Put ASP.NET on wordpress site - asp.net

I work for a college and our main website has an ASP.NET based course information search which I created. This has become popular and our company facing website (training for companies) has asked for the same system on their website. I'm not involved in the day to day of either website but know theirs was made using Wordpress. Is it going to be possible for me to embed some ASP.NET code within some of the pages? Any articles on doing this?
The ASP.NET code that would appear in the actual Markup is minimal it's mainly a few asp:Literals I did this on purpose to hide most of it from the website developer to save myself hassle when something gets deleted by accident.
EDIT2 There was a response to do it as a webservice would this be possible. i.e. as search box on the main page displaying the results underneath.

Since asking this question a long time ago and creating a less than ideal iframe solution I have now found a great wordpress plugin called iframe-less
Basically you give it an URL and it builds the content of that page directly into your wordpress page. So far it seems to work really well.

I have similar needs that the originator of this thread has. I maintain a CRM and corporate site that runs on ASP.NET/SQL along with a separate Wordpress php company blog. After we've been using Wordpress for a year, people here would love to be able to edit static content on our corporate site like we do in Wordpress, so I am looking at possible ASP.NET/Wordpress hybrid set ups.
I am hearing good things about "Phalanger": http://www.php-compiler.net
It is a PHP Language Compiler for the .NET Framework, and you can run PHP code in .NET
It was also great to find out in this thread that you can have PHP and ASP.NET in the same IIS web, its another reasonable sounding solution. If I had any nay reputation (I am new here) I'd give RickNZ a vote.

What you could do is create a web service on your ASP.NET application and then write a Wordpress plugin, that would read that service and display it in wordpress page.

This wasn't ideal but the solution I produced involved using IFrames which are still in the HTML 5 spec (infact they have some new attributes) so I think I am ok. Basically I make a page in wordpress with an IFrame and some javascript on its onload to make the iframe resize automatically based on the content size using the code below (iframe called frame with width 100 percent).
function autoIframe(){
var page_height = document.getElementById('frame').contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight;
document.getElementById('frame').height = page_height+60;
catch (err)
window.status = err.message;
This code will resize on loading of the first content, if the content changes it will need to be called in someway. My solution was to call the method from the innerpage using parent.autoIFrame() each time a search was done.
p.s. The javascript will only work if the iframe and outer page are from the same domain (No cross site scripting).

Wordpress uses PHP and MySql. I have successfully installed and run it under Windows 2008 with IIS 7. The new CGI stuff in IIS 7 results in pretty good performance, too.
You can of course run a separate but related ASP.NET-based site on the same server.
You can also run a mixed ASP.NET + PHP site. IIS directs incoming requests to a particular HttpHandler based on the extension of the URL, so there's no reason why you can't mix *.php & *.aspx.
In fact, you can also do things like write a .NET-based HttpModule that integrates with a PHP/IIS site, to do things like logging, centralized cookie management, HTTP header "adjusting", etc.
If you want to put ASP.NET controls in a *.php file, that's a different thing entirely. To do that, you would need to write an HttpHandler that understood how to parse such a file. Either that, or just use iframes....

Short answer: no, not easily. Wordpress is PHP - you can't just put some .net code on a PHP page.
Long answer: yes, if... if you are really keen to do this, and it's worth the time and effort, you can work around it by using some of the strategies suggested already, e.g.: host the ASP.NET bit on a windows server (or use mono) and show it inside an iframe on the wordpress page.
Just bare in mind that this is not a common setup, and may be more difficult than simply creating or using some kind of Wordpress plugin.

I am exploring http://sourceforge.net/projects/wordpressnet/ if it helps anyone ...
http://wpdotnet.com/ (related article : http://www.php-compiler.net/blog/2011/wordpress-on-net-4-0)
I know it is an old post and I too do not prefer necroposting but
these resources may improve the existing content.

WordPress is a LAMP(Linux Apache MySQL PHP) application, and normally running in Linux servers. I don't think you can integrate ASP.Net to wordpress. But off course you can provide link to ASP.Net application from WordPress.

No, this won't work. You cannot use ASP.NET on pages that are served by WordPress. You can use ASP.NET in the same web site as Wordpress, for example by having certain directories or certain pages serve ASP.NET content, while the rest of the site still serves WordPress content.
However, if the ASP.NET code you wish to use is very simple, why not do it in PHP instead? WordPress uses PHP, which is very similar to ASP.NET.

I can be able to use both Asp.Net and Wordpress on my Host (Dinamo.net.tr)
without using any plugin or iframe.
They can really work together,
you just upload your Asp.Net C# files,
and install Wordpress at the same time.


Code-blocks are not allowed in this file - Where is My web.confi file

I have a sharepoint at my office. Its 2013 version. Where I want to write some asp code. But the issue is SharePoint is blocking the code and I am getting error "Code blocks are not allowed in this file". I searched google and found several links to solve the issue by saying make some changes to the webconfig file.
Now my question is how do I find the file. Where it is actually.
What I have is a sharepoint, I don't have any designer. I only have admin access for this site. Can some one please guide me.
I know there are several entries here in stackoverflow, but no one is talking about where to find the file.
Please help me.
My apologies if this happens to be a repetition, in that case please point me to the right post. Thank you guys.
By default injecting server-side code (ASP.NET) in SharePoint pages directly from sites is not allowed for performance reasons, and should remain as is.
If you never approched SP developpment and are not an administrator of the farm in your company I strongly advise you to see first if you can solve your needs with client side development (javascript) instead of going to server side (ASP.NET).
SPS2013 comes with the "Script Editor WebPart" that you can use to inject your custom JS on pages. If you need your custom on all pages consider adding your JS on the site's masterpage.
From JS you can use SharePoint REST API to interact with your site https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/sp-add-ins/get-to-know-the-sharepoint-rest-service
If you need heavy customisation for your site you can move to the addin model (client side) that will require Visual Studio IDE develoment suite.
And last option is if you explicitly require serve side code and/or need to develop a scalable enterprise grade solution, you will need to make a "SharePoint full trust solution package".
PS: You may see articles around about "SharePoint Framework" (aka SPFx), unfortunatly this is not available for SPS2013.

How to index a web site

I'm asking on behalf of somebody, so I don't have too many details.
What options are available for indexing site content in an ASP.NET web site? I suspect SQL Server's Full Text index may be used if the page content is stored in the database. How would I index dynamic and static content if that content isn't stored in the DB, but in html and aspx pages themselves?
We purchased Karamasoft Ultimate Search several years ago. It is a search engine add-on for your web site. I like it because it is a simple tool that taught us searching on our site. It is pretty inexpensive and we knew we could buy later if we needed more or different features. We needed something that would give us searching without having to do a lot of programming.
Specifically, this tool is a web crawler. It will run on your web server and it will act like an end-user and navigate through your site keeping a record of your web pages, so when a real users searches, they are told the pages that have the content they want.
Keep that in mind it is acting like an end-user, so your dynamic data is indexed right along with the static stuff because it indexes the final web page. We needed this feature and it is what appealed to us the most.
You can use a web crawler to crawl that site and add the content to a database which then is full text indexed. There are a number of web crawlers out there.
Lucene is a well known open source tool that would help you here. The main branch is Java based but there is a .Net port too.
Main site: http://lucene.apache.org/
.Net port: http://incubator.apache.org/lucene.net/
Having used several alternatives I would be loath to do anything other than Google Site Search.
The only reason I use SQL Full Text Search is to search through multiple columns. It's really hard to implement it in any effective manner.

Can someone give me an overview of ASP.net and how it's different from technologies such as php?

I've been doing the html and css for a site, sending it off to a guy to implement in a web server. I get a call from the designer freaking out about the progress, saying the clients aren't happy. He wants me to personally integrate my css with what's on the site. The site is done in ASP.net, time is short, and I'm a little in over my head. I have an understanding of how php works, but have never worked extensively with it.
Looking at the stuff on the ftp, I can't even find equivalent of the index.html file (I know that when I go to the site itself, there is nothing after the base url, i.e., www.site.com/ brings me to the homepage.)
Can anyone give me a few tips or links as to what I am to do with this, or where to even being navigating this site?
EDIT: It's -not- a .Net Web Application, from the looks of it.
ASP.Net can be run in a compiled or a scripted environment. It is important to understand which environment your client has. If it is completely scripted, then you are likely looking for the default.aspx file and it's contents. If it is a compiled environment, you may be in for a ride. A compiled site may incorporate "master pages" as a templating engine, and then you'll need to apply your html/css modifications in several places.
You should start with the default.aspx page if there is one. Look for master page directives (it'll be named something like masterpage.master). If there isn't one, then you're in luck you'll just need to implement your changes on a page by page basis. The aspx page will be in a templated xml format so avoid touching tags that involve touching
If you are making changes to divs and structures of that nature, you may need to modify the CssClass attribute of the controls. I would recommend however that you make a back up, give it a shot, and under no circumstances attempt to do something that you aren't really ready to do. You will only anger the client and ruin your rep. It may actually be prudent to contact an actual ASP.Net developer to analyze the files separately and determine what you need to do.
I suggest that you read the Wikipedia article about ASP.NET to get familiarized with it as it summarizes the basic building structures.
Then, just to get you started: take a look at the more recent ASP.NET MVC (Model-View-Controller) paradigm. There's also development in what is called ASP.NET WebForms.
For example: when you go to www.site.com/ (known as friendly URLs) it may be redirecting you to an action method inside a controller. It's called routing. There's also URL rewrite.
In the MVC world a Controller can send/redirect the user to a specific View/Page.
A View (.aspx form/page) that contais HTML markup and CSS on the server side is basically an HTML page (.htm) page that'll be rendered on the client side.

Why in some dynamic website , their pages are in html format?

I've seen a lot of dynamic website through the internet that their pages are in html or htm format . I don't get it why is that ? And how they do that ?
Just look at this website : http://www.realmadrid.com/cs/Satellite/en/Home.htm
What you see in the URL can be set at will by the people running the web site. The technique is called URL rewriting.
On Apache, the most popular solution to that is the mod_rewrite module.
Seeing as you've tagged ASP.NET: As far as I know, ASP.NET has only limited rewriting support out of the box. This blog entry promises a complete URL rewriting solution in ASP 2.0
As for the why, there is no compelling technical reason to do this.
It's just that htm and html are the recognized standard extensions for HTML content, and many (including myself) think they simply look nicer than .php, .php5, .asp, .aspx and so on.
Also, as Adam Pope points out in his answer, this makes it less obvious which server side technology/language is used.
The .html/.htm extension has the additional effect that if you save it to disk, it is usually automatically connected with your installed browser.
Maybe (a very big maybe) there are very stupid simple client programs around that recognize that they have to parse HTML by looking at the extension. But that would be a blatant violation of rules and was hopefully last seen in 1994. Anyway, I don't think this is the case any more.
There are a number of potential reasons, these may include:
They could be trying to hide the technology they built the site with
They could be serving a cached version of a page which was written out to HTML.
They could simply perceive it to look friendlier to the user
They might be using a server-side scripting language like PHP or ASP. You can configure what file extensions get parsed by the language by editing the web server configuration files.
For example in PHP the default extension is .php but you could configure the server to use .html, that would mean any files with the .html extension could contain PHP code they would get parsed before the page is sent to the clients web browser.
This is generally not recommend as it adds an overhead and .html pages that don't have any PHP would be parsed by the PHP engine anyway which is slower then serving pages direct to the browser.
The other way would be to use some form of URL rewriting. See URL Rewriting in ASP.NET
Another reason is SEO(Search engine optimization). Many search engines like html pages and many guys(I mean some SEO specialists) think the html can improve the rank of their content in search engine.
One possibility is just historical reasons. Pages that started static, now are generated dynamically, but sites don't want to break old customer's favorites.
They keep some pages as html because their content is not supposed to change frequently or not at all.
But you should also keep in mind the fact that some sites are dynamic but they change the page extention to html but original page remains same eg php or aspx, etc using htaccess or some frameworks like codeigniter etc.

How to SEO friendly an existing ASP .NET 3.5 web application under IIS6

So, I know there's a lot of this subject here and over the Internet. But most articles/questions refers to "static" url rewriting, like:
So they rewrite it to
That's ok but I need something else.
The site is like a CMS, it has different types of content.
Nowadays to read the article titled "How StackOverflow helps you in your development" you need to go to an URL like the following.
What I want to achive is:
So as I understand, I need to involve ASP .NET in that, because first I need to retrieve the article (an its title of course) and then rewrite the URL.
But I'm wondering how the hell ASP .NET will know how to get that article if I go to that URL, it doesn't include the id anywhere...
So maybe I could accept something like
I'm kind of lost here really.. I've never done any URL Rewriting at all and I've googled a lot and I cannot find a way to do what I want. Maybe what I want is not called url rewriting??? I don't know...
The site is running under Windows 2003 Server, IIS6, ASP .NET 3.5 SP1
And of course, I need a free solution, cannot spend 100usd on the ISAPI mod (besides I don't know if that is going to do what I need).
Thanks to all and sorry if this is a duplicated question, but I couldn't find it.
EDIT: I don't need to support non-ASP.NET files (jpgs, gifs, etc) don't need to be rewritten. I just need to rewrite the viewContent page to include the content title into the URL.
You can use the new Routing that comes with ASP.Net 3.5 sp1 to have clean URLs.
This can even be done in web forms and not just MVC. ( I have done it myself). See here and here for exanples of how to set it up.
You can throw the Id of the article and the title in the URL and make the Id the real parameter that gets used to search for the article. That is what SO does. Try removing the question for the URL and it will take you to the same place.
Even if you don't use the Id you can pass the title of the article "how-to-stackoverflow-helps-you-in-your-development" to your DB and retreive the article based on the title.
With regards to IIS 6 it is a little trickier since IIS 6 by default can't handle extension-less URL's.
There are a few work arounds:
Use the wildcard mapping in IIS to map all requests to Asp.Net
Put Default.aspx at the end of your urls
See this post for other possible solutions.
Although the first solution may have performance issues if all content in your site goes through Asp.Net (even images, css, .html ...) in a small site it shouldn't matter. I have used this approach and there wasn't any major performance issues. I think it is the simplest solution. Here is the website I built with it
I hope this helps.
This one is free, I have used it and it works pretty well: http://www.codeplex.com/IIRF
The nice thing is that it will handle url's without an extension (i.e. .aspx, .html, etc.)
You can achieve this with ASP.NET routing.You can do this with ASP.NET MVC as well as Webforms.No need to do anything with IIS.
Check the below link
I did URL routing in my web application within 1 hour with the details from the above link.Its quite simple to learn .They provide sample codes too.It will help you to do it easily
You can retrieve the Id of the content using the title.But title should be unique.You can use ajax to check whether the title is a already existing one when user takes mouse out from the textbox.
Easiest way is to add a http module to your current webforms project.
This shows you the basics of it, But it can easily be expanded so that the pages you want to rewite is taken from a database or even built on the fly.
ASP.net MVC is your friend for that
stackoverflow use MVC
