Is it possible to authenticate on another website? -

If I am on a website#1, and I enter my username/pwd for website#2 on a login page that is on website#1, and website#1, behind the scenes, makes a httpwebrequest to website#2 and posts to the login page. If I then navigate to website#2, should I be logged in?
website#2 uses formsauthentication and I call a httpHandler that is on website#2 and pass it the username/password via the querystring.
Should this work?

What you're trying to do is called Single Signon. The way you're doing it, posting values from one site to another, probably won't work because you're using the same technique a hacker might use to trick user into sharing their login information. It's called a cross-site request forgery attack. IIS is configured not to allow that.
Generally, you need a central authentication system that both sites use to share login information. This can be done in several ways, including a shared database-based login system. Google " single sign on" for more ideas.

Do site #1 and #2 want their users to have single sign on?
If so, read up on single sign on. It's a bigger project than can be addressed here. There is a good book on it though from Wrox :
Or are we imagining something sinister?
If we are imagining something sinister, then evil site #1 would collect the credentials, then automate a browser on the server side to start checking to see if site #2 uses the same password and user combination. Then the server would have an authenticated session. This wouldn't give the user who accessed site #1 an auth cookie, the HttpWebRequest object on the server would get the auth cookie. Site #2 couldn't really do anything to prevent this because a browser request from one computer looks much alike a browser request from another. A well crafted attack would spoof all elements of the browser's request so that it looks like it came from a browser instead of a primitative HttpWebRequest object, which may not even set the user-agent.
Site #2 should stop using passwords and user Id or use 2 factor ID if they are concerned abut this, or do something that requires javascript for logon because spoofing a browser that is executing javascript is harder than spoofing a browser that just sends and receives http requests and responses.

There are too many security issues trying to auto-authenticate between sites. There needs to be a central security provider that both sites belong to so that hand off is completed securely.
We use CA's Siteminder for cross site authentication. Effectively, web 1 creates a unique session id on the siteminder server and passes any credentials and info to it. Siteminder invokes web2 and passes the information by means of session variables. Web 2 retrieves the data from the session and uses it. There's much more going on there but that's the just of it.
To do something like this, I would strongly consider using an out of the box solution as generally coding up custom security generally falls short.

While this can be done on some cases, in the form of an HTTP request with POST parameters, you will not be authenticated once you browse to site #2.
This is because, generally, these sites store a cookie on your end and these are domain-based, which means that even if you grabbed that and stored it yourself from site #1, the cookie name would not match site #2.
Additionally, site #2 may not be easy to authenticate against and this is usually a security concern that developers are aware of. This can be considered an attempt of XSS as well.
In case you're simply doing this for yourself, I'd recommend LastPass and save most of your info in it.
Please reconsider your goals and how to achieve them, this is not the way.
Edit: Link text.

This could work, depending on the security measures in place on website #2. For a secure website, this would fail.
I would recommend against this purely on the basis of good security and good coding/design practices.
If you are unclear what security measures stop this, you should probably educate yourself so you can prevent the same issues on your own site. See

Since both your sites are using FormsAuthentication you can easily configure both of them to share FormsAuthentication encryption schemes.
This will allow you to do Cross Application Authentication automatically :)


Secure a single page in an ASP.NET app

I often have a need to secure a single page (i.e. Reports) on a public facing app so that only authorized users may access the page. In the past, this mean setting up a custom login form or using the ASP.NET membership provider or something else far too complex to serve the purpose. Is there an easier (safe) way to secure a single page in this fashion?
Some things I've considered:
Client certificates (initial setup is a pain)
A single master password (works in a pinch, but feels dirty)
Restrict access by host address (cumbersome when the need arises to allow external users access to the page). Also, need to support access via proxy (X-Forwarded-For) which can be faked by technical users)
Are there other options? Recommendations?
You can do it in your web.config file something like what is suggested here. As far as authentication is concerned the easiest way is to use windows authentication.
A login system is your best option. If you don't want to go through the trouble of setting up and managing a login system yourself, consider using OpenAuth.
You can achieve functionality pretty easily using DotNetOpenAuth. Users can then log in with their Google, Yahoo, StackOverflow, etc. accounts, and you get a token that you can store to limit access with.

One application, different domains: how to preserve sessions on ASP.NET?

I have an application with different sections. Each section is accessed through a domain. Example:,, I need to preserve the session when the user navigates from one to another URL. The application is the same in IIS. How to accomplish that?
You will need to pass on the session-cookie, and re-set that cookie on the new domain. That will make the session live over several domains (assuming you use the same app).
Link from
<a href="">
then, OnSessionStart (or OnRequestStart) check for query-parameter s and attach session to it. Meaning, just manually set cookie ASP.NET_SESSIONID to the value you pass on.
This has severe security-implications, so don't allow this unless you know what you're doing. another solution might be to store something into a common backend (database?) and pass around the user with a token that represents the actual session (and set the cookie based on that token), that you generate on a middle-page when navigating away from -> transferusertonewdomain.aspx ->
That would prevent that anyone could hijack a session by jsut knowing the value of the cookie. However, that is possible never the less if you're somewhat familiar with a computer anyway.
If you have multiple domains (and not just subdomains, which are easier), you're going to have more complications doing this than you'd like, because you can't share cookies across different domains.
The usual workaround is to embed a link an image on the other domains that are served by an page (or HttpHandler if you like). That page should contain a querystring with a unique token and a hashed version of that data appended with some shared secret. Then, that page will set a cookie on the response appropriate to for that domain to associate itself with appropriate data. It will serve typically a 1x1 transparent image as the response. Usually you only want to do this upon login to one of the sites.
Unless you do some customizations, session is specific to an application regardless of session mode you are using. Here's an article that talks about how to customize SQL session so that you can use session across multiple applications.
You should start by change the sessionState from being "InProc" to either StateServer or SqlServer, ensure that the MachineKeys are identical across all sites (domains and servers), and then set up the relevant backend systems to capture the state information.
More information can be found on:
Session-State Modes
ASP.NET State Management Overview
You could use a cookie to pass it, still researching to find out how. I will repost.
There is another Stack Overflow question, see if it helps, 315132
It basically asks
I need to share SSO information
between two different domains with a
cookie, can this be done in PHP and
the answer given was
On both domains, place an image or
other web element that is pulled from
the other domain. Use the URL to
notify the other domain that user X is
on domain A, and let domain B
associate that user ID with that user
on their system.
It's a little complex to carry out
correctly, but if you think it through
it'll work out very well.
Vinko points out in a comment
(thanks!) that I shouldn't take it for
granted that you understand the
security risks involved. If this
information is of any value to anyone,
then you should make sure you use
proper encryption, authentication, etc
to avoid releasing sensitive
information and to avoid various
attacks (replay, man in the middle,
etc). This shouldn't be too onerous
since you control both websites and
you can select a secure secret key for
both, since the communication is only
going between the two servers via this
special URL. Keep it in mind though.
The user is Adam Davis.

Poor Man's Authentication

I'm developing an ASP.NET web site for some small business. The site needs a password-protected area where the site owner will manage the site content. For the rest of the world, the site is completely read-only.
I've designed and implemented the following scheme:
A user wants to access some protected page.
Every protected page inherits "AdminIface" master page, that alters the UI so that user knows he's on a protected page, and checks the security cookie. If no cookie or wrong cookie: redirect to auth.aspx.
Auth.aspx generates a big random number using RNGCryptoServiceProvider, then sends it to the client + password form.
User enters the password.
Client-side JavaScript combines random seed + password, calculates MD5 of the resulting string, posts MD5 to the server.
Server compares the random seed with the value hold by Session, if OK it combines random seed + password, calculates the MD5, compares MD5.
If the checksum matched – the server generates one more big random number to be used as a security cookie.
Server stores the security cookie in Session object, and sends the cookie to the client who's now considered authorized.
The correct password is stored as a string constant in the auth.aspx source.
Is this scheme OK?
P.S. I know AD+Kerberos is much better, however on the godaddy's shared hosting I've got no privileges even to create one more application.
I would just hard code the user authentication into the web.config. This means you can still use the Membership controls. A really good example can be seen here. No database required, nor Membership provider. If you have one user (or very few users) then this is a pretty good option.
If you are worried about the authentication details sitting in the web.config, then you can encrypt specific sections of the web.config.
This would appear to be a much simpler solution than you have implemented.
It sound ok. Standard HMAC stuff. However your weaknesses:
Application: relying on javascript and sessions
Security: using a new codebase
Depending on your requirements you might be ok. having said that I strongly suggest using forms authentication, which overcomes these issues and much more.. and it is fairly easy to use.
Ummm, why not with https (or even without)?
-- What's the real scenario of a threat?
Your method seems a bit hand-rolled. The usual rule is to try to use an existing security system rather than inventing your own. Inventing a new authentication mechanism that is really secure is known to be a very hard problem.
Many intelligent people (namely the Software Engineers who created WEP) have tried and failed at creating their own security authentication mechanisms and failed. The possibilities for screwing up your own "custom" security authentication are endless (no offense, but it is an extremely difficult problem to handle even for security experts).
I think it's best to use something that is proven to work such as an SSL certificate based authentication method.
What is wrong with TLS/SSL? It would provide many benefits here, the least of which is some thread of site->user authentication.
As kind of already mentioned, why not just use forms authentication with an SSL cert - dead easy to set up (particularly for one user) and you know that it's been tested... You don't know what you've potentially missed.

Restrict access to web site based on Referrer, cookies or something else

We have a scenario whereby we are hosting an ASP.NET MVC web site on behalf of someone else.
The customer in this case wants us to restrict access to the web site, to those users who have logged in to their main portal. They should then only be able to get to our web site via a link from that portal.
At this point I'm not yet sure what technology or authentication mechanism the 3rd party are using but just wanted to clarify what the possible options might be.
If we call our hosted site B, and their portal web site A,as I see it we could:
Check the referrer for all requests to B, unless they've come from A they can't get in
Check for a specific cookie (assuming A uses cookies)
I'm sure there are other options, anyone any ideas?
Check the referrer for all requests to B, unless they've come from A they can't get in
Can be faked, but most normal users won't do it.
Check for a specific cookie (assuming A uses cookies)
Ask them to embed in their portal some code portion from your site. This way visiting their portal will resulting in you setting a cookie for your domain. Then you can easily read it later.
One more thing to mention. If you're talking about public sites, then it will suffice for a search engine to somehow discover these hidden urls once, after which the game is over. It will index the pages and keep a cache of it. You may want to consider including some noindex/nocache meta tags in these pages.
But seriously, if you wish to have it done properly and secure, you're going to need some form of shared user authentication that that portal and your site both support.
The solutions you have posted are not secure.
In case this is an enterprise application with real requirements for security, you may want to look at some single sign-on solutions.
List of single sign-on implementations

Possible to read/write cookies to be used by two different ASP.NET web apps?

Wondering if it is possible for my claims aware application (ASP.NET) to save a cookie that can be read by the ADFS Service (ASP.NET also). This is so I can give it the URN of a specific client at the time of the SSO based on the subdomain. However I am not sure if a website can read cookies from a different website or not.
I think it's possible, but only when both webapplications are on the same domain. The following question, and especially the marked answer, handles a similar question:
sync cookies and sessions in different subdomains (
If it were possible to do it with different domains, that would be a huge security risk. Then your cookies would be readable by any other website you visit. So I don't think that's possible. But if I'm wrong, someone please correct me on this one.
Further information # MSDN:
See the section called Limiting Cookie Domain Scope.
