KmlScreenOverlay Buttons - button

KmlScreenOverlay Buttons!!? real? how?
Any other way to put anything flash or html over GEPlugin?

A little unclear what you're after.
If you're trying to make KML Screen Overlays, may I suggest you check out the tutorial and utility at
If you're asking whether you can put, say, a Form Submit button on top of a map in a browser, then sure. You can use divs to layer all sorts of stuff in a browser.
A really good example of this is the Beer Mapping Project. Check out their New Zealand page and see the various items placed on top of it, including buttons, text and lists.
Hope that helps!

KmlScreenOverlay Buttons!!? real?
Yes they're real. But they're not as easy to use as HTML buttons... e.g. you can't just give them a text label. You have to use an image.
How to use them - see the tutorial that #Mark linked to.
Any other way to put anything flash or
html over GEPlugin?
See also How can I place a html div over the Google Earth plugin? Involves wmode, I imagine


How to make complete masonry box clickable - Wordpress

I have a site:
I have three columsn Monsonry. I'm trying to make the complete each box clickable to complete post. Currently, only read more takes me to complete article. Any idea how to do it?
How are you running the loop that delivers content to the blocks (plugin, custom template, etc.)
You need to make sure the link tags are being placed around the entire block, not just the "read more" link.
Author won't change theme just for you. It is also bad practice to change php file code by yourself, because of all updates and stuff. I would suggest that you add custom javascript(jQuery) (it is dirty solution, but it should work). Also be careful. Even if you wrap masonry brick with anchor(a), you should remove links that are inside that brick -> you should change anchor(a) with something else (span).

Creating an interactive map with CSS

Based on the design below, is it possible to create the map just using CSS? If so, how?
So as you can see, when you hover over a state the name will appear and change the color of the state. On clicking it will info below the map per state.
Can it be done using absolute positioning, z-index and hover states on a button?
With a slight tweak to the design, would it be possible to have a flat image for the map and plotting dot's on it for each state that would include a hover (using the same tab style as the image example)? Each dot being an image. Am I right in saying that the complication of the design is to highlight the right area when hovered? Therefore, just having a dot would solve it right?
I was interested in this too and found this example (USA) MAP if you look into the source code there is area for each state that look like <area onmouseover="show(this)" onmouseout="hide()" onclick=";togl()" shape="poly" coords="179,33,174,66,230,67,225,35,179,33,179,33" href="us-nd.html">. You can read more about and tags in W3C link. I think its the only way how to do this without flash or something... But it cant be done without a little JS. To get the coords, I would asume you just open your image in some editor that shows coords(gimp or something) and manually find them out...
No. If it had rectangular shapes yes but with a lot of work.
You really need javascript on this one.
You might want to try a Javascript mapping library - is the market leader (and free and open source).
You get your US state map in the right format (GML for example) then you can pretty much cut n paste from one of the openlayers examples. Hovering and clicking are handled by event functions. They can then do things like updating your info box below the map.
Note that if you want Alaska and Hawaii as in the picture and all you can find is a geographic state map, you might have to use a GIS to shift the features around. Quantum GIS is a free and open-source GIS that can do this for you. Help for that can be found on!
If you're willing to use javascript, jQuery more specifically, here is a nice plug-in/tutorial on how to do what it seems like you'd like to. It won't do the states exactly, but it will allow you to drop pins and such.
Update: This seems to be exactly what you're looking for: It includes a rather indepth tutorial as well.
Here is another interactive US map I found myself: It is purely javascript with customizable popups.

How to use jQuery to show a different page in ASP.NET

I am trying to set up functionality similar to Netflix. Where if you mouseover a movie - you are presented with a window of movie details (all client-side).
At high level, can someone in this forum help by telling me how this should be implemented? I.E., one or more .aspx pages, what would go in code-behind, and .js file, css, etc. Just trying to get an idea on how this would be set up to work.
Basically, when I hover over an item, I need to query for details that belongs for that record being moused-over and display it in the window or div. I also need to have some functionality in that window (i.e. a textbox and button which will end up needing to get saved in a database).
Thanks for any tips and suggestions -
You would want to add an AJAX call to the hover event of the image, that pulls from a webservice/web method.
Here is a good example, you would change some things. However, it should get you started.
If I understood your question correctly, you should try this excelent jQuery plugin:
Look at the demo here:
easy to install and configure and very slick!
Good luck
EDIT: sorry wrong lik the first time
There are certainly many jQuery plugins that will do this for you. jQuery UI may also be of benefit.
Here is one that appears to do something like you are describing:

VS HTML Designer Tag Hierarchy Links. Broken in all versions including 2010-or is it me?

Should this bar on the HTML designer show the tag name? It sometimes does!
Here's an image of what I referring to.
I thought for sure it must be a bug but considering that I heard that MS was rewriting the editor (designer too?) I am starting to question whether I know how to use it!
Note the "TD" tooltip on the bottom right. Shouldn't this "TD" appear on the bar on the far right where the mouse would be?
This looks like a bug. If there's a reliable repro for it (i.e. if you can show to do it from a new or sample form), you should file the bug on (Or you could file it anyways, but without a repro, it's hard to find and fix...)

Flex + Topology View

Currently I'm working on creating a view of displaying a entire school database in the form of a graphical view.
Teachers; and
I display an Image for each of the above mentioned ones. I need a plugin/tool (freeware) to use to create the links between them.
My default view would be a School Image, either on click of Image / Zoom-In (Zoom-out) I want to display Classes.
When I select a click by clicking it or mouse over a particular class and zoom-in, I want to display the teachers and students.
Could some-one suggest me a tool that would help me do the same.
P.S. I've tried SpringGraph, but it lacks on a lot of features.
I would check out Flare. Check out the demo. I think you will be most interested in the Layouts section.
Another option would be the RaVis portion of the BirdEye project. The graphs it generates are pretty customizable (i.e. controlling the image used for each node), as seen in this demo. The default interactivity (double-click to navigate, information on mouse-over) is solid as well.
Check the "tour de flex"
It's a big demo of what you can do with flex. Check the Data Visualisation part, it's contains some very nice exemple
But i doubs that you will find exactly what your are looking for, why not just code it.
A image for the scool.
a list of image for classes.
a list of teacher and student images for each classes.
OnClick + transition event
No ?
