Exploring HTML Source Code on iPhone Simulator - ios-simulator

Does anyone know if there is a way (or tool) we can use to view the source HTML of a web page displayed on the iPhone Simulator (I know there is an "iPhone Web Developer Tool" but it is intended to be used on a real iPhone device, while I want to get the same but on the iPhone Simulator while developing a WebApp). Any help is appreciated.

Using Develop tools from Safari works for me. You have to have your iPhone simulator open and running and then from Safari go to Develop > iOS Simulator.

How about try using iPhoney?
You could also try iPhone Tester.

Any reason you can't use a normal browser to get the source? You can make your browser pretend to be an iPhone if the issue is that they're detecting iPhones and sending different content to it.


Why am I receiving Opentok error OT_TIMEOUT "Session.publish :: Could not publish in a reasonable amount of time" in mobile safari over LTE?

I've created an application that leverages the OpenTok libraries. My calls to Session.publish in my application work perfectly when running on desktop browsers (the latest Safari, Chrome, Firefox browsers) over WIFI as well as while tethering to my iPhone over LTE. Calls to Session.publish also work perfectly on iOS Mobile Safari over WIFI.
The problem happens when I try to call Session.publish on iOS Mobile Safari over LTE or 3G. Is there any reason this shouldn't work considering it doesn't look to be a bandwidth issue, nor a networking issue (as it works when I tether from my laptop to the LTE network) ?
Note 1: I've performed the Tokbox precall test # https://tokbox.com/developer/tools/precall/ and the connectivity to the "OpenTok Media Server" fails when running on iOS Mobile Safari over LTE. It's successful when running in every other scenario.
Note 2: I've also run the Tokbox playground tool # https://tokbox.com/developer/tools/playground/ and I get a hanging loading icon in the video window when running on iOS Mobile Safari over LTE. It's successful when running in every other scenario.
Any help or thoughts on this is much appreciated.
You need to contact TokBox support for this. They will check the impacted session log at their end and let you know the root cause.

mobile design from a laptop

I need to put together a mobile version of my site, but I don't have
an iPhone, all I have is this MacbookPro w/Lion, 17-inch.
All I have is this laptop. How do I go about building a mobile
version of my site? I'm looking for general suggestions; thanks.
There are numerous tools, like https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Responsive_Design_View that help you emulate mobile browser.
There are some really good mobile emulators to help you developing a mobile website:
Using those emulators should enable you to design and develop a quite good mobile website.
An iPhone wouldn't be enough either. You would have to test many phones. :)
In general, you can do a lot of testing by making your browser window smaller. This will at least trigger the CSS media queries and you can test if they work.
There are also many tools online that either are almust full emulators, or are just sites that check for common errors. Take a look at 10 excellent tools for testing mobile sites.

Designing issue in JQuery mobile with asp.net

I am creating mobile application in asp.net webform targeting IPhone, Android and blackberry. I am using JQuery-Mobile for the same.
Below is my first page I have developed with jquery-mobile.
I don't have iphone, android and blackberry. So my questions are:
Best Simulator I can use on windows XP/ Windows Server 2008 for Iphone, Andriod and Blackberry
Also, when I am running the application on the browser it is looking wierd. I mean textbox size, buttons. Is this the way it looks on normal webpage or it's my faulty design?
As I am developing application in asp.net, do I need to install latest browser which support HTML5 and CSS3 because below browser is IE7.
An old IE is not the best choice to test the capabilities of a HTML5+javascript framework...
For daily basis it's quite ok to use Firefox or any WebKit based browser (chrome, safari ...)
Emulators are very helpful, but to be sure your product works well you will probably need to give it a try on an actual device. I have already seen some reports of problems that show up only when working with the real device.
A team that I do some JQM stuff for has bought a cheap old ipod touch for testing. It's the most demanding apple product you can get. It has the oldest browser, causes most problems and is the slowest. Best choice! :)
Emulator for Android
Simulators for Blackberry
I'm sure Apple has one too - but I think you need to register as a iOS developer before you can get your hands on it. I believe using third-party iOS emulators is against Apple's policy.

Porting web-app for a tablet

My web app is written in Java with front-end in JS. I want to port to tablet and other touch mobile devices. Developing a native API is ofcourse an option but I would prefer making the old app work on tablet.
I know I would need to make some changes in UI for the touch interface and I am willing to do it.
So My question is: A*re there tablet Simulators available on which I can try my app and see where it breaks on such device.*
What would be the best approach to proceed on this?
thanks in advance!
Tablets use various OS's and, thus, different API's, supported features, etc... For iPad, for imstance, XCode provides a simulator. I read somewhere that the BB tablet coming out will have a simulator for dev as well.

Iphone/Ipad emulator for windows

I want to getting flexible with Sencha Touch. I write my codes and viewing on Google Chrome well but I am searching an Ipad and Iphone simulator/emulator runs on Windows. I want to look and feel my codes in Ipad and IPhone. Is there any simulator/emulator available for Windows?
EDIT: There is no emulator or simulator for Windows. However PhoneGap is available on Mac OS and really made great improvements by months. If you use Mac OS and need something like this I strongly recommend PhoneGap. If you need this tool in Windows, probably there is no other way then install Mac OS a virtual machine on Windows.
I think you might be thinking of the PhoneGap Simulator. It's an Adobe Air app so it will run on anything and while It's meant to be used with the hybrid framework, Phonegap, you can put any URL into the app. It is helpful for debugging web based apps, but it may not be workable for your needs.
Alas, they do not have a device profile for the iPad.
