Clearing RSL in Cache - apache-flex

I have built a flex application which has a "main" project and it is assosciated with a few RSL's which are loaded and cached once i run my "main" application. The problem i am facing is that the newer versions of my RSL's are not being loaded as the cache holds the older version of my RSL and execxutes the same. Each time i have got to clear the cache to execute the new version of my RSL's, which is irritating. So, can anyone suggest me a solution to get the newly updated RSL's loaded and working..

That blog post has the answer - you need to clear your flash player cache in the flash player settings dialog.


How to version control a Flex/Flash Builder application's release build files using Subclipse?

I need to store the release build of my Flash Builder (Flex) application in Subversion. When I try to add it to version control via Subclipse I get a warning telling me that I have asked to version control one or more resources that otherwise would have been ignored. Does anyone know why this is happening, and how I can get around it? I've gotten around this one time in the past by adding the build release's directory to the repository using another Subversion client, i.e. outside of Eclipse/Flash Builder, but when I rebuilt the release later I was unable to get Subclipse to see the changes between the base/head revisions and the new local versions of the build release files.
I realize that what I'm doing is non-standard and I suspect that there are default svn:ignore settings someplace which are causing this to happen, but I can't figure out where these are in order to modify/bypass them. Or maybe there's something else going on?
Thanks in advance for any insight and/or help with this issue.
This is an Eclipse-specific feature. Eclipse has a feature where files that are produced by compilers or generates inside Eclipse can be marked in Eclipse as "derived" resources. Eclipse team providers are supposed to ignore these files automatically. AFAIK, that is the only reason the feature exists.
So Subclipse still allows you to manually choose one of these files to version, but it warns you that you selected files that Eclipse said to ignore.
It is possible (but I have no idea) that Flex Builder has some setting to control whether or not it marks these files as derived.

Project run issue in Flash Builder 4.5

When i change the code into my Flash Builder 4.5 project and hit run the output doesn't show the new result but the old one, only after a while the new result is showed on subsequent project runnings. Has anybody encounter this problem? Are there some hidden settings?
First make sure you have the project set to build automatically. ( Either that or that you have manually rebuilt the project after changing code).
Second, be sure to clear the relevant browser data as appropriate.
Third, In the earlier days of Flex, I found that if I re-compile code while there is an active debug session; it often doesn't refresh and would need a formal project "clean" after shutting down all my browsers, and restarting Flash Builder. So, that may also apply here.
Might be a spot old but if you are testing in a browser you might want to refresh or clear your cache so the browser has to get the new data and not just rely on what it had loaded before.

RSL used in FLEX

How to use RSL(Runtime shared library) in flex ?
how can decrease loading time of swf using rsl?
please give answer
The SDK default setting of the project is RSL.
check here Goto Project->Properties choose the Library path from the tab where you can see the framework linkage.
The thing is It is one of the way to reduce the size of the application and the library files are downloaded and saved to cache file in browsers. so when you run the application again, the library files are taken from the browser the loading makes faster than the first time.It continues until the cache is cleared from the browser. for more information refer here.

Flex RSL Understanding

Till now I was using "Merged into code" for "Framework Linkage" in
Flex Builder. Now, I changed it to "Runtime shared library". On doing
a release build I got myapp.swf which is roughly 260 KB which was earlier
close to 350 KB. It also generated framework.swz and framework.swf.
But I copied only myapp.swf on my web site and not framework.swz.
Still the website works just fine. I also cleared the flash player cache
from here. It works just fine without the .swz file. So my questions are:
Is the framework.swz file actually used or does the flash player have
a copy of it beforehand. And is that copy not cleared by clearing cache of
flash player?
And, even after clearing the cache, I didn't see a request for framework.swz
in firebug. Why?
The framework.swz RSL is stored in a special Flash Player cache. It works cross-domain. You will definitely need the framework.swz file there for those that don't yet have the RSL in their cache. On Linux the cache is at: .adobe/Flash_Player/AssetCache
Also, if you are not already doing so, make sure you do a Export Release Build for your production app. That will reduce the size further.

How to get a Flex project to load a plugin at runtime?

I'm looking to have a couple of plugins in a Flex project I'm working on. I know I can load a SWF using the SWFLoader, but I thought in Flex3 you can now have Runtime Shared Libraries or something. Does anyone have any good documentation on loading a plugin at runtime? Ideally I'd like to be able to load a plugin from a URL, then execute some code from within the plugin (e.g. add a control to the page).
You can use either Modules or RSL.
RSLs have the advantage of getting cached by flash rather than the browser so they stick around longer.
Modules are easier to create and use. I have used modules and had issues with modules failing to load (code needs to handle that case). I haven't tried RSLs yet.
Here is some documentation on creating RSLs
Note that, currently, loaded RSLs must be compiled against the very same version of the Flex framework.. if you plan for a "binary" plugin system, probably you want to wait for the Marshall plan feature to be implemented, in the next Flex version.
If you want to try a new and alternative approach, this is a application core framework modelled after java OSGi:
I haven't tried it myself, but it looks really cool!
