Putting a servlet's reponse in a struts template's tile - servlets

I've set up my servlet to get invoked through a struts action and the result is that it writes html to the screen. However, I'm using a template system (lets say header, content, footer) and would only like to write to the content title ie. keep the header and footer.
Does anybody know if this is possible?

You can either divide your output to 3 procedures, which mb are getHeader(), getContent() and getFooter(), and then write your output only in getContent(). Or you can use JSP includes, and write to include jsps: header.jsp and footer.jsp, and, while generating content output, just include this jsps. I would prefer second way to do it.
UPDATE: maybe this one can help you: Struts tiling

Use Iframe in jsp, and change the iframes src.Then the page will load as you expected.
Please post if you found some other solution to this.


Parsing page data into sidebar - wordpress

What would be the proper procedure for accessing the current page html data and picking up all of a certain tag and throwing them into the sidebar as links?
I'm not sure your proficiency with php, but I'll give you and overview of what you'd probably want to do.
First, you need the HTML. I'm assuming you're running this on a page (in a page.php file or single.php file, or similar), this means that you have access to the global variable $post, which contains the html of the page in it. To access it you can use the helper function get_the_content(), this returns the html being displayed.
Next you need to parse through this to get the h2 tags. A simple regex can handle this, something like <h2[^>]*>(.*)</h2>. It's important to remember that this regex is very picky, so format your html correctly, no multiline h2s.
So now you have the html, and have parsed it with a regex to get the h2s. Now you need to generate the list from the results, and prepend it to the top of the content of the page. There are a ton of ways to do this, the easiest being just running the code in the right spot in the template file.
Of course there are probably better ways of doing this, I'd recommend you look at say a FAQ plugin (if that's what this is for), or do the lists manually (as this system can be broken), or possibly use a custom post type; but for your question, that's how I'd do it.

How to make same layout for all web pages

I am currently working on HTML I want to ask a question about website development.I am developing a website in which the basic layout remains same like menu, side menu etc but only the content changes.Currently I have make separate .html file for all web pages.
Can any one tell me is there a way through which I can make a separate file having etc common to all and call it in my html file.I have heard about CSS but it will only change the style and layout.
If your HTTP (apache 2 and IIS do) server supports Server Side Includes then you can just include another HTML file :
<!--#include file="header.html"-->
your content
<!--#include file="footer.html"-->
no need for a server side language then - just plain HTML
This is very big topic to include in just one answer. SO I will give only the logical part.
Separate your template into multiple chunks like:
1. header.php
2. leftSidebar.php
4. rightsidebar.php
5. footer.php
Now, include these common part on your every page.
For example: index.php
include "header.php";
include "leftSidebar.php";
echo "<div>".$thedifferentpart."</div>"; //Change only this part on every other page you will create.
include "footer.php";
NOTE: This is only a logical part, applying the concept on your code
Yes, your best bet is a server side language, as Adam said. Absolutely avoid using the old style html frames: they're deprecated, and cause a certain number of problems, both on the programming side and on google optimization.
By using a server side language, you'll still have entire pages, but they will be partially generated by php (or asp) by printing more files into one. For example:
Your best bet in the long term is to use a server side language like ASP.net or PHP
I don't believe that is possible, strictly through HTML. However, you could use server side scripting like PHP to get it done. What you're talking about is a template, and is used quite often. What you would want, is to have your menu items (and CSS) and your header/footer code in separate pages. This way, if you make changes to the menu, or header/footer, it would be reflected in all the pages (written with PHP) you have scripted with the template method.
You would need the menu.html, header.html and footer.html in a place accessible by your main page code. That is, you would use the template method to write the content of your pages.
A psuedo code example in PHP would be like such:
echo "Your main content items here";

Using a dynamic stylesheet with CodeIgniter

I have a dynamic PHP stylesheet, but I can't find a way to send variables to it so I used sessions instead. Figured this kinda sucked, so I'm going to give it another try but could need some help. It's an external stylesheet where a variable has effect through the whole document.
You probably want to use an embedded stylesheet (a <style> block) in the page: it increases the size of the main page, but solves the variable access issue without needing sessions and reduces your number of requests. You can just load your dynamic stylesheet into the main page's view using load->view.
EDIT: Ah, massive amounts of CSS would be one problem. Well, two alternatives are to:
Turn on the $_GET support in your CI install, you COULD pass in a request parameter in the CSS link and then check for the request parameter in the PHP controller or view file that generates the actual CSS. Not visually the tidiest option, but it does work.
Put in a cookie that you check in the controller that gets called for the CSS: you can then check that in the controller or view and do the right thing. Visually much tidier than the request parameter option, but a bit more involved.

XML and XSLT to generate CSS?

I want to provide user facility to change the CSS.
First think clicked is that storing CSS as XML will help me read CSS and understand.
Second is that using XSLT i will be able to generate the CSS (am i right ? will that be useful)
Lastly when user changed the CSS XML file can be updated and then it can be used.
Now this is at very rough level ..... i am using ASP.NET can some one please guide me if my understanding is correct or not and how should i approach for this pros/cons.
Will something like below will work ? is possible?
<link src="someserverfiletoprocessxmlusingxslt.aspx?user=id" type=text/css/>
That is possible; your ASPX page would need to return CSS with a MIME type of text/css.
However, it would be better to use an ASHX (Generic Handler) rather than an ASPX (Web Form).
Using an ASP.NET generic HTTP handlers (ashx) would be better. This is just a class that gives you access to the output stream (better for non-html output).
From there you can process the XML, transform it using XSLT and write/dump it on the output stream.
Might be a good idea to implement some kind of caching to enhance performance...
More info on generic handlers: http://www.brainbell.com/tutorials/ASP/Generic_Handlers_(ASHX_Files).html
Setting the method attribute of the xsl:output element to text will strip the resulting output of all XML tags and return it unencoded.

How should ajax request html files be formatted?

Im using jquery UI's tabs with ajax.
I was wondering if the files that the ajax calls are gonna retrieve are supposed to be formatted starting with <html> or just the minimal html possible cause its gonna be injected into an already formatted valid xhtml file.... I hope Im making myself clear.
Thanks in advance.
If you're going to inject what you receive from the server directly into the DOM, you'll want an HTML snippet. Something like
<div>This is something <strong>injected</strong></div>
is preferred over
<html><body><div>This is something <strong>injected</strong></div></body></html>
Minimal html. All the examples on the jquery UI tabs page use HTML shards.
You should be able to spit out the HTML exactly as you would want it dropped in to place (i.e. enclosing tags are not necessary).
