OS like behavior when edditing a Tree item! - apache-flex

I have a Tree Control inside my Flex Application which I want to edit on a doubleclick on a tree item. I found the properties doubleClickEnabled="true", doubleClick="startEditMode()", and editable="true". With these functions I can detect a double click and I can change the editable property to true based on a double click.
The problem is that after I double clicked on a Item i have to click once more to really enter the edit mode. That doesn't seem to be intuitive at all...
Somebody came up with the solution to make a additional click programaticaly:
clickedItemRenderer.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK));
The problem I have is to get the clickedItemRenderer out of the doubleclick event (MouseEvent). How can I do that? Is there a other solution tho simply enter the edit mode by double click on the tree object?
Thanks for any hints!


How do you force Combobox dropdowns to stay open

How do you force Combobox dropdowns to stay open even when other Alert boxes appear. Looking at what to subclass from mx.Combobox, there doesn't seem to be much that i can do to short of implementing an entire combobox from scratch.Thx
For that you need to create a custom ComboBox which if created in following Link. and might be this link will going to be useful to you.
Please visit this LINK

Flex form inside Pop up window - Tab (order) between forms not working

when user clicks on Add button, then a pop up button will be opened with certain form elements (like textinput, date field, text area).. When i used 'TAB' inside this form,it is not working. I found in couple of Questions / forums that we need to create an instance of FocusManager and then bring/activate focus for the pop up. But still i didn't see the tab working inside the form. In order to tab order working inside a pop up, what steps we need to follow.
I tried using focusmanager and property like tabfocusenabled, tabenabled and also added taborder inside each form element. But no luck.
Iam using Flash Builder 4.5 and using spark components for development.
Is there any workaround for this problem?
Thanks in Advance,
Thanks for all your responses.
Finally the issue has been solved by one of my colleague. Problem is , the form has been loaded inside Horizontal accordion (flexlib HACCORDION). So inorder to draw focus inside the accordion to child elements, we need to add 'hasFocusableChildren="true"' for the HAccordion (horizontal accordion component). Adding this property solves the tab order problem.
I have also pasted the code below:

Qooxdoo: Drag a toolbar button to a tree node. is it possible?

I am trying to Drag a toolbar button to a tree node. Is it possible? I have noticed that drag start is never fired. Is there any list of components/classes available that currently allow to be dragged?
Toolbar buttons can not be dragged. Currently this feature is disabled in Qooxdoo. Instead You can use Menu Button. I know this is not proper way and not Elegant but at-least you can have the functionality you want.
And Sorry for the second Question about List of Drag-ables, There is no such list available yet
I am trying to Drag a toolbar button to a tree node. Is it possible?
Buttons can not be dragged, is is not a normal UI behavior. If you really want do drag a button, you have to implement your own behavior. Extend from the button and override the methods for mouse up and mouse down behavior.
Is there any list of components/classes available that currently allow to be dragged?
Sorry, no, there is no list.

Adding Tab dynamically

I have a tab and want another tab with click of button.
Another tab has VBox (Contains charts,grid etc).
It gives an error while adding code addChild(), removeChild() on button click.
The error is of null object reference.
Please suggest me.
You're probably trying to access children of a tab that has not been initialized yet. The simplest solution is to change the creationPolicy property of your TabNavigator to "all".
You can see an explanation of creationPolicy in the Adobe documentation.
If this is not the solution, you're probably going to have to post more specific code.

Extjs Custom TriggerField implementation

This is my first question here.
I hope I can contribute with answers too..
My need is to build an Extjs TriggerField implementation which open on trigger click a Panel with a custom loaded page inside...
example: When I click the trigger button I what to open a panel specifying an url as /Views/Test/Blabla.aspx and then storing the selection in the trigger field value.
I hope someone could help me
Thanks in advance
There is an example which pops up a Panel in your examples directory under examples/form/forum-search.html
It's based on a ComboBox (But it configures it to hide the trigger button)
BTW, probably a better idea to ask for help at http://extjs.com/forum/
