement best practices and learn a ton along the way. When you are done you are probably going to look back on this as a good experience.
there is a presentation here that should get you in the right headspace for tackling this task: CSS Systems
I would be tempted into creating a test suite first: automating page visits (perhaps with Selenium?), taking screenshots, then using something like ImageMagick to compare those with reference images.
Also, I second all the suggestions to use source control. If you later discover that your refactorings broke something that wasn't checked by the test suite, you can add a new test and then bisect your history to find the change that broke it. Git is good for that.
Get a code editor with good syntax highlighting. Also, goodluck I dont envy you.
My initial thought was does some like NCover exist for CSS, as it would be handy to see if all of the CSS is referenced. A quick Google on CSS code coverage found a few things- you might want to look yourself though:
Install sass, run css2sass on your 5000 lines of css, proceed. After you are done with your sass file refactoring, run sass2css to regenerate the css file. Best of luck!
I'd suggest Stylizer - it is a CSS editor with an embedded live preview browser. It makes life much easier when editing CSS files and can tell you which rules affect which element on the page and more.
All of you guys saying he should start from scratch are wrong. You shouldn't. Try to identify the different parts the site uses. Put them on a sheet of paper. Find the parts that match together. Build a structure. Find parts of the application that are the same but are still styled with different rules.
Take that one part and name it. Then match all app parts that use that "pattern" with the correct HTML/CSS.
Repeat until you're done. Break up the large task in small chunks.
Identify whether the original CSS writer used standard methods like using a CSS reset. If he didn't, and everything is defined by #id without reusable classes, well, then maybe the guys saying you should start from scratch are in fact right. But my point here is that you can't just recommend that without assessing the situation.
Using the Dust-Me Selectors Firefox Plugin can be handy. It's a bit like a code coverage tool for CSS.
Tool suggestion: ReSharper by JetBrains. It will autocomplete CSS and rename selectors site wide from the CSS file editing window.

What is a good CSS strategy? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post.
Closed 7 years ago.
Improve this question
We have a large ASP.Net website that has a single css stylesheet which is getting out of control.
I am thinking of using the following strategy (taken from which seems logical to me...
you might have one CSS file devoted to sitewide styles and separate CSS files for identifiable subsets of site pages (such as pages for a specific department or pages with a different layout style). For styles that are unique to a specific page, use a separate CSS file for each page (if there are too many styles to fit comfortably in the document header). You link or import the appropriate CSS files for each page, so that you load all the styles needed to display that page, but very few unnecessary styles that only appear on other pages.
Is this a good way to proceed? What are the alternatives?
I think the best option is to divide css in:
Then if you need other more specific you can add more like an css for the ads: ads.css, or one css for a specific section.
I would also add ie.css for IE css hacks.
I would not speak about creating one css for only one page: the problem you can have if you use too many css, is that your page will have to do more requests to the server and this will slow your page.
This is why i recommend you to implement an HttpHandler which will create a cache copy in only one file of the css you need at the moment. Look here:
There are three principle methods used for breaking up stylesheets: property-based, structure-based, and hybrid. Which method you choose should most be based on workflow and personal preference.
The most basic, representative form of a property-based breakup would be to use two stylesheets: structure.css and style.css. The structure.css file would contain rules that only used properties like height, width, margin, padding, float, position, etc. This would effectively contain the "building blocks" necessary to arrange the elements of the page the way you want. The style.css file would contain rules with properties like background, font, color, text-decoration, etc. This effectively acts as a skin for the structure created in the other stylesheet.
Additional separation might include using a typography.css file, where you'd place all of your font properties. Or a colors.css file, where you'd place all of your color and background properties. Try not to go overboard because this method quickly becomes more trouble than it's worth.
The structure-based method of breaking up stylesheets revolves around segregating rules based on what elements to which they apply. For example, you might see a masthead.css file for everything in the header, a body.css file for everything in the content area of the page, a sidebar.css file for everything in the sidebar, and a footer.css file for everything at the bottom of the page.
This method really helps when you have a site with lots of distinct sections on each page. It also helps minimize the number of rules found in each stylesheet. Unlike the property-based method, which tends to have a rule in each stylesheet for each element on the page, with this method you only have one rule in one stylesheet for any given element.
As you might expect, the hybrid method combines the best of both methods and it's my preferred choice. Here you create a structure.css file, just like in the property-based method, using only those properties that you need to create the basic layout. Then you create additional stylesheets like masthead.css, which skins the header; body.css, which skins the content; etc.
Other Considerations
One problem that plagues each of these methods is that by creating multiple stylesheets, you require that the client's browser fetches many files. This can have a negative effect on the user experience because most browsers will only make two concurrent requests to the same server. If you have seven stylesheets, that means adding potentially hundreds of milliseconds on the initial page load (this effect is lessened once the stylesheets have been cached, but you want to make a good first impression on those new visitors). It's for this reason that the CSS sprites technique was created. Breaking up your stylesheets may wipe out any gains made by using sprites.
The way around this is to compress your broken-up stylesheets back into one stylesheet when the user makes a page request.
To get the best of both worlds, consider using a CSS meta-language like Sass. This allows a CSS author to break one stylesheet into many while still only presenting one stylesheet to the browser. This adds a step to the CSS authoring workflow (though it could potentially be scripted to compile the Sass into CSS any time a Sass file is updated), but it can be worthwhile, especially when considering some of Sass' many other benefits.
What you can do is have lots of easy to manage, separate files for development, then smoosh them all together into one file and minify it on your live site.
This is a little more work to set up, but gives you the best of both worlds - easy to manage site + fast page loads.
Edit: Yahoo's YUI compressor seems to be the best minifier around. It can compress both CSS and Javascript.
My solution, amidst plenty:
base.css / reset.css: your foundation {base layout, type, color} -- 100% reusability
helper.css: basic layout rules for modules as well as 'utility classes' {grid variations, forms, tables, etc} -- 90+% reusability
module.css: complex layout rules for modules {semantic modules like .post or .comment} - 75% reusability
layout.css: template-based rules {#hd, #bd, #ft, #homePage, etc.}- almost no reusability
color.css: all color rules, combined - 50% reusability
type.css: all type rules, combined - 75% reusability (text styling has less variations)
this separation also allows mobile and print versions for the layout sheets, all controlled by #import via the stylesheet I link to the html.
I am using this for a medium-sized site. For extra organization, I keep each sheet sectioned basically the same {wrapper, general, unique, etc}. I also tag my selectors and properties, as well as indent them in order of dependency inside the same selector group, so I know what rules I am referencing or extending. This framework allows nearly infinite expansion while keeping things organized, understandable, and reusable. I've had to refactor a 7000+ line master.css file a month ago, so this is a new system I am trying out. I've found that 100% content-semantic CSS isn't as scalable and easy to understand as a semantic/layout hybrid, since that's what CSS is used for anyway.
1.25-yr-later-edit: Another method which might be more relevant is to just use a good CSS text editor. I'm positive VS is crap for working with CSS, unless you happen upon some extensions. If you're on windows, give E Text Editor a shot, b/c it's a TextMate Windows port and has bundles designed for CSS and markup that give you much better syntax highlighting and autocompletion. What you then can do is organize, even a 8000-line stylesheet, into collapsible folds:
/** Start Module 1 */
/* End Module 1 **/
And use the symbol list to display for you a quick TOC on the fly with a query like Start or Module 1 It also indexes lines with /** these types of comments **/ (great for tagging areas) and all CSS selector chains. You should have no trouble working with single big files with E. Besides, unless you're progressively enhancing your CSS it's all going to get minified anyway. I would also make sure to indent your CSS to somewhat mimic the structure of DOM section it is referring to.
.container {}
.container .inner {}
.container .head {}
.container .inner.alt {}
Otherwise, I agree with the '1 Base CSS and 1 Page/Section CSS` method, though it entirely depends on your business requirements.
I would check out YUI CSS. Maybe not the answer you were looking for, but YUI CSS removes much of the hassle with different browsers etc...
Work out some simple rules that work for you (or your company).
Divide your CSS into separate files, such as:
Decide what declarations will go in each file, for example, ensure:
font-weight, text-decoration, font-family
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, a, p, li
All reside in the typography CSS file. Decide what to do for edge cases, such as border properties on headers, padding and margins on text elemants (layout or typography).
If your sets of declarations are getting unwieldy, some people like to organise them alphabetically.
Indent your css, for example:
#logo h1 {text-indent: -9999px}
#logo h1 a {display: block; width: 200px; height: 98px; backround...}
Comment your CSS, including references to other files if other rule for that specific selector reside there.
If you do divide you CSS into separate files, consider consolidating and compressing them into one file as part of your build & deployment process.
Make sure every developer is well aware of your standard for CSS.
Also, somewhat relevant, I've just been made aware of a Firefox plugin for finding unnecessary selectors. It's called Dust-Me Selectors.
netadictos makes some good points and I would concur. It's easy to seek reasons for more Css but the benefits of keeping them lean are far greater in the longer term.
In addition, have you looked at using themes and skin files within The combination of .css and .skin can dramatically reduce the overall size of your Css, which is marginally good for performance but very good for easier administration.
Some exceptions could be contained within the one css file but if things are radically different within the one then you may consider a separate css or even a separate site if they are that different. Obviously you might load different versions of the themes depending on which user it is. This is where you could have an explosion of Css files. That is, say you had a css for each page and then you wanted to have different for different clients on your site, then you'd be growing exponentially. This of course assumes you have this challenge.
I wonder the same thing with regards to JavaScript files. If your site is highly dependent on Ajax to the point where almost every page requires some kind of custom Javascript then were do you stick it all?
Best practices oftern spout not having javascript in the page but as external files (as with css). But if you have a .js file per page then things will slowly get out of hand.
I'm not sure about Windows equivalents, but on the Mac you can get CSSEdit, which allows you to add folders to CSS files and manage them like that. There's a good explanation of it in this article.
Global css files have caused me headaches before. CSS usually isn't namespaced, so if two different modules create a div with a class of "box", then the intent of one overwrites the other. Also, styles on the [a] tag, [p] tag and other basic tags (ie. styles not based on classes or id's) will wreck havoc on 3rd party controls as your global style sheet cascades onto an html component that was designed assuming no other css on the page. Inappropriate usage of text centering to center elements can lead to hard to debug global centering. So I favor multiple css files. I've seen css managers (http modules that merge css together at request time), but decided the extra http requests is well worth limiting the scope of the damage ill considered css can do to my application.
We use Ruby on Rails so we have a clear controller/action pair, we use this to reference both CSS classes and Javascript views.
Specifically, grab the name of the controller+action name and embed this as a ID in the view, put it on the body tag or your main content div.
<body id="users_list_body">
Where "users" is the name of the controller, "list" is the action. Then in your CSS you have rules likes
So you can scope all of your specific CSS to that view. Of course, you also have more general CSS to handle overall styling. But having this ID defined more easily allows you to create specific CSS for individual pages (since a controller/action maps to a specific page).
You end up having rules like this
#users_list_body table
#users_list_body table thead
Do the same for Javascript. So in the footer of every page you take your same controller/action name pair and embed it in a function call
if(V.views.users_list) { V.views.user_list(); }
Then in your external Javascript you have something like
V = {};
V.views = {};
V.views.user_list = function() {
//any code you want to run for the Users controller / List action..
//jQuery or something
$('#save_button').click({ ... });
with all of your Javascript code scoped to a specific function, it ends up being all encapsulated. You can then combine all of your Javascript files into one, compress it and then serve it up as one file and none of your logic will conflict. One page's JS will not conflict with any other page's JS because each page is scoped by its method name.
Whatever your choice is, avoid using the #import directive.
Makes the browser load stylesheets sequentially, hence slowing down loading and rendering for your page.
Here is what I do: I keep my stylesheets separate, somewhat along the lines of what others have suggested. However, I have a script that concatenates them together, minifies them, adds the headers, and then gzips them. The resulting file is then used as the stylesheet and if it goes beyond the expiration date, it automatically recompiles. I do this on a sitewide basis for all the common files and then also on a page specific basis for CSS that will only appear on that page. At the most, I will only ever have 2 CSS files called per page and they will be compressed, which minimizes download time and size and the number of page requests, but I will still have the benefit of separating them in whatever way makes sense to me. The same strategy can also be used for JavaScript.
