Flex 3: HBox children Scrolling with buttons - apache-flex

I have an HBox with width=500.
I actually want to add two arrows buttons that will scroll the contents of the HBox.
But when I turn HBox's scroll policy to off, I can't scroll it programmatically using horizontalScrollPosition.
What should i do now?

I've hacked together this custom HBox that you could use. Simply set horizontalScrollPolicy to either "on" or "auto". I really haven't tested it all that much, works for a simple test I did...
public class CustomHBox extends HBox
override public function validateDisplayList():void
if (horizontalScrollBar)
horizontalScrollBar.visible = false;

Scroll bars will not be displayed when scrollPolicy is turned off.

I think for what you want, you want to subclass ScrollBar make it look and feel the way you would like, then set it on your Container.horizontalScrollBar

I'm no Flex expert, but this is possible without too much trouble (using Flex SDK 3.2, anyway). You're right - when you turn off the horizontalScrollPolicy, the maxHorizontalScollPosition is set to 0, UNLESS you specify both a width value AND a maxWidth value. Then, maxHorizontalScrollPosition will again contain a useable value, and you'll be able to programmatically set the horizontalScrollPosition.


JavaFx Children alignment between 2 HBoxes

Trying to align children(labels) of 2 different HBoxes, which was created by the same method:
public HBox addHBox() {
HBox hbox = new HBox(10);
return hbox;
The LayoutY is different, and changed after the creation of each HBox.
Thus, I want to accompish that added child[i] of the HBox1, would be right below child[i] of the HBox2.
Note: the size of the children should not matter!
(this is what bothers me)
I tried
Nothing seems to help. Any ideas?
P.S. I know that i can use gridPane, but it's not in this case
Your HBox only classifies your Nodes one side of the other horizontally, and in your case I suppose that you use a Text control to display your String, I don't say that it is a bad idea but I think that the width of your Node(Text) depends on the length of the string which gives an unpredictable and disorderly display, so why not use a Label, the advantage with this control is that you can define the Width of the background what Will give your String a limit and allow an ordered display !
Okay, after additional research AND help of the community:
1.Definately should use gridPane.
2.Or change the layoutX of each label in HBox2 to fit layoutX of label from HBox1.

Spark scrollbar space should be preserved

i am building a AS3-Class extending SkinnableContainer. Vertical scrolling only.
public class Part extends SkinnableContainer {
public function Part() {
var scroller : Scroller = new Scroller();
scroller.percentHeight = 100;
var content : VGroup = new VGroup();
scroller.viewport = content;
protected function fillContent():void {...}
Several instances of them are placed in a HGroup, everytime
the height of the HGroup or
the content in one of the instances
changes, the widths of the instances vary because some of them get a ScrollBar depending on their height.
How can i preserve the space which will be needed for a forthcoming ScrollBar?
does not lead to success.
Thank you for any hint.
My understanding is that you want there to always be a scrollbars width of space to the right of each component, so that your scrollbars will just slot in without causing repositioning, correct? If that is wrong you can stop reading now!
You should be able to achieve this by setting the verticalScrollPolicy style to ON (default is AUTO):
scroller.setStyle("verticalScrollPolicy", ScrollPolicy.ON);
This will mean that scrollbars are always visible, but when scrolling isn't possible they are disabled. If you need to hide disabled scrollbars you may need to reskin them or something similar.
Hope that helps!

Flex: adding/removing component from HBox.rawChildren causes horizontalAlign to fail?

I have an HBox displaying a series of canvases. I am removing a child of a canvas and adding it to the rawChildren of the containing HBox, so I can position it, and make it appear to shift outside the bounds of the canvas.
Here is the code from the canvas:
private function onMouseOver(e:MouseEvent):void
(this.parent as HBox).rawChildren.addChild(dateLabel);
dateLabel.x = (this.parent as HBox).localToGlobal(new Point(this.x,0)).x - 18;
private function onMouseOut(e:MouseEvent):void
dateLabel.x = 0;
It works, but if the containing HBox.horizontalAlign is set to "right", when I add the child back to the Canvas, the HBox stops displaying correctly and puts all the child canvases overlapping on the right. There is no issue if the HBox is aligned "left" tho.
Is this a bug? Is there a work around?
Is this a bug? Is there a work around?
- John Isaacks
This isn't a bug as such, it's more that you are using a container in an unusual way.
When you use an HBox you are making a decision that all children are laid out in a linear, horizontal arrangement according to the rules of the HBox component.
Explicitly positioning a child is not what HBoxes are about - it's not in their job description.
I would recommend that you have an HBox inside a Canvas. You can add the dateLabel to the HBox when it should be laid out horizontally or move it to the Canvas when you need to set its position and make it look like it's outside the HBox.
When you use rawChildren, you simply bypass the layout mechanism.
You should use addChild or addChildAt directly on the component.

Is there a way to set the minHeight of the scroll bar thumb in Flex 3

In my project we needed to make the scollbars look like Windows scrollbars.
Therefore I have a thumbIcon on the thumb of a vertical scrollbar, but if I get too many items in the combobox, the scrollbar gets fiddly. This is because the margin between the thumbIcon and the border of the thumbSkin is too small.
Is there a way to set the minimum height of the thumbSkin so that I can ensure there is always a margin there and it always looks good, even if there are too many items?
Fiddly scroll bar http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/7057/nomargins.gif
Image above, see the thumb? By the thumbIcon I mean the 3 horizontal lines. The top and bottom margin between this icon and the border of the thumb itself is too small.
Normal scroll bar http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/5527/margins.gif
This is the normal scroll bar, the thumbIcon and the borders of the thumb have enough margin, which make the scroll bar look a lot better.
You should be able to extend (or if you feel really brave, edit) the ScrollThumb class, there's a minimum height setting in there of 10, which I agree is quite small.
Then you will want to extend the scrollBar class and set the style of the thumbUpSkin of to use that new extended ScrollThumb class.
Finaly you will want to extend your dropdown control to use the new extended scrollBar class.
I'd be more specific, but I'm not comfortable with extending classes and overriding stuff yet, maybe someone better at that will see my answer here and give a good code example.
There's an advantage to editing the class, in that you won't have to then extend all the other classes involved, but the disadvantage is that every ScrollBar in projects compiled on your SDK will use your new minimum height setting, and if it's compiled with a "pristine" SDK (maybe by a co-worker) it would be whatever the setting is in that SDK which could lead to some really difficult trouble-shooting in the future.
An alternative to overriding the classes is to get a reference to the the scrollThumb as a child of the ScrollBar.
var scrollThumb:ScrollThumb = hScrollBar.getChildAt(2) as ScrollThumb;
scrollThumb.minHeight = 50;
This is not ideal as it's dependent on the index of the ScrollThumb but I doubt that's likely to change and it's simpler than overriding the flex classes.
Here is the solution I found for enforcing a minimum size for the scroll thumb. I extended HScrollBar and VScrollBar and overrode the setScrollProperties method, to set the minimum size. Here is the HScrollBar version:
package your.package
import mx.controls.HScrollBar;
import mx.core.mx_internal;
use namespace mx_internal;
public class LargeThumbHScrollBar extends HScrollBar
public function LargeThumbHScrollBar()
public override function setScrollProperties(pageSize:Number,
pageScrollSize:Number = 0):void
super.setScrollProperties(pageSize, minScrollPosition, maxScrollPosition, pageScrollSize);
if (scrollThumb) {
scrollThumb.explicitMinHeight = 100;
For both HScrollBar and VScrollBar you set the explicitMinHeight (don't set explicitMinWidth in either version).
I'm not sure how to get the default scrollbars for a component to use the subclasses, though. I didn't have to tackle that problem because we were adding the scrollbars on ourselves. A quick google search didn't turn up any answers.

Flex scrollbar styling issue

I'm trying to style vscrollbar and hscrollbar inside a Vbox.But there's always a white square thing at the right bottom cornor which can not be styled.
My CSS is:
downArrowUpSkin: Embed(source="assets/images/scrollbar/arrow_down.png");
downArrowOverSkin: Embed(source="assets/images/scrollbar/arrow_down.png");
downArrowDownSkin: Embed(source="assets/images/scrollbar/arrow_down.png");
upArrowUpSkin: Embed(source="assets/images/scrollbar/arrow_up.png");
upArrowOverSkin: Embed(source="assets/images/scrollbar/arrow_up.png");
upArrowDownSkin: Embed(source="assets/images/scrollbar/arrow_up.png");
thumbDownSkin: Embed(source="assets/images/scrollbar/thumb.png");
thumbUpSkin: Embed(source="assets/images/scrollbar/thumb.png");
thumbOverSkin: Embed(source="assets/images/scrollbar/thumb.png");
Could anyone help me out?Much Thanks!
This is a weird one. The white box at the bottom right is actually a (raw) child of the container.
To get around this you need to subclass whatever container you want to add your styled scrollbars to and remove the child called "whitebox":
var whitebox:DisplayObject = rawChildren.getChildByName('whiteBox');
if (whitebox)
IIRC you need to do the above in two places: an override of createChildren and an override of validateDisplayList. In both cases remember to call the super class method first!
That area isn't controlled by the scroll bar(s), it's part of the original container. Does the VBox have it's background colour set to black?
